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'Thy Will Be Done, Almighty God': Trump Prays FDR's D-Day Prayer at Ceremony in England

'Thy Will Be Done, Almighty God': Trump Prays FDR's D-Day Prayer at Ceremony in England Read Transcript

- Almighty God, oursons, pride of our nation

this day have set upon a mighty endeavor.

A struggle to preserveour republic, our religion

and our civilization and toset free a suffering humanity.

They will need thy blessingsfor the enemy is strong.

He may hurl back our forces

but we shall return again and again

and we know that by thy grace

and by the righteous of our cause

our sons will triumph.

Some will never return.

Embrace these, Father, and receive them.

The heroic servants into thy kingdom.

And oh Lord give us faith.

Give us faith in Thee.

Faith in our sons, faith in each other

and faith in our united crusade.

Thy will be done Almighty God, amen.

(orchestral music)

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