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CBN NewsWatch PM: April 22, 2019

CBN NewsWatch PM: April 22, 2019 Read Transcript

- [Announcer] This is CBN Newswatch.

- And thanks for joiningus for CBN Newswatch.

I'm Heather Sells.

The attacks were a colossalintelligence failure,

the words of a top SriLankan government official

admitting today that hisgovernment had intelligence reports

warning of a terror attackbut failed to act on them.

Now, more than 24 hoursafter Islamic militants

struck militant targetson the island nation,

Sri Lankans are strugglingto come to grips

with their nation's worstterror attack in a decade.

CBN's InternationalCorrespondent George Thomas

joins us with the latest.


- Heather, with 290 deadand more than 500 injured,

Sri Lanka is blaming thelocal Jihadist group,

National Thowheeth Jama'athfor Sunday's horrific attack

on churches and hotels,

though no group hasclaimed responsibility.

According to governmentofficials, Sri Lanka's

Chief of NationalIntelligence wrote a report

on April 4th warning of anattack and even mentioned

that the targets would bechurches and tourist destinations.

Five days later, onApril 9th, the country's

inspector general ofpolice was given another

intelligence report with even names

of the suspected terrorists,

yet authorities did nothingto prevent the attacks.

On Easter morning, around 8:45 local time

seven Islamic suicide bombersin a near-simultaneous

and coordinated attack,struck three churches

and three luxury hotels

in and around the capital city of Colombo.

One of the largest explosions ripped

through St. Anthony's Catholic Church

just as congregants were filling the pews

for Easter service.

39 foreigners were also killed

including at least four Americans

and eight British nationals.

This morning Sri Lanka's health minister

apologized to his countrymen for failing

to prevent the attacks

while the Arch Bishop ofColombo demanded answers.

(speaking foreign language)

- [Translator] If therewas prior information

why weren't steps takento prevent this incident?

It's a huge question for all of us,

why it was allowed to happen.

- A very important question.

In the meantime, SriLankan security forces

as you can see there,are still carrying out

searches across the island tofind those behind the bombing.

So far 24 people have been arrested.

Meanwhile, the terror suspects

were reportedly planningeven more carnage.

Sri Lankan police discovered87 bomb detonators

at the main bus station in Colombo.

And a van parked near one ofthe churches bombed on Sunday

had three explosives in it.

This morning, PresidentTrump called Sri Lanka's

prime minister to offer his condolences.

This was Sri Lanka's deadliest bombing

since a devastating civilwar ended a decade ago.


- Thank you, George.

And joining us now with moreis our Senior International

Correspondent Gary Lane.

Gary, you've traveled to Sri Lanka.

And you've over theyears, watched persecution

against Christians there butit hasn't come from Muslims

in the past.

So talk more about the difference

with this particular attack.

- Well, this surprised everyone

because there's only about10% of the population

in Sri Lanka that is Muslim.

But most the people, 70% are Buddhist,

a very small minority, only about one,

one and a half percent are Christian.

Now, Christians being a minority of maybe

only about 30,000 people, Heather,

have been attacked in thepast by militant Buddhists

who don't like them convertingBuddhists to Christianity.

But they don't do bombings.

They generally will goin and ransack churches,

they're threaten Christiansand a lot of the threats

also come from family members of Buddhists

who convert to Christianitybut rarely from Islam.

- So why do we think now, whyare the Muslims striking now

and on Easter Sunday?

- Well, that's a good question

because look, therearen't that many Muslims

in that country, 10% as I said.

But a pastor that I talked to today

told me that one concern that there is

is the radicalization ofMuslims in the mosques,

that there's been alot of talk about Jihad

and things like that.

In addition to that,they've been free to go

and travel overseas, also to places

in India like Kashmir, Pakistan,

places like that, where thereare very militant Muslims.

So were they influencedby these militants?

Now, some people will say

look, this was a verysophisticated operation.

It had resembled more ofISIS and their tactics.

So were they influenced by ISIS?

Were there ISIS agents also involved?

We don't know at this point.

That's being investigatedbut it is a possibility.

- Yeah, lots still to investigate

and we know this is happeningacross southeast Asia,

really, persecution of Christians.

Want to ask you too, aboutthe mainstream media coverage

here in the US.

It seems that our coverage is perhaps,

different from theirs.

Talk about that.

- Well, our coverage is different

because we will call it like it is.

I noticed within about 24 hours,

there was a hesitancy from thepart of the mainstream media

in America to call this Islamic terror.

And now, maybe that'sbecause they didn't know

but I think they just say, oh,this is an act of terrorism.

As far as the Christians, they rarely say

these were Christians worshiping.

This is sectarian violenceor this is just people

worshiping at Easter time.

- Right.

And I want to ask you too, it seems to me

that we really have seenthis before on Easter,

other religious holidays.

Is that indeed a trend?

- Yes, it is a trend.

It happens regularly in placeslike Egypt and Pakistan.

Remember in Egypt backin 2016, just before

Christmas time, there wasa bombing at the cathedral

in Cairo, another bombing inEgypt at Palm Sunday in 2017.

That was in Alexandria,another one in Tanta.

