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700 Club Interactive - July 10, 2019

Julian McCray’s fatherless quest for affirmation lead him down a destructive path of drug addiction, but God called him out of darkness into new life. Read Transcript

- [Gordon] His search for identity

led him into drug addiction.

- You had to keep doingmore, and more, and more

to get that, literally, a 30 second fix.

- [Gordon] That addictionleft him homeless.

- [Julian] Knowing you have nowhere to lay

your head down at nightis the worst feeling.

- [Gordon] Then he remembered something

that changed his life.

- [Julian] I had this feelingwithin me, this knowing,

that my only way out was Jesus.

- This and more on today's700 Club Interactive.

Well welcome to the show.

Summer is here and many peoplelike to enjoy the sunshine.

But too much sun can lead toproblems like skin cancer.

- Doctors commonly recommendsunscreen as protection,

but as CBN's Lorie Johnson reports,

there are some new concernsabout those products.

- [Lorie] Our skin can pay a hefty price

for summer fun in the sun.

Just one blistering sunburnin your younger years

can increase the risk for deadly melanoma.

- The UV exposure, anultraviolet exposure,

from the sun's rays isreally the number one

most preventable an avoidable cause

of not only skin cancer,but also signs of aging.

So things like fine lines, wrinkles,

brown spots, loss of elasticity.

- [Lorie] Dermatologist Whitney Bowe

says all of us should use sunscreen

but points out the FDA is now questioning

chemical sunscreens with ingredients

like oxybenzone and avobenzone.

- They're actually callingfor sunscreen manufacturers

to really take a closer look at

the safety of some of those ingredients.

- [Lorie] Recent studiesshow some sunscreen chemicals

can be absorbed into the bloodstream.

That's why the FDA states,"These products need

"to undergo furthertesting to help determine

"if they increase the risk for cancer,

"birth defects, or other adverse effects."

And while those chemicalsunscreens warrant further study,

the FDA says mineral sunscreensare generally recognized

as safe and effective.

However there aredrawbacks to those as well.

- So mineral or physical blockers

basically act like a shield,they sit on the skin,

and they reflect or scatter UV rays.

Those are the ones that contain

zinc oxide, titanium dioxide,

they can be a littlebit difficult to rub in,

they can sometimes leave you looking

a little bit like a ghost.

- [Lorie] Too often sunscreensdon't offer the protection

they claim and consumersdon't apply them properly.

- So a lot of people are asking me,

"How do we limit the amount of sunscreen

that I'm using during the summer?"

And that's when I tell people,

you gotta think outside the sunscreen box.

- People who are concerned about

slathering sunscreen fromhead to toe all day long,

which is what doctors recommend,

can find peace of mind by covering up

with things like a wide brimmed hat

and new protective clothinglike this swim shirt

that blocks 98% of the sun's harmful rays.

If you do happen to get toomuch sun that leads to a burn,

Dr. Bowe says new CBDproducts can bring relief.

- So cannabis, the cannabis plant,

has two main compounds thatpeople are familiar with.

There's THC, which gets yahigh, and CBD, which doesn't.

But CBD can actually helpto dial down inflammation,

it speeds up wound healing,

and it also has analgesicproperties, so it helps with pain.

- [Lorie] As for that aging look

that comes with too much sun,

Dr. Bowe explains howto potentially replace

collagen in our skinthat the sun breaks down.

- They're basically ropes of protein

that keep the skin firm,and tight, and smooth,

and there's this very hot new trend

of adding a scoop ortwo of collagen powder

into your coffee, into yoursmoothie, into your oatmeal

showing that if you ingestcollagen every single day

it can boost elasticity,hydration in the skin,

and even fight wrinkles.

- [Lorie] Finally, if you choose

a sports drink this summer,make sure it's organic

and no more than two grams of sugar.

- Most sports drinks are loaded with sugar

and sugar causes somethingcalled glycation.

The sugar molecules bind to the collagen

and targets it for destruction.

So it's a great way toaccelerate the aging process.

- [Lorie] Dr. Bowe recommends keeping

our sugar consumptionunder 30 grams a day.

Lorie Johnson, CBN News.

