China Govt Harvesting Human Organs from Falun Gong, Other Prisoners Also Victims
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(dramatic cinematic music)
- There's disturbing newsjust out from London.
An independent internationaltribunal concludes
that China is killing prisoners
in order to harvest their organs.
Organ transplant tourismto China is big business
and big dollars are involved.
The tribunal found thatsome of the victims
of the forced organharvesting are detainees
from the Falun Gong movement.
Former Falun Gong and andUyghur Muslim inmates report
they were subjected toongoing medical checkups
and blood testing.
China says it stoppedharvesting the organs
of executed prisonersabout five years ago,
but the China tribunalsuggests it is still happening.
Here to fill us in withmore is Mr. Gary Bauer.
Gary is a member of the US Commission
on International Religious Freedom.
Gary, thanks for joining us.
It's good to see you again.
- Well it's my pleasure to be with you,
but it's sad that we, in this day and age,
we're talking about something so horrible
and so evil as this.
- Yeah, so fill us in on moreof the tribunal's findings
and share your thoughts, please.
- Well, this is a very credible group.
The chairman of it, Sir Geoffrey Nice,
has devoted years of workon human rights issues.
The other members ofthe tribunal were people
that were steeped in Chinesehistory, Chinese culture.
They interviewed dozensand dozens of witnesses,
so this is a very credible report.
And what it shows, as yousummarized, is that China,
in spite of previous denials,has literally been killing
prisoners of conscience in many cases.
Chinese who are in jail
because of the way they'reseeking God or they worship God,
and the Chinese governmentis threatened by that,
and they're killing these prisoners
and are harvesting theirinternal organs for profit.
No doubt the money goes tothe Chinese Communist Party,
or perhaps to thePeople's Liberation Army.
This is just one more example
of what is the egregiousviolations of human rights
and religious liberty in China
that the United States Commission
on International ReligiousFreedom has been reporting on
and indicting China aboutall the way back to 2007,
and again, this year,
we emphasized these Chineseabuses in our own report.
- Gary, the tribunalmentioned the Falun Gong.
Did it find evidence ofother minority groups,
say, Christians orTibetans or other groups?
Uyghur Muslim?
- You know, the evidence seems to point
mostly to the Falun Gong, but, look,
China's an equal-opportunityhuman rights abuser,
so they use different tactics,
different things outsidethe bounds of civilization
depending on what religious group
or other type of groupthat we're talking about,
so, as we know, I think it's becoming
more and more well known,
Chinese Uyghurs, Chinese Muslims,
are being held, in manycases, in detention camps.
Christian churches are being shut down.
Facial recognition technology
has been put into some churches,
so that the government can keep track
of who it is that attends these churches,
and now we're getting this report
about what appears to be a singling out,
mostly of the Falun Gong.
All of these practicesare beyond the pale.
They deserve international condemnation,
and it ought to raiseserious questions in my view,
my personal view, of anybusiness that is doing business,
making a profit in China,
whether they're European businesses,
businesses here in the United States.
They ought to seriously ask themselves
if they want to be doingbusiness in a country
that is engaged in this typeof unbelievable violations
of basic human rights and human dignity.
- And, of course, as it always does,
the Chinese government maintains
it's abiding by international standards,
this is just political propagandabeing used against them,
but I understand this tribunal
looked into this for over a year.
It says there's plenty of evidence.
Where did all the evidencecome from, Gary, do you know?
- Well, they talked to people
that have made it out of China,
or people that have relatives in China
that have been able toshare information with them.
In the internet age, inspite of the worst efforts
of the Chinese government
to stop information fromcirculating, some still gets out,
so all of those things, Ithink, led to these conclusions.
We know from the past thatthere were projections.
We're not talking here
about a couple of dozen incidents a year.
Previous studies showedthat there may have been
as many as 60,000 to90,000 of these killings
taking place each year inwhich organs were harvested.
So this is a level of violations
of human dignity and religious liberty
that I think is very hard forAmericans to even comprehend.
- And this is ongoing becauseit's big business, isn't it?
So, what do we do to stop it?
- Well, the United States Commission
on International Religious Freedom
will be urging Congressand the administration,
the Trump administration,to act on these issues,
to raise them in any kind
of bilateral negotiationswith Communist China,
and we want to keep emphasizingit is still Communist China.
I think over all these years
of normalization of relations with China
we've tended to forget whatkind of a regime it is,
and it ends up that allthis trade with China
ended up changing us, I'm afraid,
more than it changed China,
but we do think there are things
that our government can do, our Congress,
the State Department, the administration,
and we will work with allbranches of government
to help give them guidance on this
in the hope that theseissues will be raised
with greater frequencyand with more passion.
- And I know you and other commissioners
from the US Commission onInternational Religious Freedom
always say there has to be linkage
to religious freedom and trade with China.
So Gary Bauer, the US Commission
on International Religious Freedom,
thank you so much for joining us.
Thank you for your insights.
- Great to be with you this morning.