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News on The 700 Club: May 6, 2019

As seen on “The 700 Club,” May 6, 2019.: Read Transcript

- Welcome to The 700 Club.

After a weekend of violence in Israel,

Hamas has agreed to a ceasefire.

That came after the deadliest fighting

between the two sides since 2014.

- Despite the ceasefire,Israeli Prime Minister,

Benjamin Netanyahu,issued a statement saying

the campaign is not over, andas Chris Mitchell reports,

the battles could begin again.

(foreign language)

- For two days, Israelisscrambled to bomb shelters

as Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad

launched more than 700rockets at southern Israel.

One of the rockets hithere on this quiet street

in Ashkelon, about fivemiles from the Gaza border.

It killed 58-year-old Moshe Agadi,

who didn't have time to reach a shelter.

Agadi, along withseveral other casualties,

mark the first time since 2014

that Israeli civilians have been killed

from rocket attacks out of the Gaza Strip.

- And if we take into consideration

how many people there are inside

the southern part of Israel,

we're talking about morethan a million Israelis

under the threat of thoserockets from the Gaza Strip.

- [Chris] Israel struck back, hitting some

350 terror targets, includinga terrorist responsible

for transferring Iranian funds

to groups inside Gaza.

- We see Iranian fingerprints,that materializes

in money, weapons, logistic support,

military training, and ofcourse, political guidance.

- [Chris] U.S.Congresswoman, Rashida Tlaib,

blamed Israel for unjustlyoppressing and targeting

Palestinian children and families,

while President Trump tweetedout U.S. backing for Israel,

saying, "We support Israel 100 percent

in its defense of its citizens."

For now, it's quiet, but most believe

it's just a matter of time

before the situation explodes again.

Chris Mitchell, CBNNews, Ashkelon, Israel.

- Well, yet more evidencethat the Palestinians

have no intention ofcreating a stable state

to live alongside of Israel.

That's not their intention.

It's not the intention of Hamas,

it's not the intention of the Iranians.

They want to wipe Israel off the map,

and you see it again and again

with these rocket attacks,these terror attacks,

the terror tunnels, all of these things.

All of it says we have no intention

of ever establishing a stable democracy,

a stable state alongside of Israel,

and it's about time,let's cut the money off

so that we recognize it for what it is.

These are terrorist states,they're sponsoring terrorism.

That's what they want to do.

In other news, the White Houseis sending a message to Iran

with an aircraft carrier.

John Jessup has that storyfrom our CBN News Bureau

in Washington, John?

- Thanks, Gordon, the AbrahamLincoln aircraft carrier group

and a bomber task force havebeen sent to the Middle East.

The move comes after "clear indications"

Iran and its proxy forces were preparing

to possibly attack U.S.forces in the region.

National Security Advisor, John Bolton,

said the U.S. wants Iran to know

what he called unrelenting force

will meet any attack on U.S.interests or its allies.

Well, here at home, the issue of life

took front and center stagethis weekend in Times Square,

and the first of its kind event,

Focus on the Family turnedout a massive show of support

to protect the unborn with what it called

Alive from New York.

CBN's Jenna Browder bringsus the story from Manhattan.

♪ Write your story on my heart ♪

- Alive from New York, astar-studded, pro-life event

in the heart of Times Square.

There are live performances, speeches,

all sorts of things happening here.

But the main event is a live ultrasound.

- [Woman] There's his little lips.

- [Jenna] The ultrasound wasperformed on Abby Johnson,

a pro-life activist, and the inspiration

behind the movie, Unplanned.

- This is a baby.(laughter)

This right here is a baby.

- [Jenna] Focus on theFamily says 10,000 people

registered for the event,

and it wasn't just thepro-life crowd that showed up.

A large and very vocal group of protestors

set up across the street.

Focus on the Family initiallyhoped to use the billboards

in Times Square, but President Jim Daly

says their plans fell through.

- Initially, they all saidyes in different ways.

Then when we began to describewhat we were gonna do,

they started not returning phone calls

or saying that this would be too political

and they're uncomfortable with it.

- [Jenna] CBN News reachedout to those companies.

ABC, "We do not accept live advertising

on our Times Square video screen."

And Clear Channel Outdoor,

"They never presentedany artwork for review."

- That's really not accurate.

They knew exactly whatwe were going to do.

- [Jenna] Still, Alive fromNew York turned out to be

the city's largest ever pro-life event,

and that's encouraging news,

especially in today's culture.

In Times Square, Jenna Browder, CBN News.


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