When you honor others, you honor God. Pastor Rich Wilkerson Sr. says showing honor is the key to relationships, faith, and life.
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- [Andrew] A couple gets the results
of their baby's ultrasound.
- She literally gets tears in her eyes
and I'm thinking of course,oh no, oh no, it's not good.
- [Andrew] But it was only the beginning.
See a miracle 14 years in the making.
Plus, Pastor Rich Wilkerson
shares the life-changing power of honor.
He joins us live on today's700 Club Interactive.
Hi and welcome to the show.
For 14 years, Logan and David Mynatt
hoped and prayed for a baby.
And during those years,
the couple's in vitro fertilizationended in a miscarriage,
and two attempts to adopt a child failed.
- Logan and David we'reabout to lose all hope
and that's when they received a miracle.
- I have always wanted to be a mother.
It consumed my every thought,
it consumed our livestrying to start our family.
- [Andrew] When Logan Mynattand her husband, Dave,
married in 2004,
both hoped kids would bea big part of their lives.
But after two years of tryingwithout getting pregnant,
Logan sought medical advice.
- I had been diagnosed with PCOS,
which is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.
It's very stressful, I feltlike it was a big delay
in us sort of starting our family.
- [Andrew] OB-GYN Dr.Francis Esguerra explains.
- What we have is, we havea problem with ovulating,
but more importantly, wehave a lot of large cysts
in the ovaries.
It's one of the main cause of infertility.
- But it wasn't just Logan.- We found out that Dave
also had sort of a componentto male infertility as well.
- It was kinda tough to swallow.
I was angry, angry at thesituation, frustrated.
- If I had to put a number on it,
I would probably say less than 15% chance
of getting pregnant ontheir own naturally.
(mellow music)
- [Andrew] Right away, Loganstarted fertility treatments,
but the months turned intoyears with no success.
- Pretty tough, to be honest with you,
not be able to get pregnant and stuff
and see Logan go throughit was even worse.
- We would pray that theLord would just show us
what our next step was to be.
- [Andrew] Finally, in 2009,there was a glimmer of hope.
Through in vitro fertilization,
Logan became pregnant with twins.
- I can remember just praying to the Lord,
please, just begging him,
rocking back and forth inmy bed praying to the Lord
that this would be theone, and then it wasn't.
- [Andrew] After just oneweek, Logan miscarried.
- I can remember being sodisappointed and upset with God,
like why me, questioning his plan.
- I Just wanted to(chuckles) throw in the towel
and then give up because it was tough.
- Why would you give me this deep desire
and this passion to be amother and Dave to be a father
and then deliver on it?
But then I would hear the Lord say,
no, no, no, I gave you thatdesire, it's gonna happen.
- [Andrew] They decidedto turn to adoption.
- Our first adoption attempt,
unfortunately, the baby passed away.
The second adoption attempt,
the mother decided to keep the baby.
- [Dave] I got beat down so many times,
and sometimes it's easier to give up,
and that's what we almost did.
- I just really felt the Lord saying,
do not let this situationand the enemy steal your joy,
you cannot let thisinfertility define you.
- [Andrew] So in 2016, Loganbegan to focus on her health,
she lost a lot of weight
and stopped obsessingover her infertility.
Instead, she concentratedon the blessings in her life
and drew closer to God.
- We kind of didn't reallygive up on having a baby
but it wasn't consumingevery minute of the day.
- [Andrew] Then in late 2017,
Logan notice some physical changes.
After about 12 weeks,
she decided, on a whim,to take a pregnancy test.
It was positive, so she tookanother one and then another.
- You've got to be kidding me!
It, too, was positive andthe amount of joy in my heart
at that second was unreal.
- [Andrew] 14 years of disappointments
made Logan and Dave cautious.
So the next day shewent for an ultrasound.
During the exam,
Logan shared their storywith the technician.
- She literally gets tears in her eyes,
and I'm thinking of course,oh no, (sniffles) oh, no,
you know, it's not good.- Well, I thought this is it,
this is the end of this journey.
- Well, she flips thescreen around and she goes,
Logan and Dave, not only are you pregnant,
but you are 12 weeks pregnantwith a healthy little baby.
And we were just instantly(laughs) tears flowed,
and it was just such ajoyous moment for us.
- [Dave] I was flabbergasted.
I was like, wow, this is it.
- If you are gonna have a miscarriage,
it's typically in that first trimester.
The Lord knows that I would worry
during that first trimester,and he thought you know what,
Logan, you are gonna be pregnant,
and I am gonna zoom youthrough your first trimester,
so you are not to worry.
