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The Global Lane EP 306 081519 - August 15, 2019

Pro-democracy chaos in Hong Kong. What's Beijing's next move? Trump backs down on new China tariffs; Colleges protect students from active shooters, but what about intellectual terrorism? Are evangelicals abandoning values for political power? Read Transcript

- [Announcer] Today from the Global Lane,

pro-democracy protestors causingtravel chaos in Hong Kong.

Tiananmen Square revisited.

What's Beijing's next move?

Trump backs down on imposingnew tariffs for now.

Who is hurting more, China or the USA?

Heading off to college.

Universities protect studentsfrom active shooters,

but what about protecting themfrom intellectual terrorism?

And, are evangelicalsabandoning their values

for political power?

And it's all right hereon the Global Lane.

(upbeat music)

Hong Kong may be nearing a breaking point.

Pro-democracy protestorshave continued for more than

two months now.

Beijing's patience may be wearing thin.

Protestors have occupiedHong Kong Airport,

shutting down all flights,

and Beijing has moved troops and tanks

close to the Hong Kong border.

Joining us to discuss theprotests is Steven Mosher.

He's founding member of the

Committee on the Present Danger: China.

Mr. Mosher is author ofthe book, "Bully of Asia",

"Why China's Dream is theNew Threat to World Order".

Steven, the Chinese Communistgovernment has labeled

the protestors as terroristsand their moving tanks

and troops within about anhour's drive from Hong Kong.

Why the harsh words andactions from Beijing?

- Well Beijing is operatinga government which

insists on total controlof its own people.

And Hong Kong, unfortunately,is about to come under

that total control, I'm afraid.

This reminds me terriblymuch of the months, weeks,

leading up to the Tiananmen Massacre.

Remember that in May,

April of 1989,

hundreds of thousandsof protestors gathered

in the streets ofBeijing, the capital city.

And at the end of theday on June 4th, 1989,

the government used troopsand tanks to shoot down

and run down unarmed protestors.

These protestors in Hong Kongare not terrorists, obviously.

They're mostly young people, students,

young entrepreneurs,who don't want to lose

the freedoms that theyhave enjoyed for the last

180 years, to theChinese Communist regime.

And yet, under Xi Jinping there appears

to be no room for compromise.

Xi Jinping has been tighteningcontrol all over China,

and now he wants to bring Hong Kong

within his grasp as well.

- Do you expect thatthis means Chinese troops

may be occupying Hong Kong soon?

What's coming?

- Well, I think that wemay be seeing a bloodbath

on the scale of theTiananmen Massacre in 1989.

The difference is that insteadof in 1989 a hundred or so

foreign journalists being held captive

in one hotel in downtown Beijing,

this massacre or thisbloodshed will play out

in the eyes of the entire world.

Hong Kong is wired.

There are thousands ofcorrespondents in Hong Kong.

There are literally tensof thousands of people

who will be recording theviolence on their cameras.

Anyone who has been watchingand following the events

of the last two months,

knows that these are almostentirely peaceful protests.

The violence has been onthe side of the police.

The violence has been on theside of the Chinese gangs,

known as triads, whichapparently have been hired

by the government, or peoplesympathetic to mainland China,

to carry out attacks onunarmed peaceful demonstrators.

These are provocations usedto justify the use of force

and I'm afraid the use of force is coming,

unless Xi Jinping and theChinese Communist Party

wake up to the fact thatif they are going to be

shooting and killing peoplein the streets of Hong Kong,

a major metropolis ofseven and a half people,

in full view of the eyes of the world,

their credibility, their respectability,

their face in the Chinesesense of the term,

will be completely utterlylost for a generation.

Make no mistake, there aretens of millions of people

in China itself, whoare looking at Hong Kong

with admiration, who aresaying to themselves,

if I only had the courageof these young Hong Kong

demonstrators, I would beout on the streets of Beijing

and Shanghai and Guangzhou,China's major cities,

demonstrating in thesame way that they are.

- I've gotta talk about our President,

because he suggested it must be resolved

between Hong Kong and Beijing.

The protestors want him tobe more forceful, of course,

against Beijing, and supportiveof them and their movement.

What would you like tosee President Trump do?

- Well having the President say that

the Chinese Communist Party should respect

the liberty of the people of Hong Kong

and that the issues should beworked out between Hong Kong

and China, I think strikesjust about the right tone.

Remember, China agreed backin 1983, a long time ago,

to allow Hong Kong to keepits separate economic,

social and legal system for 50 years.

That 50 years should run until 2047,

and yet China, Beijing, hasalready broken that agreement

repeatedly over the years.

In 2014 they insisted onpicking the chief executive,

the head of the government of Hong Kong,

themselves and of coursethey have their hand-picked

candidate there now.

