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700 Club Interactive - August 8, 2019

PTSD drove Jeremy, a Marine, to alcohol, destroying his health and marriage until the desperate prayers of his mother were answered. Read Transcript

- [Andrew] Haunted bymemories from his deployment.

- [Jeremy] It's like it's forever burnt

in your heart and your mind.

- [Andrew] His drinkingdestroying his marriage.

- [Sue] Alcohol madehim a really mean man.

- How the desperate prayersof his mother are answered.

All this and more on today's700 Club Interactive.

Hi, and welcome to the show.

I'm Andrew Knox.

- And I'm Ashley Key.

Here's Efrem Graham withthis top five from Studio 5.

- [Efrem] At number five.

- I'm down three coaches,

but I do think I have asolution for cross-country.

- No.

- [Efrem] Bible teacher Priscilla Shirer

returns to the big screen.

- I think some people willonly come to really know God

and know who Jesus is through testimony.

They may never read a bookthat a Bible scholar writes,

they may never sit downand do a Bible study,

they may never walk throughthe doors of a church,

but they will hear your story,

so the more we're willingto share our stories,

not just on screen, but in ourinterpersonal relationships,

the more opportunity we have

to sort of roll out the red carpet

for people to be intrigued.

- [Reporter] The town'soldest manufacturing plant

is closing its doors.

- [Efrem] Her latest story

is the Kendrick Brothersfilm, "Overcomer,"

in theaters August 23rd.

Here's a Studio 5 sneak peek.

- [Coach] Hey, you here for cross-country?

- Yes, sir.

- I had one girl showup and she's got asthma.

- Oh, you mean Anna Scott.

Do you enjoy running?

- It's really the only thing I'm good at.

- Why have a season with one runner?

- One runner matters.

You give some very inspirationalspeeches to your players

about stepping up under pressureand going the extra mile.

- Anna, you're gettin' faster.

- [Efrem] Number four.

- [Gordon] Get a grip.

- [Chefs] Yes, sir.

- [Efrem] This feisty and famous chef

is taking on uncharted territory

to take his food game to the next level.

- [Reporter] Chef Gordon Ramsay's

traveling the world rightnow looking for adventure

and new flavors on hisnew show, Uncharted.

He explains that, evenas a world famous chef,

there are some things he can't get fresh

so, to say, taste acertain mango from Peru,

you're gonna have to go there.

- They're not making orgrowing 10,000 a month.

They're not fast-tracking that.

That's it.

There's 24 of them and that's it.

- [Reporter] Uncharted airs Sunday nights

on National Geographic.

- [Efrem[ At Number three.

(gentle music)

- Ah!

You are gonna wait untilyou're 18, young lady.

- Baby Grace from theclassic television series,

Little House on thePrairie, is all grown up.

So you were Baby Grace fromLittle House on the Prairie.

How does that feel?

- Well, I guess we're kind of used to it.

- [Efrem] And Wendi LouLee is now an author.

Her book, "A PrairieDevotional," is out this week.

- And that's never been donewith Little House before.

So many people have toldstories about Little House,

but they have ignored the faith element

of Little House on the Prairie.

And how can you ignore it?

It's in every episode.

- [Efrem] At number two,

it's another quick lookat an uplifting film.

- This one.

Definitely this one.

- [Reporter] "The Artof Racing in the Rain"

tells the story of anaspiring racecar driver,

played by Milo Ventimiglia,through marriage, a baby,

scary times, and sad times.

The one constant in his lifeis his devoted dog, Enzo.

- I feel a duty to representthe good fathers out there,

to represent the good husbands out there,

to represent the good friendsto their canine companions.

- [Enzo] All I knew was Iwas meant to be his dog.

- [Efrem] "The Art of Racing in the Rain"

is in American theatersFriday, August 9th,

with a familiar voice as the dog, Enzo.

- We understand they're the best friend

and so we can find language

that kind of becomes a best friend.

- [Enzo] Denny was clearlytaken with her grooming.

She probably bathedevery day for all I knew.

- [Efrem] At number one.

- [Brian] By the time I was 16,

I had the attention of the NFL.

- [Officer] Don't move!

- But I was accused ofsomething I didn't do.

The system doesn't care about me.

- But you didn't deservewhat happened to you.

- But I gotta claim.

- [Efrem] Brian Banks signedwith the Atlanta Falcons

back in April of 2013.

The linebacker's footballcareer though is short

and his journey long,filled with twists, turns,

and a wrongful conviction.

- [Brian] I was 16 the day mylife changed for the worst.

16 when I became a productof the penal system.

