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CBN NewsWatch AM: May 27, 2019

CBN NewsWatch AM: May 27, 2019 Read Transcript

(intense music)

- [Announcer] This is CBN NewsWatch.

- Thanks for joining us

for this special MemorialDay edition of CBN NewsWatch

on this Monday, May 27th, I'm Mark Martin.

Today, President Trump in Japan

discussing North Korea'slatest missile tests,

as Washington focuses on the threat

from the North's nuclear program.

The voters speak in theEuropean Union elections

over concerns about issues

like immigration and the environment.

They're called deep fakes,

fake videos that look so real

that you can't tell the difference.

We'll show you how one made the headlines.

And for Memorial Day,

we'll bring you the storyof one of the survivors

of one of the worstdisasters of World War II,

the sinking of the USS Indianapolis.

And we'll show you the history

of the real-life aircombat school Top Gun.

Those stories and more today on NewsWatch.

As Americans remember the sacrifices

of the men and womenof our armed services,

we begin with President Trump in Japan,

where he addressed therecent missile tests

of its neighbor North Korea.

Dale Hurd has that story.

- [Dale] The Japanese gave President Trump

a lavish State welcome

befitting the first world leader

to meet with Japan's new emperor.

Trump and Japan's prime ministerhad plenty to talk about.

- We are going to discussvarious challenges

of the international community,

including North Korea.

- [Dale] The Presidenttweeting that he's not bothered

by the rogue regime's recentsmall-range missile launches,

he's confident ChairmanKim will keep his promise

to get rid of the nation's nukes.

- I personally thinkthat lots of good things

will come with North Korea.

- [Dale] That seems in contrast

with National SecurityAdvisor John Bolton,

saying the test violated UNSecurity Council regulations.

The North Koreans respondedby calling Bolton a warmonger.

On NBC's Meet the Press,

Trump Press Secretary Sarah Sanders

said the president thinks

a good relationship with Kim is essential.

- The president's focus in this process

is the relationship he has

and making sure we continue on the path

towards denuclearization.

- [Dale] But on Fox News Sunday,

Trump ally Senator Lindsey Graham

said Kim will only give uphis weapons when forced to.

- The only way Kim willgive up his nuclear weapons,

if he believes he'sbetter off without them,

and you gotta make thethreat of military force real

if he continues todevelop missiles and bombs

directed at America.

What we do in Venezuelaand what we do in Iran

will make a differenceas to how Kim reacts

to us in North Korea.

- [Dale] In Japan, Trumpalso talked about Iran,

and with Abe considering visiting

the Islamic regime next month,

Trump could be open totalks with Iranian leaders.

- And I do believe thatIran would like to talk,

and if they'd like to talk,we'd like to talk also,

we'll see what happens.

But I know for a factthat the prime minister

is very close with the leadership of Iran,

and we'll see what happens,that would be fine.

Nobody wants to see terriblethings happen, especially me.

- [Dale] The administrationis sending 1,500 more troops

to the Middle East as force protection

as tensions with Iran increase.

This after surveillance showing

Iranian militia movingmissiles onto boats,

resulting in a carrier group and B-52s

being sent to the region.

Dale Hurd, CBN News.

- Europe is living in anew political reality today

after more conservative nationalist

and environmentalist groups did well

in the European Union'sParliamentary elections,

shrinking the numbers

of the ruling Pro-EU political parties.

Turnout was the highest in25 years, at just under 51%,

as voters took theirconcerns about immigration,

security, and climate to the ballot box.

The results mean the EU parliament

will remain highly-fracturedfor the next five years.

The president of Israel says he's shocked

by a warning from Germany'sCommissioner on Antisemitism

that Jews should not wear skullcaps

at all times everywhere in Germany

out of fear for their safety.

Israeli President ReuvenRivlin said in a statement,

"We will never submit,will never lower our gaze,

"and will never react toantisemitism with defeatism,

"and expect and demand ourallies act in the same way."

German government statisticsthat came out this month

showed a rise in antisemiticand anti-foreigner incidents.

