Ken Harrison urges men to be what God created them to be, and to step into marriage, family, and work with new strength.
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- Dead bodies from drive byshootings, mothers sobbing
over their lost sons,women scrubbing blood
off the sidewalks in front of their homes,
all in a night's work forKen Harrison when he was
a street cop in South Central L.A.
Take a look.
- [Narrator] Ken Harrisonis a former LAPD officer
and US Marine.
He's witnessed both the goodand the bad sides of men.
Today, he's the CEO of Promise Keepers.
Ken believes there's alot of bad information
about what true masculinityis in our society today.
In his book, Rise of the Servant Kings,
Ken equips men to confidentlystep into their roles
in marriages, families,work, and friendships
with newfound strengthand embrace God's plans
for their lives.
- Please welcome to The700 Club, Ken Harrison.
It's great to have you here.
- Thank you.
- You wanted to be a policeofficer from the time
you were a young kid.
Where did that come from?
- Oh, my dad.
My dad was a policeman.
He was shot in--
- Family heritage.- South Central
- Whoa.- and moved us up
to Portland, Oregon and gotsaved when he got up there
and so, like a typical kid,
I wanted to follow in my dad's footsteps.
- You know, as a police officer,
you learned firsthand abouthuman nature, particularly men.
What did you learn during that time, Ken?
- It wasn't just frombeing a police officer.
It was also from being in business.
So after I left the LAPD, oneof the lessons I had to learn
was that bad guys don't justdress up in gang clothes
and have guns.
Bad guys often have suitsand ties, and bad ladies
have nice dresses.
You know, greed and sinand perversion don't stop
with our education levelor financial level.
- I loved your book.
I felt like it was for womenas much as, I know it's
geared to men, but the messageis really for all of us.
But your title, Rise of the Servant Kings,
what do you mean by servant kings?
- Yeah, the book, it's a discipleship book
written in men's clothes
with macho stories,(Reporterlaughs)
but it really is a discipleshipbook for everybody.
A servant king, we're allcalled to be kings, men,
in our space, whichmeans we're accountable
to make a difference where we are.
Isaiah 1 says that weneed to care for the poor
and the oppressed, stand up for justice,
and be jealous for God's name.
And if we're single, wecan do that where we are.
If we're married, we'reresponsible for the spiritual state
of our wives and our children.
And it's a servant.
It's not being a ruler.
It's really laying downour rights to ourselves.
As we're told in Ephesians 5:25,
"Men love your wives likeChrist loved the church."
And how did He love her?
He was tortured to death for her.
- Yeah, so where are we falling short?
- Men don't know who they are anymore.
- Why?
Where does that happen?- Well, Satan's
been laying down this trackfor a long, long time,
and we have not stood up with each other.
Men, like Judge Vance Day,in Oregon, they have been
eviscerated by a secularist press.
And when that happens tothem, we haven't as a church,
stood up with each otherand said, "No, I'm standing
"for justice.
"And even if it costs me, I'mgonna stand for what's right
"because I'm a child of God."
And we've forgotten, asmen, as Christians really,
that we're sons and daughters of God.
But as men, we've forgotten who we are.
And God says who we are, not society.
Not a worldly press.
The Bible is where welearn who we are as men.
- So how do we get thatback for men in our culture?
Because that is a God plan.
- Yeah.
Well, we need to have pastorsto start declaring God's word
from the pulpit- Yeah.
- with boldness, courage and humility.
You know, the Bible teachesolder men teach the younger men.
Older women teach the younger women.
We as men need to startteaching the younger men.
And there are so many singlemoms today who have sons
who say, "How's my songoing to learn to be a man?
"Who will teach him?"
You know, if we all in ourchurches just started to take,
hey, just an hour, twohours, meet with a boy
who doesn't have a dad,and teach him what it means
to be a man, we could change society.
- Well, it really requiressome self sacrifice, though.
And in our culture today,we seem to run from that.
- It's 'cause we don't knowhow we're being judged.
- [Reporter] Yeah.
- Jesus Christ, his grace is so amazing.
But when I get to heaven,I want to hear Him say,
"Well done, my good and faithful servant.
"You took what I gave you andyou did something with it."
So what is our prize?
What are we living our life for?
Is it to make more moneyor to hear the world tell
we did a great job, or do wewant to hear Jesus Christ say,
"You're my man, you did a good job."
- How about women?
What can women do to helpget this back on track?
- Women can encourage their husbands.
You know, I Peter gives womeninstructions, boy, you know,
it's amazing what a godly woman can do.
We see in James what happenswhen one godly person prays
like Elijah.
You know, it didn't rain forthree years at his prayer,
and then he prayed and it rained.
If women were on their knees praying,
and encouraging theirhusbands, that could have
a huge difference.
- It's always so blatantto me that when we're told
how we are to relate to eachother as husbands and wives,
husbands are told to lovetheir wives, as you mentioned,
But women are told torespect their husbands.
And men really need that- Yes, they do.
- from the women in their lives,
whether it's wife, a mother, whoever.
- It's amazing, you know,and especially with so many
fatherless men or men who had bad fathers,
they need to be affirmed as a man.
And it's amazing what a wifecould do if she respected
her husband.
And the Bible commands womento respect their husbands.
It doesn't say
if they're respectable- Respectable, yeah.
- which is tough.- Boy that is
a tough one (laughs).- Really tough, yeah.
- That is a tough one.
Talk a little bit about Promise Keepers.
Because I remember whenPromise Keepers first started.
It was just such a hugemovement and you were meeting
in large stadiums around thecountry, and there was a lot
of publicity about that.
What's Promise Keepers doing today?
- We are back.- (laughs) Well, yay!
- We are back as to who we are.
Yeah, July 31st, and August1st of 2020, not 2019,
so don't show up at Dallas Cowboy Stadium
(Reporter laughs) You'll be- this year.
You'll be alone.- in a fine stadium,
but you'll be there alone.- You'll just be really hot.
Promise Keepers' identitywas NFL stadium events.
And that's what we needed to get back to.
And then also, we need toget straight back to teaching
men to be men of God and topreach His word with boldness
and courage, as I said earlier.
Without apology.
And so we're gonna get incoming.
So the world's gonnatell us we're bad people.
So what?
We're gonna declare His word.
And the two things thatI've heard so often,
men saying the feeling of70,000 men singing hymns
is unbelievable.
Men in tears have told me that,of just how moved they were.
And I think it's because there's a feeling
that "I'm not alone."
That, "Look at all theseguys, I'm not all alone."
The second thing that I'veheard is from younger men
in their late 30's to early40's saying, "I went when I was
"a teenager with my dad, andit was the most amazing moment
"of my life because he wasreal and he told me he loved me
"for the first time, and Iwant to bring my son to that."
- Boy, there's so muchin your book about that,
about what it is to be areal man, about what it means
to really surrender to Christ.
I guess that's what I related to.
I thought those qualitiesare for all of us.
Just want to say, Ken's book is called
the Rise of the Servant Kings.
Hey, Father's day is coming up.
It's a great gift forthe man in your life.
It's available whereverbooks are sold, and you can
also hear more from Kenon our Facebook page.
All you have to do is goto
Great to see you,
- You too.- Thank you so much.
- Thank you.- Wonderful book.