Rabbi Kirt A. Schneider discusses his new evangelistic initiative, “Who Am I?â€, which launched earlier this year in Times Square.
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(dramatic music)
- New York City, Times Square, not exactly
where you'd expect to seean electronic billboard
designed to point people to Jesus.
Take a look.
(dramatic music)
- [Narrator] Rabbi KirtSchneider hit the streets
of New York City to launchthe Who Am I outreach
in Times Square.
This campaign asks people
some of life's most pressing questions.
- What we've done is we'veput this billboard up,
whoamI.com and we'reasking three questions,
who am I, why am I here andis there more than this?
- For me, who am I is music.
- I'm still on a journeyand on a path of learning
who am I.
- I wanna ask you thisquestion, honest to goodness,
have you ever completely turned to Jesus
to live for him fully?
- No, not as yet, I can honestly say that.
- And I wanna ask you areyou ready to do that John
right now?- Yes.
- [Narrator] The Who AmI videos are an easy way
to share the gospel message with others,
helping them to find andunderstand their God given purpose.
- Please welcome back to The700 Club Rabbi Kirt Schneider.
Welcome to the show.
Great to be here with youWendy, thanks for having me.
- Absolutely, I'm sofascinated by your campaign,
how did you come up with the idea
to do this in Times Square?
- It really started witha dream several years ago
where the Lord showedme shifting my ministry
and in the vision the dream
that he gave me he said you'llno longer be ministering
from amongst the people.
Meaning I knew he was gonnagive me some cutting edge
strategies to reachpeople through technology
so I began to pray about it and eventually
this just began to developthis question who am I?
We bought the domain name, whoamI.com
because it's one of themost fundamental questions
that people are asking themselves.
It was 100 years ago, it's still is today
and it's gonna be the sameway 100 years from now
if we're still here.
People wanna know who they are,
that's why the ancestrysites are so, ancestry.com,
people sending in their saliva
to get their DNA resultsso they can find out,
where they're from or digginginto their ancestral roots,
people are trying tofind out who they are.
And I was looking for away to share the kingdom
with people that didn't sound religious.
So, all those conceptscombined using technology,
sharing the gospel with people in a way
that sounds scientificrather than religious,
it all kind of came togetherto create a platform
which you just saw in New York City,
was where we launched it from,
we're on the streets askingpeople the questions.
- [Wendy] Who am I, why am I here
and what was the third one?
- [Kirt] Is there more to life than this.
- [Wendy] Is there more to life, wow.
And the gentlemen wejust saw in the video,
he was ready to receivethe Lord as his savior.
- Almost every singleperson that we talked to
sincerely, almost everysingle person was opened,
several received the Lord right there,
tears coming down theireyes, I mean I was blown away
by how effective these questions were.
- Now not everybody probably said yes,
I'm ready to receive JesusChrist as Lord and savior,
has anybody ever been not kind
or even hostile to you on the street?
- Yes but not in this campaign.
I have another campaign thatwe did that was specifically
designed to reach Jewish people,
thejewishjesus.com, we didthe same thing, billboard,
said was Jesus a Jew or a Christian,
did he come to start a new religion,
that is a little more challenging.
In this situation the closest we came
to someone being hostile wassomeone that wasn't hostile,
he just said oh, I'm anatheist, I just believe
we're here to evolve and so forth
but the way that we're doing this
is it's so relevant and the reason
that we're doing it, Wendyis we actually create,
it's really for believersto give them a tool
to simply put on their Facebook site,
whoamI.com, if they go to our website,
whoamI.com, they'll beable to then post that link
on their own Facebook siteor other social media sites
and they become instantlyjust like that, an evangelist.
I mean, how easy is that,take advantage of the spirit
of influence that the Lord has given you
simply post this linkwhoamI.com on your Facebook site
and you become obedient to being a witness
like the Lord called you to be
'cause your friends willsimply go to the website
and we're gonna answer the questions,
whoamI, why am I here,is there more than this
in a way that people can receive.