- [Andrew] On September 11, 2018,
Logan gave birth to a healthybaby girl, Harper Lynn.
- I was nervous but soon asthat doctor put her my arms,
just all nerves went away, so pretty neat.
- My heart was just so full.
I was so thankful to the Lord
for finally delivering on that promise
and for giving Harper to us.
- When I delivered Harper,
that's one of the great honors of my life.
There wasn't a dry eye in that OR.
I thought about how
not every child was beloved as much as this child.
- I love being a dad,it's neat to come home
especially, she's gettingto that age where she smiles
and she knows who's coming in the door.
- With the infertility issues
that Logan and Dave had faced together,
I would definitely callHarper a miracle baby.
- Sometimes things don't happen overnight
and things take time.
That's because the Lord's putting together
the plan, the perfect plan for you.
So keep praying, and someday you'll have
a beautiful masterpiecethat the Lord has prepared,
especially for you.
- Well, we rejoice that Dave and Logan
are on the other side of that,
of learning what God's plan is.
But when you're waitingfor that plan to unfold,
and you're in despairand feeling hopeless,
it can be a tough journey.
And I don't know what has you down today,
but Terry and I wanna pray foryou, whatever your need is.
People are watching thisprogram and need hope,
need encouragement, and needto know the Lord still cares
about the details of their lives.
And Terry and I wannapray for your needs now.
We're gonna join hands and seek God
for the miraculousthrough his Holy Spirit.
And Father God, we dorejoice in that miracle
after years and yearsof waiting and hoping
that miracle unfolds.
But Lord God for thosestill praying and hoping,
and maybe even have beenin despair, Father God,
we claim the promises of the Psalmist,
Psalm 46, that God isour refuge and strength.
Father God you are our strength.
It's not an our own might or our own will,
God, you are the refuge and strength
an ever-present help in times of trouble
and we seek God now for themiraculous, in Jesus name.
- I feel like there's somany out there right now
who have, just like this couple,been praying for children
and you are almost afraid tokeep hoping for any of this.
You know what the Scripturethat was just shared
is an ever-present helpin time of trouble.
God is right there with you
in the midst of your circumstances.
Rejoice in that, find the things
that are you're able to rejoice in,
trust the Lord with all your heart,
walk in the peace of hisprovision, let him give to you
all that he's purposedfor you in his time.
Jesus, we just pray for peaceof heart and peace of mind
for those who are longing for children,
and that the hurt, and thepain, and the wounding,
and the comments, that all ofthat could be set aside Jesus
and that they could just enjoy
and revel in your ever-present help.
- And Jesus we think of Psalm 119,
God you are our hidingplace and our shield.
Father, we get in your presence
and we think of that shield in front of us
keeping away the arrows andfiery darts of our enemy,
the shield provided by God.
And where does thePsalmist say we find hope?
It's in your word.
Father God get us back in the word
and there's someone outthere who feels like Jesus
is just sleeping in theboat while the storm rages.
And he says today I am here, Iam present, I am your shield,
find refuge in me,
I deeply love you,persevere, do not give up.
- There are others, you have conditions
that you've been diagnosed with.
I don't even know how specific this is,
but conditions that doctorshave said they are not possible
for you to be free from,for there to be healing of,
for some of you not even for treatment of.
Jesus is the Great Physician,
he is the Great I Am, theHealer, the one who created you,
the one who knows youfrom the top of your head
to the bottom of your toes,
and we speak healing into eachof your situations right now
that the very blood of Christthat was shed on the cross,
that frees us from our sin,also frees us from disease.
And Jesus we just pray now for healing
for those who have been diagnosed,
that there would be hope, and health,
and a future God for thosethat man has had no answer for.
We acknowledge thatyou are the Great I Am.
- And I just feel the HolySpirit saying so clearly
that there are so manypraying for their children,
and that's the storm, theirchildren are in that storm.
And moms and dads are wondering
if their prayers arecounting and being heard
and the Holy Spirit says yes, I hear.
Your prayers are reaching heaven
and make a tremendous difference.
For the sake of the children,
continue praying that shield is upon them
because of your prayers, in Jesus name.
- [Terry] Thank you.
- Father, we commit allthese things to you,
the needs in people's hearts
as they watch and they're hurting.
Father God, we thank you
for your love for us that never fails.
You will never leave us nor forsake us,
and we thank you for thatfaithful love in Jesus name, Amen.
- And Amen.- Amen.
If you'd like prayer for anything,
you can always call us 800-700-7000,
and we here at CBN wouldlove, love to pray for you.
