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CBN NewsWatch AM: May 6, 2019

CBN NewsWatch AM: May 6, 2019 Read Transcript

- [Announcer] This is CBN NewsWatch.

- And thank you so much for joining us

for this edition of CBNNewsWatch, I'm Efram Graham.

Congress may be one step closer

to hearing directly from Robert Mueller.

A congressional testimonyfrom the special counsel

is at the top of the Democrats' wish list,

but President Donald Trumpdrew the line Sunday.

The president tweeted: Arethey looking for a redo

because they hated seeing

the strong no collusion collusion?

Bob Mueller should not testify.

No redos for the Dems!

Republicans on the SenateJudiciary Committee

are open to the testimony,

but agree it is time to move forward.

- Many of my Democratic friends thought

that Mueller was goingto indict the president.

And, so, the Mueller report

was kinda like a hair on their biscuit,

and now they don't know what to do,

so they're attacking Bill Barr,

and my feelin' about itis, it's time to move on.

I understand that Washington

is not the big rock candy mountain

and that politics is in everybody's blood,

but I think we ought to spenda little bit of our time

talking about the next generation

as opposed to the next election.

- Amber Strong is followingthis story for us,

and joins us now fromour Washington bureau.

So, Amber, how closeis Congress to hearing

from Special Counsel Robert Mueller?

- Good morning, Efram.

So Congressman DavidCicilline, yesterday, tweeted

that May 15th is thedate that House Democrats

have proposed to Mueller'steam to come and testify,

and there are reportsthat, behind the scenes,

Mueller's team is working this out.

And then when you move to the Senate side,

Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham,

who last week shut down

the entire notion of a Mueller testimony,

sent a letter to Mueller and said

if you wanted to comeand clarify some things,

or if you want to clarifysome things in a testimony,

we're open to that.

We don't know what thattestimony's gonna look like,

if it's going to be behind closed doors,

if it's gonna be open to the public,

or if it comes in the form of a statement,

but we do know that that letterwas sent to Robert Mueller.

- Amber, remind us why Democrats say

they need his testimony.

- Democrats are saying thatthey want to know more about

why Robert Mueller couldn't come

to the obstruction conclusion,why couldn't you say

that the president committed obstruction,

and then they want to know,Democrats and Republicans,

about this conversationthat supposedly took place

between Bill Barr and Robert Mueller

in the days after theinvestigation closed.

We know that Robert Muellersent a letter to Bill Barr.

We know that they had aconversation about maybe some things

that the special counsel'steam was unhappy about

when it comes to Bill Barr's summary,

so Democrats and a few Republicans

want to know exactly whathappened during that conversation.

- All right, AmberStrong, thank you so much

for following this story for us.

Much appreciated.- Thank you, Efram.

- It was a turbulent weekend in Israel,

but after two days of violence,

Hamas said it agreed to a ceasefire.

Still, Israeli PrimeMinister Benjamin Netanyahu

issued a statement indictingthat the battle was not over.

CBN Middle East CorrespondentJulie Stahl is on this story.

(defense sirens wailing)

- [Woman] (speaking in foreign language)

- [Julie] Sirens blared, sendingIsraelis to bomb shelters

as Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad

launched more than 700rockets at Southern Israel

in less than 48 hours.

- Those rockets are dangerous.

Those rockets can be deadly.

Those rockets are being fired by the Hamas

towards the civilianpopulation here in Israel.

- One rocket landed right here,

spraying shrapnel through thewindow of the house behind me,

killing one man who didn'tmake it to his shelter on time.

It's the first time in five years

that an Israeli civilian waskilled in a rocket attack.

- And if we take into consideration

how many people there are insidethe southern part of Israel

in the major cities and in the kibbutzim,

and in the local different communities,

we're talking about morethan million Israelis

under the threat of thoserockets from the Gaza Strip.

- [Julie] Three otherIsraelis died after that

in separate rocket attacks.

More than 150 rockets were intercepted

by Israel's Iron Dome,

but several made direct hits on homes.

