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Your Questions, Honest Answers: - June 11, 2019


- All right, let's do some questions.

- Time for some questions, ready?

- All right let's go for it.

- [Woman] Okay Pat thisfirst one comes from ED,

who says if you pray for healing

and you have some sin inyour life can you be healed?

Or should you pray for forgiveness

before praying for healing?

Other than unbelief what are some reasons

you may not receive healing?

- Well, I think Jesusgave the perfect answer

when he was giving the wholeoutline of how to have faith

and how to move mountains.

At the end of it hesays and when you pray,

if you have ought against any,

forgive that your heavenlyfather might forgive you.

You see in order to have miracles

you gotta be in a conditionof being born again.

And in order to be in acondition of born again,

you have to be willing to forgive those

who have offended you.

And if you don't do it,

if you have hardened your own heart,

then God's greater than your heart

and you see the resentment that's there,

how can you open yourself to say

I want God's love and I'm born again?

So if there's sin in your heart

the Lord is greater than your heart.

He knows your heart.

And if your heart does not condemn you

then you've got confidence.

If it does condemn you you're not gonna

have faith for healing.

It's just that simple, all right.

- This is Alice who says dear Pat,

my adult son who was raised in church

and accepted Jesus as hissavior at an early age

left the church as he got older.

Now he asks if God is so loving

then why does He let badthings happen to people?

He must be either sadistic or psychotic.

What do I tell him?

- The God of the universesadistic or psychotic.

Is that kid does he know what he's saying?

You know.

- [Woman] He's a grown up now.

- I don't care if he's a grown up.

Whatever he is.


in the world there are people

who are evil who do bad things.

There are the Hitlers of this world.

There are the Stalins of this world.

There are the Mao Zedongs of this world.

There are the Pol Pots of this world

and many many many others who have

brought about the death of many people.

God didn't do that.

They did it.

In addition to the factthere is an evil spirit

that's present throughout theuniverse whose name is Satan

which means the adversaryor Diabolus the Devil

or whatever name you want to give him.

He hates people and he hatesthose created in the image

of God and he wants todestroy what God is doing.

So God is almighty butthink what would happen

if at the time everybodycursed his tongue rotted out.

What would you think ifevery time somebody's husband

was mean to his wifesuddenly his hand fell off.

I mean that kinda stuff doesn'thappen because God allows

evil to continue so that peoplecan voluntarily come to Him.

That's the way the wholething works, all right?

- This is Connie who says dear Pat,

I heard you brieflymention that you do not

believe in the Rapture and I have always

doubted that it would happen like that.

I think that we will allsee Him at that time,

however what about the scripture that says

two will be in the field.

One will be taken and the other left,

which is found in Matthew 24?

That scripture certainly makes it sound

as though some people will be left behind.

Will you explain what that means?

- The whole idea of this Rapture stuff

that's found in the Scofield Bible

was propagated by a guynamed John Nelson of Darby

who was in an early night meeting

and he heard some 17 yearold girl give a message

in tongues talking about all that stuff.

That's where it came from.

Now the idea of that was

there's going to beaccording to this teaching

that there'll be a 7year tribulation period.

Before that tribulationbegins the righteous people

will be called up out of the world

and then the rest of the evilpeople will be left on Earth.

And then will come this tribulation stuff.

And then there'll be anend of it sooner or later.

But that's not what the Bible says.

The Bible says immediately atthe end of the tribulation,

then the Lord will send out His angels

and He will gather His elect from

the four corners of the Earth.

That's what it says.

Now when God comes back again,

when Jesus returns to Earth we will

be called up to be with Him in the air.

That is the Rapture.

It means the catching up.

When Jesus comes back again andthat some intermediate thing

now at that time of coursethose who belong to Him

will at least be taken out of the world.

There's some that read that He will

leave them on Earth andtake the evil people

out of the Earth.

That makes more sense.

The world will be left to us.

But however that happens ofcourse there'll be a separation.

There will be a separation.

The good people will be with the Lord

whether the angels take themout or whether the angels

take out the evil peopleand leave the good ones,

that's up to the Lord but nevertheless

there will be somethinglike that when He comes back

with that other teachingthat was so popularized

with that series Left Behind

just is not Biblically sound that's all.


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