- [Efrem] Branks is now executive producer

of the major motion picturein American theaters Friday,

telling his story with actorAldis Hodge in the leading role

and Sherri Shepherd inthe role of his mom.

- Can you imagine what it'slike seeing that child,

that innocent child, taken from you

and locked away with menwho've done real crimes

and can do real harm to him?

All a mother ever wants isto protect her children.

- Wow, the Brian Banksmovie looks very powerful.

- Yeah.- In fact, I've been waiting

for it to come out

because my two sons- Really?

- have been telling me,

"Dad, as soon as that movie comes out,

"we're gonna go see it."

Yeah, they're very interested.

It looks great.- It looks really powerful,

definitely.- And I got to see

"Overcomer" already,- Okay.

- and it is an awesome movie.

- Yeah, I've heard.- It's really good.

- What is your favorite,

like what was your favorite part?

- I don't wanna spoil it,- I guess, yeah, don't,

- of course.- don't spoil it, but--

- Just about the end ofthe movie is very powerful.

It's just, you know, it's hardnot to cry during the scene,

but it's so motivating and inspirational.

A lot of drama, a lot of humor in it.

It's really, really good

and I highly recommend it for families.

My entire family wasvery, very engaged in it.

It's a great film.- Yeah, I love Priscilla.

- Oh, she's great.- Anything with her.

I'm just, like, "Yes."- She's become quite

the actress.- I know, that's awesome.

- She can do a little preaching too,

as you may know.- A little preaching,

a little acting.

God uses it all. I love it.- And I was quite impressed

as we were seeing the clip

of "The Art of Racing" film

- Yes.- with the dog.

You pretty quickly- Oh my gosh.

- recognized the voice of the puppy,

which was rather impressive

on your part.- Yes, I know.

I'm excited to see the, Imean I feel like any movie

with a dog, it just tugs- Dog and car racing, yes.

- at your heartstrings,- Oh, look at that.

- [Ashley] and I'msuper excited to see it.

Are you a dog person?

- [Andrew] Of course, yeah.

- Yes?- We have a four-year-old

hound named Charlie.- Aww.

- [Andrew] Charles when she's in trouble.

- That's awesome.- Do you have a dog?

- [Ashley] I do, I do. She'sa little froo-froo dog.

She's a Maltipoo.- What's the name?

- [Ashley] Bella.

- Oh nice, very nice.- But she's beautiful,

you know?

- A lotta good movies out there.

- I know, I'm excited.

Well for more, check outEfrem's weekly show, Studio 5.

You can watch it on the CBN News Channel

or online at

Well this next story is super sweet.

A Wilmington woman only wanted one thing

for her 90th birthday, to be handcuffed

and put in the back of a patrol car.

- Yeah, that one caught meby surprise a little bit,

the birthday with there to be handcuffed.

A little bit unusual, isn't it?

Well a local news station,WWAY, made it happen

and they got it on camera.

- Oh, it's been on my bucket list

to ride in the back ofa police car handcuffed,

so here I am.

- [Reporter] Dorothy Maloneysays she could never imagine

crossing this item off her bucket list.

- I had an incident in New Jersey

where we were hit by another car

and we had to get to a doctorand the policeman said,

"I'll put you in the back of the car,"

and I said, "Oh, that'sbeen on my bucket list."

- [Reporter] But Maloney'sdaughter-in-law, Lisa, says

she was determined to make it all happen

for Dorothy's 90th birthday.

- That's all she wantedin life was to ride,

you know, like let's make this happen.

- [Reporter] Lisa joined the Wilmington,

North Carolina Friends Facebook group

asking for community help, and it worked.

New Hanover County Sheriff'sOffice Deputy J.G. McDonald

was able to make Dorothy's wish come true.

- I couldn't imagine.

I go, "Why is he here?"

- [Reporter] Dorothy says this is one ride

she will never forget.

- My hands, you know, they'llget bruised a little bit,

but otherwise, I can't get out of them.

Now I know that.

Oh, look at that.


- Quite the escape artist.

90 years old?

That's heard to believe.

She looks great.- Good thing

she didn't want to be tazed.

- I wonder,- That would be another--

- I wonder what it is about her

that she had that birthday wish.

It's interesting.- Yeah.

Do you have a bucket list?

- I've already gonethrough that, so I'm good.

How about you?

- Um, I can't say that that's

on my bucket list.- No, I was never

actually handcuffed in the back

of a police car.- That's good to know.

- But happy birthday.

- Yeah, definitely.

- That's awesome.- Yeah.

- Well, switching gears,

up next, a Marine returnshome from the combat zone

with a textbook case of PTSD.

- [Man] You're wonderingwhat the guy out there's

doing right now.