- Hamas and the PIJare operating together.

They are coordinating their fire,

and they have firedmassive amounts of rockets

at different Israeli cities.

- [Julie] Israel struck back,

hitting some 350 terror targets.

That included a terrorist responsible

for transferring Iranianfunds to groups inside Gaza.

- Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad

are able to smuggle into theGaza Strip, as well as produce,

substantial amounts ofrockets of different calibers

capable of striking Israeli civilians.

We see Iranian fingerprintsmostly in the Gaza Strip

focused on the Palestinian Islamic Jihad,

but not limited to.

That materializes is money,weapons, logistic support,

military training, and, ofcourse, political guidance.

- [Julie] US CongresswomanRashida Tlaib blamed Israel

for what she called "unjustlyoppressing and targeting

"Palestinian children and families,"

while President Trump tweetedout US backing for Israel,

saying, "We support Israel 100 percent

"in its defense of its citizens."

For now, it's quiet.

Many think Israel's MemorialDay, Independence Day,

and an upcoming internationalsong contest in Tel Aviv

put the brakes on Israel's response,

but most believe it'sjust a matter of time

before the situation explodes again,

and Israel will have to decide

if it take more forceful action.

Julie Stahl, CBN News,Ashkelon in southern Israel.

- North Korea's test of what appears to be

a new short-range ballistic missile

may not have been a directthreat to the United States,

but experts warn it isalmost certainly a hint

of bigger problems on the horizon,

with Kim Jong-un's missiles improving.

The test, complete with photosof a bull's-eye out to sea,

alarmed Washington's regional allies,

even as the Trump administrationworks to resume talks

with the North Korean dictator.

The Pentagon has approveddeploying an aircraft carrier

and other militaryresources to the Middle East

in hopes of sending astrong warning to Iran.

White House National Security Advisor

John Bolton said Sunday the move

was in response to, quote,"a number of troubling

"and escalatory indications and warnings."

He said the UnitedStates wants Iran to know

unrelenting force will meet any attack

on the US' interestsor those of its allies.

After a week of unrest in Venezuela,

the future of the people thereappears as uncertain as ever.

CBN News National SecurityCorrespondent Eric Phillips

reports those who studyturbulent governors say

the last uprising in Venezuelamay just be a battle,

and not the war.

- [Eric] Caracas seems almost normal now.

(gunshots blasting)A stark contrast to days ago.

Four people killed andhundreds injured in a revolt

led by self-proclaimedinterim president Juan Guaido,

he and supporters trying totopple leader Nicolas Maduro

and hold a fair election.

The effort, though energetic,

proved unsuccessful, at least for now,

but Michael O'Hanlon withthe Brookings Institution

says that could change.

- There's no algorithm, there's no science

to predicting what's gonna happen next,

it's a test of will, it's atest of loyalty of institutions,

and it's a test, at some level,

of the humaneness of the leader,

who we already know is not really humane.

- [Eric] O'Hanlon saysit's important for the US

to build more support fora Venezuelan democracy

with neighboring countries.

- We need the Colombias, the Brazils,

the Chiles, the Argentinas,even the Ecuadors

and Bolivias if we can, and Mexico.

And, so, developing a strategythat makes whatever happens

a unified Western Hemisphere action.

- [Eric] Especiallyconsidering the support

Maduro is likely getting from Iran,

as discussed on CBN's 700 Club.

- We can only imagine what role

the Iranians might be playingin providing logistics,

weapons, technical support to Maduro,

and what that could potentially mean

for the rest of the continent,

and no less for the United States.

(crowd chanting in foreign language)

- [Eric] In Washington, fourpeople were arrested Thursday

when pro-Guaido protestors squared off

against Maduro supportersat the Venezuelan Embassy.

Meanwhile, the UnitedStates is not backing off.

- The brutal repressionof the Venezuelan people

must end, and it must end soon.

- [Eric] According to the White House,

during a phone call Friday,the president reiterated that

to Russian President VladimirPutin who supports Maduro.

