‘Extraordinary’ Missile Defense Test Boosts Israeli, US Confidence in Arrow System
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- [Chris] Historic and unprecedented,
that's what the U.S. and Israel
are calling the test results
of the Arrow Three weapons system.
U.S. Ambassador to Israel, David Friedman
joined Israeli PrimeMinister, Benjamin Netanyahu
at the weekly cabinet meeting.
Netanyahu addressed what he
called the recent pioneeringsecret experiments.
(speaks in foreign language)
- [Interpreter] They weresuccessful beyond any imagination.
The Arrow Three with complete success
intercepted ballisticmissiles beyond the atmosphere
at unprecedented altitudes and speeds.
The execution wasperfect, all precise hits.
- The results were extraordinary.
We're very proud of our partnership
with the state of Israel,the funding that we provided
for this, the technicalexpertise that we added.
- The test comes attime of growing tension
between the U.S., Britain and Iran.
The Arrow Weapons Systemwas tested against targets
that behave like the ballisticmissiles Iran is developing.
- [Interpreter] TodayIsrael has the ability
to act against ballistic missiles
that could be launched against us
from Iran or anywhere else.
This is a great achievementfor the security of Israel.
All our enemies should knowthat we will overcome them
in both defense and offense.
- [Chris] Israel transported
and deployed the ArrowThree system to Alaska
to test capabilities thatcould not be tested in Israel.
10 years in the making,
the Arrow Three BallisticMissile Defense System
is designed to interceptballistic missiles
outside the earth's atmosphere,
like intercontinental ballistic missiles.
The test also prove the ArrowThree can operate together
with the U.S. radar system.
The Arrow Three is the highest level
of Israel's four tiermissile defense system.
That includes the Iron Dome, David's Sling
and the Arrow Two Weapons Systems.
Besides the successful test of the rocket,
defense officials Netanyahu and Friedman
haled a close cooperationand strategic partnership
between the U.S. and Israel.
- This is an extraordinaryand an unprecedented example
of the cooperation betweenour two great countries
and from here may we continue to go upward
and onward in makingthe world a safer place.
- [Chris] Chris Mitchell,CBN News, Jerusalem.