Here at home,

growing technology issue hasmade its way into politics.

You may have heard of deep fakes,

it's the growing threatwhere videos and pictures

are manipulated and disseminatedfor public consumption.

One of the latest examplesof it happened late last week

involving House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

CBN National SecurityCorrespondent Eric Phillips

brings us this look atthis disturbing trend.

- Over the last couple of years,

the term fake news has becomealmost a household phrase,

used by those on both sidesof the political spectrum.

Now, so-called deep fakes,

like the ones you're about to see,

bring a whole new dimension to fake news.

- This president of the United States--

- [Eric] Look at this 17-second clip

of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

It was posted on the PoliticsWatchDog Facebook page

hours after a contentiousmeeting with President Trump.

- And then he had a pressconference in the Rose Garden

with all of this sort of visuals

that obviously wereplanned long before I said,

most currently, that hewas engaged in a cover-up.

- [Eric] Now, look atthis 12-second version

of the same clip.

- And then he had a pressconference in the Rose Garden,

with all this sort of visuals

that obviously wereplanned long before I said,

most currently, that hewas engaged in a cover-up.

- [Eric] The five-second difference

is because of editingthat slowed down the video

and simultaneously adjustedthe pitch of her voice

to make her seem sluggish.

It prompted comments like this one:

"Good lord, lady, how manydrinks did you have today?"

- When you look at animage or a video online,

can you tell if it'sbeen manipulated or not?

- [Eric] An organization called DARPA,

which stands for

the Defense AdvancedResearch Projects Agency,

is spearheading the detection

of this growing threatof engineered images.

Faking pictures is not a new trick,

a portrait painter in 1865

stuck Abraham Lincoln's head

on this Southern CivilWar politician's body.

But in recent times,

technology has harnessed the power

of artificial intelligence

to create and manipulatenew worlds and new faces.

(upbeat music)

The ability to synthesizedance patterns is one thing,

but the folks at DARPA say what's at stake

is something much more sinister.

- We need to be more vigilant

with what we trust from the internet.

- It's why DARPA is racing to keep pace

as the technology behind

artificial-intelligence-engineered video

accelerates at breakneck speeds.

Rhetoric and tricks areonly expected to ramp up

the closer we get to the 2020 election.

DARPA hopes to uncoversome of these deep fakes

so that voters won't go to thebooths and cast their ballots

based on this information.

In Washington, Eric Phillips, CBN News.

(intense music)

- [Mark] Coming up, a remarkablestory for Memorial Day,

a man who survived a terribledisaster of World War II,

the sinking of the USS Indianapolis

by the Japanese duringthe last days of the War.

It was the greatest loss of life

on a single ship in Navy history.

Only 316 out of nearly1,200 crewmen survived.

One of them was Edgar Harrell,

we're gonna have hisstory when we come back.

(uplifting music)- [Pat] People wanna know,

"Is there a plan, and how do you find it?"

- [Announcer] CBN presents The Plan:

Eight Keys for UnderstandingGod's Will for Your Life.

- We're going to talk aboutGod's plan for your life.

- Is there a plan for everyone's life?

- In Pat Robertson's latest teaching,

you'll discover the secret to knowing

and living out God'sunique purpose for you.

- The plan of God willbe unfolded in your life

in ways you couldn't believe possible.

- [Announcer] In The Plan,

Pat reveals the principlesto understanding God's will,

so that you will be filled with peace,

provision, joy, and satisfaction.

Plus, see amazing stories of how others

are living out their individualpurpose intended by God.

- God is faithful, (man chuckles)

and we did what he told us to do.

- [Announcer] Live the lifeGod has designed for you.

- I hope that God works out a plan in you

that will bring blessing,joy, peace, and happiness.

- [Announcer] Get ThePlan, call 1-800-700-7000,

or visit

- [Announcer] Remember for a moment

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They have their whole lives ahead of them.

Theirs is a world ofendless possibilities.

They are looking for a story to believe.

We will tell them that story.

Will you join us?

