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Irish Citizens Could Go to Prison for Shopping in Pre-1967 Israel if This New Anti-Israel Law Passes

Irish Citizens Could Go to Prison for Shopping in Pre-1967 Israel if This New Anti-Israel Law Passes Read Transcript

- The proposed law would make it illegal

for Irish citizens to buy goods

and services from Israeli citizens

and what they define asthe occupied territories.

That would make it illegal tobuy an ice cream, a post card

or a bottle of water here inthe old city of Jerusalem.

- We bought ice cream and we bought water

and we bought it here in the old city next

to Jaffa Gate and if this bill passes,

then what we just did would be illegal.

- Irish citizens Karen andNorman Ievers along with

their twins Natalie andNathaniel visit Israel often.

- Well it's an impeachmentof our freedoms.

I just hope that it won't hurt anybody

and that it won't hurt Ireland.

- The bill is called a Control

of Economic Activity inOccupied Territories.

If it becomes law, anIrish citizen convicted

for violating it could befined more than a quarter

of a million dollars and spendup to five years in jail.

- The proposed Irishlaw is the most extreme

anti-Israel legislation proposed

anywhere outside of the Arab league.

If you come to the Holly Cityand you buy some Holly water,

if you buy some Jewish prayer shall,

religious books, bringback to Ireland, bang jail.

- International law expertprofessor Eugene Kontorovich

calls the bill radial.

- What's shocking about this law

is it's clearly discriminatory in nature.

So they say we considerthis occupied territory,

we have a problem with occupiedterritories but other than

the fact that it's actuallynot occupied territory,

the law does not apply toany other people or group

other than Jews here intheir biblical homeland.

- One Israeli legal organization produced

this YouTube video to raise awareness.

- We met the nice couple Karen and Norman

and we decided to help themand to do something about this

and make the world kindof understand better

of how ridiculous this wholesituation is potentially.

- We love Israel, we'reChristian Zionists,

we support the Jewish peopleand the Palestinian people

and we think this bill is unfair

and we wanted our voices to be heard.

- One of the only reasons thelaw has not been passed yet

is because the Irishgovernment is properly worried

about the consequences it's gonna have

for Irish companiesdoing business in America

and many of the large American companies

like Apple that do business in Ireland

because America has strictlaws agaisnt boycotting Israel.

- In the meantime, theIevers hope their next visit

to Jerusalem won't land them in jail.

Chris Mitchell, CBN News, Jerusalem.


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