(tense music)
- [John] Tonight.
(men yell in foreign language)
Days after a massivebombing in Afghanistan,
two American soldiers are dead
as the US resumes peace talks.
This, as the Presidenttalks tough on trade.
- I am the chosen one.
- [John] Insisting it's hispresidential responsibility
to engage in a trade war with China.
And Jill campaigns for Joe.
- But you've got to look atwho's gonna win this election.
- [John] The former VP's wife makes a case
for the general election.
Plus, the administration's effort
to end catch-and-release at the border.
- What you're seeing is a row of tents.
- And we head to ground zeroof the homeless epidemic.
All this and more tonight on Faith Nation.
(mellow music)
And welcome to FaithNation, I'm John Jessup.
- And I'm Jenna Browder.
Two American soldiers are dead
after a bombing in Afghanistan.
This makes 2019 the deadliestyear for US troops there
since the war began in 2001.
- The two reportedly were part
of an elite Army Special Forces unit
and likely died in a firefight,
bringing the total to14 US service members
killed in Afghanistan so far this year.
CBN News National Security Correspondent
Eric Philips joins us now.
Eric, this all comes as talks
about withdrawing American troops
appear to be making headway.
- Well, John, that's right,and just last weekend,
80 people were killedwhen a suicide bomber
detonated an explosiveduring an Afghan wedding.
ISIS took responsibility for that.
Well, now the US haslost two more soldiers
of the 14,000 troopsremaining in Afghanistan.
Is now the time to pull our troops out,
giving more control to the Taliban?
Experts reluctantly say yes.
(crowd yells and cries)
Days after this suicidebombing by the Islamic State,
two American soldiers are dead.
- These are barbaric savages
and nobody really wantsthem running the government,
but the problem is thatright now the Taliban control
at least half of the entirecountry of Afghanistan.
- [Eric] CBN contributor Chuck Holton
just returned from aweek-long trip to Afghanistan.
- Let's say that we drawdown to perhaps 9000 troops
or something like that,
in order to extract someconcessions from the Taliban
to just stop blowing things up.
- [Eric] With the Talibandetonating suicide bombings
across Kabul,
the President says the US willalways maintain a presence
in Afghanistan.
- That does seem to be theHarvard University of terrorism.
Okay, it seems to be, and we'llalways have somebody there.
- Can we trust the Taliban?
We're in negotiations with them right now,
but if we reach anagreement, in your opinion,
are they to be trustedto keep that agreement?
- No, absolutely not.
- [Eric] Michael O'Hanlonwith the Brookings Institution
says while the Taliban is making demands,
US officials need to haveone main demand of their own.
- So the demand with the Taliban,
our main partner in thispeace process so far,
has to be complete breakof all ties to ISIS,
as well as Al-Qaeda.
- [Eric] After 18 years of a deadly war
where the US has pumped billionsinto the Afghan economy,
Holton says it's obviousthe Taliban can wait us out.
- Spending our way out ofthe problem is not working,
killing our way out of theproblem is not working.
I think what we need to dois leave the Afghans alone
and say, "You can make yourgovernment any way you want,
"if you want to put theTaliban back in, go for it.
"But the minute we perceive you
"to be a threat to the United States,
"things are gonna startdisappearing in your country."
- Chuck Holton had a chanceto interact with US troops
while in Afghanistan.
He says they still wholeheartedlybelieve in their mission
and that they're doing good work,
and he says the Afghan people
have a very good impressionof the US in part
because of the troops thathave been on the ground there
for such a long time.
John and Jenna.
- Thanks, Eric.
And now to the economy andfears of a looming recession.
More troubling news after updated figures
from the Labor Department.
- They reveal employers added
about half a million fewerjobs than initially thought.
CBN News White HouseCorrespondent Ben Kennedy
joins us from the NorthLawn with more, Ben.
- Well, Jenna, John,
despite the rollbackfrom the jobs reported
and some economists fearing the worst,
Trump's touting a strong economy,
today Tweeting the economyis doing really well.
The Federal Reserve caneasily make it record-setting.
Now Trump's been pointing at the Fed
for not lowering interest rates.
