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News on The 700 Club: May 16, 2019

As seen on “The 700 Club,” May 16, 2019.: Read Transcript

(Dramatic Introduction Music)

- [Pat] Welcome folks tothis edition of the 700 Club.

What we gather, satellitephotographs have shown

members of the RevolutionaryGuard, Iranian Guard

placing what look likemissiles on small craft

in the Persian Gulf andthis may be what triggered

the alarm where PresidentTrump was saying all personnel

in Iraq need to be evacuated.It hasn't been shared

with Congress and ithasn't been made public,

so is that the cause? It maywell be and Iran may well

be planning some violentaction in the Gulf.

We just don't know that yet.

But turning closer to home,on April alone, 100,000 people

tried to enter our countryillegally. 100,000, and that's

just the people who weredetained at the border.

Today, President Trumpannounced a new immigration plan

calling for sweeping changesbased on merit and he still

hasn't dealt with the Dreamersand the Democrats are saying

"Look, don't you thinkyou ought to take care

of the Dreamers?" And I totally agree.

The people, the young peoplewho've lived here ... their

lives and they dream ofbecoming American citizens.

And Trump was willing togive on that some time ago,

but that's not on this plan.The CBN's Jenna Browder reports

from Washington, Democratsare already against

the President's plan.

(dramatic transition music)

- [Jenna] President Trump will lay out

his new immigration plan ina Rose Garden speech today.

He is expected to focus on two key issues,

legal citizenship and border security.

- [President Trump]Tremendous problems of course

at the southern border. Fromdrugs to the wrong people

being allowed to comein because of a corrupt

and broken system.

- [Jenna] His plan aims tooverhaul the Green Card System

and put more emphasis onpeople with high-level skills,

degrees, and command ofthe English language.

- [President Trump] Idon't think most countries

are giving us their finest.

- [Jenna] What's not changing,the number of Green Cards

given out each year, whichwill stay at 1.1 million.

Democrats say that thePresident's plan fails to address

the critical issue ofDreamers. Young people brought

to the United Statesillegally by their parents.

This all comes as the crisisat the border escalates.

In April and March alone,200,000 people were detained,

trying to cross illegally.Now back-ups are being called

in to help. CNN reportingthe Transportation Security

Administration will sendhundreds of officials

to help control the overflow of migrants.

Senator Lindsey Graham has released

his own immigration planthat seeks to reform

the asylum process. Graham'sproposal would require

asylum applicants fromCentral America to apply

for asylum in their respective countries.

- [Senator Graham] The situation we have

on the border today is horrible.

- [Jenna] The AssociatedPress visited eight cities

along the border and found13,000 asylum seekers

on waiting lists to get into the country.

Often exposed to gangs andextremely dangerous situations.

Democrats say they must bea part of this conversation

and some Republican lawmakersagree. Without cooperation

from both sides, the President'splan has little chance

of getting anywhere. InWashington, Jenna Brower CBN News.

- [Pat] Thanks Jenna. As Isaid at the top of the show,

in other news, the WhiteHouse has surveillance photos

showing Iranian-backedmilitia loading rockets

onto small ships in the Persian Gulf.

John Jessup has more on that story.

(dramatic transition music)

- [John] Thanks Pat. TheNew York Times reports

senior administration officialsare revealing information

to counter-claims that thereis no significant threat

from Iran. Images not yetreleased to the public show

missiles being loaded ontoships, believed to be run

by Iran's RevolutionaryGuard. That's raising concerns

of possible launches at U.S. naval ships

in the Persian Gulf. Europeanofficials and some members

of Congress claim the theadministration is over-reacting.

The Washington Post reportsdisagreement in the White House

with President Trump reportedly wanting

a diplomatic approach,while senior advisers push

for military action. ThePresident blasted reports

of conflict within theadministration, tweeting

"There is no infighting"."Different opinions

are expressed and I make adecisive and final decision."

"All sides, views, andpolicies are covered,"

and he ended with saying

"I'm sure that Iranwill want to talk soon."

Well, leaders from Venezuelagovernment and the opposition

are reportedly meeting in Norway.

Members of the NationalAssembly, which support

opposition leader JuanGuaido, say the two sides

are there to resolve thepolitical crisis in their country.

