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CBN NewsWatch PM: May 2, 2019

CBN NewsWatch PM: May 2, 2019 Read Transcript

- [Announcer] This is CBN Newswatch.

- And thanks for joiningus for CBN Newswatch.

I'm Wendy Griffith.

We begin in Venezuela wheretensions are still high

after violent proteststurned deadly this week.

CBN Senior InternationalCorrespondent George Thomas

is following the latestdevelopments from our news room.


- A Venezuelan human rights groups, Wendy,

claims four people died instreet clashes this week

after the opposition leader Juan Guido

called for a military uprising.

It is relatively calm today,

as you can see, on the streetsof the Venezuelan capital,

Caracas, as governmentforces are in full force

trying to stabilize the countryafter a violent 48 hours.

Residents are back on the streets

as you can see, trying to resume life

under very, very difficult circumstances.

- (speaking foreign language)

- [Translator] I see a bad future ahead

if we continue in thissituation that we are living

if things do not change.

I don't believe they willbecause, how are we going

to live like this with the situation?

Our salaries are not enough.

We have problems we donot even have appliances.

If something breaks there isno way to get something new.

Everything is too expensive.

- This was the scene, we have video here,

this was the scene Wednesday as police

loyal to socialist dictator Nicolas Maduro

fired buckshot at protesterswho had heeded Guido's call

to take to the streets.

A 27 year old woman wasreportedly shot in the head

and at least 46 people injured

when pro and anti governmentsupporters clashed

in a suburb of Caracas.

Guido urged members ofthe military on Tuesday

to revolt against Maduro,

hoping high ranking militaryofficers would defect

and shake the leader's grip on power.

It didn't happen.

In a show of force, and more so defiance,

Maduro flanked by membersof the National Bolivarian

Armed Forces paraded alongan army base in Caracas

early this morning.

He praised them for their loyalty

and vowed to punish those who tried

to overthrow his government.

Maduro, who has thebacking of Russia and China

has refused to step down following months

of demonstrations and pressurefrom the United States

and more than 60 countries.

Meanwhile, Cuba which reportedlyhas some 20,000 troops

and agents in Venezuelapropping up Maduro's government

held a rally in Havana insupport of the dictator.

All this, Wendy, comingas Washington decides

what to do next.

Secretary of State MikePompeo said US military action

is possible in Venezuelato help opposition leader,

Juan Guido, unseat Maduro.

Meanwhile, Guido is urging his supporters

to remain in the streets.

He's calling for public employeesto go on strike tomorrow.


- Thank you so much George.

And now, CBN Newscontributor, Chuck Holton

just returned from Cucuta,Columbia on the Venezuela border.

Chuck, good to see you.

- Good to see you, Wendy.

- Now, Maduro reportedlyhad a plane waiting for him

to take him to Cuba, Russiaintervened, as you know.

Now, he's staying.

How bad is this for the opposition party?

- Well, I think what thisshows you, first of all,

is that Maduro doesn't have any confidence

in his own troops to protect him.

And it, number two, itshows you that Russia has

a very strong vested interestin propping up Maduro.

And because this is a proxy battle now

between the United Statesand Russia, China, Hezbollah,

Iran, all of the peopleon that side of the aisle.

So, what happens here,what ends up happening here

is going to really have moreto do about that relationship

between us and those other countries

that we compete with.

- Well, we have somethingcalled the Monroe Doctrine

where the United States issupposed to protect any country

in our hemisphere frominterference by a foreign power.

Do you think that the US will honor this?

- Well, honoring it issomething that we've declared.

That look, you don't,you're not gonna mess around

in our backyard.

We're not gonna permit that.

This is a long standingpolicy of the United States.

And I think Donald Trumpis doing everything he can

to stand by that policy, within reason.

I mean, they're trying, thishas to be done in steps.

You can't just go in and bomb Caracas.

He's got to go step bystep, put the pressure

on every way he knows how.

But I can tell you,I've been on the phone,

even in the last few minutes,with Venezuelan troops

who have defected, that arebegging for US intervention,

begging for help.

They want to go in and takeback their own country.

But, they're telling me that Maduro

is arresting large, I mean,thousands of Venezuelan troops

right now and putting them behind bars,

putting them under detainment,

so that they cannot switch sides.

And with 20,000 Cubantroops in the country,

if the Venezuelan military,

if and when they doswitch sides completely,

they're gonna have areal fight on their hands

to beat, not only, the Cuban troops,

but also the gangs ofcollectivos, the Maduro thugs.

- Chuck, you were there,right on the border.

How bad is it for theVenezuelan coming across

to Columbia right now?

What is the situation like for them?

- It's absolutely horrific.

And the tales they telof the wanton starvation

and sickness that is happening.

I've had people tell me

that they're doing open heartsurgery with no anesthesia.