- [Announcer] Get the top political news

and analysis fromWashington on Faith Nation,

tonight at six Eastern, onlyon the CBN News Channel.

- Welcome back.

Today is Memorial Day,

so we wanted to honor a man of courage

who served aboard the USS Indianapolis.

That naval cruiser suffered one of

the worst maritime disastersin American history,

sunk during World War IIby Japanese torpedoes.

Edgar Harrell was onboard that day,

and here is his amazing story.

On a small farm in Kentucky,

Edgar Harrell heard about

the war in the Pacific on the radio.

After listening to reports ofmarines losing their lives,

he wanted to help.

- And I thought, "Youknow, I'm 18 years old,"

and I had alreadyregistered for the draft,

and I thought, "Now I don'twant to wait and be drafted,

"I want to get in the Marine Corps."

- [Mark] The heavy cruiserthe USS Indianapolis

became his home.

- When I saw that big Indianapolis,

you know, you could imagine,

a country boy, what he thought of that.

- [Mark] Harrell sawfierce combat on the ship,

events that shook him to the core.

The 91-year-old vividlyrecalls one harrowing incident

when a Japanese kamikazeplane struck the Indianapolis

in the battle for Okinawa.

- I can remember seeing that plane,

thinking that life is over.

"This is the end of life,

"because he's diving for the fin tail."

- [Mark] Harrell survived that attack,

but nine of his shipmates did not.

The Indianapolis had to returnto the States for repairs.

Eventually it left San Francisco Bay

heading back to the South Pacific

on what would be its final mission.

On board, importantcomponents of the atomic bombs

that would be dropped onHiroshima and Nagasaki.

Crew members unloaded thewar-ending cargo at Tinian Island.

Harrell says their next assignment

was to head to the Philippines

to prepare for the main invasion of Japan.

- Captain McVay asked for an escort,

and they tell him, "Youdon't need an escort."

Well, may I say, they werenot telling the truth,

they could've said, "You need an escort."


Because four days before,we lost a destroyer,

the USS Underhill, we lost 129 boys,

and we were to go through that very area.

- [Mark] Why Navy leaders madethat decision, Harrell says,

remains a mystery.

And that brings us to July 30th, 1945.

A Japanese submarinespots the Indianapolis

in the Philippines Sea

and fires a spread of torpedoes.

Two hit their mark,

and in less than 15minutes, the ship goes down.

Around 900 of the nearly 1,200-man crew

who survived the initial attack

find themselves oil-soaked,many with injuries,

clinging to kapok life jacketsin the shark-infested waters.

- And I thought of Mom and Dad back home,

I thought of six younger brothers,

a older sister, a younger sister,

and I thought of this certain brunette

that said that she would wait for me.

And I tell the Lord, "I don'twanna die, I wanna live!"

- [Mark] Harrell, who was 20 at the time,

says he began to think of scriptures.

- "I'll never leave you nor forsake you."

Seemingly, that came tomind, no audible voice,

but I knew that theLord was speaking to me.

"Lord, you're speaking to myheart, I'm gonna make it."

Well, I didn't know I'm gonnabe out there 4 1/2 days.

- [Mark] Four and a halfdays of unbelievable horror.

No food, no water,

and yet surrounded bywater in all directions,

along with sharks.

He says shipmates not in their right mind,

some because they were injured,

others because they drank saltwater,

began to hallucinate.

- He leaves the group andhe gets out 50, 75 yards,

and you hear a blood-curdling scream,

and you see that kapok go under,

and then, like a fish cork,

then that kapok brings that body back up,

but by now, all of the blood,

and more, more sharks, more fins,

and they are kinda fightingover what was there.

- [Mark] Despite witnessingscenes like that,

Harrell refused to give up hope.

He believes God directed himand several of his buddies

to a crate of rotten potatoes.

The hearts of the potatoeswere still edible.

He also believes God senta small raincloud one day

to provide desperately-needed water.

- So what do you do?

"Thank you, Lord, thankyou, Lord, thank you."

And that little raincloud comes over

and you get a few drops,

maybe a few tablespoons full of water.

