Read Transcript
- [Terry] This is Marcoswho says what did Jesus mean
when He instructed usto turn the other cheek?
- Well that's pretty self-evident.
Look, if somebody hits you,
the average person isyou'll hit 'em right back
and what Jesus said,
that's not the way Iwant my disciples to do.
If somebody hits you, you sayokay, you hit me on this side.
Go ahead and do it again.
I'm not gonna fight you back,
and that's what He was saying.
He said the whole ideais to allow yourself
to be mistreated if need be.
You're gonna absorb punishment,
but you're not gonna hand it out.
There was one guy whosaid I've turned my cheek,
but I better not be standing because
I'm gonna let him have it the next time
so that's not the answer, all right?
- Okay.
Okay this is Robin who says Hi, Pat!
I'm curious what the reason is
that you say we will meet Jesus
in the air when He comes back.
If he's coming to rule andreign here 1,000 years,
why would we go up to meet Him in the air?
I'm confused.
I've always been taughtthat we meet Him in the air
when He takes the church out
until the end of the Tribulation.
Meeting Him in the air
if He is coming to theearth confuses me more.
- Oh the reason you're confused is because
the teachings that you've beenbrought up on is an error.
It is not biblical.
There's not some secretrapture of the church.
You know that thing about left behind
and the airline pilotsare suddenly taken out
of the airplane and there'snothing but a suit there
and the plane's gotta fly itself.
I mean it's just nonsense.
All this stuff, ofcourse it confuses people
because it's not from the Bible.
The Bible says when the Lord returns,
He'll come with a showand with the holy angels
and the elect-in-Christand the dead-in-Christ
will rise and those whoremain will be transformed
and will become, will be with the Lord.
That is the so-called Rapture
which means it's the catching up,
but it's at the end of time.
The Lord's gonna come andtake control of the Earth
and those who belong to Him
will be part of His heavenly kingdom.
That's what it's about.
That other stuff is, I hate to say it,
but it's just totallyunbiblical, all right?
- Yeah this is Samuel whosays Pat, I love your show.
There are a number ofChristian-oriented sites on Facebook
and I have noticed that someseem to be taking the position
that the Jews are nolonger God's Chosen People
unless they accept Christand that Christians are now
the Chosen People of God.
This is contrary to myunderstanding of the Bible
especially in regard to Genesis 12:3.
Please give us youropinion on this subject.
- Okay you're exactly right.
What you're talking about is they call it
replacement theology thatthe Church replace the Jews
and that's not biblical.
There are two trendsthat go down the line.
One is the nation of Israeland the Jewish people.
The other are the Christians
and the Christians donot replace the Jews,
but the Jews are thereand the Apostle Paul says
I pray that my people will be saved,
but we are coming from theroot and stock of Abraham
and the church is not replacing the Jews.
But that has been taught
and is incorrect teaching, all right?
- Okay this is Chris who saysif one is supposed to tithe
to where he gets spiritualgrowth, is it okay to tithe
to a ministry rather than a church?
And does tithing have to be by check
or is online giving okay?
- I don't really thinkthe Bible says there
well I'm sorry, you should pay that online
and it oughta go to Amazon.
I mean come on.
It's just, that's not biblical.
When Abraham met Melchizedek,Melchizedek blessed him
and Abraham gave him a tithe
and the Old Testament,that's the standard.
The person who blesses you
is the one where the tithe belongs
and the idea that the tithe belongs
to the local church is a gooddeal for the local church.
I mean why not?
If I had a group of peopleand I wanted to teach them,
I want their money, I'd tellthem well you owe me the tithe.
But the tithe, brings yourtithes to the storehouse
and the storehouse isGod's church worldwide
with all the stuffs that God's doing
and I think that's also important.