Former Debt Collector Partners with Churches to Pay Off People's Medical Debt
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- My next guest says that all of us
are just one seriousillness or accident away
from finding ourselves in medical debt
that we cannot pay back.
A former debt collector, Craig Antico,
is co-founder of RIP Medical Debt,
a company that partners with churches
and other organizations towipe out people's medical debts
and help them put theirfinancial lives back in order.
Craig joins us now by Skype.
Great to have you on the show.
You say that half of all debt that people
in this country carry is medical debt.
Tell us why there is so much medical debt.
- Well, for example, first of all
it's about a three billion,three trillion dollars is paid
every year for medical, so it's one
of our biggest industrieshere in the country.
Secondly, if you look at, say, hospitals
and doctors, they don'tactually do very good job
of collecting their money.
So, for example, hospitalshave one collector
for ever 8,000 accounts.
So they have to outsourceit to collectors,
and collection agencies and debt-buyers
are how they do that.
- What can happen to someone who gets
into hundreds of thousandsof dollars of debt,
medical debt specifically,and they can't pay it back?
- Well what happens is theyget placed for collection
and they get calls and calls.
It can go on for 10 years or even more.
And if they ignore these calls,
they can get judgementsentered against them.
And the judgments lastfor 10, 20 even 30 years
if they get renewed.
So what's happening isif, you won't believe this
but 7% of all theemployees in this country
have a garnishment on their bank account
or at their job, you know, their pay.
- Wow- 7%, now about half
of that is childcare alimonyand things like that,
but the other half isbetween financial obligations
and medical debt, about halfof that is medical debt.
So you get to the garnishmentand now you're really
having a tremendous amount ofpressure on your livelihood.
- Yeah, no kidding.
How does your company, RIP Medical Debt,
work with churches to payoff people's medical bills?
- Well, what they do isthey come to us and say,
"Well we'd like to helpa group of people."
Usually it's a geographicgroup that's maybe
a 50 mile radius of their churches,
where their campuses are,or their church itself.
And we will actually goand look in our database,
we've got about $5 billionof debt that we can buy
at any one time.
And they will raise moneyfrom their congregation,
a hospital, a church just raiseda hundred thousand dollars
and that will abolishover $10 million of debt.
- Wow, incredible.
Craig Antico, thank you so much
for coming on the broadcast.
- Oh, thank you so much for having me.
- You're welcome.- Bye bye now.