He's also no longer lookingat a payroll tax cut,
saying, "We don't need it."
The President also defendedthe trade war with China,
adding that they've beenripping the US off for years
and it's up to him to take on the fight.
- Somebody had to do it.
I am the chosen one,somebody had to do it,
so I'm taking on China, I'mtaking on China on trade,
and you know what?
We're winning.
- Now some economistssay Americans are taking
most of the hit fromthe President's tariffs,
Trump says now thatChina wants to negotiate
a new trade deal, as wewait to see the details.
John and Jenna.
- Thank you, Ben.
Well, joining us now is Stephen Moore,
a 2016 top Trump campaign economic advisor
and a fellow with The Heritage Foundation.
Steve, what do the updatedjob numbers tell us
and is there any cause for concern?
- Well, no, look, we stillhave seven and a half million
surplus jobs in this country,
so the problem is wedon't have enough workers,
not too few jobs.
You know, the seven and ahalf million surplus jobs
when there's six million unemployed
means we have a millionand a half more jobs
than even people looking for jobs.
And so I'm not too concerned about it,
I didn't like that number,
but when you have the lowestunemployment rate in 50 years,
the lowest inflation rate in 50 years,
the lowest interest rates in 50 years,
and the biggest increasesin wages for 20 years,
I mean, that sounds like apretty good economy to me.
You know, there's sometough sledding ahead
because of what you just heard.
The Fed is too tight,
it has to lower interest rates, for sure,
and it would be wonderfulif we could get a trade deal
done with China,
I think that would causegrowth to go through the roof.
- And Steve, what aboutthe annual deficit?
You know, it seems like very few people
actually care about this ballooning debt
and running up trillion-dollar deficits.
- Yeah, I don't like that,
I don't like the out-of-controlspending in Washington.
That's something you can'treally blame on Democrats
'cause Republicans have run Washington
for the last few years,
although Pelosi is now the speaker.
Yeah, you're right, both partieswant to play Santa Claus,
they spend too much money.
The most important thingthough to get the deficit down
is to keep the economy booming.
And we've had two solidyears of economic growth,
we had 3% growth or justshort of it last year.
Economy slowed down alittle bit this year,
but I think you gottakeep the growth rate up
if you want to makeprogress in the deficit.
And it would probably benice if we could get Congress
to start cutting spendingrather than increasing it
as they did in this last, I thought,
irresponsible budget deal.
- Stephen Moore,
thank you so much formaking time for us today.
- Thank you.
- Well, two election 2020Democratic candidates
are working their ground game in Iowa.
- This as front runner JoeBiden tries to lock in his lead
with the first televisionad of his campaign.
Capitol Hill CorrespondentAbigail Robertson
has more on that strategy.
- No one is more qualifiedto beat Donald Trump.
That's the message inJoe Biden's six-figure
TV and digital ad buy in Iowa,
unveiled this weekahead of his sixth visit
to the Hawkeye State.
- [Narrator] We have to beat Donald Trump.
- [Abigail] A message theDemocratic front runner's wife,
Dr. Jill Biden, is alsopitching on the campaign trail.
- You have to look at who is gonna win.
- [Abigail] As the Democratfield begins to shrink
and stronger candidates emerge,
Dr. Biden is encouragingvoters to put issues aside
and focus on the big picture.
- Your candidate might bebetter on, I don't know,
healthcare than Joe is,
but you've got to look atwho's gonna win this election.
- [Abigail] The formerVice President saying this
about his wife's comments.
- None of our issues willmatter if Donald Trump wins,
that was the point she was making.
- [Abigail] But as CBN News learned
in a recent trip to Iowa,
not all Democrat voters are confident
in Biden's electability.
- If it's Joe Biden, that'sgonna be a big mistake
if we nominated Joe.
- Biden has done us great,his whole history with us,
you know, for the Democratic Party,
but I feel like his time is done
and we need a little bit more new blood
to get in there to fight.
- Over a year out from election day,
some caution Biden might be putting
too much faith in the polls,
as the other candidates gainmore national name recognition
and support for their policies and ideas.
