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Beating Cancer, Battling Infertility, and Believing in Miracles

Josh and Aly Taylor share how Aly was left infertile after a fight with cancer, and how they became parents to three kids in three months. Read Transcript

- Most people have a datein mind when they think of a

day that changed their lives.

Well usually its a wedding anniversary,

or the birth of a child.

For Josh and Aly Taylor thatdate is October 17th, 2011.

Everything is measured assomething that happened

before that day or after.

That's because on October17th, their lives stopped

and their worst nightmare began.

- [Narrator] In Octoberof 2011, Aly Taylor was

diagnosed with breastcancer, at the age of 24.

She underwent years oftreatments and surgery's.

And everything her and Josh dreamed of

came to a screeching halt.

The chemo left Alyunable to have children,

so they decided to adopt.

9 months later Aly got pregnant.

- I don't know if you cansee but it says I'm pregnant.

I've never seen this beforeand I don't know if its real.

- 11 days after their babywas born, they adopted another

little girl. Josh andAly's story was featured on

TLC's rattled, and they continued to share

their remarkable journey,in their book Aly's Fight.

- Aly and Josh Taylorare here with us now,

and we welcome you to this700 club, its great to

see you both. You guysdon't do anything normally.

- No

- I mean I'm reading yourbook into the wee hours.

And I am exhausted justwalking through it.

Talk a little be aboutthat day that I mentioned,

October 17th 2011, was the daythat changed your life plan.

- [Aly] Yep

- What happened?

- Um so that's was the day I was diagnosed

with breast cancer.

I'm a big planner, I hadmy entire life planned out.

From the time I was married,and we all wanted to have kids.

And on that day it wasall thrown out the window.

We had been told that itwasn't cancer, so we thought

okay we can get on withour lives, we were starting

to try and have a baby, andthat day our life truly stopped.

- What was your lifeplan Josh before this?

- [Josh] Well Aly had areally long life plan,

mine was a little more immediate,

but we were building a brandnew house, I'm a contractor

so we were building ourfirst house for us, and uh

we were actually in a bedroom.

We had talked about howwe were going to tell our

parents we were pregnant,by painting on the wall.

And so we were there preppingfor the painters to come,

and that's when Aly gota call from the doctor.

That we weren't pregnantthat Aly had breast cancer,

and so our life plan changed real fast.

- And not just had breastcancer, a very aggressive

form of breast cancer,and from that point on

it seems like it was just one bad piece

of news after another.

With out your faith I'mnot sure how you would

have survived that.

- [Aly] Yeah I don't know howpeople do, I don't know how

people do because, itwas your right it was

one bad piece I was diagnosedwith stage 3 breast cancer.

The most aggressive type thatyou can have, um we learned

we wouldn't have time topreserve our fertility.

We learned that if itspread, and so it was kind of

one bad piece after another,and I remember looking

at Josh and saying how dopeople do this without Jesus.

I..I don't know.

- Josh you say that thecancer changed you as well

and in what way?

- In too many ways to, wedon't have that much time.

But mainly just a um I grew up believing

that I could change it thatway. What we tell people

that is the first timeI ever ran into anything

money, time or talent wouldnot change, ya know no

amount of money could healher, no time I could give her.

No talent, there was nothing I could do.

And for a guy even at 26,27 at that point that was

a rough moment to cometoo, to realize I was

she didn't need anythingbut me too beg God

to reach down and heal her.

- And that's what you did,day after day after day.

I mean I was struck bythe fact that this was so

not what you had in the game plan.

I mean you guys were reallynewlyweds at this point.

Incredibly young.

You know the chemotherapycame, first you had a

double mastectomy,chemotherapy, radiation and then

the struggle with infertility.

How did you hang on to hope in that Aly?

- Yeah I think I had to justbelieve, you know I think

that sounds very elementaryto say, just believe.

But I just had to believe.

When I was diagnosed andtold we didn't have time to

preserve my fertility. Wereally held onto this one

verse, thats Psalm 1:28.

