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Former Abortionists Turned Pro-Life Advocates

Dr. Haywood Robinson shares how he and his wife moonlighted in abortion clinics. Once he became a Christian, his life changed. Read Transcript

- During his family practice residency,

Dr. Haywood Robinson began moonlighting

at an abortion clinic in the early 80s.

At the time, it was aneasy way to make money

and he saw nothing wrong with it.

But then he attended a concert

that totally transformed his life.

- [Narrator] Dr. HaywoodRobinson is a retired physician.

During medical training,he met his wife, Noreen,

also a doctor, and after residency,

they moonlighted inabortion clinics together.

When they realized they werekillers of pre-born children,

they stopped killing babies.

Today, Drs. Haywood andNoreen are spokespersons

for the pro-life movementand educate others

on the horrors of the abortion industry.

- Please welcome to The 700Club, Dr. Haywood Robinson.

It's so wonderful to have you here.

- It's a blessing to be here.

Thank you.

- Talk a little bit, if you will,

about how you first beganperforming abortions.

- Well abortions were taughtduring residency training,

as part of the,

- Had to know how to do it,- the normal curriculum.

- sure.- That's part of

what they call medicine,

but just to set the record straight,

abortion is not medicine becausepregnancy is not a disease.

- Yeah, boy, that's a good way- Yes.

- to look at it, isn't it?

Well you and your wife, also a doctor,

began moonlighting at an abortion clinic.

I mean we hear so manythings, we see so many things.

What was that experience like for you?

- Well, doing an abortion in the hospital

is not much different fromdoing one moonlighting.

During my residency training time,

there were abortion facilitiesall over Southern California

and they needed doctorsto carry out their work.

And so it was very easy money.

As you're killing a baby, you get paid

for each abortion that you do

and you split that moneywith the clinic director.

- Did it ever bother you at that time

as you did this?

- Yes, initially, when yousee your first abortion,

there's something in you that says,

"You know, there's somethingnot quite right here."

But what happens with, likeany addiction or any sin,

you become progressively desensitized

to the point where thatpre-born child is dehumanized,

but so are you.

- And you're in an environment

where everybody's on the same boat,

you know, going in the same direction.

Tell me about the concert

and what happened to youwhen your life was changed.

- Well, that's very interesting.

What a blessing.

March 2nd, 1986, I attendeda Leon Patillo concert

at the church where I'veattended since that time.

And during his intermission time, he says,

"I'm not going to give youthe four spiritual laws,

"and all that," 'causeI wouldn't have known

what he was talking about anyway.

And he said, "Anyonewho wants things to be

"100% right with God,stand up," and I jumped up.

The Holy Spirit yanked me up.

And he prayed a very simple prayer,

which now I can see was a sinner's prayer.

Now I didn't know the factsabout the cross and salvation,

but what happened soon thereafter,

my roommate from medical school,

the good old Dr. Calvin Wheeler,

who's the son of a Pentecostal preacher,

told me about the story of Christ

and I knew this feeling of change

that happened at the concert,

I knew that, at thattime, God had saved me,

but He had not revealedthe details of the gospel,

and it was just a beautifulwalk since that time.

- So did this old friend,the son of the pastor,

just come into your life at the same time

that you had been at the concert.

- No, Calvin Wheeler, we wereroommates in medical school

at the University of California, Irvine.

And we lived together for a while.

He became a very successfulpediatric neurologist

in Northern Californiaand he's one of my closest

and dearest friends.

- So he shares thegospel message with you.

God has planted a desirein you that yanked you up.

You wanted to be righteous before God.

When did you begin to say,"Wow, what I believe over here

"isn't comporting withwhat I'm doing over here."

- Right.

Well very soon after coming to the Lord,

what He did, He highlightedour pasts in abortion

and He basically put usin the pro-life movement.

But what I like to share with people

is, long before I went to medical school,

long before I did my firstabortion, I was going to hell.

So it wasn't the abortionsso much that the,

it's that we all need Christ.

And I'm glad that I wasn'tpersuaded to be pro-life

by just logic, but knowingthat I was blind and now I see,

but that was for everything,and now Christ is in my life

and directing my steps andworking in pro-life ministry.

- I was gonna say, you're retired now.

You and your wife are both working

to expose the abortion industry.

How are you doing that?

- Well, my job, I retired June 28th

and took a job two dayslater with 40 Days for Life,

which I'd been blessed to be a part of

since the very beginning.

And many people who arelistening or watching right now

know the story about 40 Days for Life,

but through the movie, "Unplanned,"

and with Abby Johnson coming out of there

at the very first site of our40 Days for Life campaign,

and I'm blessed to say I was there

at the very first vigil.

- 40 Days for Life, how dopeople get involved in that

and what's its goal?

- Well most of the peopleinvolved with 40 Days for Life

are part of the prayer campaigns.

We are going to be startinga campaign very soon

and it's going to last for,of course, for 40 days.

We haven't announced theofficial number of campaigns,

but it's going to be right around 500.

- Wow.- We are in 30 countries.

We have two new countriesthat we're adding,

the Philippines and India,

and it all started- Wow.

- on 29th Street in Bryan, Texas,

Bryan-College Station,Texas, where Texas A&M is,

and by a young lady bythe name of Lauren Gulde.

When she heard that Planned Parenthood

was gonna build a clinic,

she said, "We're gonna meet."

We didn't know what we were gonna do,

but it eventually became anextremely large ministry,

40 Days for Life, and it's a blessing.

The power of prayer isawesome, awesome, awesome,

and we see it

- Absolutely.- 'cause God cannot do that,

I mean man cannot do that.

- I want to say to those of youwho are watching and saying,

"Wait a minute, I wantto be a part of that,"

if you'd like more informationabout 40 Days for Life,

just go to

We just want to encourageothers to stand up

for their faith and for righteousness.

Thank you--- And also, we have a website,, and that'swhere they can find out

where their local campaign is,

- Awesome.- where their closest campaign

and we'd love them to be a part of that.

- Well thank you so much.

It's great to have you with us.

- It's a blessing to be here.- Wonderful story.


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