(dramatic music)
- [Jenna] Tonight.
- They came in illegally,they go out legally.
- [Jenna] The president is forging ahead
with planned ICE raids
to deport thousands offamilies this weekend.
(man yelling in foreign language)
And this video of a guardsmanjumping onto a drug sub
shows at-sea takeovers in action, plus...
- This was him, not me.
- [Jenna] The state of the cabinet
after the Secretary ofLabor calls it quits
in the wake of a sex trafficking deal.
- You are a punk, you're nota journalist, you're a punk.
- [Jenna] And the altercationat the White House
that's putting journalists in a bad light.
- Well, the biggest nuclearthreat remains Russia.
- [Jenna] Plus, thethreat of a nuclear weapon
extends beyond North Korea and Iran.
And on the horizon of 50 years since this.
- [Astronaut] The heavens havebecome a part of man's world.
- [Jenna] We bring you the faith story
behind mankind's first trip to the moon.
All that and more,tonight on Faith Nation.
(dramatic music)
(upbeat music)
Illegal immigrants put on notice.
Welcome to Faith Nation,I'm Jenna Browder.
- And I'm Eric Philips, infrom John Jessop tonight.
Illegal immigrants are on the edge
of a deportation raid situation
scheduled to begin this Sunday.
- And this as top Democrats,like Speaker Nancy Pelosi,
lobby Christian evangelical leaders
to call on PresidentTrump to stop the raids.
- CBN News White Housecorrespondent Ben Kennedy joins us
live from the north lawnwhere the president talked
about his plan, Ben.
- Well Eric and Jenna,President Trump made clear
this weekend's migrant raids are a go.
He's promised the removal of millions
of illegal aliens, and come Sunday,
some 2,000 could face deportation.
- I have an obligation to do it.
They came in illegally;they go out legally.
- [Ben] President Trumpis not backing down
on plans for a nationwide raid.
- We are really, specificallylooking for bad players,
but we're also looking forpeople that came into our country
not through a process.
They just walked over a line.
They have to leave.
- [Ben] ICE agents aretargeting undocumented migrants
in as many as 10 cities.
- Now is not the time to panic.
- [Ben] Today, members of theHispanic Congressional Caucus
condemned the idea.
- This president is also trying to pander
to the right-wing fringe by demonizing
our immigrant neighbors.
- [Ben] This after HouseSpeaker Nancy Pelosi admitted
Hispanic evangelicals helpedconvince the president
to call off the firstround of deportations.
- They were very concernedthat this goes too far
because these raids werenot what they signed up for
with President Trump,
and I think their calls to thepresident made a difference.
- [Ben] Now she's callingon those same leaders
to try to stop thisweekend's planned raids.
- I would appeal to the people of faith,
the faith-based organizations,
to appeal to the president.
I think that they put him in office,
and they have a better voice for this.
- [Ben] We talked to one of those leaders,
Reverend Tony Suarez,who said they are working
with the White House.
- Nobody wants raids.
Nobody wants a raid to take place.
What we have been assuredis that if there is a raid,
it's very targeted andlimited in its scope.
- [Ben] But the presidentis putting the blame
squarely on Democrats.
- What the Democrats should be doing now
is they should be changing the loopholes.
They should be changing asylum.
- [Ben] Senator Lindsey Graham is joining
other GOP leaders heading tothe southern border Friday
with the vice president.
- To deport people who'vegone through the process
and lost their case to me is not cruel.
- Now Vice President Mikeplans to emphasize that point
during his border visit.
He's there right now withthe media and even lawmakers
touring a detentioncenter to see firsthand
the immigration crisis.
Pence says agents are overwhelmed,
and Congress needs to act now.
Eric, Jenna?
- All right, Ben Kennedy atthe White House, thank you.
Well the president is commending
the bravery of the CoastGuard after what he called
an amazing drug seizure caught on camera.
Take a look at this.
(man yelling in foreign language)
A Coast Guard yell, a CoastGuardsman yelling abandon ship.