- [Wendy] Oh, my gosh.

- [Chuck] Inside Caracas,inside Venezuela.

I've had people that havecome out and shown me

pictures of things like that.

And the collectivos alongthe border, the thugs

along the border, have been beefed up.

There have been more andmore added all the time

because they're very afraidof a military intervention

coming out of Columbia.

- All right, Chuck, wereally appreciate your,

I actually have one more question for you.

I think we have time.

What kind of humanitarianaid is there in Columbia

to help the Venezuelans whoare streaming over the border?

- A lot of organizations,

including our own Operation Blessing

are doing a great jobof helping those people

that are coming across the border.

And they're doing it in the right way.

If we send aid into Venezuela right now,

we will literally be proppingup this corrupt government

because if you make it easierfor people to live there

it's less likely they'regonna just rise up

and do what they have to doto kick out their leader.

Operation Blessing is feedingpeople, they're giving

medical aid and clean water,and all sorts of help.

And they're really doing a great job

of leveraging people's donations.

Because what I saw whenI was there two days ago,

is that Operation Blessing is taking the,

we're not just spendingthe money one for one.

What we're doing is we'respending it in such a way

that it's being amplified and magnified

by encouraging otherentities and organizations

in that area to alsocontribute and help us.

And so, I would say, thatif somebody gives money

to Operation Blessing,that money gets magnified

many times over.

- That's so good to hear'cause they need our help

and our prayers right now.

- They're doin' a real good job.

- Glad you stayed safe andglad you're here with us today.

Thanks to you, Chuck.

Well, US Attorney General William Barr

was a no show today at a HouseJudiciary Committee session

on Special Counsel RobertMueller's Russia report.

Several Democrats calledfor Barr's resignation

after yesterday's heatedfive hour testimony

before the Senate Committee.

Much of the debate criticizedBarr's summary of the report.

House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler

and the Democrats demandedthat staff attorneys

in addition to lawmakersbe allowed to question Barr

in today's hearing.

Barr says he would not attendunder those conditions.

The House panel is nowconsidering holding Barr

in contempt of Congressfor failing to show.

- You can disagree withthe attorney general

all you want, but foryesterday he sat for over

of all six hours in theSenate, voluntarily,

answering questions,even on a second round

that was taken up by Democrats who wanted

to ask more questions.

And you can agree, did hedo good, did he do bad?

It doesn't matter, but we're not getting

that opportunity today because the stunt

and the circus continues over here.

- The Justice Department,today, also missed

a committee deadline to providethe full unredacted version

of Mueller's report andits underlying evidence.

We'll have more on thisstory and other headlines

this evening, on Faith Nation.

You can watch it right hereon the CBN News Channel.

Well, remember Nick Sandman,

the Kentucky high school student accused

of harassing a nativeAmerican at a pro-life rally?

His attorney is suing NBCUniversal for $275 million.

This video of the CovingtonCatholic High School students

standing face to face with thenative American went viral.

Reports went out thathe and other schoolmates

were confronting nativeAmericans at rallies that day.

His lawyer says the media corporation

created a false narrative by portraying

the alleged confrontation as a hate crime

committed by Sandman.

His attorney has alreadyfiled a lawsuit against CNN,

and the Washington Post.

Well, the reappearance of ISISleader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

suggests the Islamic state group

has survived the war in Syria.

In this video, al-Baghdaditalks about the Easter attacks

in Sri Lanka.

This is painful news for someof the parents of children

who have joined ISIS.

On the Global Lane, Christianne Boudreau

shares the story ofhow her 21 year old son

left Canada and died fighting for ISIS,

or with ISIS.

She says her faith has helpedher move beyond the heartache.

- Still have some of those difficult days.

Trust me, it never goes away, especially,

wondering what those last moments were,

not being there as a parent,trying to protect them,

save them, feeling sohelpless for so long.

No matter how much Ibegged him, to come home,

it was absolutely devastating.

And nowhere to turn.

Who could understandwhat I was going through

without the name calling andall the negative comments

and understanding how muchpain our family was in?

- And I imagine youprobably had a tendency

to beat yourself up a little bit,

saying if I'd only done this,

how could I have prevented this?

Could I have been a better parent,

could I have done this or that?

Did you go through that?

What did you go through?

- I think every parent does.

We all question ourselves.

It's the first thing that wedo is we go within our selves.

And the guilt you carry is overwhelming.

It was a matter of all theeducation and the learning

that I did to understandthe powers of these groups,

to understand that yes, of course,

I could have done many things differently.

We all can, about everything in our lives.

But, we do the best thatwe can with the tools

that we have at that moment.

So emotionally, now, at timesI still hold that guilt.

Logically, I understand the path

and the how this takes placeand the strength of it all.

- And I'm sure your faithhas helped you through that,

has it not?

Tell me about that.