You can't not just think that way.

It doesn't just go away,

and it's like it's forever burnt

in your heart and your mind.

- We find out how this vet won the battle

against the enemy within.

Amazing story when we come back.

(dramatic music)

After two tours of duty,

once to Afghanistan, once to Iraq,

Jeremy McMillan returned home

and the memories of the warfollowed him back to the states.

And for years, Jeremy refusedto say he had a problem

even as his issues drove away his family

and nearly drove him to an early grave.

(soft somber music)

(plane explodes)

Following the attacks of 9/11,

over two million UStroops would be deployed

to Iraq and Afghanistanin the War on Terror.

Jeremy McMillan was one of them.

- You've prepared for thisthe best that you can.

You either learn or you die.

- [Andrew] The Marine servedtwo tours on the front lines.

Each time, he came home safely

to his wife, Danielle,and daughter, Alyssa,

thankful for the trainingthat kept him alive.

- You're taught that you are

the most fierce weapon on the battlefield,

which is true, because of the mentality

and your mind can make yourbody do so many things.

- [Andrew] But no amount oftraining could prepare him

for the battle to come.

Months after coming homefrom his second tour,

Jeremy still couldn't escapethe horrific memories of war.

- You're not sleeping.

You're wondering what the guyout there's doing right now.

And you're hearing the air go over

and you're hearing the bombs drop.

You're hearing the vehiclesand the tanks leave

and you're hearing peoplecome in with the casualties.

You can't not just think that way.

It doesn't just go away, andit's like it's forever burnt

in your heart and your mind.

- [Andrew] He went on tobecome an infantry instructor

at Camp Lejeune.

By now, he was drinking heavily

and paranoia was beginning to set in.

- I had noticed he scared easier.

He was very jumpy.

I'd turn on the light and hewent to jump to find his gun.

That was really, really hard on me.

- I couldn't go upstairswith people behind me.

I didn't like having myeyes closed in the shower

where I didn't know what was around me.

- [Andrew] From there, it only got worse,

as even the smallest thingssent him into a fit of rage.

- Alcohol made him a really mean man.

I didn't want to be around it anymore.

- [Andrew] Often, Danielletook their daughter

and stayed with family in Georgia.

- He would say, "I'm sorry,"and "I will do better,"

and then things would be good

and then they just go right back.

It was really a rollercoaster.

- 'Cause I was never wrong.

And as long as you're notwrong, you just keep going with

whatever it is thatyou're doing, you know.

- [Andrew] The one personJeremy did reach out to

was his mom, Sue, a Christianwho always took him to church

when he was young.

- When he would be tellingme about hard times

and how he felt at the time,then I would remind him

that Jesus came to give us abundant life.

When God would give me a Bible verse,

I would send it to him,anything to help encourage him.

- [Andrew] But as he'd done for years,

Jeremy still refused toadmit he had a problem,

even after he was deniedreenlistment in 2009

because of being overweight.

- [Jeremy] I didn't want to change.

I had convinced myselfthat people were against me

and the bar life was where I belong,

you know, this is where I need to be.

I had an excuse probably for everything.

- [Andrew] After the Marines,

he started working as agovernment contractor.

Then one day, in 2012,he ended up in the ER

with severe chest pains.

But it wasn't a heart attack.

It was a panic attack.

- You probably have a bad case of PTSD.

I was like, "No, I don't.

"I don't have that."

I was in denial and I putblame everywhere but myself.

So as long as you cankeep that game going,

then you don't have a problem.

- [Andrew] But with the panicattacks coming more frequently

and his family lookinglike another casualty,

Jeremy began to realize he needed help.

- I wanted to change my life.

I wanted to turn things around.

I wanted to start over.

No, you're not.

If you think you're gonnasomehow, the next day,

you're gonna quit, you're not gonna quit.

It owns you.

- [Andrew] Then in 2016,

a year after being legally separated,

Danielle filed for divorce.

- It was gonna be the hardest decision

I ever had to make was to divorce him.

- I remember just feelingextremely worthless, hopeless.

There was nothing that I could do.

- [Andrew] Even then, Jeremy's mom refused

to give up on her son.

- I spent a lot of timepraying and fasting for him,

and God revealed to me andsaid, "I will heal him."

- [Andrew] So when Jeremy wenthome for Christmas that year,

his mom convinced him to goto a church healing service.

- I don't even think I'd made it two days

without drinking at that point.

Maybe this could be what turns it around.

- [Andrew] There, Jeremy and his mom

went up to the pastor for prayer.

- He asked me if I wassaved, and I said, "No,"

and he said did I want to be healed.


