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News on The 700 Club: July 29, 2019

As seen on “The 700 Club,” July 29, 2019.: Read Transcript

- Welcome to the 700 Club!

Congress is on the vergeof passing a budget deal,

reached with President Trump.

It's already been approved by the House

and it goes to the Senate this week.

- Fiscal Conservativessay the bill adds nearly

two trillion dollars to the deficit.

But despite the objections,

the White House and some Republicans say,

a better deal just wasn't possible.

Paul Strand explains.

(gavel pounding)

- [Paul Strand] For all theirfeuding on other matters,

House Democrats and Republicansand the Trump Administration

have managed to pass abudget deal that puts an end

to the era of governmentshutdowns, at least for two years.

It heads to the Senate next,where it's expected to pass.

- Does the President wantthe Senate to pass it,

and if it does, will he sign this bill?

- Yes and yes.

Keep in mind, the bill spendsmore money than the President

wanted to spend, there'sno question about that.

- Critics, though, are blastingthe deal for what it adds

to spending and the deficit.

- We have to startcalling these people out

for what they are, and whatthey are are fiscal frauds.

- [Paul Strand] Jason Pye ofFreedomworks says he thinks

GOP lawmakers and Trump got played.

- Certainly members ofCongress who I've talked to,

Conservatives on theHouse side especially,

think the President was getting bad advice

and being sold a billof goods that, I think,

he got kind of pushed in to supporting.

- For instance, it goes320 billion dollars above

already agreed on spending caps.

And it adds more than 1.7 trillion dollars

to the already massive deficit.

Well those who helped cobbletogether this budget buster

said its critics can talk a good fight,

but that's about all.

- You're not gonna get a better deal.

All those people who don't like this deal,

they have zero abilityto get a better deal.

- [Paul Strand] AndPresident Trump was finding

a silver lining in all the extra dollars

drenching the Defense Department.

- Our military today is more powerful,

by far, than ever before.

And three years ago wecould not have said that,

could we Mark?

- [Paul Strand] Pye saysRepublicans can hardly call

themselves Conservatives, whenvoting for a deal like this.

- Republicans run every two or six years,

depending on which chamber they're in,

on fiscal responsibilityand limited government.

We elected them to fight.

That's the whole purpose Republicans...

Our activists go out and knockon doors and pound pavement

and make phone calls for Republicans.

They want people who are gonna go fight.

- Trump forces and someCongressional Republicans

think a huge fight over thebudget could have led to

a bruising battle thatmight have seriously

wounded the GOP, headed intoa crucial election year.

- [Paul Strand] Butappearing on Faith Nation,

The Heritage Foundation's Romina Boccia,

scalded these present day deal makers.

- It's irresponsible,reckless, and frankly immoral,

to put so much debt onthe next generation.

- You have to startmaking these tough choices

at some point in time.

If not now, when?

- Paul Strand, CBN News, Capitol Hill.

- Now let me echo that.

If not now, when?

If we don't start gettingour spending under control

and get a balanced budget,

we're on a road to ruin.

I mean, you can literally start seeing

our currency being devalued.

You can start seeingdefault at the federal level

on our bonds.

At what point do youreach a tipping point?

We used to think it was 20 trillion.

Well now it's gonna be 22 trillion.

And it's not gonna take longbefore it's 30 trillion.

You go back in time andthere was an effort to have

a balanced budget amendmentthat would force Congress

into sound fiscal policy.

That was defeated because,well we need to have

emergency powers in the eventof war and that kind of thing.

Well back then the entirefederal deficit was 450 billion.

Huh, well okay, now it's 20 trillion.

And where do we go with this?

How do you pay that off?

If you continue to have these deficits,

at some point in time, you run out.

And when you run out, well then there's a

real big cliff you're looking at.

This isn't something thatwill be a minor panic.

This will be a worldwide panic.

A very crowded room, lookingfor some very narrow exits

and what's safe at that point.

This is


We're spending our timearguing who's the most racist

or who has the worst inner city,

and we should be spending our time,

"How do we effectively govern ourselves?"

This is a big deal.

To say, "Let's just kickthis can down the road,"

we can't do it.

Because we're kicking it notjust to the next generation,

and not to the generation after that,

it's our children's chidren's children

that are gonna be paying for this.

This is a horrible thing thatwe're doing and I underline,

it's immoral to haveyour great grandchildren

pay your debts.

Well in other news, authoritiesare looking for a motive

after a gunman opened fireat an outdoor festival

in California yesterday.