- Well that's really good advice to heed

if you want to look younger.

But you've gotta stay out ofthe sun when you're younger.

How about you, are youstaying in or out of the sun?

- You know, as I approach 30 I've noticed

some changes in my skin,and I was just telling you,

I do take collagen, I don'tthink you're ever too young

to do preventative measures.

But I still enjoy my life, Iput on sunscreen, wear a hat,

but yeah, it's good information though.

- Okay.

- Yeah, what about you?

- I did not stay out ofthe sun when I was young

and I actually really regret it now.

- Really?

- Yeah, I was easily burned,'cause I'm very fair,

but it's something that yeah,

you kind wish you couldroll back the clock and say,

nah, don't do that.

- Yeah.

- It's not gonna be good, you'renot gonna like it later on.

The good news is, becauseI burned so easily,

I was usually covered up,but my hands, my arms.

- Yeah.

- And my face.

- Yeah, they say to putsunscreen even on your hands

as you driving to prevent aging.

- And here's anotherone, if you drive a lot,

watch out for the left side.

- Oh yeah.

- Because that's going toget a lot of sun exposure.

- True, true, good info.

- Well you can learn moreabout the controversies

over sunscreen andkeeping your skin healthy

by going to the HealthyLiving blog on

- Well absenteeism amongfathers is on the rise

an more women find themselves

running their households alone.

Talia Wise has this GoodNews report on one non-profit

working to help to bridge the gap

and show single moms what real men can do.

(upbeat music)

- Being a mom is not an easy task,

and being a single mom, doingit alone is downright tough.

That's why one non-profit is lending

a helping hand to single moms in hopes

of making their lives a little easier.

This is Burly Man Coffee in the making,

and with blends like Gentle Giant,

Tough As Nails, and The Grizzly

it may come as a bit of a surprise

that this company supports a mission

focused on women and families.

- We felt like struggling single moms

have become an epidemic in society.

It's an obvious problem, andyet is very much overlooked

because it's become the norm.

- [Talia] According to theAnnie E. Casey Foundation,

which works to develop betterfutures for at-risk kids,

there were nearly 24 million

single-parent households in 2017.

The Single Parent Success Foundation

reports that 63% of suicides nationwide

are from single-parent families,

and more than half of allyouths incarcerated in the U.S.

come from single family homes.

That's why Jeremy and Tianna Wiles

decided to give back to single moms.

They're the founders of Burly Man Coffee

and wanna give moms a handup, and at the same time,

demonstrate what real men do.

- That's really the missionbehind Burly Man Coffee,

it's to round up menwho wanna do something

in the lives of single moms.

And really what you doat the end of the day

is you make an impact in thechildren, that next generation,

and you give the a fighting chance.

- [Tianna] It's easier tobuild strong boys and girls

than it is to repair broken men and women.

- [Talia] The couple believethe call is a biblical mandate.

- The Bible has called us tohelp widows and the fatherless,

and widows in the 21st century

are not just your traditionalsense of being a widow,

losing your husband todeath, but it's single moms.

We, as the body of Christ,are called to help them.

- [Talia] Along with helping families,

the couple is honoring the women

they call heroes, like Celeste.

Celeste lives in amakeshift single car garage

with her 16 year old autistic son, Logan.

- Well, it's a battle, it'sall about keeping him happy.

Tap, tap.

You can do it with your bubbles.

If he's happy, we're all happy.

- [Talia] Celeste hasn'thad a car in four years

making it difficult to buy groceries

and get to doctors' appointments.

A few years ago she saved up enough money

to buy a used car online,

but when she went to register the vehicle

she found out the car was stolen.

Tianna and Jeremy heard about her story

and decided to give her a new car.

- I think that God looksdown and He sees you stuck

and He doesn't want you to be stuck.

And so we thought we'd do just something

to keep you moving forward.

- Literally.

- Literally.

- Okay.

(dramatic music)

Are you kidding me?

- [Talia] They are also helping Logan.

They sent him to theCenter for Brain Training

in South Florida to help him learn

how to communicate withhis mom and so much more.

- This isn't just gifts,

this is allowing my son tocommunicate, this is words.

