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Your Questions, Honest Answers: - May 23, 2019


- Okay Pat, this firstone comes from Barbara,

who says, "when I was growing up,

a penny bought three sticks of gum

or other penny candy, et cetera,

now a penny doesn'teven buy you a gum ball.

So what is your take onhaving our government

do away with the penniessince they cost more

to even make than what they're worth?

Other countries like Australia

did away with their one and two cent coins

many years ago and rounded total purchases

off to the nearest five cents.

So if all your items came to $10.53,

stores rounded your totalto $10.50 or $10.55,

but usually they chose the $10.50.

This could save our governmentlots of money, couldn't it?"

- Well I don't think, inlight of the defense spending

and the interest on the (babbles),

we dealing with pennies is not

gonna make that much difference.

I think what you're saying is right,

I mean, our currency has beenso devalued over the years

that, you know, a dollar'sworth about five cents now,

so it's a totally different thing.

So yeah, doing away with pennies

is probably a good thing.

I've got a whole bunch ofpennies in a big thing.

They said, "well save your pennies."

well, they're not worth much, okay?

- (chuckles) Okay.

This is Dennis who says,

"in Proverbs 29:2, King James Version,

it says, "when therighteous are in authority,

the people rejoice, but when the wicked

beareth rule, the people mourn."

How does this apply todaywith all the attacks

from many of our leaders?

It's said that we have more Christians

in Washington since the timeof the founding fathers.

Will it improve in the near future?"

- We're always hoping for revival,

but the truth is, this country has been

under the control ofthose who are ungodly.

You know, it's amazing how spirit

of agnosticism has taken over

our educational institutionsand people are in control

of being trained by theseliberal institutions.

I was talking to a very brilliant man

the other day about Stanford

and he said that theyrigged the system out there

where the conservatives were the weakest

when they'd come to speak and the liberals

were the brilliant ones and you know,

they rigged the deal tomake the liberals look good.

But when you've got a largepercentage of the people

thinking that socialism is good,

our country has been destroyed

and you say they're a bunch of Christians,

yeah they're a bunch ofChristians, but so what?

If we took our authoritywe could do something

about it, but we're so scared

of being criticized, all right.

- This is Cecil, who says,

"my oldest daughtercalls my wife twice a day

and they talk for along time on the phone.

I have mentioned to mywife that our daughter

should devote more of her time to husband

and family and let ushave some time together.

My wife works 10 hourdays and we don't spend

much time together anymore.

We have five grown childrenand six grandchildren.

Am I being selfish in wantingto spend time with my wife?

We're in our mid-sixties and I feel

like we should be able toenjoy a few days a month

(pat laughs)

doing something together."

- Thank you, exactly.

You know, some of these daughters,

they have an attachment to their mothers

and they don't wanna leave home

and surely what it amounts to.

They're so attached to momthat they won't let go.

And the idea that she spends hours

every day talking to your wife,

it's wrong because yes,you belong to your husband

and you've had children,you've raised your children,

now for this cause, thatthe man leave his mother

and father and cleave to his wife.

And you know, leave the mother and father,

and so something needs to be done

but I'm not the one to say it.

You need to get somebody to get real

with that daughter and your wife.

Your wife needs to tell your daughter,

"look honey, it's been fun talking to you,

God bless you, goodbye."

- (laughs) Have a nice day.

- Have a nice day, yeah, bang.



- Okay, this is David, who says,

"should a tithe be paid onSocial Security checks?"

- Look, every time youhave a chance to give,

it means a blessing for you.

Give and it'll be given unto you,

pressed down, good measure, running over

will mend heap into your bosom.

So if you have a chanceto have a little money

and it's come from Social Security,

I mean we're not onany obligation to give,

you give out of the joy of your heart

and out of the fullness of God.

But this is a chance to do something,

so yes if you get some money,

wouldn't hurt to give a little piece of it

to the Lord and theLord will give it back.

- Okay, this is Kathy who says,

"I have a friend who adamantlybelieves in the Rapture,

but I'm not sure I do.

Could you tell me why they believe

that there will be a rapture,

and what scripture they get it from?

I'm confused about it."

- I'll tell you where it came from.

It was an Irving eight meetingback in the like 1830's

and it was this young girl who got up

and started prophesyingand she started talking

about all this rapture and stuff.

And there was a guynamed John Nelson Darby

who listened to it then wrote about it.

His disciple was a fellanamed C.I. Scofield.

Scofield put the notesin the Scofield Bible

and that's been held by people.

And those notes are notscriptural, they're his theory.

But it has to do with the fact

that it'll be this seven year period

tribulation, before that it'll be this

catching up, that thesaints will be called up

and then they'll be seven years

and people will be leftbehind and all that.

It's not in the Bible, not at all.

The Bible says immediatelyafter the tribulation

of those, that He shall appear the sound

of the Son of Man in Heavenand he will gather his elect

to the four corners of the earth.

That stuff is totally unbiblical

but a lot of the Baptists,a lot of the Assembly

of God, a lot of otherindependent churches

go into that stuff, and they buy the notes

of the Scofield Bible.

They are not of scripture, period.


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