Flooding Fears: Louisiana Braces for 'Major Weather Event' as Tropical Storm Barry Bears Down
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- [George] Thousands of Louisianans
are breaking out sandbagsor fleeing to higher ground
as Tropical Storm Barry threatens to turn
into the first hurricane of the season.
- This is gonna be a major weather event
for a huge portion ofthe state of Louisiana.
- Clarence Brocks has livedhere in Plaquemines Parish
for 65 years, he has livedthrough Hurricane Katrina
and like so many residentsisn't taking any chances.
- If we lost everything and ifwe started from full scratch.
But if we didn't lose everything
'cause we still had ourlives and our health.
- [George] The forecastshows Barry making landfall
as a tropical storm, and because
it's a very slow-movingsystem which could stay
in the area longer than usual authorities
are warning residents tobrace for serious rainfall
and widespread flooding,posing a huge potential test
of New Orleans's flood defenses.
- Already the ground's very saturated.
The Mississippi running very, very high
into portions of Louisiana andit's not gonna take that much
to produce problems, but we are talking
about very heavy rainfall,the potential for a foot
or two of rain along intothe east of the track.
And notice it's onlyslowly making its move
off toward the north.
- [George] Hurricane warnings are up
for most of the Louisianacoast as the weather system
has already brought dangerousstorm surge, heavy rains,
and gusty winds to city.
- Well, I'm more concerned'cause if it turns to the East
and we're on the wrong sideof it you have a lot of rain
and you have a lot of flooding going on.
- [George] So the state's governor
is telling folks to get ready and not wait
until the last moment.
- I am encouraging, I'mimploring residents to prepare.
- [George] Parts of the region
could get up to 25 inches of rainfall.
Making matters more precarious,the Mississippi River
is already at extremely high levels,
above 16 feet in some places.
In New Orleans where 50levies failed back in 2005
during Hurricane Katrina
the city's mayor is warning residents
that water is going tobe their biggest threat.
- We do expect that thisstorm will be slow moving.
We're going to get heavyrainfall for up to 48 hours.
- In low-lying areaslike Plaquemines Parish
some 10,000 people havebeen ordered to evacuate
ahead of the storm.
Tropical Storm Barry isexpected to make landfall
sometime between late Fridaynight into Saturday afternoon.
George Thomas, CBN News.