- It's the only thing I could hang onto.

What else do you have?

I lost another son in 2001and almost lost my faith

at that time.

And in the end, only camethrough because of it.

You try to find something to hang onto,

even though that anger is there,

you still need to have thatstrength to keep pulling you

through each day, to wakeyou up in the morning

to find a new purposeand a new goal in life.

- Wow, such courage.

Boudreau heads up an organization called

Mother's for Life Network.

The group is helping peopleovercome loss and grief.

It's also raising awarenessabout preventing children

from becoming radicalized.

And you can hear more fromher on the Global Lane.

It's on the CBN News Channeltonight at 9:30 Eastern Time.

Well, coming up, how people of faith

are coming togetheracross the nation today

in honor of the National Day of Prayer.

And before we go to break,here's what's trending

today on

(tense music)

- [Announcer] CBN presentsThe I Wills of God,

your path to overcoming fear and anxiety.

- We're going to talk aboutsome of the incredible

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(motivational music)

(magical laughter)

- Today is the National Day of Prayer

and all over the countrypeople are gathering together

to pray, even on Capitol Hill.

Faith leaders came together last night

at a White House dinner.

This annual tradition dates back to 1990.

This year's theme for theday is love one another.

Today, President Trumpspoke from the Rose Garden

during a special ceremony.

Trump saying his faith inGod is what has helped him

get through these toughbattles during his presidency.

- And as God promises in the Bible,

those who hope in the Lordwill renew their strength.

They will soar on the wings like eagles.

They will run and not grow weary.

And they will walk and not be faint.

And that's something thatMike and I think about

all the time, right Mike?


People say, how do you getthrough that whole stuff?

How do you go through those witch hunts

and everything else?


And you know what we do, Mike,

we just do it, right?

And we think about God.

- Mike, of course, being theVice President Mike Pence.

And to see if there's an event happening

in your area today, you canvisit

Well, CBN News ReporterCharlene Aaron is here

to share more about thisNational Day of Prayer.

And, well, you pray every day.

- I love prayer.

- And you love prayer.

Why, it might sound likean obvious question,

but why do we need to pray?

- Oh my gosh, prayer is everything.

Prayer is, first of all,it's communication with God.

But, just think about it, we are invited

to ask God, the God of the universe,

to come into our circumstances

and to change things.

You hear people say prayer changes things.

That's because God is powerfuland we're inviting him

to come in and make adifference in our lives.

So, if we wanna see positive change, pray.

Invite God to come in and do things

that naturally, cannot happen.

- Charlene, what does theBible have to say about prayer?

- Wow, there is so many things

that God says in his word about prayer.

Pray without ceasing.

We're invited to pray without ceasing

and it also tells us in James 5:17,

that the effectual ferventprayer of a righteous person

availeth much.- Availeth much, not little.

- There's tremendous power released

when we pray and inviteGod to make a difference

in our lives.

- Well, you spoke withthis year's organizer,

director, of the NationalPrayer event, Dr. Ronnie Floyd.

What did he have to say?

I love the theme thisyear, love one another.

- I love it.

It's very powerful.

He really urged us asChristians to really pray

for spiritual revival in America.

Here's what he said.

- The government cannot fix us.

And politics cannot heal us.

And I also know it's beendecades since the last move

of God in a great way, across this nation.

We're overdue.

And the church needs to rise up and pray

like never before, praylike it really matters.

Pray like we really believe God.

And let's trust the Lord

for the next great spiritualawakening in the United States.

That's what the greatestneed is in America today.

- I really hear himsaying, desperate prayer

for desperate times willget desperate answers.

- What he said, pray likewe really believe God.

Because you can pray butyou can pray, not in faith.

So we have to pray infaith, believing that God

has the power to do whatwe're asking him to do.

- That's right.

And there of, of course,major events, prayer events

happening all across the globe.

- All over, absolutely.

People are calling uponthe name of the Lord.

And here's what the promise of God says.

If my people who are called by my name

shall humble themselves

and pray,- Pray.

- turn from their wickedways, seek my face,

then I will

hear from heaven- Then, right.

- and I will hear theirprayers and I will answer them

and I will heal their land.

Call upon me, the Biblesays, Jeremiah 33 and three.

And I will answer thee andI will show you great things

that you have not seen before.

- I love it.

Well, we do a show together called

Prayer Link.- Prayer Link, that's right.

- It's all about prayer.

And I just love doing thatshow because we can just stop

wherever we want in the show and say,

we need to pray about this.

- We're praying about the headlines,

what's happening in thenews and in our world.

And we're seeing God do some things.

- We sure are.

Well, God bless you Charlene.

- Thank you.

- Alrighty, well you cansee the full interview

with Dr. Ronnie Floyd ontoday's episode of Prayer Link.

It's right here on the CBN News Channel

and you can check our meand Charlene on that show.

