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- Welcome back to the 700 Club.
It's time for Your Questionsand Honest Answers from Pat.
We'll start with Jill's.
She says, "I've had to takecare of my mom for years now."
"My brothers and her brotherwant nothing to do with her
"because she's toxic."
"Addictions and mentalillness have strained
"all her relationships."
"I'm a single mom strugglingto make ends meet."
"I know God says to honor our parents,
"but I want her to move out."
"She has nowhere to go, but shenow receives Social Security
"and just got a job."
"Is it evil to giveher 30 days to be out?"
"Help Pat!"
"What's the right thing to do?"
- Well, you know, theBible says, "For this cause
"shall a man leave his mother and father
"and cleave into his wife."
I don't know if thisis, she's not married,
but at the same time,this is a single mother,
who apparently has some,
it says mental problems,
but at least emotional problems,
but she's got plenty of money.
And that's a tough call.
The Bible says, "Honoryour mother and father."
The word honor is to give weight to them,
but at the same time,there's nothing that says
you've gotta be abusedby them all your life.
And I don't think it wouldbe a sin to tell that lady,
"Look, it's time for youto get your own place."
"You've got Social Security,and you now have a good job."
"I can't handle it any longer."
"It's just ruining me emotionally."
And I don't think the Biblerequires you to be destroyed
by giving honor to your mother or father.
You can give her honor and bless her,
but you can help her get another place
and there's no reason why not.
Is it a sin to do it?
I don't think in your case it would be.
All right?
- Love her from a distance.
- Yeah, a little distance between them.
- A little distance mightbe good for both of them.
All right, well Ana says,
"My cousin is going outwith a man twice divorced,
"who claims it was the formerwives that wanted divorces
"and refused counselingto work on the marriages."
"We hear a lot about what theBible says about the spouse
"who caused the divorce,
"but nothing about the innocent one."
"Can a person remarry after two divorces
"caused by the former spouses?"
- Well, sure it was of course their fault.
"It isn't my fault, I'm a good guy,
"but it's those nastywomen I was married to."
Don't you believe a word of it.
You know, he's a two-timeloser and he'll probably be
a three or four-time loser.
- There's two red flagsfor you right there.
- Yes, two strikes (laughing).
The third strike, you're out.
The Bible does talk about it.
You know, you cause somebodyto divorce and you cause them
to commit adultery, andthey can commit adultery.
The Bible is very clear about all that.
So, what do you say?
I think that this cousin of yours
oughta stay away from that situation.
This guy is a problem and the answer,
would it be the other person?
You say the Bible doesn'tsay anything about it,
well it does.
It says you cause them tocommit adultery, all right?
- All right.
Matthew says, "I've beenborn again for almost a year,
"and in my time reading the Bible,
"I think it teaches aboutthe eternal security
"of the believer."
"Ephesians 1:13 through 14says, how we hear the Gospel
"and fully trust in it,
"and we are sealed withthe Holy Spirit of promise.
"Jesus says in John 10 that Hegives His sheep eternal life
"and that no one cansnatch them out of His hand
"or the Father's hand."
"What are your thoughts about this?"
- Well, the answer is,
the Bible says you should fear to fall.
We always oughta walk inhonor and fear of the Lord.
In the fear of the Lord there is wisdom.
And you don't say, "WellI'm eternally secure,
"therefore I can livethe way I want to live."
That is contrary to the Bible.
Paul said, "Their condemnation is just."
So you asked me, the Biblesays nobody can snatch them
out of your Father's hand,
but it doesn't say theycan't jump out themselves.
So I believe God will keep you
and there's security, I mean,I am adopted by the Father,
I am in his household.
I don't for one minute worry about quote
losing my salvation, becauseI am one with the Lord
and I walk with theLord, and I listen to him
and I try to fulfillwhat He wants me to do.
And that's really whereyour security comes.
You're walking with the Lord,
and as you walk with the Lord,
you know we havefellowship with one another
and the blood of Jesus Christ continuously
cleanses us from all sin.
That's what the Bible says.
So that's your security.
But the idea is there'sa doctrine that says,
"Once saved, always saved,
"and I can do the way I wanna live."
That's contrary to Scripture, okay?
- All right.
Melinda says, "In Philippians2:10 it says that at
"the name of Jesus every knee will bow,
"including those under the earth."
"Does this mean thatpeople that denounced God
"and are in hell willfinally acknowledge that
"Jesus Christ is Lord?"
- Absolutely, in theworld to come, He's Lord.
He's in charge of everything.
And everybody, sinners,devils, and everybody else
has gotta acknowledge He's Lord.
That doesn't mean they're gonna be saved.
It doesn't mean they'regonna be part of heaven.
It just means they've gottabow the knee to Jesus,
that He is gonna be Lord.
Everything, every creature,everything in all the universe
will acknowledge thatJesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father.
Everybody, okay?
- Amen.
All right, Pat.
Alana says, "Pat, what do youthink about vaccinations?"
- Well I think that it's a good thing,
but there's some thought about
children having certainvaccinations that cause problems
and I'm not sure all themedical part about that,
but in terms of the standardvaccination, I mean,
we've had smallpoxvaccination when I was a kid,
and I see absolutelynothing wrong with it.
It's a medical techniqueand, what are my thoughts?
There's nothing wrong with itthat I can see from Scripture.
- All right.
- You've been vaccinatedfor stuff, haven't you?
- Yeah, I used to get vaccinationsbefore I went overseas,
but this last time I decidednot to get any vaccinations
before we went to Africa.
My husband got them, and Idecided not to because (laughs).
I'm just really sensitive to stuff.
- Well they're prettygood, but you know you have
those little marks.
They used to vaccinatepeople for various diseases.
- I didn't even take the malaria pills.
But you know, we gotbit by more mosquitoes
in Virginia Beach thanwe did in Africa, so.
- (laughs) Whatever,we don't want malaria,
so we get some, but there'snothing wrong with medicine
that I can think of, all right?
- All right, well Sharsays, "I'm 16 years old,
"and I'm just curious aboutthe future and how it will go,
"especially who I will end up with."
"I wanna serve God with that person."
"How should I pray about my future?"
- Well I think you are alittle ahead of yourself,
I think you live for today.
Today you serve God, today youknow, He'll take care of you.
And day by day by dayyou'll walk with Him.
But I wouldn't spend a lotof time at 16 years old
worrying about the future.
God will bring the right person to you,
and just trust Him and in thefuture He'll take care of you.