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Israel Stops to Remember the Heroes and Martyrs of the Holocaust

Israel Stops to Remember the Heroes and Martyrs of the Holocaust Read Transcript

(sirens blaring)

- [Julie] Sirens blaredcalling Israel to a halt

for two minutes in honor of the memory

of the six million Jewsmurdered in the Holocaust.

- It's our first time being here

during the Holocaust memorial,and it was very powerful.

It was something that we've never seen,

and that everybody groupstogether as a country,

which was pretty amazing.

- I was praying for peace and everything,

and I was thinking aboutall of the Holocaust,

and the victims.

- To all the world, weneed to remember this day.

But I'm very sad that, every day,

I think the memory's going and going down,

so my children don't knownothing about the Holocaust.

- [Announcer] Thesebrothers from California

said they didn't study aboutthe Holocaust in school,

but they knew what it was about.

- We freeze.

Because you remember of the Jews

that were in the world that died

so it doesn't happen again.

- My dad just told me about it,

and also, I think of mygreat grandmother, Bubby Ida,

who survived the Holocaust.

- [Julie] Events began the previous night

when the Israeli flagwas lowered to half-mast

at Yad Vashem's HolocaustMemorial in Jerusalem.

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

and President Reuven Rivlinaddressed the opening ceremony

of Holocaust Martyrs andHeroes Remembrance Day.

Both spoke about growing anti-Semitism

and the need to fight it.

(speaking foreign language)

- [Translator] We live in a paradox today.

The worldwide admirationfor the Jewish state

is accompanied in certain circles

with the rise of hatred of Jews.

The radical right, radical left,

and radical Islamic groupsagree on only one thing,

hatred of Jews.

This is not a legitimatecriticism of Israel,

but a systematic, poisonous,and shallow hatred

that constantly undermines the legitimacy

of the Jewish nation state andonly the Jewish nation state.

(speaking foreign language)

- [Translator] Politicalforces where anti-Semitism

and racism are part of theirlanguage, their legacy,

or their ideology can never by our allies.

There is no such thing asloving Israel and hating Jews,

just like there is nosuch thing as loving Jews

and hating Israel.

- [Julie] Israel remembersthe Holocaust every year

according to the Hebrew calendar,

on the anniversary of the1943 Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.

Though the Jewish fighterswere almost all killed,

it marked a shift in thinkingfrom victim to fighter.

Later, it helped shapeIsrael's national identity,

symbolizing strength andthe fight for freedom

in the face of death.

Julie Stahl, CBN News, Jerusalem.


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