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News on The 700 Club: April 29, 2019

As seen on “The 700 Club,” April 29, 2019.: Read Transcript

(triumphant music)

- Welcome folks.

The Interior Department someyears ago put up a plaque

that said Act I, SceneI of the unfolding drama

that became the United States of America.

April the 29th, we celebrate

as the founding of this great nation,

hundreds of years ago,

and today, we begin ourannual week of prayer.

You'll see amazing storiesof healings and miracles,

and we invite you to pray along with us.

Later on this program, we'll look back

at a prayer from the year


and see how that prayer shaped the nation

that we know as theUnited States of America.

But first in the news,

a gunman attacks asynagogue in California,

well, the congregants of that synagogue

fought back.

One woman

threw herself bravelyin front of her rabbi,

giving her life to protect his.

And other worshipers chased the gunman

into the street,

and an eight year old girl

who escaped Hamas rockets in Israel

is shot in the leg.

Shocking news

from our nation's largest state.

Jenna Browder has this.


- President Trump calledRabbi Yisroel Goldstein

to offer his condolences.

At a vigil Sunday night, the rabbi said

he was touched by the president's words.

He then went on to describe the attack,

and the heroism of someof his congregants.

- Unfathomable.

Where I faced

death face to face.

- [Jenna] The rabbi,who was injured himself,

describes the moment the accused shooter

opened fire.

- I see the shooter standing there,

in position,

with the rifle,

moving it towards me.

- [Jenna] He says it was amiracle the shooter's gun jammed,

and credits members of the congregation

for risking their livesto stop the attack.

- Pushing on stuff.


he was like, screaming my dad's name.

- [Jenna] The youngest victim,

eight year old Noya Duhan.

Sixty year old Lori Kaye died.

Friends say she steppedin front of the rabbi

to stop the gunman.

- He dropped his weapon, and he ran out.

I chased him out of the sanctuary.

- [Jenna] Witnesses say 19year old John T. Earnest

was chased out of the synagogue

by two worshipers,

including an off-duty border patrol agent,

who opened fire as he drove away.

Police arresting him about a mile away.

Earlier, in a letter postedonline under his name,

he says he wanted to kill Jews,

and praised the gunman accused

in both the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting,

and recent mosque attacks in New Zealand.

Police say Earnest isalso being investigated

in connection to an arson attack

at a California mosque.

- We forcefully condemn

the evil of antisemitism and hate,

which must be defeated.

- I think there's somethingparticularly onerous

about being gunned downin your place of worship.

- [Jenna] This, asantisemitism is on the rise

in America, and worldwide.

Just this weekend, theWorld Jewish Congress,

calling out The New YorkTimes for publishing a cartoon

in its international edition,

showing Israeli PrimeMinister Benjamin Netanyahu

leading a blind President Trump.


"The New York Times hascrossed a red line today

"by publishing a cartoon infused

"with antisemetic tropes."

The New York Times issued an apology.

Michael Rydelnik, whoseparents survived the Holocaust,

is an expert on antisemitism

at the Moody Bible Institute.

- It's like a contagious disease

that's always under the surface,

and sometimes, it spurs up

into epidemic proportions,

and then sometimes, it recedes.

- [Jenna] For young Noya,

whose family recentlymoved from southern Israel,

where her village wassubject to rocket attacks

from Gaza, and saw her home

in California vandalizedwith antisemitic graffiti.

- I don't really feel safe.

- [Jenna] And the rabbi,with this message.

- Terrorism will not win.

But peace and love will.

- Earnest has been charged with murder,

and will likely face federalhate crime charges as well.

In Washington, Jenna Browder,

CBN News.

- Benjamin Disraeli was the prime minister

of Israel,

I mean, of England under Queen Victoria.

and, the queen asked him,

Mr. Prime Minister,

what evidence

can you give us of the existence of God?

And his answer was, the Jew, Your Majesty.

Because this is the race

that has been the witness

to the power of the Bible,

and we study the Bible,

we study the Old Testament, New Testament.

These are Jewish books.


why is there antisemitism?

Because, there's a Satan

who hates God, and he hates God's people.

And he knows that the evidence

of the existence of God

flows in large part from His prophets,

who had his sacred book,

the Jewish people.

So I condemn antisemitism,and recognize its source.

And we have stood withIsrael for years and years.

We have been defenders,

we've been helpful,

and we'll continue to do so.

And, we'll raise our voice

against these senseless attacks,

and the hatred that isinspired by Satan himself.

Well, back to the news.

One of the most powerful lobbying groups

in the United States is called

The National Rifle Association, the NRA.

And, my good friend Ollie North

has just resigned as president

of the NRA,

after an internal feud with the CEO.

John Jessup has more on that.


- That is right, Pat.

Oliver North told theNRA board in a letter

that he won't be renominated president.

This, after a dispute

with longtime CEO Wayne LaPierre.

In his own letter to the board,

LaPierre claimed Northtried to pressure him

into resigning, writing,


"The exhortation was simple,

"resign or there will bedestructive allegations made

"against me, and the NRA."

