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Faith Nation: July 23, 2019

Faith Nation: July 23, 2019 Read Transcript

(upbeat music)

- [John] Tonight, ahead of tomorrow's

highly anticipated testimony from

former special counsel Robert Mueller,

the FBI director today is on Capitol Hill

facing questions on theRussia investigation.

Plus, protests in Puerto Rico.

The latest on the politicalunrest in the U.S. Territory.

And Britain's Conservative Party

chooses Boris Johnson to lead the country.

And his first order of business,

the rising tensions with Iran.

All this and more tonight on Faith Nation.

(upbeat music)

- Will there be fireworksor will it be a flop?

- That's what many inWashington are wondering tonight

ahead of Robert Mueller'sCapitol Hill testimony.

Welcome to Faith Nation, I'm John Jessup.

- And I'm Jenna Browder.

The former special counselheads to Capitol Hill

tomorrow morning likely facing questions

about Russian election interference,obstruction of justice,

and whether his investigationexonerated President Trump.

- But new today, a Justice Department memo

to Bob Mueller with a warning.

CBN News White House CorrespondentBen Kennedy joins us now.

Ben, what's in the letter?

- John and Jenna, the JusticeDepartment is advising

Mueller not to go beyondthe redacted report.

Today, FBI Director ChristopherWray became the opening act

as lawmakers prepare to probe Mueller.

- Are the Russians still trying

to interfere in our election system?

- The Russians are absolutely intent

on trying to interferewith our elections--

- Is it fair to say--

- [Wray] Through foreigninfluence in particular.

- Everything we've done against

Russia has not deterred them enough?

All the sanctions, all thetalk, they're still at it?

- My view is until they stop,

they haven't been deterred enough.

- [Ben] Today's Q and A withthe FBI director could act

as a preview of questionsMueller will face.

On Wednesday, he's in forfive hours of questioning

before two House committees.

Democrats are counting on the testimony

to lead to impeachment

or damage the president'schance at reelection.

- If we had had confidencethat the president

clearly did not commit acrime, we would have said so.

- [Ben] A letter released

by the Justice Department advises Mueller

that any testimony must remain

within the boundaries of the report,

a stance the formerspecial counsel has always

planned to take.

- I think that's what Bob Mueller said

from the start is that he's going to stick

to the report and his investigation.

- [Ben] President Trump says

lawmakers are wasting their time.

- You have no collusion, no obstruction

and yet it goes on and theythink this is helping them.

I personally think it's hurting them.

- Democrats push back on the president's

comments saying thehearing will help Americans

better understand the Mueller Report.

Neither committee expectsMueller to give long

answers anticipating yesor no to most questions.

John, Jenna.

- And Ben, break down the schedule

for tomorrow's hearing for us.

- Jenna, the hearingwill begin at 8:30 a.m.

before the House Judiciary Committee.

Mueller will testify there for three hours

then take a pretty short breakonly to pick back up at noon

with the House Intel Committeefor another two hours.

And remember guys, thesehearings are public

so we'll get to watch allfive hours of that Q and A.

John, Jenna.

- [Jenna] All right, Ben Kennedyat the White House, thanks.

- Congress is expected tovote on a new budget deal

before it leaves town next week.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosiand the Trump White House

reached an agreement yesterday afternoon.

It allows the governmentto continue borrowing money

to pay its bills and sets funding levels

for the next two years.

Critics say it does nothing to reign

in Washington's out-of-control spending.

Earlier this week, theWhite House said it expects

deficit spending in 2019to reach one $1 trillion.

The overall federal debt isexpected to hit $22 trillion.

- That budget announcementcomes just ahead

of the August recess, buthow likely is it to pass?

- Amber Strong joins us from Capitol Hill

with its prospects and other big items

facing Congress before they leave town.

- It is a big week on Capitol Hill.