And it says your wife willbe like a fruitful vine

within your home, andyour children will be like

olive shoots around your table.

This is the blessing forthe man who fears the Lord.

And that's what we stoodon, that I would be

a fruitful vine, that I would live.

That we would havechildren, so I think it was

just literally takingGod's word at its word.

- Well and sometimes youreally stood your ground

with that because doctor's,nurses, friends I'm sure

sometimes unwittinglyfamily would often come into

that with either sort ofwake up and smell the coffee.

- [Josh] Big time

- Scenario or just bringinga word that was negative.

And I mean you kind ofsaid stop right there.

How did you handle that?

- We just we thoughtwe were about 3days in

to MD Anderson, whenwe looked at the doctor

and said we really don'tcare about your statistics

we want to know your wisdome,we believe God's given you

wisdom and that's what, weare going to act on that,

but as far as yourstatistics were not depending

on them anyway. Andso, and they do nothing

but really tear your faith down and so we.

- So tell me about your first miracle Gena

- Genavieve that's right yes, she was born

we adopted her in March of2015. And it was the first

time cancer kinda made sense.

We always said had Ihad I not been diagnosed

we would have never been brought to her.

And so it was that momentof okay God I see the beauty

from ashes, you know thisbeautiful daughter, and so

we had her, but like mostlike a lot of adoptions do

we almost lost her, thebirth mom considered trying

to keep her, and that was a rollercoaster

- At the last, after you beenthere in the birth I mean.

- So much of that too is what tell people

that's the moment we were like we are

supposed to show a different kind of love.

- Yeah

- We loved her when shewas doing in what her

perception of what we wantedher to do, well its what

you do in that momentwhen she's not doing what,

when she knows she's breaking your heart,

will you still love here, andthe truth that's what we did,

we just stayed there with herno matter what her decision

was and obviously in theend God did step in and we

became the parents of Genavieve.

- So Genavieve came homewith you and then around

thanksgiving you started feeling ill

- yes

- Not long after Genavieveand what happened?

- Well I thought I washaving an infection in my arm

I was having an infectionand a lot of times I have

flu like symptoms withthat as a side effect

of my breast cancer treatment,so I chalked it up to that.

I had one little paperpregnancy test that I took,

felt silly over the yearsI bought in bulk of amazon.

But so I had one left, Ithought this was silly for

even taking it doctors toldus this was immpossible.

And came back and sawtwo lines and thought

what in the world, and Iwas pregnant and not only

was I pregnant but Iwent and saw the doctor

and she said it wasn'teven a high risk pregnancy,

it was as if I had justgotten pregnant miraculously.

- And along came Vera right?

- [Aly] Yes that's our Vera

- And even before youdelivered Vera you got

a strange call fromGenavieve's mother, well the

grandmother called youand the lawyer called you,

you must have wondered what in the world

are they calling now for?

So what happened?

- They call and say weknow Aly's pregnant but

I'm pregnant would youguys consider adopting.

Honestly we wanted to say right then yes,

but we said give us a fewdays were going to pray,

and then we obviously didsay yes, and then started

making plans to be ableto be at the birth of that

second little baby too.

- And home came

- Lidia

- That's right yes there'sLidia, so she was born 11 days

after Vera and so we, people always say

how did you say yes so quickly and to us

to be told at one pointwe wouldn't be parents

and now be the opportunityto have 3 little blessings.

- So right now your girls are how old?

- [Aly] Our oldest is4, Genavieve is 4 and

Vera and Lidia are 2 and a half.

- Unbelievable

- Yes unbelievable

- It's very quiet at ourhouse, very very quite

- Oh I bet and lots of sleep,yeah been there done that.

We are skimming the surfaceof this couple's story

its so worth the read,there's nobody that's going

through a tough timethat can't gain something

spiritually from readingTaylor's book as well

just know your not alone,your not the only one.

Sometimes that's theway life makes you feel.

It's called Aly's Fight, beating cancer,

battling infertility,believing in miracles.

It's in stores nationwide, highly recommended.

Great to have you here.

- Thanks for having us.


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