Iran to Violate Uranium Limits on Heels of Oil Tanker Attacks, US Senator Calls for 'Retaliatory Military Strike'
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- A spokesperson forthe Iranian government
says the country will breakthe uranium stockpile limit
set by the Iran NuclearDeal in the next 10 days.
This, as the US drums up support
after an attack on twoNorwegian oil tankers.
- It's unmistakable what happened here.
- [Amber] The US says thisvideo from the Pentagon
shows Iranians removingan unexploded mine.
They also blame Iran
for attempting to shoot down a US drone.
- The IntelligenceCommittee has lots of data,
lots of evidence.
The world will come to see much of it,
but the American peopleshould rest assured
we have high confidence
with respect to whoconducted these attacks.
- [Amber] While countrieslike the UK and Saudi Arabia
believe the US intelligence,
others, like Germany andJapan, aren't so sure.
National Security Advisor Brad Bowman
tells CBN News the intel is convincing.
- Very few entitieswould have the capability
to pull off attacks like this
for ships that are underway
using the means thatappear to have been used,
and, by the way, Iran has said
they want to shut down the flow
of maritime traffic throughthe Strait of Hormuz.
- [Amber] The Strait of Hormuz,
near the area wherethe attacks took place,
is critical to global oil supply.
Nearly 20% of all crude oil
passes through the narrow passage.
GOP leaders say theWhite House has the right
to defend American interests.
- Unprovoked attackson commercial shipping
warrant a retaliatory military strike
against the Islamic Republic of Iran.
- [Amber] Democraticleaders say they, too,
believe Iran is responsible,
but say the silencefrom allies is telling.
- What we see is a splitof the US from our allies,
and we see Russia andChina coming together.
The Maximalist pressurecampaign has maximally failed.
- [Amber] They also caution against
what looks like a familiar roadmap to war.
- What we see out of the White House
is something disturbingly reminiscent
of the kind of accelerating drumbeat
that got us into the war in Iraq.
- Now, the administrationinsists the president
does not want war with Iran,
but is considering thefull range of options.
Amber Strong, CBN News, Washington.