Reporting from Washington,Abigail Robertson, CBN News.
- Thanks, Abby, and joiningus now are Jonathan Swan,
National Political Reporter at Axios,
and CBN News Chief PoliticalAnalyst David Brody.
All right, yesterday wetalked about the President's
I am chosen statement
and how it would bereceived by a lot of folks,
and then today, theDaily News has its take,
can we put up that image?
Jonathan, was this a wrongcall for President Trump?
He's tongue-in-cheek,but right or wrong call?
- I mean,
it's kind of a ridiculoussort of statement, obviously.
But I think there's a truth there,
forget the religious dimension to it,
but the China issue hasfestered for decades
and China has been growing in strength,
it has been growing in strengthmilitarily, economically,
the trade deficit has been expanding.
And now this very strangething has happened,
which is that the US business community,
any time I talk toCEOs, Wall Street types,
Chamber of Commerce types,
the same type of peoplethat were encouraging
China's rise a fewyears ago are now saying
you know, sotto voce,Trump's kind of right.
There is an element of recognition,
at least in the business community,
that something needs to change.
Now people are veryworried about the tactics
that the President has taken.
They worry, particularly economists,
that his tariffs are going to send the US
spiraling into recession,
but there is basically no debate
that it's time for a USpresident to stand up
and change the posture towards China.
- David, in the media, thePresident's being portrayed,
in part because of theI am chosen comment,
as being erratic andfueling some in the GOP
to consider or declare
that they're gonna runagainst the President.
You have Joe Walsh, BillWeld, and Mark Sanford.
It's pretty uncommon tochallenge a popular president,
an incumbent, especiallywithin your own party.
- It's uncommon, but thenagain, Donald Trump's president
so everything's commonat this point, who knows?
Or everything's uncommon at this point.
It's interesting,
Joe Walsh and Sanfordhave one thing in common,
both pretty much fiscalconservatives, right?
I mean, Tea Party-type people,
and to me what that signifies
is that they believe thisis a Republican Party
that they don't even recognize anymore
from a conservative standpoint,from a fiscal standpoint.
- [John] Looking at the soul of the party.
- Yeah, well, the soulof the party as well,
but I'll be honest with you,
Mark Sanford might notbe the guy necessarily
to take on Donald Trumpwhen it comes to morality,
so let's clear that up.
But I think they're gonnaharp on the fiscal issues
and elements there,
but it's not going anywhere,so we just gotta move on.
- Well, it's not justthe top of the ticket.
In a Tweet today, formerUN Ambassador Nikki Haley,
she put to rest rumors that she was trying
to replace Vice President Pence.
Jonathan, where arethese rumors coming from?
- So sources in the White House tell me
that there's been a floodof inquiries from reporters
in the last sort of 48 hours
and the 24 hours leading up tothat Tweet from Nikki Haley,
with reporting that certain senior aides
had been trying to encourage the President
to replace the VicePresident with Nikki Haley,
but no one's run a story on that,
so that's why she described it as rumors.
But that's the context,
apparently there's been alot of inquiries coming in
and people asking questions,
and that's obviously whyshe's trying to snuff it out
before someone actually publishes it.
- And do you think we'll see her run
for the president's seat?
If not in 2020, maybe down the road.
- I wouldn't be surprised if she did,
but I have no inside knowledgewhatsoever of her intentions.
- I think it's a no-brainerthat's she gonna run in 2024,
I don't think there'sany question about that.
I think what's interestinghere is that if for some reason
Nikki Haley replacedMike Pence on the ticket,
you might as well just mail in the loss,
the L for Donald Trump.
Mike Pence and evangelicals,that's a big reason why
evangelicals supportedDonald Trump in 2016.
If you're gonna replaceNikki Haley for Mike Pence,
look, Nikki Haley'sgood with evangelicals,
Mike Pence is great with evangelicals.
I think it's a net loss for the President
if that ever happens.
It's not gonna happen though.
- Jonathan, you're out with a scoop,
just before showing up here,
about some changes at theDepartment of Homeland Security,
a top aide resigning,what's going on over at DHS?