They've sent in plainclothes policemen

to arrest people who criticizethe Chinese Communist Party

off the streets of Hong Kong.

That's why this wholeextradition bill was introduced

into the Hong Kong legislatureseveral months ago,

and that prompted the demonstrations.

The extradition bill wasto cover up the crimes

of Beijing in arresting people illegally

off the streets of Hong Kong.

The extradition bill was supposed to allow

this whole process to become legal.

But make no mistake,if Beijing moves troops

into Hong Kong, HongKong is finished as an

international financial center.

It is finished as a cashcow for China itself,

and all of the corruptCommunist Chinese elite,

who have invested billionsof dollars in real estate

in Hong Kong and who havecompanies run out of Hong Kong,

will lose much of thatmoney if they cause the

financial center that isHong Kong to collapse.

So there's a lot ridingon the outcome of this.

- There sure is.

Okay, Steven Mosher, Chinaexpert and author of the

"Bully of Asia", thank youfor your time and insights.

- Thank you, Gary.

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(upbeat music)

♪ Joy ♪

♪ And where there's joy there's action ♪

♪ It's like a great attraction ♪

♪ It starts a chain reaction ♪

♪ Of a normal satisfaction ♪

♪ I love the way this joy makes me move ♪


♪ Now I got the ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ I dance around because I know ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ I move around because I got it ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ Joy is in the heart ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ I dance because I know ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ I move around because I got it ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ Joy is in the heart ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ Joy is in the heart ♪

♪ Joy ♪

(upbeat music)

- China is feeling thepinch from Trump's tariffs,

but American companieswarn the U.S. economy

could start feeling the bighurt from the trade war.

So President Trump announcedTuesday he's delaying

until December 15th, a planned 10% tariff

on 300 billion dollarsworth of Chinese goods.

Some Chinese products won't see an

import tax increase at all.

They'll be exempt from new tariffs.

The tariffs were setto begin September 1st,

but the delay affects cellphones and other electronics,

clothing, shoes and toys,all in time for the upcoming

Christmas season.

An earlier increase of250 billion dollars worth

of Chinese products took effect last May.

Dr. Michael Busler isan expert on economics

and Professor of Finance at New Jersey's

Stockton University.

Dr. Busler, it's alwaysgood to talk with you.

So, what affect are thesetariffs now having on

China's economy and the supply chain?

- Well, thanks for having me,

it's always my pleasure to be here.

The tariffs are indeedhurting China far more

than they are hurting the U.S.,

and there's a number of reasons for that.

When we put the tariffs on,

it raises the costs toAmerican manufacturers

to produce goods in China.

Now the question is, can theypass those cost increases

on to consumers?

Data that's been released,

in fact some the TreasuryDepartment just released today,

indicates that the priceincreases are not being

passed on to the consumers,and the majority of the

cost increase is being absorbed by China.

And the reason is that

if the prices go up too much to consumers,

consumers have alternativesand they may start buying

products that are not made in China,

indeed made in the U.S.,

which is part of what PresidentTrump expects to happen.

Sales from China to theU.S. have been going down.

If they go down any further,it will severely cripple

China's economy.

Their economy, accordingto data that they release,

and it's difficult to tellwhether this is 100% accurate;

but according to datathat they have released,

for the last decade theireconomy has been growing

at nearly a 10% annual rate,according to their data.

Recently released datasays that growth rate has

dropped down to the fiveor six percent range,

which is still fairly healthygrowth in most instances,

a big drop for China.

I think the reality is thatChina's growth has been hurt

more than that and anymore tariffs being put on,

causing any more lossof production in China,

will cripple them even further.

Already we see some companiestaking some manufacturing

out of China.

Some is going to nearbycountries in Southeast Asia,

like Vietnam.

Some of it is coming back to the U.S.,

and the manufacturing is done,

not labor-intensive,which is done in China,

but rather capitalintensive manufacturing;

we had a lot of robots andartificial intelligence

and things.

So if China tries toretaliate, which they've done,

and raise prices, puttariffs on American goods,

like agricultural products,

that will hurt our soybeanfarmers, for instance,

in the short term, however it will hurt

the Chinese even more.

And the reason is Chinadoes not have the capability

to produce enough food fortheir entire population.

- And it seems American farmersare taking a big hit now

that China has placed themoratorium on importing

U.S. agricultural products.

CNBC had a story I knowabout one Midwest farmer

who said after devastatingfloods this spring

and now China's retaliatory measures,

it's just not worth it to farm anymore.

So how bad is it forthe farmers right now?

How long do you expect it will last?

- Well, farmers have been hit very hard,

especially soybean farmers.

Now President Trump isminimizing the affect of that,

by coming up with an aid package.