John Jessup has more on that story

from our CBN News Bureau in Washington.


- Thanks, Gordon.

Three people died when thatgunman opened fire at the

Annual Garlic Festival inGilroy, California last night.

- He just like, shooted once,and then he like stopped.

And then he just startedshooting repeatedly.

- It just started poppingoff like fireworks.

It sounded like firecrackers.

That's what I thought it was.

I had no idea until he grabbed me

and he started pulling me and telling me,

"That's gunfire, we needto get out of here and go."

- People fled in panic atthe sound of the shots.

Police respondedimmediately and opened fire,

killing the attacker within minutes.

At least 11 people werewounded, some critically.

Among the dead is a six-year-old boy.

So far little is known aboutthe shooter, or his motives.

Police are searching fora possible second suspect.

Well the Supreme Court saysthe Trump Administration

can use Pentagon funds tobuild parts of the border wall,

even as the case carrieson in an appeals court;

the justices ruling five tofour to overturn a lower court

ruling, blocking the transferof 2.5 billion dollars

meant for drug interdiction,

but tapped by the Administrationafter President Trump

declared a National Emergency.

The money will be used tobuild more than 100 miles

of wall on the southern border.

The Administration, though,is in another legal battle

over immigration, thisone related to its policy

limiting asylum applications.

A new rule requires peopleto seek asylum in the country

through which they first pass.

In an exclusive interviewwith CBN News reporter,

Jennifer Wishon, actingDirector of U.S. Citizenship

and Immigration Services, Ken Cuccinelli,

said a backlog of nearly800,000 asylum cases

is swamping the system.

- A lot of Americans don'tknow that our southern border,

legal or illegal people coming across,

have been turned into a toll booth

by the most evil, vicious, awful people

in the Western Hemisphere,

the drug cartels in Northern Mexico.

Even when they make large-scaledeals to smuggle people up

from the Northern Triangle,they'll get right to the end

of their journey, not asafe or healthy journey,

and lo and behold, the drugcartel will hit them up

for more money.

- Cuccinelli adding thePresident's new rule

could save lives.

Well the Director of NationalIntelligence, Dan Coats,

is leaving his post,announcing Sunday that he's

stepping down next month.

The President says he'llnominate Texas Republican

Congressman, John Ratcliffe,to take his place.

Coats and the Presidenthad a tense relationship,

with public disagreementsover Russia and North Korea.

Well, another Twitterwar between the President

and a member of Congress this weekend;

this after the President criticized

Maryland Representative, Elijah Cummings,

accusing him of neglectinghis Baltimore district.

Amber Strong has more ofthe story from Washington.

- The President and hisaides are fending off

new accusations of racism,after a series of Tweets

aimed at African AmericanCongressman, Elijah Cummings,

and the majority black city of Baltimore.

"There is nothing racistin stating plainly

"what most people already know,

"that Elijah Cummingshas done a terrible job

"for the people of his district."

That's one of almost adozen Tweets the President

fired off over the weekend.

"Rep, Elijah Cummingshas been a brutal bully,

"shouting and screamingat the great men & women

"of Border Patrol."

"Cumming District is a disgusting,

"rat and rodent infested mess."

"If he spent more time in Baltimore,

"maybe he could clean up this

"very dangerous & filthy place."

"No human being would want to live there."

Analysts believe thePresident's ire was sparked

by a combination of Democrats'ongoing investigations

and a Fox News appearanceby African American

Conservative strategist, Kimberly Klacik,

pointing out deplorable conditions

and trash plaguing Baltimore.

Acting Chief of Staff, MickMulvaney, says the President

is just defending his Administration,

after Cummings' confrontationwith DHS Secretary,

Kevin McAleenan, about migrant facilities.

- Mr. Cummings saying thatchildren were sleeping

or sitting in their own feces.

That's just not right, it's not accurate,

and when the Presidenthears lies like that,

he is going to fight back.

If Adam Schiff had said thesame thing about the border,

that the President wouldbe attacking Adam Schiff

in the exact same way today.

- [Amber Strong] But the city of Baltimore

is more than 60% black.

The President's critics saythey've heard it all before.

- This President has shownus time and time again,

from the way that he started his campaign,

to the comments about thatMexican-American judge

during the campaign, tohis failure to immediately

condemn White Supremacistsin Charlottesville in 2018.

There's a pattern here.

- He continues to saythings about American cities

all across this country.

