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Taking Comfort in the Wrong Spiritual Realm

Rejected by her father, and then her husband, Marisol turned to palm readers and voodoo to find meaning in her life. Read Transcript

- I wanted to know whateverything was all about,

especially the spiritual realm.

I wanted to see what they would tell me,

that nobody else can see.

- [Female Narrator] Foryears Marisol Pariat

consulted psychics but shewanted more than a glimpse

into the future.

- I thought I was gonna find the truth.

I was looking for a feelingand I didn't know it

at that time.

- [Female Narrator] Thatfeeling was love and security.

Her parents split up when she was seven,

leaving Marisol and hersiblings to bounce between

their mom and theirabusive, alcoholic father.

- I know they both loved usit's just we just didn't see it.

I did not feel loved, I did not.

- [Female Narrator] Whatshe did feel was anger.

- I used to take it out on other girls.

I used to beat up other girls in school.

If they messed with me?

I saw all these otherkids that had families

and I didn't have it so I wanted that.

- [Female Narrator] She keptsearching until she found

a family through her best friend.

- They'd invite me places,they'd buy me clothes,

they loved on me where Iwasn't getting it at home

and, believe it or not, thecraziest thing about that is

that they were into Santeria.

They were into witchcraft.

It wasn't odd to me.

I wasn't really scared.

- [Female Narrator] Itwasn't the first time Marisol

was exposed to the occult.

Her dad had remarried andhis new wife from Ecuador

called herself a witch.

- She would tell me sheused to go to a witch doctor

who would do cleansings onher and readings for her.

- [Female Narrator] Marisoldidn't participate in the

occult practices going on around her

but it did peke her curiosity.

- I just wanted an interaction,I wanted an encounter.

I wanted to see something supernatural.

- [Female Narrator] At18 she started her search

beginning with Catholicand Protestant churches.

- But since I didn't havethat feeling, that encounter,

I kept on looking.

- [Female Narrator] So shestarted going to palm readers,

spending the next seven yearsseeking truth and a future

filled with love and hope.

- They're very impressive,they really draw people in

because they can tell you things.

They'll tell you all good stuff,

they'll tell you all the, whatthey see as far as positive.

They'll tell you who tostay away from but I can't

recall them ever telling meanything like really bad.

- [Female Narrator] Then at 25 she married

and later had a daughter.

Now that she had thefamily she always wanted

she stepped away from the occult.

Then after eight years her husband left,

taking the business shehelped build with him.

- Oh I was angry.

I got ripped off, big time.

Greed came in and overshadowedhim and then I was

left alone with my daughter in the house.

- [Female Narrator] Again,she sought hope from

the spiritual realm,

this time visiting avoodoo priest who knew the

name of her psychic.

- I got goosebumps when he told me that

so what I was seeking, you know,

this reality, this feeling andthis supernatural encounter,

I found it with this man.

So I asked him; how do you know that?

And he said "los muertos" and

I said "los muertos, the dead?"

I can tell that thesespirits were pulling on him

to tell me other things, like telling him

tell her this, tell her this.

- [Female Narrator] Asshe continued going back

for more readings hercircumstances improved.

She believed the spiritsdeserved the credit.

- I actually got a very well paying job,

I had a boyfriend.

They brought me love and theybrought me lots of money.

- [Female Narrator] But when her boyfriend

broke up with her, Marisol'sanger rose up again

sending her back to the voodoo priest.

She even said she would join the order

until she witnessed aninitiation ceremony.

- This girls falls on theground and they've got

all the priests around herand when she gets back up,

she gets back up like this.

Her body stands up on it's own,

her eyes are in the back of her head,

she's totally and completelypossessed by some entity

that they called up out of the ground with

their drawings that they do on the floor,

that's an opening to the demonic,

and she started likefloating around the room.

I was in shock.

I literally ran out ofthere when I saw that.

At that point I was scared.

I never went back to a psychic, ever.

- [Female Narrator] Moredesperate than ever,

she took a suggestionfrom her ex boyfriend and

attended a church service.

- The pastor was talkingabout how anger can cause us

to do things that arevery bad in our lives

that we'll regret big time later.

I though oh my gosh,God knows that I'm angry

and he's sending me thismessage through this preacher.

The encounter I was reallylooking for was with God.

- [Female Narrator] Shesigned up for a baptism

in the ocean and it was whenshe emerged from the water

that she finally had atrue spiritual experience.

- I immediately acceptedJesus at that moment

and since I needed to feel something,

God gave me something to feel.

It was the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit of God filledme and I felt amazing peace,

I felt this amazing energy.

The anger was gone,completely gone at that point.

- [Female Narrator] Andin its place was the

love she'd always wanted.

- He sought me and wantedme and so that security

that he's given me, Ididn't find anywhere else

or even with my own parentsor my family or my siblings

or with a man.

I found it, Jesus gave it to me.

- [Female Narrator] TodayMarisol and her daughter

live in Florida where Marisolruns her own business.

She knows her search forthe truth is complete

only in Jesus Christ.

- There's no greater love for me.

You can always count on God.

He's so faithful, he's so amazing.


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