Franco Santoriello found fame and success as a body builder, but his less-than-idyllic childhood set him up for a life of hardship. Then he tried a new way of life.
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- I wasn't gonna be a body builder
I was a football player,
but this one guy talked me into
going to a body building show with him,
and I did, and I took a second place.
And I'm like, wow I thinkI'm pretty good at this.
So I set my sights andI said you know what
I'm done with footballI'm gonna be the best
teenage body builder in the world.
- [Narrator] FrancoSantoriello did become one
of the top body builders in the world.
Gracing the covers of magazines
and winning international awards,
but Franco's childhood wasfar from an idealic one.
- What I remember aboutmy parents fighting
is it was frequent.
My mom and dad fought, we didn't
just hear it the wholeneighborhood heard it.
It was loud, and it wasreally, it was hurtful.
And what we did as children I would run
into my room and just have this fear
in me that, you know,what's gonna happen now?
I mean is somebody gonna get hurt?
Is momma gonna get hurt?
It put instilled fear in me.
What child should have towalk around with fear in them?
- [Narrator] Franco grew up catholic
but says he didn't know God.
I got confirmed, baptized,I was an alter boy.
My conception of God was, he was a man
that was hung on a cross.
I didn't know that Godwas right here with me.
The only way I knew I could really talk to
God or communicate withGod through a priest.
- [Narrator] Franco'sparents eventually divorced
and it brought hisinsecurities to a new level.
- [Franco] There was a split, and my dad
just kinda like took off.
It ripped a hole in my heart.
- [Narrator] In middle school Franco
tried drugs for the first time.
- There was a party going on,
and my brothers friend, you know
he turned me on to a joint.
It was just like something hit me
where it was like, hey I'm gonna be okay.
I just kinda escaped myself.
- [Narrator] Franco's drug use continued
and escalated through high school.
- [Franco] It wasn't long after that
we started messing around with
pills, you know, speed, qualudes,
things like that, so at15 years I did cocaine,
and immediately at that point,
I mean I was just, youknow, drugs were just
very common to me.
- [Narrator] When Francowas 24 his brother
became a Christian.
- [Franco] He knew his little brother
needed Jesus cause he know the life
of sin that I was living in.
So he got me to church, and I identified
right away that I was a sinner.
I knew I needed a savior,
but my problem was I didn't want a lord.
I didn't want anybody taking over my life,
and surrendering myselfand being in control of me.
- [Narrator] As a worldfamous body builder
Franco has indorsements,money, fame, and women.
He also had all the drugs he wanted.
- 30 years old
getting ready to train for the
Night of the Champions, one of the bigger
body building events in the world.
Meet this professional wrestler
and we were working out a couple times,
and he asked me if I've ever done heroin.
I was like "no", he said you wanna try it?
He said it'll give youa really good work out.
I'm like why not,
and that's how I got introduced to heroin.
It wasn't long after that I had
a heroin overdose that killed me.
- [Narrator] Franco wasrushed to the emergency room
where he coded.
- [Franco] I knew I was dead because when
I woke up in the trauma unit the doctor
looked at me and said your lucky son,
we had to bring you back.
- [Narrator] Two failed marriages
and another brush withdead after a heart attack
were not enough to slow Franco down,
but hit and run accident in 2011 was.
- I ran back home, got out of the car
and there's was a copsitting in the driveway
and he asked me, he goes,"were you driving this car?"
And I looked at him, andI said "yeah it was me."
They ran my ID and found out I had
drug warrants in Ohio.
- [Narrator] Franco wassentenced to three years in jail.
Which gave him time toreflect on his life.
- So for six weeks Ilaid in a rack, in prison
crippled in fear.
What in the heck happened to me?
I remember I was on top of the world
and now I'm on the bottom bunk in prison.
What happened to me?
As my addiction wenton and I crushed lives
and I broke relationships,and I hurt people
in my path that added to all the guilt
and shame, and pain.
- [Narrator] One daywhile he sat on the edge
of his prison bunk Franco prayed.
- And I was like God Iknow that you're real
that's what the catholic church taught me
that you're real, I believe in you,
but, can I get some help here?
I'm like I quit , I need you,
and it was at that moment it felt like
all of a sudden my hands were freed
and I was able to reach my hand up
out of that quicksand and just like that
God's mighty hand came down from heaven
and grabbed mine, and pulled me up
and I was able to take a breath.
See that day God's hand wasthe light, love, and hope
that this hopeless man neededto survive another day.
And I remember him telling me,
you need to read your biblebecause there's freedom.
You can get deliverance in God's word
you wanna be set free from judge?
Read the bible, there's strength.
- [Narrator] Franco saw the bible
at the end of his bed,
he picked it up and began reading it.
- [Franco] The next day I woke up
I'm like wow maybe I should try
what I did yesterday again.
So I cracked open the bible
and I went and worked outfor five minutes again.
- [Narrator] He began working out again
and soon was using his platform
to minister to other inmates.
- 9 months later,
I was running that prison
I was doing workouts four hours long.
I had everybody in the prison room
wanting to workout with me.
I was running fitness programs,
bible studies I meanthat's all that I did.
Everyday, I said "wow", this works.
- [Narrator] Today Franco is free
and heads Jacked Up For Jesus.
A ministry that uses body building
to bring people to Jesus.
He tells his story in his book
'Before and After'.
- [Franco] The enemy used body building
to bring me down.
They use it because itbecame very prideful
it was able to fuel my addiction.
It just destroyed my life.
God has taken that same sport
and that same platform to bring back
to me, to bring glory to him.
I'm still an addict today,but I'm addicted to Jesus.
My real true audience is the addicts,
and the inmates cause that's the place
where he got ahold of me and he wants
to get ahold of everyinmate in the world today.
In my vision statement is to encourage,
motivate, and inspire the broken,
bound, and bruised to living a victorious
and purposeful life in Christ.