It's not just a gift,this is something that

is gonna protect his brain,

this is something that'sgonna give him comfort.

- [Talia] The couple says theywanna give more cars away,

but their vision is two-fold.

They not only want to help moms,

they also wanna combata widely-heard message

that masculinity is toxic.

- I don't think masculinity is toxic,

I think Jesus is the truedefinition of masculinity,

and Christ-likeness andmanhood are synonymous.

- [Tianna] We want theJesus Kindness Movement

to permeate the community that we're in.

Show 'em this is what "burly" means,

burly, being strong in Christ,

having the heart of Christ,

being a man in Christ iswhat makes the difference.

- Jeremy also says being a burlyman is all about hard work,

dedication, honesty and integrity.

That's why they're working to give

struggling single moms some real hope.

That's CBN Good News.

I'm Talia Wise, until next time,

make time to spread alittle bit of good news.

(upbeat music)

- That's a wonderful report.

What a wonderful thingthey're doing to say,

let's recognize that single moms

are the widows in our midst.

That it's so hard to raisechildren on your own,

how do you balance job,and being a single parent,

and this is whetheryou're a man or a woman.

Predominantly it's fallingon the women to do this,

but there are also single mentrying to raise families too.

So, how do we reach out to'em, how do we help them?

What a wonderful thing to do.

- Yeah, I love that, it's good.

- Well up next, a young man loses his job

and his apartment because of addiction,

and then, his life gets even worse.

- Heroin took everythingI had but my life.

Walking down the streetknowing you have nowhere

to lay your head down atnight is the worst feeling.

- See how he finds a wayof escape behind bars.

(upbeat music)

Julian McCray never knew his father

but he missed him every day.

Julian's longing to fillthe void in his life

led him down a path ofcocaine, then Oxycontin,

an then eventually heroin.

One night he uttered a desperate prayer

and 20 minutes later, hislife was changed forever.

- I felt dirty, I felt broken,

lost, just in utter despair.

- [Narrator] Julian McCraygrew up just outside of Detroit

and was raised by his lovingmom and Christian grandmother

who taught him about Jesus,but he didn't know his father.

- Growing up I wanted to know my father

on a more father/son relationship.

I wanted to know who hewas, know things about him,

but I never had that opportunity.

- [Narrator] Despitebeing raised in church,

as Julian grew older he began

searching for his own identity.

- I used to listen to alot of heavy Hip-hop music.

I would just listen for hours every day

and I would ingest these negative quotes,

negative lyrics andthoughts into my heart.

I used to idolize these rappers

and I used to think bad was good.

I used to think drug-dealing was cool.

- [Narrator] He startedimitating what he'd listened to,

and before long, Julianbegan dealing drugs.

- Got a batch of marijuana,and I bagged it all up.

It went and I did it again,

and that continued for a while,

and then I was into drug-dealing.

- [Narrator] As hisdrug-dealing intensified

so did his own drug abuse.

- Cocaine was my firstaddiction, I would seek it.

I would spend money on it,

I would do it all by myself I my room.

Cocaine had a elevatingbuzz but quickly it dropped

and you were depressed,

and you had to keep doingmore, and more, and more

to get that, literally, a 30 second fix.

But after that, you werein complete depression.

It was so bad and you just kept going

for that next one, the next one.

And it went so fast, you hadto keep going, keep going,

and it was just, you get burnt out.

- [Narrator] While attemptinga fresh start in Florida,

Julian got hooked on Oxycontin,

which cost him his job and his apartment.

He then moved back to Michigan

where his pill addiction led to heroin.

- Heroin took everythingI had but my life.

And any kind of relationshipthat was good for me,

it destroyed.

Any opportunity for good,for a job, it destroyed.

I eventually went fromliving with a friend,

to hopping hotels, to homelessshelter, to homeless shelter,

and then from a homelessshelter, to the street.

Walking down the streetknowing you have nowhere

to lay your had down atnight is the worst feeling.

I remember just wanting to break down

and weep and cry from just walking,

exhausted from walking.

Wanted to lay down, butI had bed, I had no home.

I wouldn't even look atmyself in the mirror.

I would use a lot in bathroomsand I would avoid the mirror.