- [Mark] The brutalconditions took their toll.

The number of sailors and marines

dwindled down to a little more than 300.

Finally, a plane flew overthe area low to the water,

a miracle, because the pilot,Lieutenant Wilbur Gwinn,

wasn't looking for the survivors.

He did not even know they were missing.

No one did.

- Lieutenant Gwinn goes aft,he opens the bomb bay door,

and in just a flash, he looksdown at the ocean below,

and what he saw was an oil slick.

- Flying even lower, Gwinn,who they called Angel,

sees debris, sharks, andsharks attacking survivors.

He radios for help,

and eventually 317 crew members

of the USS Indianapolisare pulled from the water.

Harrell spent months inhospitals recovering.

After everything Harrell went through,

it's easy to see whyhe's a decorated marine.

He was even awarded the Purple Heart.

Here is a letter dated August 13th, 1945.

"The Purple Heart is awarded

"by the Medical Officer in Command

"to Edgar Alvin Harrell

"for wounds received in action

"against an enemy of the UnitedStates on July 30th, 1945."

He went on to marry Ola, thebrunette who waited for him.

Harrell shares his storyof God's providence

at schools and churches.

He calls it a ministry.

He and his son David alsochronicled the unforgettable story

in a new book, Out of the Depths.

- And there's not a day that goes by,

many, many times a day,

I just look up and say, "Thank you, Lord."

(intense music)

- [Mark] An amazing story.

Well, still ahead,

the true story behind the school featured

in one of the most famousmilitary movies ever, Top Gun.

We'll tell you how it really came about

and why it was so importantwhen we come back.

(upbeat music)

- [Announcer] It's about the competition.

- I kinda put that pressure on myself,

and I think people have the expectation.

- [Announcer] It's about overcoming.

- We use this phrase all the time,

keep chopping, keep practicing hard.

- [Announcer] It's aboutGoing the Distance.

- I think, as a father,it's my job to lead,

just be the best husbandand father I can be.

- [Announcer] Watch Goingthe Distance with Shawn Brown

Saturday night at 7:30

on the CBN News Channel.

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(uplifting music)- How can you

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- [Announcer] CBN presents The Plan:

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- [Announcer] Get ThePlan, call 1-800-700-7000,

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- [Caitlin] Check out the CBNNews Daily Rundown Podcast

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where you can listen and subscribe.

- Thanks for staying with us.

50 years ago, during the Vietnam War,

the Navy desperately needed help.

Enemy pilots were shooting down our planes

at an unprecedented rate.

So they turned to a young US pilot

to start an advanced schoolfor air-to-air combat.

As Heather Sells shows us,it became known as Top Gun,

and that changed everything.

- [Heather] You may rememberthe 1986 movie Top Gun,

it brought national attention

to the Navy's elite fighter pilot school.

- I feel the need,(upbeat music)

the need for speed.- The need for speed.

- [Heather] But it didn'ttell the whole story.

The story begins in 1956,

when Dan Pedersen beganflying for the Navy.

Based off the West Coast,

he and other young pilots flew the skies,

ready to intercept Soviet bombers,

but then, the Vietnam War began,

and suddenly, the Navybegan losing its very best

in what it had long prideditself on, air-to-air combat.

- You'd go to dinner at night

and there's empty chairs at the table.

- Dan Pedersen foundedthe Navy's Top Gun school

to take on an incredible challenge.

The Navy was failing inthe skies over Vietnam

and losing its pilotsat an astonishing rate.

- The general thought wasthat all you had to do

was send aviators into action,

teach them how to use the equipment,

and if they would do that,they would win victories.

- [Heather] Military historian Timothy Orr

says the Navy went into theVietnam War supremely confident

after great success in theskies during the Korean War.

It quickly began losing pilots however,

and Orr says that's because

most had received littletraining in air combat.

- They would get surprisedby North Vietnamese MiGs,

and if they got into a tangle with them,

the MiGs, though theywere vastly outdated,

were very maneuverable,

and the pilots of them

knew how to push thelimits of the aircraft.