Well, still ahead, rememberingone of the darkest times

in world history, the Holocaust,

where six million Jews were murdered.

(tense music)

- [Announcer] It's about the competition.

I kinda put that pressureon myself and I think

people had expectations.

- [Announcer] It's about overcoming.

- We use this phrase all the time,

keep chopping, keep practicing hard.

- [Announcer] It's aboutgoing the distance.

- I think as a father,it's my job to lead,

just be the best husbandand father I can be.

- [Announcer] Watch Goingthe Distance with Shawn Brown

Saturday night at 7:30on the CBN News Channel.

(adventure music)

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- [Announcer] Discover the I Wills of God.

I will rescue him,protect him, answer him,

be with him in trouble,deliver him, honor him,

satisfy him with long life,show him my salvation.

- What I felt was loved and treasured.

- God spared my life twice in three days.

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- [Announcer] Call1-800-700-7000 or visit

The I Wills of God, the latestteaching from Pat Robertson.

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- [Announcer] RegentUniversity, follow your path.

- Israel, is markingHolocaust Martyrs and Heroes

Remembrance Day today, honoring those

who were killed in the Holocaust.

CBN Middle East CorrespondentJulie Stahl has the story.

(sirens blaring)

- Sirens blared, calling Israel to a halt

for two minutes in honor of the memory

of the six million Jewsmurdered in the Holocaust.

- It's our first time being here

during the Holocaust Memorial

and it was very powerful.

- I was praying for peace and everything.

And I was thinking aboutall of the Holocaust

and the victims.

- All the world, we needto remember this day.

But I'm very sad that every day

I think, the memory'sgoing and going down.

My children don't knownothing about the Holocaust.

- [Julie] Events began the previous night

when the Israeli flagwas lowered to half mast

at Yad Vashem HolocaustMemorial in Jerusalem.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

and President Reuven Rivlinaddressed the opening ceremony

of Holocaust Martyrs andHeroes Remembrance Day.

Both spoke about growing anti-Semitism

and the need to fight it.

- (speaking foreign language)

- [Translator] We live in a paradox today,

the worldwide admirationfor the Jewish State

is accompanied in certain circles

with the rise of hatred of Jews.

The radical right, radicalleft and radical Islamic groups

agree on only one thing, hatred of Jews.

This is not a legitimatecriticism of Israel,

but a systematic poisonousand shallow hatred

that constantly undermines the legitimacy

of the Jewish Nation-State,

and only the Jewish Nation-State.

- (speaking foreign language)

- [Translator] Politicalforces where anti-Semitism

and racism are part of their language,

their legacy or their ideology,

can never be our allies.

There is no such thing as loving Israel

and hating Jews.

Just like there is nosuch thing as loving Jews

and hating Israel.

- [Julie] Israel remembersthe Holocaust every year

according to the Hebrewcalendar, on the anniversary

of the 1943 Warsaw Ghetto uprising.

Though the Jewish fighterswere almost all killed,

it marked a shift in thinkingfrom victim to fighter.

Later, it helped shapedIsrael's national identity

symbolizing strength andthe fight for freedom

in the face of death.

Julie Stahl, CBN News, Jerusalem.

- [Wendy] Julie.

After the break, a uniquerescue in California,

where a baby sea lion wasfound far away from home.

(tense music).

- [Announcer] As the worldwatches from the outside.

- It's a big diplomatic tug-of-warhere in the Middle East.

- [Announcer] Go inside thestory with Jerusalem Dateline.

- Israeli archeologists aretalking about a discovery

that could change the thinkingabout the Temple Mount.

- [Announcer] Join CBNJerusalem Bureau Chief

Chris Mitchell and getthe biblical perspective

on the events shaping the world.

- What starts in Israel thenends up going to other places.

- [Announcer] Watch Jerusalem Dateline

Friday night at 9:30 onthe CBN News Channel.

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(motivational music)

(magical laughter)

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- And finally, highwaypatrol workers in California

made an interestingrescue earlier this week.

A baby sea lion wanderedonto a busy highway

in South San Francisco, Tuesday,

stopping vehicles and alarming motorists

who had tried to shoo thesea lion to safer ground.

Officials were able toeventually get the animal

into a patrol car, seen here.

It was taken to thePeninsula Humane Society

and will be transported tothe Marine Mammal Center

in Sausalito, California.

He's so cute.

The sea lion will then moveto a rehabilitation pool

to recover, as I'm surethat was very traumatic.

Well, before we go, areminder to check out

our daily CBN News Rundown Podcast

with Caitlin Burke.

She gives a behind thescenes look at a key story

in the news every day.

You can find that at

On the show tab, click on it's title

and listen and subscribe.

Well, that's gonna do it forthis edition of Newswatch.

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We hope you'll join us next time.

Until then, God bless you.

(tense music)


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