I knew the person I was lookingat wasn't me, I knew it,

and I didn't wanna look at that person

because I was ashamed,I was just discouraged

of what I let myself become.

- [Narrator] At the height ofhis addiction and hardships,

Julian remembered what his grandmother

taught him about Jesus.

- I had this feelingwithin me, this knowing,

that my only way out was Jesus.

I knew it because Itried to get myself out,

I tried to, when I came tothe point where I wanted help,

I would try, but go lower, and lower.

And I was in utter despair so,

one night I was in a hotelroom with some very bad people,

and I laid down betweenthe bed and the wall,

and I cried out to God, I said,

"God, please take me fromthis cesspool of sin.

"I need You, please help me."

And 20 minutes later, I was in handcuffs.

- [Narrator] Julian was arrested

on old shoplifting warrants.

During his time in jail, heparticipated in Bible studies

and was eventually released

to a program called Team Challenge.

- We were at a church service,

it was an evening church service,

and after the service they had Table Talk.

The gentleman leading the table,

he was just speaking thesescriptures and all these things,

and I was so thirstyfor what he was saying.

I couldn't get enoughof what he was saying,

I was leaning forward just drinking it up.

On the way home from that service

I looked up to the sky andI said, "God, I am all in."

I said, "Forgive me."

I said, "Let's do this."

From that moment on I was born again.

For the next three months

I was in my Word every day all day.

In Second Corinthians 5 it says,

"All who belong to the Lordhave become a new creation.

"Their old life is gone.

"Behold, a new life has begun."

And that's my life.

I have a complete, brand new life.

God didn't just set me freefrom poverty and drugs,

God set me free from me.

- [Narrator] Today Julianis married with a son

and is part of a thrivingchurch community.

He now sees God's love for him

through the way he loves his own son.

- Now that I'm a father,it's drawn me closer to God

in my understanding, inmy intimacy with Him.

When I'm alone with God, itfeels like when I hug my son.

God uses fatherhood to strengthen us.

He also uses marriage to strengthen us

because for me to be a good father,

I have to selfless, Ihave to serve my son.

And that's what love is,love is selflessness.

I need to serve another andlay down my life for another,

and love doesn't seek its own,

and that's what we're calledto do as Christians, to love.

I'm living a life that I don't deserve

and I definitely did not earn,

but my life reveals thenature and character of God.

He's so good, He's somerciful, He's so patient.

When you give your life to Jesus

it doesn't matter where you are,

it doesn't matter what you've done,

he's coming for you and he'sgoing to bring you home.

There's nothing he can't do,

he'll make a way out of no way.

He did it for me, he'll do itfor anyone, he really will.

- And he'll do it foryou, he'll do it for you.

What a wonderful transformation.

Here's Julian and he can't even look

at himself in the mirror.

He's so lost in addiction, hedoesn't have a home anymore,

doesn't have anythinganymore except his addiction.

And he avoids looking at the mirror

'cause he can't stand it.

He knows that what'sgonna stare back at him

isn't really him anymore,it's what he's become.

Can't even look at it.

What does he do?

He cries a very desperate prayer,

Lord, can you help me, can you save me,

can you turn this thing around?

And then 20 minutes lateran answer to the prayer,

very unusual answer, andthat's called handcuffs.

Let's get you off the street,

let's get you into a secure place,

let's get you into a place

where you can't feed your addiction,

and then let's guide you withpeople after My own heart.

That's what the Bible says He'll do.

He will send shepherdsafter His own heart,

and that's what Julianencountered in Team Challenge.

They're having a talk andsomeone's feeding him versus,

that's what shepherdsdo, they feed the sheep,

they encourage the sheep, and he said,

I want this, I need this.

And in that moment he's transformed,

he's no longer and addict.

He's a husband, he's a father,he's a follower of Jesus,

he's learning how not to be selfish,

how to give of yourself and be like

the one who gave everything for you.

Now, how do you get this?

Well, you do the same thing.

Cry out to Him.

If you need a turnaround,today is your day.

Let's pray together, let'spray that same prayer,

and God will do the same thing for you.

Let's pray.

Jesus, that's right, just sayhis name, say it out loud,

Jesus, I come to you andGod I need a turnaround.