Well, coming up in thismodern era of technology
and social media, we'veseen a rise in hopelessness,
division and strife.
Find out why pastor Rich Wilkerson, Sr.
believes the solution is honor.
He joins us live, that'snext, stay with us.
(upbeat music)
Well, between the insultsand the comebacks,
it seems that our publicdiscourse thrives on conflict.
And if you don't believe me,
look at social mediaor turn on cable news.
But Pastor Rich Wilkerson
says we should aim for somethingdifferent, take a look.
Rich Wilkerson is the Senior Pastor
of Trinity Church in Miami, Florida.
Rich believes we canchange the name-calling
and bullying in our culture.
- I think it's all about honor.
Honor opens doors for you thatyou cannot open for yourself.
- In his book, I Choose Honor,
Rich reveals the answerto our angry hurting world
and offers five keys tonurturing healthy relationships.
All right, Rich Wilkerson,Sr is with us now,
back to 700 Club interactive,good to have you.
- Thanks, Andrew.
- Great book abouthonor, interesting topic.
How do you try and livethis out for yourself?
- Oh, you know,
it honors an act of your will.
Okay, God made usdifferent than the animals
because we're ruled by moral law,
we have the choice in the matter.
And it there comes a point, bythe power of the Holy Spirit,
you've gotta decide, I won'tyell, I will control anger,
I will choose love, I'll choose a smile.
- Well, it's a choice, isn't it?
It's not always natural.- (laughs) Hello.
So it's just not natural.
But you can choose, Ibelieve, through the years
to where it does become natural,
becomes unnatural for you tobe quick, or yell, or be upset.
- Did you learn this at an early age,
was it modeled for you?- Well, my dad,
my dad, my dad, he loved people.
And he loved people, I mean,
of every creed, color, background.
- The real deal.- Oh, man.
He accidentally met presidentsof the United States.
I mean, people would just drag them along
'cause they want to John with them.
Because he was the one that was gonna say
the right, kind thing at the right thing.
- Valued people.- Valued people.
- All people.- Yeah.
And I believe, Andrew, thatpeople are our greatest asset,
greatest equity in any businessis not the company profits,
that's all necessary, but it's the people
that are the greatestequity and asset you have.
- Now, in reading yourbook that reminds me,
you consider them as a God's hidden gold?
- Well, yeah.
The reason why I talkabout God's hidden gold
is that the very people thatsometimes you and I step over,
if we're not careful,okay, they can't help me,
so I'm gonna, but sometimesthose are the very ones
that are gonna be used by the Lord,
to elevate your own calling.
- [Andrew] Well, didn't you learn that
in one of your first churches?
- Oh my goodness, well, 20years ago, my first church
that I actually was the pastor of,
was the little inner city church in Miami,
called Trinity Church, and wehad about 300 Haitian people,
when we went there.
And every morning,
there be a line of peopleat the office door for food.
So Robyn and I would kind of try
to work our way throughthem, get inside the door,
lock the door, so wecan build a great church
with lots of people.
And one day after we werebroke, after two years,
we had started buyingeveryday groceries for people,
everybody would show up, get groceries,
but one day, I was workingon building a great church
and God said, you know what,
I've been bringing peopleto your front door for,
you know, two years, step over 'em.
And it took me about three hoursafter to get off the floor,
I just broke and wept, and repented,
said God will I'm an idiot.(Andrew laughs)
Please forgive me, I justgotta get right with God.
And about two weeks later,
Robyn found a request forproposal in the Miami Herald,
and she filled it out, itwas a contract to compete
with other nonprofitsfor money from the city.
She won $175,000, her firsttry, for a summer day camp,
eight weeks for 500 kids,Monday through Friday.
And that began oursocial service ministry,
we've raised $50 million ingovernment funding since then,
we've seen thousands ofpeople turn to Christ.
- Hidden gold.- And you started
with people that you didn't think,
but they're the very means
that God used to turn ourwhole lives upside down,
and we love them all.
- Switching gears just a little bit here,
in your book, you compare honor
to the phrase kissing up, right?
And that's got a negative connotation,
but what's the correlation here for you?
- Yeah, so the key Greek word for worship,
in the New Testament, is proskuneo,
and proskuneo has a kindof a metaphor definition,
and that's a dog kissingits master's hand.
And the dog is always kissing upward.
And the idea is, that'swhat worship is really,
you humble yourself before God,
it's loving upward, it's reaching higher.
And so that's what we do withany person we come in contact.
It's not a bad thing, it's anactually honor of everyone.
