'Know What Your Children Are Watching': Media Watchdog Executive Says LBGTQ Characters in Children's TV Shows 'Not Normal' for Kids
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- From commercials tolate night programming,
there has been an influxof LGBTQ inclusivity
in entertainment.
But what happens when thetarget becomes your kids?
Shows like Arthur, Doc McStuffins,
and Hulu's animated children's series,
The Bravest Knight reveal a growing trend
to depict same gender sexuality as normal.
Here to talk more aboutthis is Walker Wildmon
with the American Family Association,
a faith-based group thatmonitors entertainment media.
Thanks so much for being with us, Walker.
We appreciate it.
- Glad to be with you.
- Well let's start with showslike Arthur, My Little Pony,
and Disney's Doc McStuffins are just a few
to include same sex couplesand transgender characters.
Why has there been such a push
to introduce these kind ofcharacters to children on TV?
- Yeah.
Well, from what I'm understanding,
the push is not comingfrom the general public.
The push here is coming from
the same old homosexual activist groups
that have been doing this for decades,
and that is trying to push
for sexually deviantbehavior in entertainment.
And it was once that you found
sexually deviant entertainmentin the late night shows,
but now, these mainstreamchannels like Disney and others
are now including homosexual characters
and transgender charactersin our children's shows.
And so this is very, very concerning.
We knew this was gonna happen.
My grandfather talkedabout this 40 years ago
when he started our ministry.
So parents really have to be diligent.
- Well even Disney.
Disney's Toy Story 4included a quick scene
where one child isdropped off by two moms.
The Gay Times praisedthe film for inclusivity.
And although it was quick,
why are these smallmoments still dangerous?
- Yeah, sure.
Any moment where ourchildren, or even ourselves,
are exposed to things thatprop up sinful behavior
such as homosexuality, even adultery
and other deviant behaviorthat takes us away
from what God's word saidis right and true and good,
any type of entertainmentthat strays us away from that
and paints sin in a positive light
such as Disney's trying to dohere, that is all dangerous.
Whether it be a five secondscene or a 30 minute scene,
it's all not good for our intake.
And so that's why the daysof cutting the television on,
leaving our childrenthere to watch kids shows
while we do the laundryor clean the dishes,
those days are gone.
We always have to be on guard
about what our children are watching.
- And Walker, I guessthe mission of the LGBTQ
is to normalize this.
If you start them young,
you know, in kindergarten or even younger,
then by the time they're teens,
they're like, "Oh yeah, that'swhat everybody does," right?
- Sure, yeah, that's exactlywhat they're trying to do.
You're spot on.
And so what we have to do,what parents have to do,
and I have three kids under two years old,
I got a set of twins and a two-year-old,
what we have to do is,the culture and the media,
they're gonna try to paintwhat they view as right
in front of our children's eyes,
but what we have to do iswe have to counter that
and we have to teach our children
and our teenagers whatis right, true, and good
no matter what the culture says
and no matter what the mediais putting on television.
And one of the basic ways to do that
is to guard our children's eyes and ears
when it comes to what they'reviewing and listening to.
- Well let's face it,
cartoons and all these kids shows,
they're saviors for parents that are busy
and they need, here, watchthis while I do that.
Should the entertainment industry
be taking some responsibilityand should we be making
more pro-family, pro-biblicalentertainment for our kids?
- Yeah.
Yeah, I think the entertainmentshould be taking note here.
And while they serve the mass public
and not everybody's a Christian,
not everybody believes theway I do, we have to all agree
that there are certainthings that are good
and then there are certainthings that are bad.
And the things that are bad,
we should not be promotingin children's shows
as, quote, normal behavior.
And one of those things is homosexuality,
transgenderism or gender dysphoria.
Those type things are not good things,
and if you actually look at the studies,
they're very bad thingsand they do very harmful,
they do a lot of harm
to the people that are affected by them
and those people need helpand we need to love on them.
But this is all aboutwhat are we gonna put
in front of our children'seyes as how they should live.
And so I would encourage every parent
to begin screening the content
before their children even watch it.
Know what your children are watching.
- Great advice.
Walker, thanks so much.
We appreciate it. God bless.