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Your Questions, Honest Answers: - August 27, 2019


- But we have your questionsand some honest answers

for you right now.

This a viewer, Pat, who says,

"If we are saved onlyby grace through faith,

and it is not of ourselves,then how can a Christian

lose their salvation and go tohell for struggling with sin

even if it be deliberate?

I am against sin, but I do fall into it.

I thought we were in the Son'shand and in the Father's hand

so that no one can pluck us out.

Doesn't the bible saythat no one is righteous

apart from Christ - no, not one?

I'm confused."

- Well, look, you know,nobody can take you

out of the Father's handbut you can jump out,

let's put it that way.

You can get out yourself.

But, you know, the out of earthat because of some doctrine

that you can live the way you wanna live

is just not biblical.

If we walk in the lightas He is in the light,

we have fellowship with one another,

and the blood of Jesus Christ

continuously cleanses us from sin.

So it's a continuous walkand continuous cleansing.

But can you rely on some doctrine

that says you can livethe way you wanna live?

The answer is no.

If anybody is born again, he cannot sin,

he doesn't wanna sin, all right?

- Yeah, this is D, who says,

"What do you think abouta pastor saying Revelation

is a fairy tale and a dreamto a whole congregation?

Also, what does God'sWord say about a pastor

who hinders prophetic words in a church?"

- Well I think, you know,you read Revelations,

that anybody detracts on that word

that God's judgment's on him.

Look, to use a term,dream, it's not a dream

but it's also, it is calledapocalyptic literature,

it isn't necessarilyto be taken literally.

You know, you talk about beastsand all this kind of thing,

I mean, He's not talkingabout literal beasts,

literal dragons and all that stuff.

I mean, these are symbolic.

But it's not a dream,

it's just the way they ropethat type of literature.

- Okay, this is Faith who says,

"Hi Pat, a few days agoyou encouraged a viewer

to tithe against his winnings.

I'm from Kenya and in mycountry, gambling is an epidemic,

ensnaring jobless youth,

keeping them away from meaningful work

and investing in meaningful activities.

Am I being too self-righteous about this?

Is there such a thing as 'good' gambling?"

- No there's nothing like good gambling

but I just, the questionwas, if I'm winning money,

- If you win.

- should I give tithe it?

There's nothing wrong withtithing if you win money.

- Right.

- And you know, when I was in the world,

I tried to double up the moneyI spent on Saturday night

by giving it to the church.

I thought it'd make it sopainful I'd stop doing it

so I became a big donorin this particular church

in New Haven.

But, you know, of coursegambling is wrong.

You don't want,

you're tempting God.

You're putting somemoney out into the table

and you're hoping you'regonna draw an inside straight

or you'll get anotherheart, a hole or a flush,

or you're gonna get afull house or something.

But that's just crazy,you're tempting God,

and that's what it is, all right.

- Okay this is Julie, who says,

"Dear Pat, I enjoyed watchingyour recent interview

with Hugh Ross.

He seems to believe in the Big Bang Theory

and that the earth isbillions of years old.

I was wondering if youhold this belief as well?

If so, how does one reconcile this

with the account of creation in Genesis

that the earth was created inseven literal 24-hour days?"

- Well, you used the termliteral 24-hour days.

The bible doesn't say that.

It says day one, day two, and so forth.

But what is a day?

A day is how long it takesthe earth to revolve.

That's one way of looking at it.

But another day could be a lunar day,

how long does it take themoon to revolve around?

Another would be a solar day,

how long does it take the sun to revolve?

Another could be a galactic day,

how long does it take agalaxy to move around?

And a universal day would be,

how long does it take totraverse the entire universe?

And any one of those could be a day.

The bible doesn't say aliteral 24-hours, okay?

- Okay this is Connie who says,

"My husband and I havebeen married 55 years

come this December - or so I thought!

I found out today through one of our sons

who went to apply for a driver's license,

that our marriage licensewas not ever registered

in our state.

I am a Christian and this hasbothered me since I heard it.

Does this mean that weare not legally married?"

- Well before God, you'redefinitely married.

You've been living together,

you've done everything youhave to do as husband and wife.

If you want to solidify the thing, I mean,

in terms of legalresponsibility and inheritance

and stuff like that, you probably wanna

go down to a license,get yourself a license.

You don't have to doanything more than that.

- Does that happen, you know,

usually when you sign thepapers and you hand them back

to whoever the officiant of your,

- When you perform a ceremony, absolutely.

- That they didn't sent it into you state,

- Well, that's one way of doing it, yeah.

But I don't know whatthe deal was on that.

But that is correct,the officiating officer

probably did not get it recorded properly.

You're legal, don't, but, you just have,

why make yourself trouble?

Just go down and get the thing,the piece of paper signed,

and it's all done.


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