When it comes to the budget,

President Trump ispraising that compromise

that includes a big boostin military spending

and puts the breaks on $125 billion

in automatic spending cuts.

But like most things here on Capitol Hill,

everyone isn't joining in on the applause.

That includes RepublicanRepresentative Mark Walker

who tweeted, "The debtceiling is here again.

"Our credit card is maxed out.

"What this budget deal doesis ask the credit card company

"for another $320 billionin credit now for the chance

"to get paid back $75 billion in a decade.

"No bank would take that.

"American taxpayers shouldn't either."

I spoke with DemocraticCongressman Ro Khanna today.

Khanna sits on the House Budget Committee.

He too has concerns about the budget

but says it's likely to pass.

- I still have to review it.

There's some good things in there.

They don't have cuts inMedicare or Social Security

or a number of key domestic programs.

But I have concerns.

It means our deficit is gonnabe over a trillion dollars

and there's nothing that'sreducing the deficit.

And our defense numberscontinue to increase.

- Another source of the bipartisan support

here on the Hill is an effortto condemn the Boycott,

Divestment, and Sanctionsmovement against Israel.

An overwhelming majority of Republicans

and Democrats areonboard with this effort.

Congressman Khanna is aco-sponsor of the measure

and tells us that supportfor Israel is evident

on Capitol Hill andshould remain that way.

- It's a historical relationship.

When you walk on to that House floor

and you look up, you seeMoses' sculpture looking down

as a lawgiver and his wisdom

that helped American during the founding.

But it's also an economic relationship.

I represent SiliconValley and the economic

innovation relationshipbetween the United States

and Israel is significant.

This resolution, in no way,undermines the First Amendment.

It's as if people wantto go protest or boycott,

they absolutely can.

They can even boycottagainst the United States

or against Israel.

All it's saying is thatit's the sense of Congress

that boycott or divestmentthat delegitimizes

Israel isn't gonna get usto a two-state solution

and isn't what the Congressshould be supporting.

- Of course, the muchtalked about event here

on Capitol Hill is thetestimony of special counsel

Robert Mueller which willtake place on Wednesday.

A lot of Democrats seethis as an opportunity

to sort of bring the report to life.

For Americans who may not havegotten a chance to read it,

they now get to kinda see the details

of what happened in 2016.

Of course, skeptics say it's nothing more

but their chance to try togain sentiment for impeachment.

- I haven't supported that.

I voted to table the previous resolution

that Al Green introduced.

My view is that what people want

in this country is for us to solve issues.

They wanna see how we create jobs,

how we build ourinfrastructure, how we make sure

that we're reducingprescription drug costs,

how we're expanding healthcare.

That's why people sent me to Congress.

Bob Mueller has more credibilitythan anyone in Congress.

And congresspeople are viewedin a more partisan way.

We're just hoping that hetestifies and makes the case

to the American people about the report.

- While that budgetcompromise is a likely step

toward unity here on the Hill,

tomorrow's testimony will likely divide

even further and erase that progress.

Amber Strong, CBN News on Capitol Hill.

- Thanks, Amber.

The back and forth continuestonight between President Trump

and Representative IlhanOmar exchanging more

harsh rhetoric in a fightthat just will not die down.

- CBN News Chief PoliticalAnalyst David Brody is here.

David, President Trump is not backing down

and nor is the so-called squad.

For sure, it is a political death math,

it's a cage match, WWF, allthose syllables for sure.

It really is Armageddon out there.

And look, racism and politics.

Not a day goes by without the toxic

subject making an appearance.

Now, the latest entry, a presidential

tweet calling Muslim Congresswoman

Ilhan Omar America hatingand an Anti-Semite.

And Omar firing back.

- Right now, even when we aretalking about the president,

people will say, "You know,his remarks are racist"

and we'll forget the inherent racism

that has always been part of him.

- [David] Also part ofthe latest back and forth,

Trump tweeting how Omarand her liberal freshman

squad members are a"Nightmare for America."