I mean, look, our Presidenthas a hate agenda.

- [Amber Strong] RepublicanCongressman, Will Hurd,

believes Tweets atCummings are different than

the previous ones againstRepresentative Rashida Tlaib

and three other Democratic Congresswomen.

- You condemned the "Go back" Tweets,

but you do not condemn theseTweets by the President?

- I wouldn't be doing those.

I wouldn't be Tweeting this way,

but I think they are different.

- [Amber Strong] TheBaltimore Sun also furiously

defending the Congressmanand Cummings vowing

he won't back down.

"It is my constitutionalduty to conduct oversight

"of the Executive Branch."

"But, it is my moral duty tofight for my constituents."

As Chairman of the HouseOversight Committee,

Cummings oversees several investigations

into the President and the Administration.

Amber Strong, CBN News, Washington.

- Thanks, Amber.

Iran says a Europeanfleet in the Persian Gulf

would be a provocative and hostile act.

This as a second Britishwarship arrived in the Gulf

to protect British flagged tankers.

The UK is seeking tobuild a European coalition

after Iran seized one ofits oil tankers last week

in the Strait of Hormuz.

The Islamic regime says thataction was in retaliation

for the UK's seizing an Iranian tanker,

which allegedly was violatinginternational sanctions,

by carrying oil to Syria.

Well the United States andIsrael successfully tested

a new missile defense system Sunday.

As Middle East Bureau Chief,Chris Mitchell, reports,

it follows Iran's test of amedium range ballistic missile

last week.

(exploding sound)

- [Chris Mitchell]Historic and unprecedented.

That's what the U.S. and Israelare calling the test results

of the Arrow Three Weapons System.

U.S. Ambassador to Israel, David Friedman,

joined Israeli PrimeMinister, Benjamin Netanyahu,

at the weekly cabinet meeting.

Netanyahu addressed, what he called,

"The recent pioneeringsecret experiments".

(foreign language)

- [Interpreter] "They were successful

"beyond any imagination."

"The Arrow Three, with complete success,

"intercepted ballisticmissiles beyond the atmosphere,

"at unprecedented altitudes and speeds."

"The execution wasperfect, all precise hits."

- The results were extraordinary.

We're very proud of our partnership

with the State of Israel.

The funding that we provided for this,

the technical expertise that we added.

- The test comes at atime of growing tension

between the U.S., Britain and Iran.

The Arrow Weapons Systemwas tested against targets

that behave like the ballisticmissiles Iran is developing.

(foreign language)

- [Interpreter] "TodayIsrael has the ability

"to act against ballisticmissiles that could be

"launched against us fromIran or anywhere else."

"This is a great achievementfor the security of Israel."

"All our enemies should knowthat we will overcome them,

"in both defense and offense."

- [Christ Mitchell] Israeltransported and deployed

the Arrow Three System to Alaska,

to test capabilities thatcould not be tested in Israel.

Ten years in the making,the Arrow Three Ballistic

Missile Defense Systemis designed to intercept

ballistic missiles outsidethe earth's atmosphere,

like intercontinental ballistic missiles.

The test also proved theArrow Three can operate

together with the U.S. Radar System.

The Arrow Three is thehighest level of Israel's

four-tier missile defense system.

That includes the IronDome, David's Sling,

and the Arrow Two Weapons Systems.

Besides the successful test of the rocket,

defense officials, Netanyahu and Friedman,

hailed the close cooperationand strategic partnership

between the U.S. and Israel.

- This is an extraordinaryand an unprecedented example

of the cooperation betweenour two great countries.

And from here, may we continueto go upward and onward

in making the world a safer place.

- Chris Mitchell, CBN News, Jerusalem.

- Thanks, Chris.

Gordon, back to you.

- Well it's an amazing achievement,

and it's one that's beenelusive for a long time.

An effective anti-ballisticmissile system,

and it's a game-changer forsecurity in the Middle East.

Iran has been dedicated to developing

this kind of missile technology.

They also seem to be on a raceto develop a nuclear weapon,

and their target allalong has been Israel.

Their second target has been Europe,

and their third targethas been you and me.

When you look at their rhetoric,

whey they say "Great Satan",they're talking about us.

When they say "Little Satan",they're talking about Israel.

So to have this kind ofdefensive capability,

that if they were tolaunch a ballistic missile,

there would be thecapability of taking it down.

That is wonderful, and a wonderful example

of how Israel is helpingthe United States.


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