I see what You have done for other people,

I want that for me.

Can You change my heart,can You change my spirit,

can You change my innermost being?

And, Lord, can you forgive me

of the things that I've done wrong?

Jesus, I open my heart toyou, I open my life to you.

Come in, make me new,

be my savior.

And, Jesus, if you do this for me,

I want to follow youall the days of my life.

Hear my prayer, for Ipray it in Jesus' name.

Amen and amen.

If you prayed with me,

there's one more thing I want you to do.

I want you to call somebodyan let somebody know,

and we made it easy, all yougotta do is pick up the phone.

Number's on the screen, 1-800-700-7000.

When you call I've got something for you,

it's called "A NewDay", and it's a packet.

There's a CD in there, there'salso a booklet in there.

The CD will tell you what do you do now,

how do you live the Christian life.

And the booklet is full of Bible verses

so that you can get fedtoo, just as Julian was.

It's all free, no financialobligation at all.

All you have to do iscall, 1-800-700-7000.


- Well coming up, a littleboy crippled by leg pain

gets the chance to run andplay again when we come back.

(upbeat music)

- This DVD, "The Treasuresof the Second Temple",

it's part mystery, part who-done-it,

and part where are they now.

The treasures from the Temple, we know,

were taken to Rome, and yougo to Rome you can see today

the Arch of Titus, andon there is the menorah,

on there is the table of showbread,

you can see the silver trumpets,all from the Second Temple.

And they were put into a temple in Rome,

they weren't melted down,

they were preserved bythe Romans as trophies

of their victory overthe city of Jerusalem.

Well Rome got sacked,and then what happens

to the treasures after that?

Well we trace them allthe way to Carthage,

then we find them again in Constantinople,

then they end up where, ofall places, back in Jerusalem.

It's a great mystery ofwhere they are today,

I want you to have this,it's a wonderful DVD

where you can know what happened

to the treasures of the Second Temple.

It's yours for a donationof any dollar amount.

So the minimum is $1, butyour donation for this DVD

goes into our other productionsunder CBN Productions

for other documentaries ofthe archeology of Israel.

We're doing a wonderful movieon the life of Saint Patrick.

Your donation will gointo the production cost,

distribution cost of those other projects.

So, be a part of it.

Call us, 1-800-700-7000 and just say,

I want to get a copy of Temple Treasure.


- A little boy in Tanzanianamed Elia wasn't able

to run and play like theother children in his village.

In fact, he could barely even walk.

Operation Blessing wasable to step in to help.

Take a look.

- [Narrator] Elia is a happy little boy,

but walking has always been a struggle.

- When he was a babyhis legs were bowed out.

We thought he would outgrow it,

but as he got older it became worse.

With every step he takes he is in pain.

- [Narrator] He often watches hopelessly

as other children play and run around.

- He'd cry out, "Comeback and play where I am!"

He knows he is not like them.

He points to his legs and asks,

"When will I be able towalk and run like they do?"

The hospital told us he needed surgery,

but there was no way we could afford it.

There were days I went inside the house,

locked myself in, and criedout to God help my son.

- When his mom learnedabout Plaster House,

a ministry supportedby Operation Blessing,

she reached out to us.

We visited their home and soon arranged

for him to get the surgery he needed.

One of the many benefits of him

getting the surgerynow when he's so young,

it'll heal really well, and pretty soon

he's gonna be able to go to school

without anybody ever teasing him,

nobody giving him a hard time,

and he'll be able to run around

and play with all the other kids.

- Elia's Mother] I knewGod would hear my prayers.

- [Narrator] After a successful surgery,

Elia and his mom went toPlaster House for his recovery.

Now that the casts areremoved he's up and running.

- The day his cast cameoff he was very excited

and wanted to walk immediately.

All his pain is gone.

Now every time he sees other kids play

he runs to them to play.

Surely it is God, He blessedyou, so you can bless us.

Thank you, may God continue to bless you

so more mothers andchildren may be helped.

- If you're a member of the 700 Club,

that blessing goes to you.

If you're not a member, callus and join, 1-800-700-7000.

God bless, we'll see you again.

(upbeat music)

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