The Coast Guard sees some39,000 pounds of cocaine
worth $569 million over the course
of 14 at-sea takeovers just like this one.
The June 18th video shows guardsmen
leaping on a 40-foot narco submarine
loaded with more than17,000 pounds of cocaine.
The semi-submersible cartel-funded vessels
are infamously elusive andare almost never spotted.
A Coast Guard spokesman compared them
to a white whale.
- Now to election 2020.
New polling shows JoeBiden and Elizabeth Warren
leading the pack of Democrats
hoping to win the White House.
The NBC News Wall Street Journal poll
shows the former vice president with 26%
among Democratic primary voters,
Warren at 19%, androunding out the top four
are Kamala Harris andBernie Sanders, both at 13%.
Now Biden is most popularwith African Americans,
older Democrats, and moderates.
Most of Warren's support comes
from self-described liberalsand younger Democrats.
- Secretary of Labor Alex Acosta is out,
his resignation coming as a surprise today
just one day after he helda public news conference
fighting for his job.
Today, the president madesure to distance himself
from Acosta who came underfire for his handling
of a 2008 plea deal withbillionaire Jeffrey Epstein.
Epstein is accused of sexually abusing
dozens of underage girls.
- This was him, not me,because I'm with him,
and in so many ways,
I just hate what he's saying now
because we're gonna miss him.
- I do not think it is right and fair
for this administration's labor department
to have Epstein as the focus rather than
the incredible economy that we have today,
and so I called thepresident this morning.
I told him that I thought the right thing
was to step aside.
- [Jenna] And Acosta'sresignation means his replacement
will become the seventh officialin the president's cabinet
with an acting role.
Officials with acting titlesnow helm nine key agencies
in the Trump administration,
including the FAA and FDA.
- And with that, we wannabring in Caitlin Conant,
CBS News PoliticalDirector for some analysis.
Thank you very much for joining us today.
- Thank you so much for having me guys.
- Glad to have you.
What do you make of this whole resignation
on behalf of Acosta?
- Well I think it'sclear that the president
headed into the week not wanting him
to have to resign.
As you guys mentioned,
he gave the press conference yesterday,
but it was clear that thestory just wasn't going away,
and they were not gonnaweather this storm,
and it became too much of a distraction
for the Department ofLabor who, as Acosta said,
would rather be talking about the economy
heading into the 2020 presidentialelection than Epstein.
- And what does it meanfor President Trump?
You know, he came out there and said
this is Epstein's decision, not mine,
and he had some glowing words for--
Excuse me, Acosta not Epstein.
Glowing words for Acosta.
- Right, and again, I thinkhe really would have preferred
for him to stay,
but it was just clear
that this was gonna be a distraction.
The one thing that is clearabout this administration
is that everything is unprecedented,
so as you mentioned,
we're gonna have moreacting cabinet secretaries
than we've seen,
but I think the administration would say
that it's very hard to getthese jobs passed on the Hill,
especially given the divisive nature
of Washington these days,
and President Trump also toldmy colleague at CBS News,
Margaret Brennan earlier this year,
that he actually likes havingacting cabinet secretaries
because, in some ways, itkinda keeps them on their toes,
and if he wants to makechanges, he can make changes,
so this is a very unusual presidency,
and I think is justanother example of that.
- Yeah, well unconventionalis definitely one word
you could use to describe it,
but as far as all these acting positions,
what does that mean for theadministration as a whole
in terms of things like stability?
- Well I think in many ways,
Donald Trump is the messenger,
and he's running the show,
and we saw to day when he came out
with that press conference wherehe addressed several issues
that he is driving the train, so again,
this is unconventional,
and it's like nothing we've seen,
but they have their,this is how he operates.
- On a different topic Caitlin,
ICE will round up illegalimmigrants this Sunday,
thousands of them.
How do you see this playing out?
- Well I think theDemocrats will talk a lot,
about it a lot on the campaigntrail over the weekend,
but this is clearly an issue
that the president wantsto be talking about
heading into the election.