- I think it's clear thatPresident Trump wants

to make a foil out of the squad.

- [David] Caitlin Conant is the political

director for CBS News.

Trump has no doubt taken what he views

as the squad's anti-American views

and morphed it from a news cycle

to both a news cyclone and anew contour for the 2020 race.

But will that guarantee a second term?

- In 2016, President Trump won election

in large part due to independents

and I think they wouldprobably rather be talking

about the economy, the courts,

than having this Twitter fight play out

between the President and the squad.

- [David] But conservativegroups see an opening.

They've found these commentsthat Palestinian Congresswoman

Rashida Tlaib made a few months ago.

- I'm more Palestinianin the halls of Congress

than I am anywhere inthe country or world.

- [David] The materialis not hard to find.

In the research for this story,

we came across thisinterview from Ilhan Omar

when she was running for Congress.

- A lot of conservatives, inparticular, would say the rise

in Islamaphobia is a resultnot of hate but of fear.

A legitimate fear theysay of quote unquote

"jihadist terrorism"whether it's Fort Hood

or San Bernardino or the recenttruck attack in New York.

What do you say to them?

- I would say our countryshould be more fearful

of white man across our country

because they are actually causing most

of the deaths within this country.

We should be profiling,monitoring, and creating policies

to fight the radicalization of white men.

- [David] Omar is also now the center

of an ethics complaint filed

by the conservative group Judicial Watch.

It's over allegationsthat the Somalian-born

congresswoman may havemarried her biological brother

and in the process committed perjury,

immigration fraud, and marriage fraud.

Reporters like Jeff Mason of Reuters know

this is just the beginningof a fight relished

by the White House.

- I think they've been relatively happy

with how the last week has gone.

A lot of controversy forsure but it's coming down

to be a clear part of his strategy going

into the 2020 campaign.

- As this political food fight plays out,

here's something to keep in mind:

the president may be toxicand despised by liberals

but his approval rating is far higher

than anyone from the squad.

Recent polling shows the highest any

of the squad members get isAOC, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

who clocks in at a whopping 23%.

- David, what CongresswomanIlhan Omar is saying

may not be statistically inaccurate

but is there some level of hypocrisy here?

The media seems to kinda be treating her

with kid gloves when it comes to race.

Yet she is hitting withraw fists when it comes

to President Trump anda lot of his supporters.

- It's a really good point, Jenna,

and the media has beentreating her that way.

And the media typicallyhas been somewhat complicit

in all of this as the years have gone by.

However, along comes Donald Trump,

he's not treating her with kid gloves

as she knows and as the squad knows

and that's the difference this time.

Because with Donald Trump,

he's the best counter-puncherin the business

and so what happens iswhen Ilhan Omar delivers

those types of remarks,well, Donald Trump is gonna

pretty much match her, ifyou will, word for word.

- Today, ChristopherWray, the FBI director,

he testified on Capitol Hill, David,

saying that the FBI made about a hundred

domestic terrorism arrests this year,

most of those related to white supremacy

in one way or another.

How do you square that?

- There's no doubt that domestic

terrorism's a problem in this country.

No one's disputing that.

I think the issue here is that,

and the context is interesting,

that when Ilhan Omar wasasked about Islamic terrorism

in the United States, 'causeremember, there are a lot

of plots that have been foiledas well beyond Fort Hood

and all of those otherones, San Bernardino.

When she was asked aboutit, she quickly deflects.

And I've watched three or four

Al Jazeera interviews with her.

She doesn't really wannatalk about Islamic terrorism

as much as she wants to talkabout domestic terrorism.

And I think that's kind ofan interesting tactic here

where she pretty muchdoesn't give it oxygen

and rather wants to giveoxygen a whole lot more

to the domestic terrorismangle which kinda plays

to what Christopher Wray wassaying on Capitol Hill today.

- David, as far as this war ofwords continues to play out,

how does this benefit President Trump?

