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Helping Fleeing Refugee Families in Colombia

A malnourished refugee boy shares his experience of fleeing his home, and how Operation Blessing has answered his prayers. Read Transcript

(light guitar music)

- [Translator] My name isJoel Alexander Melo-Rojas

and I'm six years old.

I'm with my mom, aunt, and all my cousins.

(light guitar music)

We don't want to be hungry anymore.

(child speaking in foreign language)

I don't want to stay here,

because we have been through hunger,

and I don't like that.

I don't want to be hungry.

I like to eat because I want to grow up.

(soft guitar music)

(child speaking foreign language)

On our way to Bogota,no one gave us a ride,

because there's a lot of people.

One time we didn't have any food,

nothing to eat.

My little sister told my mom,

Mommy, Mommy I'm hungry, andI told her the same thing.

She answered, we don't have any food,

and that was it, we didn'thave food for the whole day.

It was really bad.

It was hurting here,

my knees, my ankles, and my little toes

for walking so much with this shoes.

(soft music)

I tell my mom, let's sit here,

but she doesn't want to.

(child speaking in foreign language)

The doctor checked my chest here,

my feet and my toes.

(light guitar music)

He gave me medicine, pillsfor a headache, and remedy.

(light guitar music)

I feel very happy, I didn'tsee a doctor for three years.

I asked God that when we're walking

nothing bad would happen to us,

that when we are on theroad, He will be with us.

(light guitar music)


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