I think he's made the calculation
that having a hard-lineposition on immigration
and enforcing the rule of law
is something that's gonna be good for him,
and we've seen in the press,the past presidential debate
on the Democratic sidethat many of the candidates
have gone really far to the left
when they're talking about immigration.
So whether it's calling to abolish ICE
or decriminalize the border
or give healthcare toundocumented immigrants,
they've moved farther to the left,
and I think this is a battle
that the president wants to have.
He's trying to turn the page from Epstein
and make the message about immigration.
- When you talk about 2020 and the battle
that's gonna exist there,
we see Bernie Sanders climbing
and Elizabeth Warren doing the same.
How much of a threatis Elizabeth to Bernie?
- Well we saw in a new NBCWall Street Journal poll today
that about 54% of people prefer big change
when it comes to policies andthat they want big change,
and even if that meansthere's less of a chance
of it getting passed,
and of that population of theDemocratic primary voters,
they prefer Elizabeth Sanders and Bernie--
Sorry, Elizabeth Warren, yes, excuse me,
and Bernie Sanders is a close second,
but then about 41% saidthat they would prefer
a candidate who has morepolicies that might have
more of a chance ofpassing, but not be as bold,
and of those voters,they prefer Joe Biden.
So I think that again,
this is the divide betweenthe progressive policies
and the more mainstream,
and what's interesting about the election
is which one is gonna prevail,
and if it is the more progressive,
does that candidate actually have a chance
of beating Donald Trumpin the general election?
- What about Kamala Harris?
Just a few seconds left here,
but she also got a big bumpafter that last debate,
is climbing in the polls,
but some say she wenttoo far in that debate
in calling into questionJoe Biden's record on race,
so how do you see this?
- Well I think Kamala Harris
clearly had a bump in the polls.
She got a lot of mediaattention after the debate,
but we're a long wayaway from the election,
and what I have heard from some of the,
my team in the field isthat a lot of people thought
okay, when we're talkingabout electability,
if she was able to bringthe case to Joe Biden
and at least have a moment,
maybe we could see her onstage with President Trump
and that she'd be able to prosecute him
and hold him accountable,
so again, a long way to go. (laughs)
- And we'll be thereevery step of the way.
Thanks so much.- Thank you very much Caitlin.
Thanks Caitlin.- Thanks.
- Well coming up, a black eyefor Washington journalists.
That's what some are saying
after a dust-up at the White House.
(dramatic music)
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- Welcome back.
After numerous complaints of bias
by major social media sites,
President Trump hosteda group of conservatives
at the White House Thursday.
- And he told them the tech giants
won't get away with it much longer.
Jennifer Wishon has the story.
(logo whooshing)
- The president signaledsocial media giants
should brace for tough actionsfrom his administration
as he traded censorship stories
with a crowd of conservatives,
and demonstrating tensionsbetween those conservatives
in the mainstream media,
there was even a scufflein the rose garden.
It happened as theconservatives at the summit
waited alongside theWhite House press corps
for the president to make a statement.
(people hollering)
- You are a punk.
You're not a journalist, you're a punk.
- Go home.(people yelling)
Go home.
Hey orca, get a job.
- [Jennifer] An explosionat the end of a day
where conservative activists,thinkers, and influencers
enjoyed an open and sympatheticear from the president.
- Together, you reach more people
than any televisionbroadcast network by far.
Not even close.
- [Jennifer] Lila Rose sharedhow her group, Live Action,
has been permanentlybarred from Pinterest,
had viral videos buried on YouTube,
and that's not all.
- We have been for four years banned
from doing any advertising on Twitter,
and they told us that in orderto reinstate our accounts,
we'd have to stopcalling for the defunding
of Planned Parenthood and stopsharing our pro-life content.
- [Jennifer] Stories like hers are common.
- The Daily Signalpublished a video last year
with a pediatriciantalking about the dangers
of giving puberty blockers to kids.
The video went viral on Facebook.
In fact, it reached 70 million views
when all of a sudden it disappeared,
and we took our case to Facebook.
We said why did you take thisdown off of your platform?
