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News on The 700 Club: August 26, 2019

As seen on “The 700 Club,” August 26, 2019.: Read Transcript

- Welcome folks, to thisedition of The 700 Club.

An explosive weekend in the Middle East:

Hamas missiles blasted out of the sky;

Iran's killer dronesdemolished on the ground;

and Benjamin Netanyahu warns, quote,

"If you come to kill us,we'll kill you first."

Chris Mitchell has more.

(people yelling)(shots popping)

- [Chris] This is the moment Israelis

enjoying a summer concertnear the Gaza border

came under attack.

You can see them running for cover.

The Iron Dome missile defense system

shot down two of the three missiles.

(speaking in foreign language)

- [Chris] Meanwhile, inSyria, surveillance video

of an Iranian squad north of Damascus

with a Killer Drone, preparingto attack Northern Israel.

The IDF says it eliminated the threat

before the Iranians evergot a chance to strike.

(speaking in foreign language)

- [Translator] If someoneis coming to kill you,

hurry and kill him.

In a complex effort bythe defense establishment,

we have uncovered that Iran's Quds Force

sent a special unit ofShiite activists to Syria

to kill Israelis in theGolan via explosives.

I want to emphasize: Thisis Iran's initiative.

It is Iran's command andit is an Iranian mission.

- Israeli Prime MinisterBenjamin Netanyahu said

Israel would not tolerate Iranian targets

from any country in the region.

Last week, US officials confirmed

that Israel has now attackedIranian targets inside Iraq.

- That's upping the anteby taking this issue over

to Iraqi soil itself;it's very significant.

But it's not part of a new war,

it's part of a war that'sbeen underway for a while,

and is now widening in its dimension.

- [Chris] Middle East expertJonathan Spyer explains

why Israel is taking thisfight against Iran into Iraq.

- There's been a very deeply felt concern

in the Israeli securityestablishment in recent months

at the prospect of the Iranians

placing short-range ballistic missiles

in the hands of theirIraqi Shia militia clients

who would then deploy thosemissiles in western Iraq

and thus have Israel withinrange of those missiles

for the first time.

- [Chris] Adding to the region's tension,

Hassan Nasrallah, the leaderof Hezbollah in Lebanon,

vowed to retaliate againstIsrael's airstrikes in Syria

and an Israeli drone attack

against Hezbollah'sstronghold inside Beirut.

Another signal of the threats Israel faces

from all of its borders and beyond.

Chris Mitchell, CBN News, Jerusalem.

- Thanks, Chris.

In other news, President Trump says

China is ready to make a deal,

but that's not what the Chinese say.

John Jessup has more on that.

- Thanks, Pat.

Fears of a global economic downturn

were the backdrop for the G7Summit this weekend in France,

but the conversation turned

when an Iranian leaderappeared on the scene.

President Trump says he approved

of France's invitation of Iran,

and he ended the summitwith encouraging news

on the ongoing trade war with China,

but the Chinese, though, aretelling a different story.

Amber Strong reports.

- The immediate future of global economies

hangs in the balance,

but President Trump sayshe's feeling optimistic,

telling reporters that theChinese have reached out to him

hoping to resume negotiations.

- China called last nightour top trade people

and said, "Let's get back to the table."

So we'll be getting back to the table.

- [Amber] A Chinese ForeignMinistry spokesperson

says they have no knowledge of the talks.

This after the presidentseemed to express regret

over reinstating tariffson Chinese goods Friday.

- [Reporter] Mr. President,any second thoughts

on escalating the trade war with China?

- Yeah, sure, why not?

- [Reporter] Second thoughts, yes?

- Might as well, might as well.

- [Amber] Administration officials

quickly correcting the record,

saying the president didn'tquite hear the question.

- Again, he doesn't have second thoughts

about what he's done.

If anything, he wanted to clarifyif he had second thoughts,

it would be to raise the tariff.

- [Amber] Friday, theDow dropped 600 points;

Asian markets took atumble Monday morning,

a reaction to tit-for-tattariffs from the US and China.

In a tweet last week, thepresident hereby ordering

American countries to lookfor an alternative to China.

- He would have the authorityto do that under IEEPA

if he declared an emergency.

He has not done that.

I think what he was saying

is he's ordering companiesto start looking.

- [Amber] His Democratic challengers say

the president's tactics andtweets create global chaos.

- You keep your promisesand you keep your threats

and what he does is he makesthese blustering threats

like kicking all of ourcompanies out of China

that people don't think, really,

he's gonna follow through on.

- [Amber] But trade wasn't the only thing

on the minds of world leaders.

The summit was met with a surprise visit

from Iranian official, Mohammad Zarif.

Zarif was a guest of FrenchPresident Emmanuel Macron.

Macron taking up themantle of piecing together

the now-shattered Iraniannuclear agreement.

President Trump was not in that meeting,

but told reporters Monday hesigned off on the discussions.

- He asked me.

I said if you want todo that, that's okay.

I don't consider thatdisrespectful at all.

- When it comes to trade,the Trump administration says

it will go forward withthose $300 billion of tariffs

set to kick in September 1st,

but will continue theirtalks with the Chinese

throughout the week.

Amber Strong, CBN News, Washington.

- Thank you, Amber.

Police fired water cannons and tear gas

into the massive crowds in Hong Kong,

and also, for the firsttime, used their guns.

