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One Step At A Time

On a trip up Mount Everest, Irene Rollins learned the secret to conquering this mountain was the same as conquering her addiction. Read Transcript

- Hello, my name's IreneRawlins and I am a wife,

I'm a daughter of God,

I am a mother, I am apastor, and I am a leader,

and I'm also a recovering alcoholic.

Several years ago, I had the opportunity

to summit Mount Kilimanjaro which is at

19,341 feet

the highest point of Africa.

The water in my CamelBakfroze, that's how cold it was

below freezing.

It was 50% less oxygen,you could barely breathe,

if you went any faster you'd get sick.

And what was amazingwas we were all assigned

a one-on-one guide.

And my guide, all he did was encourage me

all the way up that mountain.

Irene, take one step at a timeand he would say in Swahili,

(speaking in foreign language)

That means slowly, slowly.

It was like he was singing me a song

to comfort me as I wasmiserable making this climb

up this mountain.

And when I got to thetop of that mountain,

slowly, slowly, one step at a time,

the Lord spoke to me and told me,

"Irene, being the best version of yourself

"is what I call success.

"That is you summiting.

"And you thought this mountain was hard,

"when you get back home anddeal with your recovery,

"it's gonna be the hardestthing you've ever done,

"but I will be right there with you."

And let me tell you, I gotto the top of that mountain

and with years of sobriety behind me now,

I'm here to give youhope that Jesus Christ

was with me all along, allthe way up that mountain

of recovery.

One step at a time,

(speaking in foreign language)

Take it one day at a time, daughter,

and you will reach the top.

(uplifting music)

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