- The president is continuing to push

for aid to be delivered to those people.

Beyond that, I don't have any updates,

but all options continueto be on the table.

- And that was Eric Phillips reporting.

When asked if there would be any timetable

for military intervention,

the White House hasdeclined to comment on that,

only saying right now theemphasis is on diplomacy

and providing aid tothe people of Venezuela.

Russian officials are giving out

conflicting numbers on the death toll

in a fiery airline crashat a Moscow airport.

A spokesperson for Russia'sinvestigative committee

says 41 people died inSunday evening's accident,

and that 37 people survived.

Russia's health ministerhas not given a death toll,

but says 38 people survived.

The fire aboard the regionaljet flown by Aeroflot

broke out after the planemade a hard emergency landing.

A Chinese spokespersonsays a team from Beijing

is preparing to travelto the United States,

suggesting trade talks might go ahead

despite President DonaldTrump's latest tariff threat.

The spokesperson said Beijing

is trying to get more information

following President Trump'ssurprise announcement in tweets

that he might impose 25%tariffs on more Chinese imports.

Popular Christian writer Rachel Held Evans

passed away Saturday; she was 37.

In April, in a Twitter post,

she wrote she was in thehospital with the flu and a UTI.

She later had a severe allergicreaction to antibiotics

and developed seizures.

Doctors put her in amedically-induced coma,

but some seizures returnedwhen her medical team

attempted to wean herfrom the coma medications.

She was married with two children,

and was a New York Timesbest-selling author.

Coming up: one of thebiggest pro-life events

ever in New York despitea lot of opposition.

Stay with us for that story.

(dramatic cinematic music)

- [Announcer] CBN presentsThe I Wills of God:

Your Path to Overcoming Fear and Anxiety

- We're going to talk aboutsome of the incredible promises

God has made to His children.

- [Announcer] In PatRobertson's newest teaching,

you'll discover the I Wills of God:

I will rescue him,protect him, answer him,

be with him in trouble,deliver him, honor him,

satisfy him with long life,show him my salvation,

and see amazing stories ofGod's promises in action.

- What I felt was loved and treasured.

- God spared my life twice in three days.

- The Good Lord hadgive me a second chance.

- [Announcer] Break freefrom stress and despair.

- [Pat] The Lord doesn'twant you to live in fear,

but to know the rewardsgiven to those who love God.

- [Announcer] Call1-800-700-7000 or visit

The I Wills of God:

Your Path to Overcoming Fear and Anxiety.

- [Terry] Remember for a moment

what it was like to be a child.

You believed every story you were told.

You saw a world full ofendless possibilities.

What stories will the world's orphaned

and at-risk children believe?

We believe the Bible tells the only story

truly worth believing.

We believe that every child should have

the opportunity to dream,the chance to take challenges

and turn them into possibilities,

the chance to stand onthe promises of God,

to recognize their place inthe greatest story ever told.

They have their whole lives ahead of them.

There's is a world ofendless possibilities.

They are looking for a story to believe.

We will tell them that story.

Will you join us?

(gentle piano music)

(gentle twinkling music)(child giggling)

- [John] Get the top political news,

and analysis from Washington,

on Faith Nation, tonight at 6:00 Eastern,

only on the CBN News Channel.

- The issue of life tookfront-and-center this weekend

in New York's Times Square.

In its first-ever Alivefrom New York event,

Focus on the Family turnedout a massive show of support

to protect the unborn.

Jenna Browder brings usthe story from Manhattan.

(gentle guitar music)

♪ Write your story on my heart ♪

- [Jenna] Alive from New York.

- Fatherhood begins in the womb.

- A star-studded pro-life event

in the heart of Times Square.

There are live performances, speeches,

all sorts of things happening here,

but the main event is a live ultrasound.

- [Woman] There's his little lips.

- [Jenna] The ultrasound wasperformed on Abby Johnson,

a pro-life activist and the inspiration

behind the movie Unplanned.

- This is a baby.

