- All right, so let's talk aboutsome of my favorite recipes
that can help you reachyour big health goals.
And so I'm gonna talk about desserts.
I'm gonna talk about breakfast.
I'm gonna talk about somemain dishes here as well.
And remember, any time you're eating,
you wanna think like an Olympian.
Start thinking about, notwhat can I get away with,
but what are the best andhealthiest things I can put
in my body?
And when doing that, there areseveral things you wanna get
in your meals.
You wanna be getting protein, fat, fiber,
and antioxidants almostevery time you're eating.
So I'm gonna share with you howto do that in these recipes.
Okay, so you wanna go loweron the processed carbs,
higher on the protein, fat,fiber, and antioxidants.
So to start here, this isa cauliflower rice recipe.
So rather than using regular rice,
you can buy cauliflower that's chopped up
or chop it up yourself, andcook it like you would in rice.
Now you're just gonna take a little bit
of coconut oil in the pan.
You're gonna take that rice,and you're gonna fry it up
just like you'd fry anytype of a vegetable.
And you're gonna do that with bell peppers
and other vegetables.
And by the way, all theserecipes I'm talking about,
you can find in part of our recipe guide
that we have here as part of the program.
So again, this is a cauliflower rice.
Now cauliflower is actuallygreat for your lungs
and for your colon.
It's high in fiber.
It's actually high in vitamin C.
It is amazing food for your immune system.
And bell peppers are the vegetable
that's highest in vitamin C.
So who knew that cauliflowerplus bell peppers,
as a rice dish, could be sogood for your immune system?
So that's number one.
You can find this recipe in there.
Now if you're a person that likes a snack,
but you want something healthy,
you wanna stay awayfrom those potato chips
and corn chips and all those things
that you're gonna store right here.
Instead, do hummus or guacamolewith vegetables, okay?
Now I have some hummus here.
And you wanna buy it.
You can buy hummus at your grocery store.
When you're buying hummus, you wanna look
for hummus that has healthier fats,
like tahini and olive oilas the oils they're using.
And again, so we have this hummus here.
And you can do that with carrots.
By the way, carrots arerich in antioxidants.
The antioxidant's called beta-carotene
that gives it its orange color.
So it's great for your eyes.
Celery is high in fiber.
In fact, celery, unique tip,
celery is one of the only food
that you actually willlose weight by eating it.
You actually burn more calories
than calories that are incelery by just chewing celery.
So celery is amazing becauseit's high in electrolytes.
It's a little bitter.
And so it actually helps withdetoxification and cleansing.
So doing some vegetablesthat are raw or cooked
with some guacamole or hummusis a great snack you can do
to help your body heal there as well.
Eating this real food, a great option.
Now one of the things that I think
that a lot of people think is,hey, when I'm eating healthy,
that means I can't havesome of my favorite foods.
Maybe you think I can't havechicken Parmesan anymore,
or I can't have tacos, orI can't have cheesecake.
The truth is you can.
You just have to find thosehealthier alternatives.
So here we have fajitas.
And so you can actuallysaute up some bell peppers
in coconut oil or grape seed oil.
And then have it witha little bit of steak.
Have some steak fajitas here.
What I love to do isactually make lettuce wraps
with romaine lettuce,add some guacamole to it,
and then add in thebell peppers and onions
that are sauteed along with the steak.
So you could do these, really,these lettuce-wrap fajitas
that are great.
You could also findlow-carb tortilla shells
that are made of coconutflour or almond flour
as another great way to havehealing fajitas there as well.
And here, what do we have in this dish?
As we talked about, we'vegot protein from the steak.
We got antioxidants from the bell peppers.
We got fiber from the bellpeppers there as well,
and healthy fats from cookingit up in some coconut oil
or the oil there.
All right, next thing.
This is another great snack.
And they're kale chips, okay?
We know kale is the king of vegetables.
It's one of the most nutrient-densevegetables in the world.
And if you're trying toheal from any condition,
getting more green leafy vegetables,
whether it be spinach or kale or chard,
that's a good idea.
And so we have this recipe here
where you're using kale along with,
you could do it with tahini.
You can coat it in cashew butter.
But there's a way to make thesedelicious-tasting kale chips
we have in your recipeguide that you can download
as part of the program there as well.
So kale chips, real kale chips are, again,
high in fiber.
You're getting healthy fat there.
You're getting theantioxidants and protein.
There's some protein in kale.
Now the moment you've allbeen waiting for, dessert.
All right, so we've got some brownies here
that are high in healthy fats, fiber,
everything you need to stay healthy.
And a lot of times whenwe're eating dessert,
actually 99% of the time,it's chock full of sugar,
white flour, things that aregonna cause inflammation,
heart disease, cause you to gain weight.
The great thing about these brownies,
they're high in allthose nutrients you need
to stay healthy.
So you can enjoy dessert andfeel good about doing it.
And so in this recipewe've got cacao powder.
We've got coconut oil, almond butter,
coconut and almond flour.
These are easy replacement ingredients.
But you can see herethese are supper fluffy,
really moist, have a great rich flavor.
So you're gonna love these brownies
as part of the program here as well.
And then, of course,
who doesn't love chocolate chip cookies?
By the way, a side note,my wife, Doctor Chelsea,
her favorite dessert ischocolate chip cookies, okay?
So we have some chocolatechip cookies here.
We're using those coconutflour, the almond flour,
those healthy ingredients.
And by the way, dark chocolate,
which we have some darkchocolate chips here,
is one of the most antioxidant-richfoods in the world,
really high cacao powder is very high
in antioxidants there as well.
These are really high in fiber,
which we know is greatfor your digestive system.
And by the way, they'repretty moist there as well.
These are great to make.
Your family will love them.
I think you'll be surprisedwith these recipes.
Yeah, we're not using the white flower
and the conventional butter,
but we're using almondflour and coconut flour.
But these ingredients tastejust as good or better
as what you grew up with.
So I'm really excited for you guys
to try all of these recipes
from the smoothie to the pancakes,
to the healthy snacks, to the desserts.
I know your body is gonna thank you for it
and your taste buds will as well.