I had to look down.

I couldn't even look at him.

You know, do I believe in Jesus Christ.

I said, "Yes, I believe in Jesus Christ,"

and do I want him in myheart, I said, "Yeah,"

and he's like, "Well you haveto ask him in your heart."

And when he was praying for me,

it's when, you know, it waslike I was like another person.

- [Andrew] Jeremy says immediately,

he lost all desire for alcohol

and was delivered fromhis paranoia and PTSD.

- Is Christ is all divine.

I knew at that very moment I was free.

You can't explain the weightthat just comes off you.

So whatever that was was gone.

- [Andrew] Now putting their focus on God,

Jeremy and Daniellerebuilt their marriage.

He now runs a barbecue business

and still works with theMarine Corps as a contractor.

- I think we were doomed

if God had not gotten into our lives.

I mean it would've beendone, we would've been done.

- I don't see this life the same anymore.

I turn to God before I turn to man.

He has made me new.

I have faith in that.

- Wow, the power of God to change a life,

the power of Jesus Christ,

the compassion and the love

and the forgiveness, grace,and mercy Christ has for us,

to transform our mind as we become

someone in relationship with God

through the work of the cross.

You may feel a tension todayafter watching that piece.

Pay attention to that,

that tension of the Holy Spirit

drawing you closer and closer to Jesus.

That's what the Holy Spirit does.

He testifies and witnessesabout the truth of Jesus Christ,

and today, you may feel the tension

as the Holy Spirit is drawing you

out of your current lifestyle,

out of your current doubts,and he calls you today.

You know, in Revelation 3:20,

Jesus says, "I standat the door and knock."

And he's knocking today.

"Whoever hears my voice," he says,

"must answer the door so I can come in."

Jesus will not force himself on you.

He asks for you to open thedoor to relationship with him.

And as we're in relationship with Jesus,

he has this amazing way oftransforming our thought process,

taking our sin problem, when we surrender.

For Jeremy it took finallysaying, "I've got a problem.

"I must surrender my life, my soul,

"and my sin problem to Jesus."

That's that process of Jesus

standing at the door and knocking.

Jesus is still alive andmoving and working today.

You know, when he was on the cross,

he said, "It is finished."

It is finished, he didn'tsay, "I am finished."

Jesus is still active and moving today.

But it is finished,

the penalty for sin paid byJesus for you and for me.

What we need to do is say,

"This free gift ofsalvation, I need to accept."

Yes, it's hard to comprehend sometimes

that Jesus, in a way,makes it so easy for us

because he did all the work on the cross,

but it takes surrender on our part,

and then it takes walking

and following Jesus from that point on

and saying, "I give my life to you.

"Now teach me how to live."

If you've got that restlessness

and that tension in your soul today,

maybe you've got an addictionthat you're struggling with,

you're in bondage to something,just like Jeremy was,

today is the day to say,"Jesus, I need you in my life

"and I need to turn this over to you."

Would you pray with me now?

Lord Jesus, I hear Jeremy's story.

I feel the tension in my very own soul

because you know myaddiction and my bondage

and what I'm carrying.

And I'm hearing today your voice

asking me to surrender my sin problem

and my very soul to you, Jesus.

And I stop now.

I stop living for myself.

I stop trying to fix the problem myself.

I stop trying to earnmy way to heaven myself.

And I'm at the foot of the cross

and I say Jesus, thisfree gift of salvation,

Jesus, your desire to takemy sin problem from me,

I take you at your word today, Jesus.

I take you at your word.

And not only do I takeyou as my Lord and Savior,

I confess my sin to you,

and my addiction and bondage,I put at the foot of the cross

and I ask you, Jesus, to take it from me.

Take these chains from me as Ilive for you, in Jesus' name.

And Father God, I pray your Holy Spirit,

who is calling people intorelationship with Christ today

during this program, now Lord God,

I pray your Holy Spiritis faithful to his word

and he will light thepath and guide the steps

of the children he adores.

In Jesus' name, amen.

If you prayed with me, I urgeyou to call us at 800-700-7000

and tell someone you justprayed a prayer of salvation,

you just prayed for yourbondage to be broken.

We would love to celebratewith you and pray further.


Ashley.- Amen.

Well coming up, painful bone spurs

leaves one mom struggling with every step.

- Like if I wanted to takeIzzy for a walk somewhere,

my youngest daughter, I couldn't do that.

And I used to have to hold onto my bed

and onto my dresser to get off the bed.

And it was so painful.

- See how this woman got backon her feet when we return.

(inspirational music)

As the mother of six children,

Virginia Bruno is a busywoman, but two years ago,

she was sidelined withbone spurs in her foot.