Nobody is under me,sometimes in a corporation,
yeah, you have chain of command,
but I don't look at people as under me,
I'm looking as their servant,
and I could lift them upthat way and bless them.
- So how do families andchurches begin to walk in this?
- Well, it starts with an individual's
personal relationship with God.
Sometimes we say we love the Lord,
we haven't talked tohim in a couple weeks.
This has got to get really tight,
our individual relationship,then it moves beyond me,
to my wife, to my kids,
and it begins to developaround the dinner table.
It goes from there, to your corporation,
or to where you work,or to where you do R&D,
or where you're a pastor,and it begins to spread.
It's really an organic componentto the character of Christ.
- I like how you point out in here,
there's some things to do,like you just talked about,
but there's some also thingsto avoid or not engage in.
So important ones angry,don't get angry, right?
- Yeah.
And, yeah, I mean, just--- Watch your tongue.
- Don't get involved in that debate.
Let it go, just really, really, really,
because people want you to choose sides,
and the moment you choose sides,
you lose impact and influencewith half the people.
- That's right.- All right?
And so if you can somehowfind good in each argument,
so that you can come to middle ground,
and it's in the middle groundwhere we start a relationship
so that we can actuallyhave civil dialogue, Andrew.
The country doesn't realize it right now,
but we're dying for a civildialog in every arena.
We've gotta get awayfrom did not, did too,
did not, did do, tastesgreat, less filling.
We've gotta stop that.(Andrew laughs)
I'm serious.
Let's stop, don't get involved in that.
And say, that's a wonderfulpoint, that's a wonderful point,
have you ever considered,
and can we have it, andyou find the middle ground.
I believe that's what the man, the woman,
of honor chooses to be about.
- How about honoring theHoly Spirit, can we do that?
- My father's dearest friend in life
was a man by the name,dad's in Heaven, right,
he's with Jesus.
But Dr. Young Cho is still going
and they're best friends for 100 years.
And Dr. Cho talks aboutmaking the Holy Spirit
your best friend.
And all of my friends, Itry to serve my friends,
and so when you realizethat he is the comfort,
he's the one that's walking with you,
he's there to help youin your darkest hour,
Cho says talk to him.
Well, I think that's whatwe're supposed to do.
Holy Spirit help me right now.
I pray God, Holy Spirit,I know you're here,
lead me through this darkwater right now, I need you.
See, it's that humbling of I need,
and that's when the Lord shows up.
- And so instead of getting involved
in some of the nonsense, getinvolved with the Holy Spirit
and what he wants to do.- Oh, yeah.
- Anything else you wannashare about the book
and want people to take away?- I got one story,
it's just a killer story.
I talk about the hidden gold,
we talked about earlier, Andrew,
and my wife has this phenomenal family,
of course, I had David Wilkerson,
and that whole team ofWilkerson's, my kids,
but Robyn was a partof the Buntain family,
but they've great works inIndia, around the world,
but Robyn's auntie wasn'trelated to Mark and Hola Buntain.
Her name was Marie Jonswood
and she was one of thefirst missionaries in 1945
into Upper Volta, andthey, a couple weeks ago,
had a major killing there of a church,
radicals killed the pastor.
But that's where Auntie Marie served,
she lived in a hut till 1980when she came home, retired.
She never had indoor plumbing,and she never got married,
but she adopted 240 orphaned children
over the 30-somethingyears that she was there,
knew seven languages, tookthem all through to college
and supported pastors when she got home,
she supported 10 pastorsa month, $15 a month.
And they called her andasked her if she'd come
for their 50th anniversary,
for their 50th anniversaryof her movement.
She went there.
She couldn't talk her wayout of a wet paper sack,
embarrassed of just to open her mouth,
but she was a servantof the Lord, all right?
They pick her up the airport, Aunt Marie
and my mother-in-law'ssister, went with her,
and they took her to a hotel.
There's no hotels here, yeah,there's hotels now Aunt Marie,
we'll pick you up at sixo'clock for the meeting.
So she thought they weregoing to a little bush church.
They take Aunt Marie to this stadium.
There's 35,000 people there.
And as they walked her onto the stage,
they were standing screaming,"Mama, mama!" mother.
She did not step on people or over people,
she served under them tolove them up, and in time.
Look what God does.
This is the long haul,this isn't like, okay,
I'm gonna honor todayand maybe not tomorrow,
I go on vacation.
No, this is a life calling.
And when you go for life, in the end,
maybe you have 35,000 people say mama,
and no one else knows your name.
- Hmm, what a legacy?- Yeah.