- [Heather] In 1967,

Pedersen was flying off the USS Enterprise

off the Vietnam coast.

In just four months, hisair group lost 13 men.

In what's known as the kill ratio,

the Navy was losing one planefor every two it shot down.

- You can't live with losingairplanes like we were.

So, we had to do something.

- [Heather] Pedersendocuments that something,

the founding of the Navy'sfighter weapon school,

in his new book.

We met aboard thedecommissioned USS Midway

to talk about one of the great turnarounds

in modern military history.

For Pedersen, it startedwith the Ault Report,

a 1968 brief that examined

all the Navy's problems in the air

and recommended hardcoretraining as a remedy.

- It was time to get wellin the middle of a war,

and the only way to get well in a hurry

is to do a graduate-level school.

In other words, trainthat nucleus of people,

and have them go out andtrain the guys in the fleet.

- The way the Navy lookedat it was, in general,

that they were relying toomuch on the technology,

that they needed to kind of get back

to teaching pilots how to dogfight,

teach them how to usethe tricks of the trade

to outmaneuver their opponents in the air.

- [Heather] A Navycaptain tapped Pedersen,

a flight instructor at theMiramar Air Station at the time,

to organize and found the school.

He offered him no money, no mechanics,

and no planes to call their own,

along with a tight deadline.

- I said, "How much time have I got?"

And he said, "Somewhereover 60 days to 90 days

"to have the first class convene."

And I said, "You gotta be kidding me?"

"No, we're gonna do it here."

No building, no classroom to teach in.

He said, "You can do it."

He said, "Improvise."

- [Heather] One of Pedersen's instructors

found an abandoned trailer

and paid a crane operator acase of scotch to move it.

Pedersen then picked eightof Miramar's finest pilots,

who would teach a new generation

how to dogfight all over again

and push their planes to their limits.

- You may train and youmay think you're the best,

but you're gonna find out for real,

and if you don't do itright, you don't go home.

- [Heather] The extremely-practical

and finely-tuned curriculum,

taught by specialistswho understood mechanics,

the tactics of the enemy,and the need for innovation,

would make all the difference.

Three years later,

in the next major aerialcampaign against Vietnam,

the kill ratio improved 600%.

The Navy was now losing one plane

for every 12 it shot down.

Looking back, Pedersen seesthe hand of God in it all,

and says the original bros do as well.

- There are no atheists

flying combat airplanes.

They may think they are for a while,

but over the course of time,

they'll have things happento them or their airplane

that will bring God right to the surface.

- [Heather] Today, TopGun continues to take

just the top 1% of the Navy's pilots

and train them to train others.

- The reason that US Navypilots are among the elite

is because of the education they receive.

- [Heather] Pedersensays he considers Top Gun

to be bigger and better than ever.

But he says he wrote thebook for high school kids

trying to figure out what they want to do.

He hopes they'll consider theNavy, and maybe even flying,

if they're up for achallenge like no other.

Reporting in San Diego,Heather Sells, CBN News.

- Fascinating history there of Top Gun.

We'll be right back, stay with us.

(dramatic music)- [Announcer] As the world

watches from the outside,

- It's a big diplomatic tug-of-warhere in the Middle East.

- [Announcer] go inside thestory with Jerusalem Dateline.

- Israeli archeologists aretalking about a discovery

that could change the thinkingabout the Temple Mount.

- [Announcer] Join CBN JerusalemBureau Chief Chris Mitchell

and get the biblical perspective

on the events shaping the world.

- What starts in Israel thenends up going to other places.

- [Announcer] Watch Jerusalem Dateline

Friday night at 9:30 onthe CBN News Channel.

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(upbeat music)

- [Man] Young people, millennials,

are flocking to church.

- [Woman] It's not an exaggeration

to say that we love to meet them,

and that we love to know their stories.

- That's gonna do it forthis edition of NewsWatch,

(intense music)you can find more

on the issues you careabout most at,

and can watch CBN News programs anytime

on our CBN News Channel.

Thanks again for watchingon this Memorial Day,

have a great day.


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