She spent her timehopping and hobbling along

and crying out in pain with every step.

No matter what she did,she couldn't find relief,

that is until she heard aword for her on this program.

- The summer of 2017,

we were doing a lot of activitiesoutside, my family and I.

I began to develop this ache in my foot.

I had a foot spur waswhat the doctor had said.

I couldn't go playing outside.

I couldn't go for a walk,

like if I wanted to takeIzzy for a walk somewhere,

my youngest daughter, I couldn't do that.

I couldn't even go into the mall

without using a cart to lean on.

And I used to have to hold onto my bed

and onto my dresser to get off the bed.

And it was so painful, likeit was extremely painful.

I just almost cried sometimes'cause it was so painful.

I was in desperate need,and the Lord knew it.

I started to pray and askGod, "Take the pain away."

So I'm laying on my couchand I'm in much pain.

I was watching The 700 Club.

I don't miss and episode of The 700 Club.

It's an awesome show.

They're just about to pray

and I said, "Oh, Lord, letthem say something about feet,"

and at that moment, I thinkit was Wendy, she says.

- Yeah, God is touching feet right now.

If you've got anythinggoing on with your feet,

just put your hands right there.

God is healing you.

- I was like, "What?

"That is mine.

"I claim that as mine."

And I just said, "Thank you, Jesus."

And I thought, "Okay, I'm justgonna believe you for that."

And then the next day,when I got off the bed

and did not have to hang on to anything

to get out of bed, I was so happy.

My foot was able to bendand I was able to do things

that I couldn't do with my foot before.

I am so thankful, so thankful.

He is so awesome to us,like my whole entire family.

He has shown himself sofaithful over the years.

When you pray for somethingand you pray to him,

he stands by his word toperform what the Bible says.

And he will do it.

You just have to believe it.


- Amen.

What she said, "You have to believe it."

Believe and receive God's healing for you.

Whatever your need is today,Andrew and I are gonna pray.

And what I want you to do

is I want you to lift your hands out

to receive your healing, yourblessing, whatever that is.

Or you can put your hand on whatever area

that you are in pain right now.

So join with us inprayer, and before we do,

here's a little bit ofan encouragement for you.

It says by Jesus Christ'sstripes, we are healed.

Because he took the whipping,he took the torture,

we are healed.

How amazing is that?

That's proof that there is a loving God

and he wants you to be healed,so just receive it today.

So join with us in prayer.

Father God, I just than you so much

for every woman and man watching

this program right now, God.

Jesus, I thank you somuch for what you did,

for what you did when youwere here on this earth,

what you did on the cross.

Thank you for the resurrection power

that lives inside ofanyone who believes in you.

We lift up the needs ofthe audience today, God,

and we just say, "Touch,Holy Spirit, touch."

We pray for healing in the name of Jesus.

And I just, I believethat someone is watching

who has abdominal pains,whether it's gallbladder issues,

abdominal issues, you'rein pain right now.

Just touch that area ofyour stomach, of your body.

Receive that healing in the name of Jesus.

Believe it and receive itright now in Jesus' name.

- And Father, we justthink of in scripture

when blind Bartimaeusheard Jesus was passing by

and cried out, "Have mercy on me."

And so many are watching nowsaying, "Jesus, have mercy.

"You know my struggle, youknow my pain, have mercy."

Jesus said, "What do youwant me to do for you?"

And Father, we don't comebefore you with a wish list

asking you to check the box.

We come before you in our pain

and our struggle and our heartache,

and we ask you to giveus the strength we need

as we endure, as we fight the good fight.

Someone out there is saying,"I'm just giving up, I'm done.

"This is the last day for me.

"I am finished."

And the Holy Spirit says, "No,I adore you and I love you.

"Be strong and courageous.

"Do not be dismayed, for I am your God,"

the Holy Spirit said.

Father, we thank you.

Your call is never finished.

You always desire relationship with us.

- Thank you, Father for the healing

that you're bringing toour audience members,

emotional, spiritual,physical, everything, God.

Thank you for loving us.

In Jesus' name we pray,

amen and amen.- Amen, amen.

If you'd like further prayer,

please give us a call, 800-700-7000.

We love to pray for you here

and it's our privilegeand honor to do that.

We leave you with Colossians 3:23.

Whatever you do, work heartily,

as for the Lord and not for men.

A great scripture to remember,to remember why we're here.

And Ashley, thanks for joining us today.

- Thank you.- Been a great show.

- Thanks for having me.

- And we'll see you nexttime on 700 Club Interactive.

Thanks for joining us.

(uplifting music)

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