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New Age Obsession Takes a Dark Turn

Cameron experimented with drugs and New Age philosophies in college until an encounter with dark spirits sent him running for the light. Read Transcript

- You're taught about astral projection

and then you learn thatsome people use it for evil,

but I thought my intentions were good.

I thought if I could just like

muster up enough positive energy

that I could push the negative energy away

and it couldn't mess with me.

- [Narrator] Cameron Clarkprofessed faith in Christ

as a boy, but in highschool he began being drawn

to New Age philosophies.

- I would have still saidthat I was a Christian,

but I didn't think drinkingor smoking pot was wrong.

I thought that that was just fun.

I just looked for, well maybethere's like a spiritual way

to justify the lifechoices that I was making,

crystals or magic or whatever.

I mean that's fine.

- [Narrator] He also sayshe was sexually abused

as a young man, which resultedin a deep distrust of people.

- It happened more than one time.

Having an experience like that,

you don't feel safe in the world.

You still hold most people at a distance,

to the extent that you don't,

you know you shouldcare about that person,

but it's still very easy tojust let go and not care.

- [Narrator] When Cameronwent off to college,

his interest in New Age grew.

- I felt like I was taking control

and I could have some kind of control

over what was happening in my life.

It's cleverly wordedas healing or evolving.

The New Age told me thatJesus was an ascendant master.

He was just a human whorealized he was God.

Beginning to believethem, you run up against

what you were taught or what you learned

when you were younger.

- [Narrator] Cameron'sparents became concerned.

- My husband and I wouldpray, not understanding,

and pleading with Godto give us the right way

to approach it, also to give us patience

to talk to him without alienating him.

- [Narrator] Eventually his interest

turned to a near obsession.

- Crystals were attractivebecause they were supposed to be

healing, energy, manifestation.

Tarot cards, same thing, as far as like

telling you what you shoulddo or what you need to work on

or what things might behappening in the future.

- [Narrator] Cameron alsotried LSD for the first time

in college, but after awhile this combination

of drugs and witchcrafttook a darker turn.

Cameron began being tormentedby spirits at night.

- Stuff comes into yourdreams, you see it around,

it moves really fast, so I wasreally trying to figure out,

like, this is spiritualwarfare or psychic attack.

I just want people to leave me alone.

- [Narrator] About that sametime, Cameron read an article,

ironically in a New Age magazine,

that made him question his new beliefs.

- Jesus was in there with his words

from Matthew 5:44 and Luke 6:28.

Love your enemies, blessthose who curse you,

and pray for those who persecute you,

and I thought, okay, Jesus, canyou help me do these things?

- [Narrator] Through a mutual friend,

Cameron met Pastor ChadOsborne and his wife, Hunter,

a former Wiccan who had turned to Christ

and whose story wasfeatured on The 700 Club.

- She invited me to have dinner with them,

and that was incredibly impactful

because there's a number ofthings that they explained.

- What I remember about that night

is Cameron coming andsharing some experiences

that he was having, likeseeing things, you know,

seeing what I interpretto be just dark forces

and him just really beingterrified about that.

We shared with him there's only one way

to be free of that thing, andthat is to submit to Jesus.

- [Narrator] Becauseof the spiritual seeds

that were planted in his childhood,

Cameron responded quickly.

- When I prayed and asked Godto make himself real to me,

I believed that he would, and he did.

I just realized that Jesus was Lord,

that I needed him to take control

and I needed him to save me.

I literally bowed down on my knees

and I gave my life to God,I gave my life to Jesus.

- [Narrator] Cameron enrolledat Cedarville University

and is planning to pursuea career in ministry

to help others avoid thepitfalls he experienced.

- His spirit has faithfully worked in me.

I'm not paralyzed by thoughtsthat I can't overcome.

I am rebuildingrelationships with my family.

I'm actually experiencing love for others

and receiving love from others.

As I read his word, asI pray, as I worship,

all of that is God working in me.

As good as it gets is only a fraction

of how good it will bewhen you're with Jesus.


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