- They are really growing tensions
between the White House and parts of DHS.
Kevin McAleenan, the Acting Secretary,
is not trusted within the White House,
the President associates himwith the Obama administration,
he served under Obama.
The President has called himin meetings that Obama guy.
And one of his top aides resigned today.
The White House has been frustrated
with a number of theirrollouts of policies,
they were frustrated aboutthe Flores rollout this week,
this is their big policy allowing them
to detain families togetherfor longer than the 20 days.
They felt the DHS buried that,
it was a really big policything that they buried.
The President was also,I'm told, very frustrated
with the coverage of the ICEraids earlier this month.
There was, you know, Drudge had a banner
and I think Breitbart or such are saying
that there were only 35 people arrested.
And they pushed out actuallyanother person at ICE
who was running comms over that.
So there's a lot of stuffbrewing kind of below the surface
and it's starting to percolate up.
- Finally, just a few seconds left here,
but thoughts on Sean Spicerjoining Dancing With Stars?
David and then Jonathan.
- It's all a bunch ofridiculous stuff, gimme a break.
- [Jenna] Will you watch though?
- Sure, absolutely I'm gonna watch.
(John laughs)
And Rick Perry, by the way, and Tom DeLay,
former politicians, Republicans, were on,
there was no big deal,
but in the age of Trump, it's all toxic.
- I think it's a great move.
(all laugh)Very strategic, you know.
It's just great strategyall around, right?
- We're gonna have toleave it there, guys.
Well, thank you.
- Thank you both.- Jonathan and Dave,
we appreciate you guys being with us.
- Well, coming up, Democratsand immigration advocates
push back against the President's plan
to end catch-and-release.
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- President Trump's latest moveto curb illegal immigration
is coming under fire.
- And while it wouldkeep families together,
it would also hold them untiltheir claims are processed.
- Right now, we have a million,more than a million plus,
backlog in terms ofthe immigration courts.
- [Jenna] Immigration advocatesquestion the practicality
of the move.
- Most likely it's gonnatake several years,
and then what thegovernment's trying to do
is to say all of thosepeople who are in detention,
all the families who are in detention
should be detained indefinitely
while that process is pending.
- [Jenna] The policy, announced Wednesday,
would end a previous rule
that children detained with their families
could be held for 20 days.
Now families would be kept together
and held until their court date.
Acting DHS Secretary Kevin McAleenan
defended the move and alsounveiled plans for new housing
with medical facilities, soccer fields,
and even access to videoconferencing for court proceedings.
He said the old agreement basically served
as an incentive for illegal entry.
- Humans smugglers advertise
and intending migrants know well
that even if they crossthe border illegally,
arriving at our border with a child
has meant that they will bereleased into the United States
to wait for court proceedings
that could take five years or more.
- [Jenna] Democrats arealso blasting the change,
accusing the President ofwanting to punish children.
- This president is absolutely determined
to carry out maximumcruelty with little children
who are brown.
- [Jenna] Speaker ofthe House Nancy Pelosi
adding in a statement, quote,
the administration is seekingto codify child abuse.
President Trump sayscongressional inaction
is creating the crisis at the border.
- If the Democrats would meet
and we could fix the loopholes and asylum,
which is what you'retalking about to an extent.
But let me just tell you,
very much I have the children on my mind.
It bothers me very greatly.
- [Jenna] The Presidentis also coming under fire
for considering endingbirthright citizenship,
which is guaranteed in the 14th Amendment.
- We're looking at that very seriously,
birthright citizenship, whereyou have a baby in our land.
You walk over the border, have a baby.
Congratulations, thebaby is now a US citizen.
We're looking at it very, very seriously.
(wind whooshes)
- [John] Coming up,
we take you to ground zeroof the homeless epidemic.
Our in-depth report up next.
(tense music)
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- Welcome back.
Critics say the City of Angels
has become a disease-ridden dump
and ground zero of a staggeringpublic health crisis.
- The 60,000 homeless in Los Angeles
are leaving piles ofgarbage and even human waste
in the streets.
And as Ben Kennedy reports,
the state and citygovernment refuse to deal
with this dangerous epidemic.