Most of the farmers that I've heard speak,

say that while theyare being hurt by this,

they recognize that thistrade war was necessary

to open up foreign marketsto U.S. manufacturers.

We have this hugenegative balance of trade.

So President Trump said to every partner,

we have to renegotiate these trade deals

so they're more fair.

None of the trading partnerswere in a hurry to do that,

because they were in sucha favorable position.

So what does a business person do?

Remember, President Trumpis not a politician.

He's learning to be one,but he's not a politician,

he's a business person.

A business person, whenyou have a reluctant

trading partner, youcreate a sense of urgency.

And that's exactly what the President did.

He put tariffs on virtuallyeverything for everybody,

created a sense of urgency.

Already Mexico and Canada haveagreed to a new trade deal.

South Korea has agreedto a new trade deal.

Japan and India are talkingto us about new trade deals.

And finally, maybe for thefirst time since Richard Nixon

normalized relations with China,

we have China talking about coming up with

a fair trade policy.

So you're right, there willbe some short-term pain,

particularly in the agricultural industry.

The President will minimizethat with aid packages,

but I believe the farmersstill support Trump

and say, "Look, after this is over,

"and we're not sure howlong that's gonna be,

"but after this is over,foreign markets will finally

"freely and fairly be openedup to U.S. manufacturers,

"not just in the agricultural industry,

"but in most manufacturingindustries and that,

"in the long term, will bea big plus for the U.S."

- Okay, Dr. Michael Busler,of Stockton University.

Thank you so much for your insights today.

- Thank you, it was my pleasure.

- Give me that!

(laughing) Bye.

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(upbeat music)

- As parents anxiously ornervously prepare sending

their children off to college,

some schools and universitiesare acting to better

protect their studentsfrom active shooters.

When classes start September 3rd at the

University of Michigan,students will find many

of the classrooms therehave new safety locks

on the doors.

Protecting our children frommass shootings is important.

But what about alsoprotecting their minds?

Well here to share about someof the intellectual terrorism

on campus is Campus Reform's, Ethan Cai.

Hi Ethan, it's good to see you again.

So let's begin with theUniversity of Virginia.

The city there, Charlottesville,

is no longer celebratingThomas Jefferson's birthday

and now they're goingafter Lewis and Clark.

Tell us about that.

- Yeah, so at the University of Virginia,

there's an ongoing petition to remove

a Lewis and Clark Expedition statue,

because they called ita monument to genocide

and they said that itwas deeply problematic.

And this opposition tohistorical monuments

is getting more and more extreme.

At the LeadershipInstitute's Campus Reform,

we've seen time and time againthis suppression of history.

At Hofstra University, wealso saw students try to

remove a Thomas Jefferson statue,

because they said it was asymbol of white supremacy.

This sanitization of historydoesn't just stay isolated

in the college campus environment.

We've also seen it manifestitself in communities.

San Francisco recentlyannounced that it will remove

a George Washington mural,because it depicted slavery.

The fact of the matteris that we shouldn't be

revising history, weshould be teaching it.

- Yeah, there's a lot inhistory that we don't like,

a lot of bad things, butwe still need to teach our

young people about it.

And I saw that a newsurvey reveals a lot about

who young Americans trust the most.

Who did that survey andwhat are the findings there?

- Yeah, so a new survey outof the Pew Research Center

found that young Americansoverwhelmingly trust

college professors morethan key institutions like

the military, the police,and also religious leaders.

These results should concernus, because time and time again

we've seen that collegeprofessors abuse their

positions of power, theyput emotions over facts,

and they just, quitefrankly, betray our trust.

- Well this is hard to believe, I mean,

why do you think thathappened, those results, Ethan?

I know when I was younger,our parents and teachers

always taught us to haverespect for our police

our military, clergy.

How could this possibly happen?


- I think part of the reasonis because these professors

are elevated to a position ofauthority for these students

and, just an example ofhow these professors can

betray our trust, a PittsburghHuman Rights Professor

said that life was betterunder socialism in Venezuela.

And we know this to be false.

Their citizens are starving

and their economy is collapsing.

They're even now fleeingto neighboring countries,

like Columbia, which hasfree economic systems

and now they're thrivingunder those systems.

- Yeah, so it's not agood country right now

and that's socialism for you.

At least one professor nowis making some headlines

about wanting to do away with grades.

Tell us about that one.

- So a professor out of TheNew School, Richard Wolff,

wrote an op-ed recentlythat said we should abolish

the grading system forstudents because it is quote,

"Capitalism in Actionand that it perpetuates

"harmful concepts like meritocracy."

And this shows just howfar removed from reality

higher education institutions are.

Why would students go to school anymore

if they aren't asked to prove themselves.

