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News on The 700 Club: May 17, 2019

As seen on “The 700 Club,” May 17, 2019.: Read Transcript

- Hello, everyone andwelcome to the 700 Club.

Well, the House ofRepresentatives is likely to pass

the Equality Act today,even as opponents say

the bill doesn't live up to its name.

They warn there's far moreto it than meets the eye.

Abigail Robertson brings usthe story from Washington.


- House Republicans wantto pull back the curtain

on the so-called Equality Act,

a bill Minority Whip Steve Scalise

calls the most invasive threat

to a parent's involvement inchildren's medical decisions

he's seen during hisentire time in Congress.

- The son can actually go to a doctor

without the parents' involvement at all,

even if the parents object vocally,

under this bill, thedoctor has to treat the boy

to ultimately transferover to be a female.

- [Abigail] Kids of all ages.

- I'm talking about 10,11 and 12 year olds.

- [Abigail] It's alreadyhappening in states

with laws similar to the Equality Act.

- In Ohio, there was a parents

that had their parentalrights taken away from them

because they refused to go along

with giving hormone treatmentsto their teenage child.

- [Abigail] And if doctors refuse.

- We've had other statethat have sued hospitals

who have, the faith-based hospitals,

who have not gone along

with doing a sex changeoperation on a child.

- [Abigail] If passed,the bill would amend

the Civil Rights Act toprohibit discrimination

based on sexual orientationor gender identity.

- We cannot allow claimsof religious freedom

to be used to discriminateagainst an LGBT individual.

- [Abigail] But Scaliseargues it's strayed far

from its advertised purpose.

- And if that's what theywere concerned about,

that's what the bill wouldhave been focused on.

But it's not.

- [Abigail] And it evenaddresses abortion.

- They take away theprotections that taxpayer money

won't be used for abortion.

- [Abigail] Some LGBTQadvocates like Kara Dansky,

are joining conservativesspeaking out against the bill.

- I am certain that thepeople here with me today

profoundly disagree withme about many issues.

But we are here togetherto take a strong stand

for the rights, privacy andsafety of women and girls.

- [Abigail] Dansky tells CBN News.

- If the bill is permitted to go through,

it would redefine the wordsex to mean gender identity

and that has grave consequencesfor women and girls.

- [Abigail] Hartzler,a former track coach,

argues it would provedetrimental to women's sports.

- It tramples on therights of women and others

by forcing a top-downgovernment discrimination

against those who hold differing views

on marriage and on human sexuality.

- While this is expected

to pass the Democrat controlled House,

it's unlikely Senate MajorityLeader Mitch McConnell

will allow a vote this session.

Don't expect the EqualityAct to go away, however,

as it's been introduced in some form

each session since 1974.

Reporting from Capitol Hill,Abigail Robertson, CBN News.

- Thanks, Abigail.

It doesn't appear this is going to go away

any time soon, but thiscertainly is a bill

to keep your eye on and tomake your voice heard on

whenever you have the opportunity.

But this is another time when I think

you look at things andrealize that you have

to consider the candidatesthat you vote for

and put into the House and Senate,

when you have that opportunity.

Well, in other news,despite all the speculation

about a conflict betweenthe United States and Iran,

President Trump says hehopes the new tensions

between the two countriesdon't lead to war.

John Jessup has that story

from our CBN News Bureau in Washington.



- That's right, Terry, thePresident made the statement

even as congressional leaderslearned about the threats

prompting the administrationto take countermeasures

in the Middle East.

Jennifer Wishon has that story.


- Members of Congress

who lead the intelligence committees

have been briefed bythe Trump administration

on the classified intelligence

that's led to a show ofAmerican military might

in the Middle East and the evacuation

of US personnel from Iraq.

Leaders were tight-lipped

as they left the briefing Thursday.

- We've asked for a classified briefing

for the entire Congress.

Well, I can only ask for theHouse of Representatives.

- [Jennifer] Which they'll get next week.

Speaker Pelosi and others complained

the Trump administration iskeeping them out of the loop

on the eve of possible war with Iran.

But on the Senate floor,Senator Marco Rubio

called the Trump administration'smoves wholly appropriate,

saying, "A persistent andclear stream of information

"indicates Iran and its terrorist partners

"pose a serious,potentially imminent threat

"to US forces andcivilians in the region."

- The appropriate thing for them to do

is to reposition militaryassets to the region,

number one, to protect theAmericans that are there,

in case they come under attack.

And number two, to be ina position to retaliate.

And the reason why that is important

is you hope to deter this sort of attack.

- [Jennifer] But the Wall Street Journal

reports there's intelligenceIran believed the US

planned to attack them, prompting Tehran

to move weapons into positionfor possible counter strikes,

something the US and itsallies saw as a threat.