- There's a couple different ways

it benefits President Trump.

First of all, PresidentTrump, this just in,

he's been branded, we know who he is,

there is no more that you can do

from a negative standpointto President Trump.

All of the criticism is out there.

AOC, on the other hand, Rashida Tlaib,

Ilhan Omar, all blank slates.

And when you have a blank slate

and you have PresidentTrump punching pretty hard,

you have the real chance of those numbers,

that 23% for AOC, to go quickly downward.

And if they go downwardand if he defines them

as the face of the party,that's bad news for Pelosi,

it's bad news for the Democrats,

and good new for Trump in 2020.

- What does it mean for Joe Biden

who is seen as sort of moreof the moderate candidate?

- This makes Joe Biden looklike a far-right conservative,

I mean according to the squad.

The squad has really gotten so far left

that Joe Biden all of asudden, I have to tell you,

kinda picked up somesteam in the latest polls

that we've seen recently.

And that doesn't surprise me.

Because one again, if the sand is shifting

to the left underneath Biden,Joe Biden's gotta be smiling

all the way to the bankor the political bank.

I don't know what bank he shops at.

But you know what I'm trying to say.

- Withdraws from.

- Withdraws from, thank you.

I'm glad you know what I'm saying.

- We got it.

Thanks, David.

- Thanks, guys.

- [John] Coming up, callsfor the governor to resign.

The latest on the turmoil in Puerto Rico.

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- Tonight a judge in PuertoRico has issued search warrants

for the embattled governorthere and his aides.

This as tens of thousandsof people are calling

for Ricardo Rossello to step down.

CBN News National Security Correspondent

Eric Philips join us with the latest

on the scandal rocking Puerto Rico.


- John and Jenna, the protestshave been going on now

for more than a week andthe crowds have been growing

and increasingly unruly which is why

Puerto Rico police wereforced to fire teargas

at protestors within the last 24 hours.

(metal clanging)

Tens of thousands of people have taken

to the streets of San Juan to demand

that governor RicardoRossello resign immediately.

(guns popping)

Days of unrest and clashes with police,

all meant to drive home that message.

- I think it's important forthe people of Puerto Rico

to stand up and protestagainst corruption.

- [Eric] The governorhas long been the subject

of scrutiny because ofthese ongoing allegations.

Then came the powder keg with the release

of 900 pages of chatmessages between the governor

and his inner circle, messages laced

with sexist and homophobic language.

The embarrassed governorconceded his wrong doing

and publicly apologizedwhile also admitting

that would not suffice.

(speaking in foreign language)

- [Translator] I recognizethat it is not enough

to apologize, only work thatwill help restore the trust

of these sectors to headtoward a true reconciliation.

In the face of this, Iannounce that I will not seek

reelection as governor next year.

- [Eric] Plus, Rossello saidhe would resign the presidency

of his political party.

That's not enough for protestors.

- We need him out!

We need a good governor!

We need leadership!

- The governor's done a terrible job.

- [Eric] A sentimentechoed by the president,

especially after Congressapproved billions in relief

for Puerto Rico afterthe island was devastated

by Hurricanes Irma and Maria in 2017.

- Incompetent, totallygrossly incompetent leadership

at the top of Puerto Rico.

- Despite Rossello's refusal to resign,

it seems his administration is imploding.

Just last week, the FBI arrested two

of his top former officialson corruption charges

and several presidential hopefuls

and members of Congress are adding

to the chorus of thosecalling for his resignation.

John and Jenna.

- [John] Britain has a newprime minister tonight.

A closer look at the new leader

and the challenges hefaces when we come back.

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- An effort to save the Iranian nuclear

deal will take place this weekend.

Britain, France, Germany,Russia, and China are set

to meet with leaders of the Iranian regime

to discuss how to salvage the 2015 deal.

It comes as tensions continueto rise in the region.