This right here is a baby--

- [Jenna] All of this inresponse to the decision

of New York and otherstates to legalize abortion

up until the moment of birth.

Focus on the Family says

10,000 people registered for the event,

and it wasn't just thepro-life crowd that showed up.

(protestors chanting)

♪ All the children of the world ♪

- [Jenna] A large and veryvocal group of protestors

set up across the street.

Focus on the Family initially hoped

to use the billboards in Times Square,

but President Jim Daly saystheir plans fell through.

- Well, we had 12 weeks to plan the event,

and so we went right to the jumbotrons

to see if we can rent the space,

and, initially, they allsaid yes in different ways,

and then when we began todescribe what we were gonna do,

they started not returning phone calls

or saying that this would be too political

and they're uncomfortable with it.

- [Jenna] CBN News reachedout to those companies.

ABC gave us this statement:

"It is our policy that we donot accept live advertising

"on our Times Square video screen."

And Clear Channel Outdoor:

"Upon learning that ads on our billboards

"require a creative approval,

"they never presentedany artwork for review."

- That's really not accurate.

They knew exactly whatwe were going to do,

and they told us they wereuncomfortable with it.

- [Jenna] Still, Live fromNew York turned out to be

the city's largest ever pro-life event.

And that's encouraging news,especially in today's culture.

In Times Square, Jenna Browder, CBN News.

(dramatic cinematic music)

- [Efram] Still ahead, aunique service that goes deep

to help military membersand their families.

Stay with us.

- [Announcer] It's about the competition.

- I kinda put that pressure on myself,

and I think people had expectations.

- [Announcer] It's about overcoming.

- We use this phrase all the time,

keep chopping, keep practin' hard.

- [Announcer] It's aboutgoing the distance.

- You know, I think as a father,

it's my job, you know, to lead.

Just be the best husbandand father I can be.

- [Announcer] Watch Goingthe Distance with Shawn Brown

Saturday night at 7:30on the CBN News Channel.

(moderate hip hop music)

(playful cartoon music)

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- [Man] And just for phone me.- [Man] Comin'--

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- [Announcer] Discover The I Wills of God:

I will rescue him,protect him, answer him,

be with him in trouble,deliver him, honor him,

satisfy him with long life,show him my salvation.

- What I felt was loved and treasured.

- God spared my life twice in three days.

- The Good Lord hadgive me a second chance.

- [Announcer] Call1-800-700-7000 or visit

The I Wills of God.

The latest teaching from Pat Robertson.

- CBN News Daily Rundown podcast

each weekday with me, Caitlin Burke.

Click on the Show tab at

where you can listen and subscribe.

- The US military notonly protects our country,

it is sent around the world to bring order

to nations ravaged by civil war.

Although the men andwomen prepare mentally

and physically for their deployments,

their spiritual wellbeingcan often be neglected.

Our Talia Wise shows us how one ministry

is introducing them to Christ.

(upbeat piano music)

- Active duty soldiers gothrough rigorous training

to be able to fight onthe front lines of combat,

but despite that physical training,

their spiritual well-beingis oftentimes overlooked,

and they suffer in silence from things

like post-traumatic stress disorder,

anxiety, and depression.

So one non-profit is helping soldiers

by getting them involved in extreme sports

in order to share theGospel and the message

that true freedom and healingcan be found in Christ.

This is Soul Survivor Outdoor,

and this high-flying crew isa part of what it looks like

to reach active duty militarysoldiers with the Gospel.

- 'Cause you get people up

on the side of a rock or a mountain,

and it challenges them in ways

that they aren't getting challenged

in an office environmentwhen they're going,

you know, doin' normal day-to-day routine.

- [Talia] Rick Wolf is a retired

Marine Corps Lieutenant Colonel,

and the founder of Soul Survivor Outdoor.

He started the program

after finding deployed combatsoldiers returning home

battling serious problems, like PTSD,

substance abuse, and suicide.