It took Facebook a littlewhile to get back to us,
but eventually they did restore the video
and apologized for doing that.
- [Jennifer] A Hill TVAmerican Barometer survey
in December found 58% ofvoters think social networks
are unfair to conservatives.
The same poll found Generation Z,
folks born in themid-1990's and early 2000's,
are the only age group thatbelieves social media companies
are not biased against conservatives.
Missouri Republican Senator Josh Hawley
says enough is enough.
- Google, Facebook, Twitter.
They've gotten these specialdeals from government.
They've gotten a specialgiveaway from government.
They're treated unlike anybody else.
If they wanna keep their specialdeal, here's the bargain.
They have to quit discriminatingagainst conservatives.
You agree with that?
No more!(people applauding)
- Senator Hawley has introduced a bill
that requires these big tech companies
to prove their algorithmsand content removal practices
are politically neutral.
Jennifer Wishon, CBN News, Washington.
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- The Iranian nuclear threathas been grabbing headlines,
and other countries thoughalready have an arsenal,
and Russia is reportedly better equipped
than the U.S. right now.
- Iran better be careful.
They're treading on verydangerous territory.
- [Eric] The presidentwarning Iran after the regime
took a number of recent aggressive steps,
including raisinguranium enrichment levels
enough to make nuclear weapons.
- Iran, if you're listening,you better be careful.
Thank you.
- [Eric] While that's amajor potential concern,
officials have to keep theireyes on other countries, too,
especially Russia.
Eric Edelman is a former diplomat
and defense department official.
- The biggest nuclearthreat remains Russia
because they're the onlyother country with an arsenal
that does pose an existentialthreat to the United States,
although China's arsenal is growing.
- And I've been rougher on Russia
than any president in the last 50 years.
- [Eric] But the Kremlin is making strides
with a new class ofground-based cruise missiles.
They outpace the capabilities
of the U.S. and other NATO countries,
and officials say the weaponsviolate the decades-old
treaty on intermediate-rangenuclear forces, or INF.
The U.S. has already pulledout of that agreement
causing the Pentagon and NATOto quickly develop systems
that could fend off a Russian attack.
Then there's North Korea.
Despite several meetings,the Trump administration
has been unable to convincedictator Kim Jong Un
to shed nuclear weaponry.
The president, still optimistic.
- You have a man thatwhen I came into office,
all he was doing before under Obama
was testing nuclear weaponsand blowing up mountains,
and now he's not doing it.
- [Eric] Progress may be alittle slower going with Russia,
especially against a backdrop
of a deteriorating relationshipafter Russia's involvement
in the 2016 U.S. election.
The U.S. has not builta new nuclear weapon
in over 30 years.
That, coupled with agingdelivery platforms,
has created space for other global powers.
- Both Russia and China are investing
in new nuclear weapons andnew delivery platforms.
We've grown very complacentabout this because since 1945,
nobody has used nuclear weapons in anger,
and so I think there's a tendency to think
no one will ever do this.
- [Eric] That's not to suggest
a premeditated nuclearstrike is on the horizon.
- Nuclear war would becrazy in the abstract
and even in reality.
No one's gonna just decideto launch it out of the blue.
- [Eric] Michael O'Hanlon, a senior fellow
at the Brookings Institution,
insists that setting off a nuclear bomb
would only ever be the last resort.
- The stakes would beextremely high in any kind
of direct confrontationbetween nuclear-armed countries
because you don't know atwhat point the losing side
is going to accept defeatrather than escalate
to nuclear threats or nuclear use.
- While the likelihood of a nuclear war
may not be particularly high,
U.S. officials understandthat when another country,
especially a competitor, is better armed,
it could take years to catch up,
which puts America at adangerous disadvantage.
When we come back,
the faith story behindthe mission to the moon,
some 50 years since Apollo 11.
Stay with us.(dramatic music)
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- Next week marks 50 years
since the first man landed on the moon,
and we're hearing the faith story
behind the Apollo missions.