(wind whooshes)
- Homeless advocates say this is a crisis
and are even reachingout to the White House,
hoping President Trump can help.
- What you're seeing is a row of tents.
- [Ben] Those rows make upSkid Row, a 50-block area
with the country's largesthomeless population
that's only continuing to grow.
- California isexperiencing a massive spike
in its rodent population.
- [Ben] Reform California reports
this rampant rat infestationhas even caused the spread
of dangerous diseases like typhus.
Dr. Drew Pinsky calls it a health crisis,
something he's not seen inthis country for 100 years.
He even compared downtownLA to a third-world country
because of its public health problems
and lack of sanitation.
- Rats have overtaken the city,
it's not consistent with civilization.
How many must die beforewe change direction?
- [Ben] In 2019, homelessnumbers in LA County
rose by 12% to nearly 59,000 people.
To top that, a quarter of thecountry's homeless population
live in California.
- I have to respond to thesystemic failures of our country
in helping people like this,
and it's not gonna bepretty, but it works.
- [Ben] Officer Deon Joseph has covered
life on the Skids here for 22 years,
helping people like Rosewho battled drug addiction
for more than a decade.
- God bless you.
- [Ben] Thanks to peoplelike Officer Joseph,
Rose is now clean.
- Now I got keys to my own place. (sniffs)
- [Ben] How does it feel?
- It feels good.
You can wake up knowingyou're gonna wake up
and everything is gonna be all right.
- Has Rose been an inspiration to many
to take the next step?
- Rose is an inspiration for me.
I don't know how many peopleshe's inspired in the street,
but she's an inspiration to me,
she's why I keep doing what I do.
- [Ben] Now success stories like Rose
are needed more than ever.
Andy, would you considerthis to be a crisis?
- It is absoluteFEMA-like, Red Cross-like,
National Guard-like disaster,
it is an epidemic of homelessness.
- [Ben] Reverend Andy Balesheads up Union Rescue Mission,
the largest homelessshelter and recovery program
in the country.
Bales' dedication to helping those in need
led to the loss of his legdue to a flesh-eating disease
he contracted while handingout water to the homeless.
- [Ben] After you lost your leg,
did that ever deter youfrom getting back out there
to help people?
- No, I actually missed four days of work
because I had my leg taken off.
What will Jesus domiraculously through us today?
Without that faith, wecouldn't do what we do.
- [Ben] For many on Skid Row,
the missions here are the only hope
of growing out of poverty.
- We've been here for 25years in the neighborhood,
we've never left.
- [Ben] Reverend MatthewBarnet's Dream Center
is a Skid Row mainstay,
(crowd applauds)
helping those facing abuse,addiction, and poverty.
- I think the goal is you try get people
out of a survival mindset,
'cause people get desperatewhen they're trying to survive.
- [Ben] Survival for thispart of East Central LA
may depend on changing laws in DC.
- Let's change laws and make it easier
for their loved ones to gainconservatorships over them
and take control of theirlives so they're not in crisis
and walking down the streets of Skid Row.
- Now, the LA HomelessServices Authorities report
that women and children make up 40%
of the homeless population,
one more reason why Officer Joseph says
more shelters are needed to help families,
kids, and the elderly.
Ben Kennedy, CBN News, Los Angeles.
- [John] Coming up, weexplain how a fort in Virginia
saw both the beginning andthe end of slavery in America,
as the nation marks animportant milestone.
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- A piece of land inVirginia is home to events
that led to the beginning and the end
of a shameful piece of American history.
- That's right, this month marks 400 years
since the first enslavedAfricans reached American shores
at Point Comfort,
in what is now known aspart of, part in, (laughs)
as Fort Monroe in HamptonCounty, a mouthful. (laughs)
Hundreds of years afterthe arrival of slavery,
that same peninsula becamea refuge for enslaved people
during the Civil War,called Freedom's Fortress.
Fort Monroe became a Union stronghold
in Confederate territory
where freedom seekersescaped from slave states
took refuge behind Union lines.
- Well, that's it fortonight's Faith Nation.
- Have a good night.