- Whether we're talkingabout the veteran population

or the active duty population,

we know that, statistically,

that the suicide ratesare not coming down,

that depression, anxiety, these things

are pretty significant inthe society in general,

and the military is a cut of the cloth.

- [Talia] Wolf says that althoughthere are programs to help

veterans and active dutysoldiers manage these issues,

most don't deal with the root cause.

- And, as Christians, we know

that the real answer is Jesus Christ.

- [Talia] So Wolf takes themoff base and into the air,

or on top of a mountain,to deal with real issues

and lead them to Christ.

And the message he shares rings true

in the hearts of these warriors.

- That your value as a human being,

whether you're in themilitary or someplace else,

it's intrinsic, because itcomes from your Creator,

and not from your career, or your status,

or your phone, or something else,

but that you really have value.

- [Talia] So far, more than5,000 active duty soldiers

have attended Soul Survivor events,

and last year alone, 400 soldiersgave their life to Christ.

Wolf says the church ismissing an opportunity

to evangelize soldiers.

- And I've went mentally

and physically prepared to Afghanistan,

but I don't believe Iwas spiritually prepared,

and you have to haveorganizations like Soul Survivor

who can take an intentional effort

to prepare these warriors,

not just mentally, not justphysically, but spiritually

for the hardships of military life.

- Wolf says his organization

has only begun to scratch the surface,

and with 165,000 activeduty soldiers deployed

in more 150 countries around the world,

there is an opportunity toshare the Gospel globally.

That's CBN Good News.

I'm Talia Wise, until next time,

make time to spread alittle bit of good news.

(upbeat piano music)

(dramatic cinematic music)

- And, still ahead, one ofthe latest animated movies

at the box office with a lotof heart and a great message.

We'll take a closer look, stay with us.

- [Announcer] CBN presentsThe I Wills of God:

Your Path to Overcoming Fear and Anxiety

- We're going to talk aboutsome of the incredible promises

God has made to His children.

- [Announcer] In PatRobertson's newest teaching,

you'll discover the I Wills of God:

I will rescue him,protect him, answer him,

be with him in trouble,deliver him, honor him,

satisfy him with long life,show him my salvation,

and see amazing stories ofGod's promises in action.

- What I felt was loved and treasured.

- God spared my life twice in three days.

- The Good Lord hadgive me a second chance.

- [Announcer] Break freefrom stress and despair.

- [Pat] The Lord doesn'twant you to live in fear,

but to know the rewardsgiven to those who love God.

- [Announcer] Call1-800-700-7000 or visit

The I Wills of God:

Your Path to Overcoming Fear and Anxiety.

- [Terry] Remember for a moment

what it was like to be a child.

You believed every story you were told.

You saw a world full ofendless possibilities.

What stories will the world's orphaned

and at-risk children believe?

We believe the Bible tells

the only story truly worth believing.

We believe that every child should have

the opportunity to dream,the chance to take challenges

and turn them into possibilities,

the chance to stand onthe promises of God,

to recognize their place inthe greatest story ever told.

They have their whole lives ahead of them.

There's is a world ofendless possibilities.

They are looking for a story to believe.

We will tell them that story.

Will you join us?

(gentle piano music)

(gentle twinkling music)(child giggling)

(upbeat pop music)

- [Man] Young people, millennials,are flocking to church.

- [Woman] It's not an exaggeration to say

that we love to meet them,

and that we love to know their stories.

- UglyDolls opened in the box office

with a little more than $8 million.

Singers Kelly Clarkson and Pitbull

are two of the famous voicesbehind the new animated film.

They're both residents

of the delightfullydifferent town of Uglyville,

where weirdness is celebrated,strangeness is common,

and beauty is much morethan meets the eye.

♪ There's a child for every doll ♪

♪ And a doll for every child ♪

♪ Who knows just how they're chosen ♪

♪ The stories seldom say ♪

♪ It could happen any moment ♪

♪ And today could be the day ♪

- Yo, wake up, Moxy.

- Morning, Peggy!

- [Efram] That's a voice from The Voice:

Kelly Clarkson as Moxy.