No one's gonna get mad at me
because you know what, whatwe're saying is so honest
and authentic and we'rebacking it up with science
and talking about the big bang,
well, okay, you believe in the big bang,
but what caused the big bang?
- So they first see the big billboard
and then they see you on the street
with a microphone and a camera, right?
So they first have toknow that's how they first
see the question, I guess.
- You know what Wendy, when they go,
what you saw was a promotional video
but when they go to the website whoamI.com
and post that, they're notgonna see me on the street,
they're gonna see me just sitting down,
no yamaka, no prayershawl, nothing in the way
and I'm just gonna say who am I?
We all ask that question,where did we come from
and how is our identity defined
by knowing where we came from
and I have animation and test tubes
with drops being, DNA samples being tested
so it's just so neutral, so scientific.
- And you said, thesevideos can help people
who might be intimidatedto share their faith
on social media, to do it easily
with not much backlash, really.
- Exactly and you know what,I really wanna challenge
our viewers because the truth is
is that so many peoplethat say they love God,
to some of the people thatare watching right now,
we really have to ask ourselves,
our we willing to put him first?
I mean, I know people, Wendy,they say they love God,
they go to church but they'llnever put anything about God
on their Facebook site.
- [Wendy] Just their vacation pictures.
- Just their vacation picturesand you have to ask yourself
what's wrong here?
What is wrong here?
It's a question if wemade it so easy for people
it's just a question ofwill you be obedient?
Will you witness for him 'cause Jesus said
if we're ashamed of him and his words
in this adulteress generation,
he's gonna be ashamed ofus when he comes again.
- Yeah, so is this a lot of fun for you,
I know you're based in Columbus Ohio,
but you've been spending this time,
is this do you feel likethis is part of what God's
called you to do now?
- I really do, over 30 yearsago as pastoring a church
and all of a sudden, I heardthe audible voice of God,
I don't say that lightly, it shook me up
and it scared me.
So I'm pastoring a churchand I hear the audible voice
of God suddenly and he saidto me, you're an evangelist.
- [Wendy] Wow.
- And I thought, oh gosh, Idon't wanna just walk around
handing out tracks for the rest of my life
and I thought, I'm pastoring a church
does that mean I'm notsupposed to be pastoring
because I'm an evangelist,I didn't understand it
but here we are all these years later
giving God's people atool to share their faith,
it is fun.
- Yeah, well I see youon the TV all the time
and you come across just so friendly
and I just find myself justwanting to keep watching
and sometimes you haveyour wife on the program
and so you've been on TVministry for how long?
- Yes, about I don't know over 10 years
Discovering the Jewish Jesus, yes.
- [Wendy] Discovering the Jewish Jesus,
fantastic show, mainly seen on TBN, right?
- On Daystar.- Daystar.
- A lot of networks, actually.
- Okay.- Yeah.
- Well, how do you, what doyou hope, the who I am outreach
will accomplish?
- What we're really wanting to do Wendy
is launch a movement.
We've given people thisawesome, excellent tool
to share their faith through social media.
If you go to the website there
we give you tools, we giveyou cards that you can
hand out, who am I, where did I come from,
t-shirts, who am I, we're trying to launch
an evangelistic movementthat's cutting edge
for this generation.
- Does anybody ever answerthat question correctly,
who am I? (laughs)
- Wow, it's a, I think so, I think so
but it's really I thinka question for all of us
that we keep on gaining revelation
in deeper, deeper ways.
Once we get the first thing right,
if God created me, he musthave the owner's manual
for my life and if he created me
that must be the key to knowing who I am
but even for me, 40years walk with the Lord,
I'm still looking for revelationto more fully understand.
- Amen, we're children of God.
- Amen.
- We can start there, right?
- Yep.
- Thank you so much,
it's a pleasure.- Thank you Wendy.
- Well, for more informationon the Who Am I initiative
just go to cbn.com and download that.