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'Our Hopes in the Hand of Our Creator': Trump on Synagogue Attack, Venezuela, Religious Freedom

'Our Hopes in the Hand of Our Creator': Trump on Synagogue Attack, Venezuela, Religious Freedom Read Transcript

- President Trump calledout evil and hateful acts

against religiouscommunities around the world.

He condemned violence on places of worship

and even vowed to defendreligious liberty.

♪ It's your breath ♪

- [Ben] The National Day of Prayer kicked

off in the Rose Garden with a call

for American's to follow the Golden Rule.

This year's theme, Love One Another,

a time to put aside politics for prayer.

- As we unite on this day of prayer,

we renew our resolve toprotect communities of faith

and to ensure that allpeople and all of our people

can live and pray and worship in peace.

- [Ben] President Trump said prayer

is needed now more thanever, (explosion erupting)

in the wake of attackson places of worship.

- I should have been dead by now.

- [Ben] Rabbi Yisroel Goldsteinspoke out after getting hurt

during a shooting at asynagogue near San Diego.

- Mr. President, when you called me,

I was at home weeping.

You were the first personwho began my healing.

- [Ben] The commander-in-chief then prayed

for healing in Venezuela,

where tensions havereached a boiling point.

More protests are expected this week,

as opposition leader, Juan Guaido,

calls for the overthrow ofdictator, Nicolas Maduro.

- The brutal repression of theVenezuelan people must end.

- People would pray knowingthat we desperately,

desperately need God in our generation.

- Jack, we're here in DC.

Who should we pray for?

Should we pray for PresidentTrump or lawmakers?

- We should pray, theBible says we should pray

for all of those who are in authority.

And so, that's a longprayer list, isn't it?

And we should start with our president

and our vice president,

who are so welcoming of people of faith.

- Pastor Jack Graham is

on the President's Faith Advisory Council.

He told me they met Wednesdayabout mobilizing Christians

to help with the humanitariancrisis at the border

and tasking churcheshelp revitalize cities

through economic development.

- These are urgent timesand we need to pray,

not just easy does it prayers,

but we need to pray withpassion and compassion.

- President Trump also showcasednew faith-based protections

for health care workers, aswell as faith-based adoptions.

He also touted how Federal employees

can now take paid time off toobserve religious holidays.

Ben Kennedy, CBN News, the White House.

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