- Hey, Moxy, what's barkin'?

- Um, just the greatest news ever.

Today's the day!

I can feel it!

- [Efram] Leading a cast of UglyDolls

in the land of Uglyville.

When would you say thelast time you've had to be,

or pay a visit to Uglyville.

When were you last inUglyville, as a person?

- Huh, well, this morning,before my team got a hold of me.

(both laughing)

It's like, my glam squad has a wand.

- [Efram] Kelly pulls along Blake Shelton,

Janelle Monae, and Nick Jonas

along for this fun,musical, animated ride.

♪ I know you hope to go tothe big you know where ♪

♪ And you're here to tryto earn your ticket there ♪

- A journey from Uglyvilleto the town of Perfection.

What's Kelly Clarkson'sperfect imperfection?

- Well, a lot of peoplemight find it annoying

that I talk a a lot, but I love being a,

a lot of those people are probably

like Blake and Adam from The Voice.

But I love talking.

I just love conversation, I love,

and I love all, like there'sno topic that's off the table.

Like I, I just, I thinkI love people so much

because I feel like, wehave so many commonalities

that we don't really realize

until you start the conversation.

- Hey, dogs, ha ha!

I own a dog!

- [Efram] Rapper Pitbulllends his voice to the film.

- You call that a dog?

(dog barking and growling)

It's all right, guys, SlickDog's got this.

♪ Bop bop a lady ♪ ♪ Boom,boom, boom, boom, yo ♪

- How much of a stretchwas UglyDog for Pitbull?

- Oh, it was a long stretch.

Oh, man, it was hard to playthis character right here.

Man, it's been a lot offun, a lot of excitement,

and a true honor to be able to work

with everybody that'sinvolved in the film,

but more than anything,it's almost like therapy,

'cause you get a chance to beyou as a character, you know.

A little UglyDog, and youknow, you got SlickDog.

That's SlickDog right there.- (laughing) I like that.

- Real quick, see that?

Boom, right back there.

So, as you can see, havin' fun doin' it,

but more than anything,

what I love is the message of the movie,

and the message of the movie,especially with society today,

is all about, hey, how 'boutflippin' the word ugly,

which is you gotta love yourself,

and once people figure that out,

man, let me tell you, it's agreat world out there, man.

It becomes a lot of fun.

- What are you doing- Havin' fun!

Gettin' crazy, gettin' loose.

Go, I'll stall it, go, go, go!

(triumphant trumpet music)

- [Group] Whoo hoo!

- When's the last time you, Pitbull,

have felt like a resident of Uglyville?

- Oh, man, my whole life, yeah.

Outcast, one way or another.

Whether it's through where you're from,

whether it's through culture,

whether it's through different countries

and families tryin' to get over

and create another, I wouldsay, live the American dream.

And I wouldn't have it any otherway, to be honest with you.

Being from Miami in a meltin' pot,

there's so many different cultures

from so many different placesthat you get a chance to see

that we're really not that different,

we're very similar.- Indeed, indeed we are.

We are more alike than we are unalike.

- Correct, I'm gonnahave to borrow that one.

- I borrowed it, too.

- We're more more alikethan we are unalike.

I like that.

- Time now for your Monday Motivation,

and today I leave you with this thought.

It is something we often say

greeting fellow believers in church:

God is good all the time, andall the time, God is good.

Remember, that is true even when

situations you facedon't feel or look good.

The bottom line: God causes all things

to work together for your good.

Well, that is gonna do it forthis edition of CBN NewsWatch.

Remember, you can find more on the issues

you care most about always at

You can also watch CBN News programs

throughout the day onthe CBN News Channel.

We'd love to know what you think

about the stories you've seen here today.

You can do that byemailing,

and, of course, you canalways reach out and touch us

on Facebook, on Twitter, and Instagram.

Hope you will join usagain right here next time.

Make it a marvelous Monday!

We'll see you right backhere tomorrow, bye, bye.

(dramatic cinematic music)


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