Iran, on Monday, released images of what

it says are CIA spies, somewho face the death penalty.

President Trump is refuting that claim.

The regime also released footageof Britain's captured ship,

the Stena Impero, and its crew.

Meanwhile, the U.S.will continue to enforce

its maximum pressure campaign on Iran.

- Boris Johnson is the new prime minister

of the United Kingdom.

Britain's conservatives chose him

to lead their party and the country today.

- He is an American supporter

and has defended President Trump.

He's also vowed to makeBrexit happen in three months.

But as Dale Hurd reports,first he has to deal with Iran.

- Boris Johnson arrives atNumber 10 Downing Street

at a challenging time forany new prime minister.

With fears that war couldbreak out with Iran.

Iran's Revolutionary Guardsseized a British-flagged

oil tanker in the Straitof Hormuz last Friday,

revenge for the British seizure

of an Iranian tanker offGibraltar earlier this month.

But Boris Johnson has alreadysignaled he's no hawk on Iran.

During last week's TV debates,Johnson said he would not

support U.S. military action against Iran.

And in 2018, then foreign minister,

Johnson traveled to Washington to try

to persuade President Trump to stay

in the Iran nuclear deal andsaid the British government

remained committed to the deal.

As for his pledge toleave the European Union

by October 31st no matter what,

Johnson inherits the samedivided Conservative Party

and Parliament that helped stymie

and finally bring downPrime Minister Theresa May.

Johnson may also be handeda no-confidence vote

and early election within weeks.

But he does have a friendacross the Atlantic.

- I like him, I like Boris Johnson.

I spoke to him yesterday.

I think he's gonna do a great job.

I think we're going tohave a great relationship.

- [Dale] And that irks a lot of people

in the British establishment.

A BBC interviewer tried to get Johnson

to say something badabout President Trump.

When he wouldn't, itprompted this exchange.

- Will you be as craven ifyou were prime minister?

- You mean towards the UnitedStates of America, craven?

- [Interviewer] Towards anybodywho's powerful in the world?

- Don't be ridiculous, if I may say so.

When it comes to stickingup for UK interests

whether it's over climate change

or over disputes with Iran,over the Iran nuclear deal,

we have been very, very forthright

with the United States of America.

- [Dale] In 2015, Johnson accused Trump

of "stupefying ignorance"

and said Trump was"unfit to hold the office

"of president of the United States."

The former mayor of London, known for his

occasionally wacky style,has adopted a populism

that so far has served him well.

But now as primeminister, he must navigate

through an international crisis,

as possible war clouds loom.

Dale Hurd, CBN News.

- Thanks, Dale.

Mark Esper has officially been confirmed

as the secretary of defense.

The Senate approved thepresident's pick today

with broad bipartisan support.

Esper will be the firstconfirmed secretary of defense

since Jim Mattis left the administration

late last year in December,the longest period

of time the Pentagon has gone

without a congressionally approved leader.

Most recently, Esper has beenserving as an Army secretary.

He was confirmed in avote today of 90 to eight.

- [Jenna] 2020 hopeful Joe Biden releases

his plan for criminal justice.

What it includes next.

(upbeat music)

- [Announcer] Life.

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- [Man] Young people, millennials,are flocking to church.

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to meet them and that welove to know their stories.

- Finally tonight, he may lead Democrats

in the race for the White House

but Joe Biden is following the rest

of the pack on criminal justice.

- The former VP released his own

$20 billion criminal justice reform plan.

It focuses on redemptionand rehabilitation

to help reduce incarceration rates

and disparities in the justice system.

Biden's frequently attackedby fellow Democrats

for his support of the1994 Crime Bill responsible

for increased drug-relatedarrests and stricter sentences.

His new plan also calls for an end

to mandatory minimum sentences

and the death penaltyat the federal level.

- That is going to do itfor tonight's Faith Nation.

- Hope to see you back tomorrow.

(upbeat music)


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