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'Incredibly Significant': One Man’s Quest for the Ark of the Covenant Takes Him Beneath the Temple Mount

'Incredibly Significant': One Man’s Quest for the Ark of the Covenant Takes Him Beneath the Temple Mount Read Transcript

- [Narrator] Researcherand author Harry Moskoff

took CBN News throughthe Western Wall tunnels

up to the ramparts of the Temple Mount

and into the chambers surroundingJudaism's holiest site.

His book, "The A.R.K. Report" chronicles

his two-decade quest tofind the legendary icon.

- So here we are approachingthe three arches.

- [Narrator] He says onetheory is that it was taken out

of the temple and carriedto Jericho, 18 miles away.

- It says in Jeremiah,that some of the vessels

of the temple wereactually, sort of escaped,

as it were through this area,

the destruction of the first temple.

- [Narrator] But Moskofftook us to the spot

where he believes the ark lies.

- This particular sectionof the Western Wall

is really fascinating, actually.

Because this stone is 570 tons.

- [Narrator] Moskoff believesa key clue lies behind

this giant rock and sayshigh tech search tools

give credence to his theory.

- Two years ago there were tests done

by the University ofNebraska, sonar tests,

et cetera, using electromagnetic waves.

And they actually foundwhat's called a storage space

across from here.

So actually there's a purposefor putting this giant stone,

this massive slab here.

One of the reasons, in myopinion, is to protect whatever

it is on the other side.

And according to my theory of the ark,

actually was buried by KingHosea and I think it was 568 BC

and in the back of theseboulder, these massive stones.

- [Narrator] In fact,underneath the Temple Mount,

lie dozens of undergroundtunnels and chambers.

- Back then, a 150 yearsago, Charles Warren went in

and actually did a survey.

Nothing's really been donefor political purposes,

obviously, unfortunately--

- Since then?- Since then.

No one's been allowed, toeven bring a shovel, nothing.

But basically they were the ones

that surveyed the whole area

and they are the ones who pickedout the tunnels, et cetera.

They couldn't find the ark.

- Maybe it wasn't time.

- [Narrator] Warren, a British explorer,

documented those tunnels atthe request of Queen Victoria.

Just one of many throughouthistory looking for the ark.

- When people like the Crusadersand the Nights Templar,

even the (mumbles) Exploration Fund,

which was eventually commissionedby the Queen Victoria,

came over the centuriesto look for the ark.

What they were lookingfor was a golden box,

with the staves, but what theyreally should be looking for

is a room.

They could've been rightup against the wall

and on the other sideof the wall is the ark.

- [Narrator] Moskoff saysthe original Holy of Holies

had another chamber directly below it.

- Actually the blueprintitself of the first temple,

a chamber should bebuilt exactly the same,

Holy of Holies, exactlythe same level of holiness

as the one right above it.

It was set up right from the beginning

to house the ark with thegolden floor and everything.

- That's how Solomonbuilt it, construct it,

so the ark itself could go down.

- [Harry] Right, could go down.

- Do you feel like there'sa time when the ark itself,

when the time is right, will be revealed?

- I do, timing is incredibly important.

Incredibly significant.

Obviously it's agroundbreaking, game-changing,

biblical type of discovery.

My personal opinion isthat when it does happen,

it won't be in a clandestine way.

Where we're sneakingthrough these tunnels,

you know what I mean andwe're bringing it out

under cover of darkness,it will be a great occasion

and it will up bring the Messiah.

It will be something that all nations

will really rejoice in.

- [Narrator] Moskoff creditsIndiana Jones and the Lost Ark

for the renewed interest.

- There are some things thatthey got right about them,

you know, the power of the ark, et cetera.

And it's destructive forcesshouldn't get in the wrong hands

and no one knows where it is, so to speak.

It suddenly became a thing, you know?

Well what is the Ark ofthe Covenant, you know?

What is that?

Oh yeah, it sort of put itinto the face of the public

and maybe that was it's best success.

I loved it, personally,you know, it's Hollywood.

- What do you think is themain takeaway people need

to know about the Ark of the Covenant?

- That it's a real thing, justlike it did 2700 years ago.

It still exists today.

It's got the broken tabletsthat Moses carries down

there on Mount Sinaiand the second tablets.

It really does exist and we'rereally gonna see, hopefully,

in our lifetime again.

And it is a catalystfor the Messiah to come.

- [Narrator] Until it isrevealed, the Ark of the Covenant

built by Moses in thewilderness will continue

to fascinate the world.

Chris Mitchell, CBN News,

the Western Wall tunnels, Jerusalem.


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