(gunshots popping)(crowd yelling)

Police fired a warningshot as the confrontation

started to get out of control.

It's the first time they'veused live ammunition

in the 10-weeks of protests.

This weekend, the violence ramped up.

Police were out in force,using water cannons

and launching tear gas tokeep protestors at bay.

Nearby, just across the border,

Chinese troops, some dressedas civilians in handcuffs,

apparently were getting ready to move in

if Hong Kong police lost control.

Today, leaders on bothsides are calling for calm.

Well, the human suffering inVenezuela is growing worse

as new pressure is put on thepresident, Nicolas Maduro,

to cede power.

Meanwhile, the dictator'ssocialist policies

are affecting people inways no one imagined,

and the country that's bearing the burden

is neighboring Colombia.

Chuck Holton has the storyfrom the border town of Cucuta.

- [Chuck] When Karelys Herrerafound out she was pregnant,

she thought her life was over.

Village life here makes it hard enough

to provide for herself withthe constant shortages,

much less a baby.

To make matters worse, she was only 14.

(speaking in foreign language)

- [Translator] When I foundout that I was pregnant,

I wanted to kill myself.

I said I was too young to havea baby and I couldn't do it.

- Many of Karelys' friendsfaced the same plight

and with no health care options here,

they've crossed the border tohave their babies in Colombia.

So I'm in the public hospital in Cucuta

and this place is very busy because,

since there are nohospitals that have any way

to care for people in Venezuela,

the hospitals here are just overwhelmed

with people coming in witheverything from pregnancy

to terrible gunshot woundsand all sorts of things.

And the hospital here hasspent millions of dollars

caring for these people.

We're gonna go meet some of the mothers

that are having their babies here.

More than 25,000 Venezuelans

who have settled in Colombiasince 2015 have had babies.

This presented a problem as those children

were essentially stateless persons.

Earlier this month, theColombian government

decided to grant citizenshipto these children,

so that they'll be able to go to school

and access civil services.

- They were caught in a limbo,

and with this measure, thegovernment of Colombia is saying

that children's rightsare above other interests

and that children will beafforded citizenship rights,

a right to education, to health care,

and the protection thestate can give them.

- So I am here at thepublic hospital in Cucuta.

All of the women that are waiting here,

and they're all very closeto delivering their babies.

So this is Alexandra.

She's telling me she's 29years old; she's not pregnant.

She's here because herdaughter is pregnant

and her daughter is only 13 years old.

(speaking in foreign language)

- [Translator] By the end ofthe year of the registrations

already done since 2015,we could be easily talking

about 30,000 nationalizedas Colombians this year.

- [Chuck] Since the USis increasing sanctions

against Nicolas Maduro and his supporters

in an effort to finally bring

some lasting improvement to this country,

that only means thatconditions inside Venezuela

will likely continue todeteriorate in the short-term.

But for these little ones,Colombia's compassion

means their future justgot a little bit brighter.

From Cucuta, Colombia, I'mChuck Holton for CBN News.

- Thanks, Chuck; Pat, back to you.

- We congratulate the people of Colombia.

Colombia's a wonderful country.

We've done a great deal ofthings in Colombia over the years

and have a warm feelingin our heart toward 'em.

Maduro has got to go.

Ladies and gentlemen, it's again,

the OAS should act andget rid of that man.

He is just destroying the fabric

of that once-prosperous nation,

and it's like a cancer, you know?

And it's a spreading type of thing.

It gets worse and worse and worse,

and now these littlechildren have got to suffer

and thank goodness the Colombian people

are moving to do something about it.

But that's just one phaseof the awful, awful torment

that Maduro has directed upon his nation

and I don't know, well, anyhow,

I would want to takeforce and get rid of him

because the Cubans, theChinese, the Russians

are all propping him up.

But he is an incompetentthug who needs to go.

Well, have you heard someof the terrible weather

that's been going on the last few weeks,

but there was a bad thing down in Atlanta,

and John has more about that.

- That is right, Pat.

Back here at home, a terrifyingmoment at a PGA event

in Atlanta this weekend.

As spectators soughtcover during a rain delay,

lightning struck the course.

Take a look.

(thunder cracking)

The strike hit a 60-foottree during the third round

of the tour championship Saturday.

Flying debris injured six people.

Some were taken to thehospital for treatment,

but all are expected to be okay.

A tropical storm movinginto the Caribbean Sea

is on target for parts of Puerto Rico,

the Dominican Republic, and Haiti.

Dorian is expected toreach hurricane strength

in the coming days,

passing over the westernhalf of Puerto Rico

and dropping back down to tropical storm

before slamming into theisland of Hispaniola.

Forecasters say it's too early to tell

if the storm will staytogether long enough

to affect the Bahamasor, Pat, the US Coast.

- Well this is the beginningof the hurricane season

and areas have been spared,but it's one of those things

that's just, they build up.

You know, the heatbuilds up in the tropics

and this is the way the planet has

of releasing that tremendous heat,

and, well, anybody whobuilds along the coast

just has to recognizehurricanes are a fact of life,

and through the grace of the Lord

we have been spared in this area.

- When you live on an islandand that's coming towards you,

it's merciless.

- It's just devastating what happened,

and Puerto Rico justcan't afford another one.

It's just, the last time,there was such tragedy

and, well, we'll see what happens,

but we'll certainly pray for them.


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