Venezuelan dictator NicolásMaduro did not confirm

the meeting, though he didsay his Information Minister

is on a very important missionoutside of the country.

Well, GOP Leaders arepressuring house Democrats

to pass a bill protectingIsrael from a global effort

seeking to isolate Israel. In February,

the Republican Senate voted overwhelmingly

to approve a measure weakeningthe Boycott, Divestment,

and Sanctions Movement,but it's been stalled

in the House. CBN NewsCapital Hill Correspondent

Abigail Robertson has more.

(dramatic transition music)

- [Abigail] The move toforce a vote to protect

Israel comes as Israelicelebrate the founding

of the Jewish State, amidrenewed Palestinian protests.

(people yelling protests)

- [Abigail] Palestinian activists

protesting a major international event

in Israel are only part of agrowing anti-Israel movement.

- [Rep. McCarthy] There is arising trend in anti-Semitism

across the world.

- [Abigail] Now Republicanleaders want to force a vote

that would protect Israel from boycott,

divestment, and sanctions.

- [Rep. McCarthy] The BDSMovement seeks to prevent

individuals, private companies,and even entire countries

from doing business withIsraeli firms. The ultimate aim

is to exclude, isolate,and de-legitimize Israel.

- [Abigail] Instead,lawmakers want to give

state and local governmentspermission to refuse

to work with companies involved in BDS.

- [Rep. Scalise] Where youhave members of Congress

expressing anti-Semiticviews on a regular basis now

and also embracing andsupporting this boycott

and divestment movement.

- [Abigail] Minority WhipSteve Scalise believes Israelis

wouldn't be the only oneshurt by the BDS Movement.

- [Rep. Scalise] The BDSMovement would hurt Palestinians

who are making good wages.

- [Abigail] A bi-partisanproposal to counter BDS passed

the Senate with 77 votes in February,

but hit a roadblock in the House.

- [Rep. Kustoff] Let's senda signal again to the Nation

and to the world.

- [Abigail] House lawmakershope a forced vote will

reignited that legislative option.

- [Rep. McCarthy] There isan opportunity for those

Democrats, who believe instanding up to anti-Semitism,

have an opportunity to do so.

Do not let your leadership stop you.

- [Abigail] Lawmakerssay the bill is necessary

to contend with a growingvoice in Congress supporting

the Anti-Israel Movement.

- [Rep. Zeldin] We shouldnot have to be talking

about a member of Congress, whotime after time, after time,

is making anti-Semitic remarks...

- [Abigail] Lawmakers inthe house need 21 Democrats

to sign the petition toforce a vote on the floor.

That's fewer than thenumber of Senate Democrats

who supported the anti-BDSbill back in February.

Reporting from Capital Hill,Abigail Robertson CBN News.

- [John] Thanks Abigail. Pat, back to you.

- [Pat] I don't know whythe Democrats don't condemn

the remarks that have beenmade by that member, who has

been so anti-Israel,who's statements have been

so extreme, and that lady still sits

on the Foreign Relations Committee

of the Houses of Representatives.

And so far, the leadership has not taken

the condemnation action inany way, shape, or form.

And I don't think theDemocrats want to be perceived

as anti-Israeli but itlooks like that's the way

it's coming down. The Republicans are now

the Pro-Israel party and theDemocrats are turning out

to be the Anti-Israelparty, and I wonder if the

Jewish donors who haveso vigorously supported

Democrats in the past,will continue to do so.

It seems like they oughtto switch sides. John?

- [John] Pat. Alabama Governor Kay Ivey

signed the toughest abortion bill

in the country into law Wednesday night.

The Governor said the billis a powerful statement

to our Alabamians deeplyheld belief that every life

is a sacred gift from God.

(dramatic transition music)

- [Gov. Ivey] All human life is precious.

- [John] The law makes abortionat any stage of pregnancy

a felony, punishable byup to 99 years in prison

for the abortion provider.There is no exception

for rape or incest, only ifthe expectant mother's health

is at serious risk. Thelaw doesn't go into effect

for six months, but is expectedto face legal challenges

to stop it. And that's thegoal, to go to the Supreme Court

to overthrow Roe vs. Wade,the 1973 landmark decision

that legalized abortionnationwide. Louisiana is poised

to pass a law banning abortionsafter a fetal heartbeat

is detected, and Pat,Missouri is also close

to passing one banning abortionsafter just eight weeks.