But others in theadministration believe Iran

was planning to strike first.

The concerns arose aftersurveillance photos

showed Iranian backedmilitia loading missiles

onto small ships in the Persian Gulf.

Some critics fear thePresident is being pressured

by his national securityadvisor, John Bolton

and others, who are hawkish on Iran.

The president disputed that, tweeting,

"Different opinions are expressed

"and I make a decisiveand final decision."

And he revealed his hope atthe White House Thursday.

- [Reporter] Mr. President,are we going to war with Iran?

- I hope not.

- [Jennifer] SenatorRubio says, "It's simple."

- If Iran attacks, there'll be a war.

If Iran does not attack,there will not be a war.

- This escalation between the US

and Iran comes one year afterthe President pulled out

of the Iran Nuclear Deal andreinstated crippling sanctions

on the Islamic republic.

Iranian leaders say they'llstart enriching uranium

at higher levels if they can't reach

a new nuclear deal withEurope by early July.

Jennifer Wishon, CBN News, Washington.

- Thanks, Jennifer.

Missouri's Republicanled House is expected

to pass a bill banning abortions

at eight weeks of pregnancy.

The state Senate approved the bill

along party lines Thursday

and Republican Governor MikeParson is likely to sign it.

It includes exceptionsfor medical emergencies

but not rape or incest.

It also stipulates doctors could face

five to 15 years in prison.

Well, a Virginia manis being hailed a hero

for dramatically stopping a suicidal man

from taking his own life.

Collin Dozier risked hislife getting involved

as the man was poisedto jump from a bridge.

As Charlene Aaron shows us,more lives are being saved

as a result of his story.


- In late April, CollinDozier was driving home

around midnight when he noticeda car on the Lesner Bridge

located right behind me.

He said he felt compelledby God to investigate

what was happening with its driver.

- I figured, he wasn't evenreally near his car that much

so, I just felt theHoly Spirit speak to me

and tell me to go up there.

- [Charlene] The man hadgotten out of his car

to jump from the bridge.

- At that point, I ended up,

hey man, don't do it.

Jesus loves you.

He's got a plan for your life.

- [Charlene] Dozier, a devout Christian,

says while the man, whose name is Jacob,

didn't respond, that didn'tstop him from talking

and at times, sharing hisown personal testimony.

- I did what, the only thing I know to do

in a situation likethat and that's to pray.

And I was like, Lord Jesus,please speak to this man.

I pray right now you open up his eyes

and show him your love.

- [Charlene] Dozier says

when police arrived, things escalated.

- And he said, "Leave me alone.

"I have a gun, I'm gonna kill you both."

- [Charlene] Still,Dozier, a former wrestler,

inched closer to the man, who by now

was rocking back and forthon the bridge's railing.

Dozier then made his move.

- I went over top of his arms.

I pinched my elbows in so I knew

that he couldn't reach for anything.

I stepped up on the railingand I sucked him back

and I picked him up and Ithrew him down on the pavement.

And at that point, thepolice officers jumped over

the roadside railing

and were able to apprehend him.

- May we present you.

- [Charlene] The city of Virginia Beach

recognized Dozier's heroic actions

by honoring him with its Lifesaving Award.

- I really believe that theGood Lord puts his hands

on our shoulders at times todo great things like this.

This was an individual whoput his own life at risk

to save another.

- [Charlene] Dozier has sincestayed connected to the man

who on the night of his attempted suicide

had been high on meth,PCP, heroin and cocaine.

He has since become aChristian and now attends

Dozier's church and plans to be baptized.

- He said, "The fact of thelove that you showed me,"

it blew his mind tothe point that he said,

"I want that."

He said, "I want that love."

And so, I just told himthe scripture and I said,

look, if you'd be willing, I'd love

to pray this prayer with you.

And he said, "Absolutely."

And he accepted Jesus in his heart.

- [Charlene] Meanwhile, Doziersays other hurting people

have reached out to him,

and at least one has come to Christ.

While many are calling Dozier a hero,

he's quick to give the credit to the one

who saved a soul in more ways than one.

- I absolutely give all the glory to God.

There's no doubt, this is not,

you can't make this stuff up,

this is all God incident.

- [Charlene] Charlene Aaron, CBN News.

- Thank, Charlene.

What an incredible story.

Terry, so grateful hewas at the right place

at the right time.

- Boy, he sure was.

He had his antenna up andwas tuned and ready to go

and used his faith.

Collin, we just salute you as well as

the salutations andcongratulations you're getting

from the city of Virginia Beach.

Way to be there, way to be there.

And now, they have an ongoingrelationship with each other.

I think that's amazing.


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