Meritocracy is what makesthis country so great.

No matter what race you are,no matter what religion,

no matter what you look like,as long as you work hard

and prove yourself, youcan achieve something great

in the U.S.

- Well I'd like to thinkthat's why we're the number one

economy in the world, becauseour people work very hard.

We work long hours andhardworking, accomplish much.

So tell me, what's wrong withthe simple pass/fail system?

- Well, I think that alot of these professors

are equating this gradingsystem to capitalism.

And as we've seen at theLeadership Institute's

Campus Reform, theseprofessors overwhelmingly

try to demonize capitalism.

And they, quite frankly,fail to acknowledge that

capitalism is a system thatraises people out of poverty

and improves lives.

And if you think this doesn't affect you,

since you're not a college student,

just imagine what this isdoing to the next generation

of American voters, if wearen't even asking six-year-olds

to be graded on whetherthey can read or not.

- Well capitalism I thinkhas worked pretty well

for our country.

Anything else we should bekeeping an eye on, Ethan?

- Yeah, so these professors,we need to keep an eye on

the radically biased viewsthat they're spreading.

We need to hold them accountable

for what they're teaching our kids,

so that the next generationof American voters

and American citizens can be informed.

- A lot of people are goingoff to college this month,

as a matter of fact,the end of this month,

and then more in September,

and I'm sure you'll bekeeping us on top of it,

Campus Reform as well.

Ethan Cai, of Campus Reform.

I know you're heading toDartmouth College soon.

When do you go?

- Yeah, I am heading into Dartmouth next year,

and I will continuereporting for Campus Reform,

continue to expose thesebiases on college campuses,

and I hope to enjoy my college experience.

- Okay, let's talk to you again.

All the best, Ethan.

Thanks for joining us.

- Thank you so much for having me.

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(upbeat music)

(upbeat music)

- A new book by filmmaker, Ben Howe,

caught my attention andI've got to comment.

The book is called,"The Immoral Majority",

"Why Evangelicals Chose Political Power

"Over Christian Values".

A synopsis of the booksays it demonstrates how

the religious right ischoosing the profits

of this world at the cost of the soul.

Are American evangelicalscompromising their morals

and principles for power and influence?

Well maybe some, but politically,

when it comes to this president,

most are just choosingthe lesser of two evils.

For years, Christians sat ontheir hands in church pews

saying, "We can't get ourhands dirty in politics."

"We can't associate with the unrighteous."

So guess what happened.

The unrighteous removedprayer from our schools

and allowed abortion on demand nationwide.

God has always used theunrighteous to accomplish

his purposes, and so areevangelicals with this president.

That doesn't mean theylike or endorse everything

he says and does.

King Cyrus worshiped thespirit god, Ahura Mazda.

He conquered empires and spilledmuch blood along the way.

But Cyrus also freedthe Jews from captivity,

allowed them to return toJerusalem to rebuild their temple.

Not bad for the Jews.

Likewise, Donald Trump has not been bad

for American Christians,Israel and the Jews.

Many presidents promisedto move the U.S. Embassy

to Jerusalem and recognizeit as the capital of Israel.

All reneged on that,except for Donald Trump.

None but Trump recognizedIsraeli sovereignty

over the Golan Heights,land crucial to the security

of the Jewish State.

He has stood up toIsrael's arch-enemy, Iran,

and has aggressively defendedthe Jewish State at the U.N.

He's acted to block federalfunding of abortions

around the world and atPlanned Parenthood Clinics,

right here at home.

Trump signed an executiveorder limiting the IRS

enforcement of the Johnson Amendment,

a law that prohibits pastors and churches

from involvement in politics.

These are just a few examples.

"But, he's ungodly," you say,

"and does and says many ungodly things."

Well that's what thePharisees said about Jesus.

"Why, he heals people on the Sabbath."

"He's breaking the fourth commandment."

"And he keeps company with deplorables,

"prostitutes, tax collectors."

Jesus was perfect, the restof us are flawed beings.

The Bible says, "All havesinned and fall short

"of the glory of God."

And so it is with a prodigalson, family member or friend.

We love the sinner, but hate the sin.

"So how can evangelicalsembrace a sinful president,"

you ask?

They embrace righteous policies,

not ungodly speech or actions.

The President must becalled out on those things,

just like each of us should be,

by loving friends and family.

God loves all of us sinners,

including our unrighteous leaders.

He's put them in power and uses them

to accomplish godly purposes.

And our creator will have his way,

regardless of how we feelabout this president.

Well that's it from the Global Lane.

Be sure to follow us on Facebook, YouTube,

SoundCloud, iTunes and Twitter.

And until next time, be blessed.

(upbeat music)

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