- From prayer in spaceto communion on the moon,
CBN News nationalcorrespondent Paul Strand
spoke to author BillFederer to find out how God
figured into the giant leap for mankind.
- We're speaking with William Federer
who's the author of americanminute.com,
a daily history lesson on the Internet,
and Bill, you know a lotabout the Apollo missions.
Now this Apollo 11, was aboutthe first thing that happened
was a spiritual act on the moon.
Can you tell us about it?
- Right, so the eagle lands,
and before Buzz Aldrin andNeil Armstrong get off,
Buzz Aldrin celebratescommunion in the lunar module,
and he was a Presbyterian,
went to the WebsterPresbyterian church in Houston.
The pastor, Dean Woodruff,talked about commemorating
this momentous event in a special way
and gave him a little silver cup
which is on display at the church,
and he pours the grapejuice in one-sixth gravity,
and so it does this little curl in there,
and then he reads John 15.
"I'm the vine, and you are the branches,"
and then he celebrates communion.
So the very first things
consumed on the moon was communion.
- Wow, now because ofsomething that had happened
earlier on the Apollo eight mission,
I understand NASA was a little leery
about doing this publicly.
What happened?
- Right, so right before BuzzAldrin celebrated communion,
he asked for radio silenceand said that hopes
that those on earth will in their own ways
celebrate this momentous event,
but a couple Apollo missionsearlier, Apollo eight,
Frank Borman, Jim Lovell, and Bill Anders,
they're circling the moonon Christmas Eve, 1968,
and they read the first eight lines
from the book of Genesis overthe airwaves to the earth,
and there was an atheistnamed Madeline Murray O'Hare,
and she threatened to sue NASA,
so from that time on,
they said if you wannato something spiritual,
we're gonna do it with the microphone off.
- Aldrin had anotherspiritual moment publicly
on the way back.
What did he say?
- Well here, they're in the lunar module
or the Colombia coming back, and he says,
"This has been more than three men
"on a mission to the moon.
"Personally and reflecting on the events
"of the past several days,
"a verse from Psalms comes to mind.
"When I consider the heavens,the work of thy fingers
"and the moon and the stars
"which thou hath made, ordained,
"what is man that thouart mindful of him?"
And then of course, Neil Armstrong says,
"To all those who are listening on earth,
"God bless you and goodnight from Apollo 11."
- God got in there twice.
Not that long after Apollo 11,
Apollo 13 had a real crisis in space,
and how did that end up bringing God
into the entire world's consciousness?
- So an oxygen tank blows up,
and they have to give up theirplans of landing on the moon
and their goals to makeit back to earth safely,
and so President Nixon hasa national day of prayer,
and they're praying atthe Chicago Board of Trade
and the Wailing Wall and the Vatican.
All around the world, they're praying.
Even minted coins, andthe astronauts are able
to piece together an oxygen filter,
transfer the electrical charge
from the lunar landing moduleback into the command module,
and then, they'relanding near a hurricane,
and they have to last minute move it
215 miles to the opposite direction,
and so this was commemorated with Nixon
having a day of thanksgiving to celebrate,
and the cover of Time Magazine says
when the whole world prayed.
- Charles Duke was aChristian on Apollo 16.
What did he see on themoon that made him realize
that the Bible knew aboutsome scientific facts
that weren't discovered
for like thousands of years by science?
- Well this is 1972, Apollo 16,
and Charles Duke later saysin Isaiah 40:22, it is said,
"It is He that sitteth uponthe circle of the earth,"
and in Job 26:7, it is written,
"He hangeth the earth uponnothing," and it goes on.
Who told Isaiah thatthe earth was a circle,
and now did the writer of Job,
and how did the writer of Job know
that the earth was hung upon nothing?
So this is Charles Duke acknowledging that
this is God that created the world.
- Man, all right, well thankyou so much William Federer.
We've been speaking with William Federer,
author of American his,the americanminute.com.
- Mmm, one small step forman powered by one big God.
- Incredible, that's so cool.
All right, have a great weekend everybody.
(dramatic music)