- But the book, it'scalled I Choose Honor.
It's available wherever books are sold,
and I really encourage you to get it.
Rich, thanks so much for being with us.
- Thank you so much Andrew.- God bless you.
- God bless.- Terry, over to you.
- Well, up next, a former child soldier
tells the horrific story of his capture
by the Lord's Resistance Army
when he was just six years old.
See why he is thriving today, after this.
(mellow music)
Jonah is a boy fromUganda who was kidnapped
when he was just six years old
by the Lord's Resistance Army.
As a child soldier, he wasforced to do unspeakable things.
His story could have had an ending
as brutal as the life he once lived,
but instead, Jonah is thriving today
with a promising future for tomorrow.
- [Interpreter] I heard stories of rebels
that kill everyone andburn entire villages.
So when our neighborsscreamed, they are here,
I ran and hate all day,but they still found me.
- [Narrator] Jonah told me
the incredible story of hiscapture and eventual release
and rescue for the Lord's Resistance Army.
He was taken captive with many other boys
when he was just six years old.
- [Interpreter] I wasthe youngest among them.
We walked for days, thenarrived at the base.
The Commander gave me a big stick
and ordered me to kill a man.
If I didn't do it, they would kill me.
I beat him and beat him,but I was so small and weak,
he would not die.
Then I said just let me die too,
I'm too young to kill this man.
- [Narrator] The LRA Commandergathered all the boys around
and told them not to cryor shout, but only to laugh
and celebrate what was about to happen.
- [Interpreter] They made the man lie down
and cut him in piecesas he begged for mercy.
There was so much blood.
My heart cried out forhim, but I kept it inside.
I lost all my good memories,
and only saw the madness around me.
- [Narrator] Forced to fight for the LRA,
Jonah was badly injuredduring a crossfire.
The soldiers asked himif he wanted to rest.
- [Interpreter] When they ask that,
it means they'll make you rest forever.
I said I can walk.
I prayed and asked God to take me home.
I knew it was out of my hands,
I could no longer do anything.
(melancholic music)
- [Narrator] Nobody took care of Jonah
so when his wound didn't heal,
a soldier took him to anempty field to kill him.
But instead of shootinghim, the soldier let him go.
- [Interpreter] I wanted toget as far away as possible.
I stayed in abandoned huts as I fled,
and everywhere I went,I was in so much pain.
At night I woke up andheard a voice saying
you have to keep on going.
I looked to see who spoke,
but there was no one,now I know it was God.
- [Narrator] In one abandoned hut,
Jonah found beans and a few matches,
and managed to start a fire.
An army fighting the rebels saw the smoke
and surrounded the hut.
When they found Jonah alone,they took him to safety.
Jonah went back to his village,reunited with his family
and joined a peace club.(African celebratory music)
The club was startedby Exile International,
a ministry supported byCBN's Orphan's Promise.
Through the peace club,
he learned about the God who saved him.
- [Interpreter] Even before Iknew him, he took care of me.
I have given my life to Christ
and I know there is nothingI have outside of God,
who didn't find me byaccident, God sent you to me,
and your love and acceptancehas helped heal my heart.
- Many of the kids whocome to these peace clubs
are either war orphansor former child soldiers.
But here in a therapeutic setting,
they sing songs and play games.
Early on, when they start coming,
a lot of the skits they put on
have to do with violence and war,
but in time, they're doing little plays
about school and their friends,
because here, they have achance to be kids again.
(children singing in joy)
We also enrolled Jonah,
in a Christian boarding schoolwhere he's doing very well.
- [Interpreter] My life is complete,
you have cared for me like a parent
and given me everything I need.
There's nothing I can give you in return,
but I pray that Godwill bless every person
who has been a part of helping me.
- Thank you 700 Club members.
If you have joined with the rest of us,
you have a hand in Jonah'srestoration and redemption.
And thousands and thousandslike him all around the world
whose lives are being touchedby your generosity every day.
Join the 700 club, 65cents a day, $20 a month,
makes you a member
and our number's even tollfree, couldn't be easier,
Call today because youreally can touch lives,
you really can change the world
right from the comfort haveyour own living room, do it.
Andrew.- Oh, and Terry,
thank you for whatOrphan's Promise is doing.
- It's a pleasure,
it's a pleasure really to see restoration
of a life like that, fresh beginning.
- Remarkable.
We leave you with Romans 12:10,
be devoted to one another in love.
Honor one another aboveyourselves, great Word.
Remember, thanks for joining us today,
we will see you next time on700 Club Interactive, bye bye.
(mellow music)