North had previously sent a letter

to the board's executivecommittee, raising questions

about LaPierre's handling of finances,

and sought to form a crisis commmittee

to investigate.

Well, a new study confirmsobesity increases the risk

of disease, and early death.

The study looked at 2.8 million adults

in the UK over a period of 18 years.

It found obese people are more likely

to have heart disease, diabetes,

high blood pressure,and irregular heartbeat.

Obesity is defined as

body mass of 30 or more,

which means being 30pounds or more overweight.

The study found peoplewith a body mass index

of 30 to 35,

have a 70% higher risk of heart failure,

and are five times more likely

to get Type 2 Diabetes.

The study also found themore overweight a person is,

the higher the likelihood of disease.

And Pat, the study's author also noted

that the worldwide obesity rate has

more than tripled in the last 30 years.

- Well, I have looked at the cause,

and we have studied it together,

and, I think that the culprit

is what's called high fructose corn syrup.

But let's go to our CBNNews Medical Reporter,

Lorie Johnson, who's with us.


talk to us about,

we've studied together,

the whole idea of inflammation.

What is causing this epidemic of obesity?

People are just,

they're not just a little overweight,

they're morbidly obese.

- That's right, and, Ithink you hit the nail

on the head, Pat.

It's high fructose corn syrup.

Or, in a broader sense,

it's two things,


and processed food,

which are basically the same thing,

because we know that processed food

often turns to sugar.

And one of the worst ingredients

in processed food

is high fructose corn syrup.

This stuff,

from a food manufacturer's point of view,

is a dream come true.

But from a health perspective,

it is our worst nightmare.

High fructose corn syrup

is like sugar on steroids.

It is so much cheaper than sugar,

it is so much more easily added

to everything in our grocery stores,

and it is highly,

highly addictive.

So we need to get off of this stuff, Pat.

- Well, I totally agree.

How do people get free of that, though?

It's in everything.

- I love that, that's a great question.

In fact, I interviewed a physician

in New York City, Dr. Vincent Pedre,

and the story is on our website,

And he helps people breaktheir sugar addiction.

You know that, they did studies on mice,

and the mice preferred sugar

to cocaine.

That's how addictive it is.

It gets in your brain,

in the dopamine receptors,

and the pleasure centers.

But just like other drugs, you have to go

through a withdrawal period,

where you really want it fora certain period of time.

But the good news is,after three or four days,

a week, two, three weeks tops,

you stop craving it so much.

And we need to replace the sugar

and the processed food

with fiber, because fiber is so essential

for our gut microbiome.

And the sugar destroys our gut microbiome.

Our gut microbiome

controls all of our health functions,

including our brain.

You know, we talk about diabetes,

that doubles your chance for Alzheimer's.

- Well you know, Lorie,

I know little children

have very sensitive palates,

and, they don't need a lot of extra salt,

they certainly don't needa lot of extra sugar.

But their parents

don't understand that, and so,

we have,

it's incredible how much sugaris being fed to little kids.

I mean, the cereal industry

is just loaded with sugar.

- That's true, thosecereals are the worst.

And, let's face it,

sugar, like so many other addictive drugs,

makes us happy going down.

And, parents want tomake their kids happy.

And we like to be happy.

It does give you that temporary high,

but in the long run, it hurts us,

and parents need to be aware of this.

- Well Lorie, I appreciatewhat you're doing.

God bless you, we enjoyyour insights always.

- My pleasure.

- You know, I'm pleased to report

I've lost 50 pounds.

I weigh a whole lot less than I did

when I was 15 years old.

When I was boxing, Iwas boxing heavyweight

at 185 pounds.

And I'm down, considerably,below that now.

- You keep having to haveyour jackets taken in.

- Oh yeah, they've cutthem down like crazy, but,

you know, the secret, very frankly,

is don't eat.


I'm not gonna tell you some diet.

But, you know,

protein, fiber,

what Lorie was saying,

is protein, fiber,

and stay off of that sweet stuff.

I mean, it is a craving,it is an addiction.

And, you could be free.

A habit, folks, just take

21 days, and you can establish

a good habit, or you canestablish a bad habit,

21 days.

- You know what I hadfor dinner last night?

Seared venison.

- Seared venison?

- That my husband shot.

- [Pat] A deer?

- Yes.

- Bambi is no longer inthe woods, because you?

- But it's the best.

It's the leanest, most tasty meat.

- [Pat] Oh yeah.

- You don't overcook it.

Had it with a salad, and so,

and a few tater tots.

But, anyway,


you gotta have a little bit of starch.

- Venison.

Well, not everybody can get venison,

but, wildlife, of course,

is obviously.

Here, again,

they give antibiotics to chickens

on a regular basis,

so we've got antibioticresistant bacteria.

And then, in terms of beef,

they're fed hormones,

in order to make them fat and grow,

and so when you eat a lot of that beef,

you're getting hormones,

which make you fat.

And, it's in the milk, it's in,

oh well.

But folks, you can come free,and that's the big thing.


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