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How Water Can Change a Life

An 8-year-old boy got sick after drinking dirty water and couldn’t go to school for a week. Operation Blessing stepped in to help his community by building a new well. Read Transcript

- [Narrator] For yearseight year old John Mark

and his family

have struggled to find asource of clean drinking water.

This water comes froma pond up on the hill.

- Sometimes I can seethe dirt in my glass.

- [Narrator] A second source of water

is a little safer to drink,but much farther away.

- The container is heavy.

It takes us at least one hour to walk back

because we have to stop and rest.

- [Narrator] One dayafter playing basketball,

John Mark grabbed a glass of water.

Hours later he got very sick.

- My stomach hurt inthe middle of the night.

I had to keep going to the bathroom.

The next day I had a highfever and a headache.

I missed school for a week

and couldn't play with my friends.

- [Narrator] Then John Mark's family heard

that CBN's Operation Blessing

was going to dig a wellin their community.

- [John] The well is close to our home,

and it's easy to get water to drink.

The water was cold and tasted good.

- [Narrator] John Mark now hasmore time to focus on school

and practice basketball.

- Thank you for the new well.

It's a big help to us.


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