- [Pat] There are many, manystates that are now passing

these bills. In order to get cert,

there needs to be either a large number

of states in favor of thistype of action, or else ...

there's got to be a split in the Circuits

and I don't think we've gotthat yet. But without question,

they're going after Roevs. Wade. Roe vs. Wade

was ill-decided, it was based on that

Griswald vs. Connecticut,the decision that talked

about per-numbers andemanations and all that nonsense

that entered into our jurisprudenceand as I've said before,

I don't think this particularbill is the case I would want

to bring to the Supreme Court.I think that you want to get

something that you know is going to win.

I don't think that will. John.

- [John] Pat. This month,thousands of college students

will walk across the stageand collect their diplomas.

But most are leaving schoolwith more that just a degree.

They are also saddled ofhundreds of thousands of dollars

of crippling debt. SomeDemocratic presidential candidates

are proposing giving free tuition

to solve the college debt crisis.

As Jennifer Wishon explains,some churches and charities

are also stepping up to help.

(dramatic transition music)

- [Maya] College is alot. It's a lot of money.

- [Jennifer] Maya Thompsonis a graduating senior

at Howard University. She's also a mom.

- [Maya] Some days I work five days a week

and other days I work two days a week.

- [Jennifer] Recently, she and 33

other Howard students receivedsome divine intervention,

courtesy of a D.C. area church.

Over forty days, thecongregation of Alfred Street

Baptist Church fasted, prayed,and gave as God guided them.

This is the fruit of the100,000 dollars they raised.

- [Howard] We heard the Lordsay we ought to do something

for some people who aregetting ready to graduate,

so ... came over here toHoward, pulled out the names

of Seniors who had someholds on their accounts,

just because of balancesthat were left over after

financial aid and all of that,and we want to let you know

that your account is paid in full, man.

You're clear to graduate.

(Joyful outburst)

- [Jennifer] Tuition at publicuniversities cost three times

what it did in the late'80s. Graduating Seniors can

rack up 20,000 - 40,000 dollars in debt

by the time they collect their diplomas.

Nation-wide, Americans owe1.5 trillion in student debt.

- [Jennifer] So how did studentsget into this mess of debt?

Some say the government is toblame. Colleges know students

have easy access to billionsin Federal Aid, encouraging

them to drive their tuitionprices higher and higher.

- [Mary] We're seeing the price

of college increase exponentially.

- [Jennifer] Mary ClareAmselem follows college trends

for the Heritage Foundation.

- [Mary] If we had a robustprivate lending market,

we would have private lenderscompeting to give loans

to students and collegescompeting for students,

rather than the other way around.

- [Jennifer] The situation is dire.

- [Maya] A lot of students in my school,

we share books, so likeif someone has a book,

"Hey, can I take a picture of that page?"

- [Jennifer] Some studentsfind themselves choosing

between college expenses orputting food on the table.

Reports from Mississippi andKentucky revealed the growth

in students turning to food pantries.

As for Maya Thompson, sheplans to return to Howard

next year, to surprisea student with a gift

in the same amount Alfred StreetBaptist Church gave to her.

- [Maya] I can't wait to put a smile

on another student's face next semester.

- [Jennifer] A good deed put into motion

by a faithful congregation.

Jennifer Wishon, CBN News Washington.

- [John] The gift that keeps on giving.

Thanks Jennifer. Pat, back to you.

- [Pat] I might say thatgovernment loans ...

We at Regent University discourage people

from taking on large amounts of debt,

but some people wantthat, and the question

is how fast can you pay itoff. As a matter of fact,

Regent University is nowconsidering for their employees,

some kind of program that helpsthem pay these debts down,

but it's a long-term process.It's got to be some place

where the interest ratestops, so if you start having

compound interest on thoseloans, they never get ahold

of them. It just almost an impossibility.

Unless people take positions in companies

that are paying big money, and this means

the teachers, for example,being litigated against

because the pay forteachers is fairly low.

And so you go into thevarious skill-sets that pay

higher wages that people canafford to pay off those debts.

And other skills, liketeachers, there needs to be some

real serious considerationfrom the Federal agencies

of loan forgiveness, forthose people who have taken

on those debts.


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