Liberty Counsel's Mat Staver Calls 'Equality Act' a Dangerous Threat to Religious Freedom
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- Mat Staver, who'sfounder of Liberty Counsel
calls the Equality Act a dangerous threat
to religious freedom,he's absolutely right.
He's joining us now from Florida.
Mat, tell us about this thing.
What are the consequences
of this iniquitous piece of legislation?
- Well, the best way toconceptualize this, Pat,
is that what you cannotdo legally respecting race
you will not be able to do legally
respecting anything related to LGBT,
and this includes churchesand religious organizations.
So churches, for example, now are not able
to both morally, biblically,and certainly legally
have segregated restrooms,shower rooms, locker rooms,
et cetera, and so under this bill
what you cannot do regarding race,
that will be the same regarding LGBT.
So you will not be able to prevent men
from using women's private facilities
and this, Pat, includes churches.
It not only elevates LGBTto the same protected level
as race, but it expands excessively
the current federal laws, many of them.
It repeals the ReligiousFreedom Restoration Act
that was passed overwhelmingly in 1993,
signed into law by BillClinton, so you can't use
religious free exerciseas a claim or a defense,
and it makes abortion afederally-protected civil right
and would require the fundingof abortion through Medicaid,
Medicare, and other sources as well.
So this is exceptionally broad.
It is clearly as thepresident, as the White House
has stated in that statement,filled with many poison pills.
It is by far the biggestthreat to religious freedom
and freedom in general andthe sanctity of human life
that I've ever seen come out of Congress.
- Well you know, the Constitution,
we talk about the First Amendment,
but it says Congress,Congress shall pass no law
respecting the establishment of religion.
They made a big deal,but said, or prohibiting
the free exercise thereof.
This law would completely nullify
that part of theConstitution, is that right?
- Exactly, it would, and so for churches
and for Christianuniversities and colleges,
say for example like Regent and others,
if you did not comply with these mandates,
if you refused to allow a boy, a man
to sleep in a hotel room inthe same room with a girl
when they're on anovernight athletic event
or something else, whenthey're on an overnight stay,
that would be like race discrimination,
and this would be discriminationon the base of LGBT.
That would result inloss of tax exemption.
And it could also affectaccreditation of colleges
and universities, so thisis exceptionally broad.
It covers every area of our lives,
churches, non-profits, for-profits,online home businesses,
it covers everything, it'san excessive overreach.
It is filled with two ofthe Democratic priorities
in the House, LGBT and abortionand guts religious freedom.
- Mat, you know, thisLGBT, it wasn't long ago
that somebody was having a sex change
and it was a relatively rare thing.
Suddenly the people whoare having sex changes
have got a protected status.
LG is lesbian, bisexual,what does all that? (laughs)
What do those initials all stand for?
- You know, it's really lesbian,gay, bisexual, transgender,
and then they add many otherletters of the alphabet.
Q for questioning, youdon't know what you are.
And under the transgenderit's not just someone
who's gender confused, aman who wants to be a woman
or vice versa, it's someonealso who wants to be neither.
Believe it or not, thereare people who are claiming
that they're neither male nor female
and they prefer and theydemand and under this law
they will be required to be addressed
by the pronoun they, that'sright, they plural pronoun they.
This is exceptionally broad.
You're not gonna be able
to get away from this if it's passed.
It will certainly pass in the House.
The real battle will beto stop it in the Senate.
There's already 45 or socosponsors in the Senate.
All the Democrats are lining up there
including at least one Republican,
but I think that's thebattle where we can stop it.
We don't need to let itget to the president's desk
for a veto, it needs tobe stopped in the Senate
because it is literally culturechanging in so many aspects.
- Mat, where did it come from?
I've been doing thesethings for years and years,
but it looks like thelast five or 10 years
this has suddenly gainedincredible momentum.
What's the origin of it?
Who's sponsoring all these things?
- You know, it makes nosense, but what we see
is an exponential, rapidgrowth of this LGBT issue.
And the LGBT issue is intolerant,
and the target is religious freedom.
Churches, people of faithbecause that's the last bastion
that holds to Judeo-Christian values,
and that's why this literallyguts religious freedom.
Chuck Schumer was a cosponsor
of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act
and this law for the veryfirst time specifically says
you cannot use the ReligiousFreedom Restoration Act
as a claim or defense,
so it literally guts religious freedom.
The ultimate target is religiousfreedom, people of faith.
This would also reversethe ability of churches,
synagogues, and mosquesto make hiring decisions
based upon their religion,so in other words,
a synagogue preferring Jews over Muslims
would be in violation.
A church preferringChristians over atheists
would be in violation of this law.
- Can you get Jewish support for this,
for the work you're doing?
- I think we can get Jewish support
I think we can get a broad-based support
because once you reallystart to look at this law
it's really right there on the surface.
It literally removes the law's protection
that goes all the way backto 1964 that churches,
houses of worship can makehiring, employment decisions
based upon their faith.
It makes sense thatCatholics should be able
to prefer Catholics in their church.
Protestants should be ableto prefer Protestants.
Jews, Jews, Muslims,Muslims, but this literally
repeals that ability across the board.
So I think the more peoplebecome aware of this bill,
maybe not with some of theradicalism that's happening
in the Congress,particularly in the House,
but the grassroots,religious faith leaders
and faith communities, oncethey realize the impact
of this bill, it's far beyondjust LGBT, as bad as that is,
as dangerous as that is tofreedom, it is a broad base
repeal of religiousfreedom across the board.
- Well Mat, thank you for being,
and thank you for the work you're doing.
And I wanted to ask our audience now,
I think you should call yoursenator or your congressman,
your representative, the telephone number
for the Capitol HillSwitchboard is 202-224-3121
and you can call in and sayI object to this bill I want
you to vote against it,and the thing is coming up
in the House apparently
and is gonna be pushed in the Senate.
Let me give you that number,there it is, 202-224-3121.