That claimed almost 50 lives there.

And then also Heather, often in Pakistan,

we remember just a couple of years ago

a Palm Sunday bombings, twinbombings of churches there.

And then the following year, at a park

when Christians were celebrating Easter

after their services.

- Yeah, really soberingto thing that Christians

need to be vigilant onEaster and on Christmas.

- All holidays and coming up, Ramadan.

That is also a time whenChristians need to be

on their guard.

- Alright, Gary Lane,thanks for your insights.

Well, in other news, more pressure

on the Iranian oil industry.

Secretary of State MikePompeo announced today

that the US will notrenew sanction waivers

for five countries thatreceive oil from Iran.

Pompeo says President Trump has decided

not to re-issue waiverswhich expire May 2nd

to Japan, South Korea,Turkey, China and India.

That means those nations will no longer

be exempt from US sanctions

if they're still importing oil from Iran.

Pompeo has been sayingthe goal has always been

to get countries to stopimporting Iranian oil entirely.

- We're going to zero, goingto zero across the board.

We will continue to enforce sanctions

and monitor compliance.

Any nation or entity interacting with Iran

should do its diligence anderr on the side of caution.

The risks are simply not goingto be worth the benefits.

I want to emphasize thatwe have used the highest

possible care in our decisionto ensure market stability.

- Pompeo also said the US does not expect

any significant reductionin the supply of oil here,

given production increasesby other countries.

And we will have more stories like this

from our Washington Bureau this evening

on Faith Nation and you can watch it here

on the CBN News Channel.

Well, the Supreme Court decided today

that it will wade into the thorny issue

of discrimination in the workplace.

It will hear a trio ofcases involving people

who say there were fired becauseof their sexual orientation

or gender identity.

At issue, whether the 1964Federal Civil Rights Law

that prohibits employment discrimination

also applies to sexualorientation and gender identity.

One of those cases involves

a male Michigan funeral home employee

who asked for permission todress as a woman at work.

Another involves a gayskydiving instructor

who challenged his dismissal

and a third case pertainsto a social worker

who said he was fired becauseof his sexual orientation.

Joining us now with more is Jim Campbell

with Alliance Defending Freedom, or ADF.

ADF represents the Michigan funeral home

that is defending its refusal to continue

to employ a male employee who identified

as a woman to dress in women's clothing.

Thanks so much for joining us, Jim.

- My pleasure, thanks for having me.

- Talk about he dress codewhich is very important

to the G.R. Harris Funeral Home.

Why is it so important?

- Well, it's important because

the primary goal of Harris Funeral Homes

is the grieving families that they serve.

And so they put in place these policies

to ensure professionalism, to ensure

that their employeesblend into the background

and to ensure that grieving families

can focus on each other and their grief.

- So why did the funeralhome not allow its employee

to dress as a woman?

Would it have allowed it if the employee

was fully transitioned?

- Well, in this situation,they have this policy.

It's a sex-specific policy.

Men dress a certain way,women dress a certain way.

And they put that in placeagain, in order to serve

the interests of their customers.

So, under these circumstances, the owner,

Tom Ross determined thatthe request of this employee

was not in the best interestof the grieving families

that they serve.

But nevertheless, he wanted to do right

by this employee so he offeredhim a severance package,

which the employee refused andinstead Harris Funeral Home

has been battling the EEOC forthe last, nearly, six years

because the federalgovernment's been targeting them

simply to make a political point.

- Why to you think thisSupreme Court decided

to take this particularcase and the other two now?

- Well, it's an importantquestion whether unelected

officials at the EEOC can unilaterally

redefine federal law in order

to bring about their political goals.

Here, we're dealing with aterm that's been in the law

for over 50, 60 years.

We're dealing with the word sex.

And taking the word sex and replacing it

with gender identity haswidespread consequences in the law.

For example, doing that would jeopardize

the dignity and privacy rights of women

by opening privacyfacilities like locker rooms

and restrooms and shower facilities

to men who identify as women.

It would also undermine educational

and sports opportunities for girls

by opening those opportunities to boys

who identify as girls.

So there's a number ofissues that are raised here.

And these are important question

that the people should beable to decide for themselves

and not have unelectedofficials decide it for them.

- Really, so much at stake here.

What is the timeline of thiscase, at this point in time?

What are we, when might it be heard?

What are you looking forward to?

- Yeah, the court willlikely hear arguments

in the fall, maybe as late as the winter,

but probably October, November argument.

And then the court willlikely decide the case

some time next year, in the spring

or even in the summer.

- Case, Jim Campbell, withAlliance Defending Freedom,

thank you for your time.

- Thank you.

- And a reminder to check outour CBN News Daily Rundown

podcast with Caitlin Burke.

She gives a behind the scenes look

at a key story in the news every day.

And you can find it at

On the show tab, click on itstitle to listen and subscribe.

Coming up, we speak withevangelist Franklin Graham

and hear what hisministry is doing to help

the crisis in Venezuela.

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(magical laughter)

- Welcome back.

We have been reporting for some time now

on what is happening inVenezuela as that country

continues to deteriorate, botheconomically and politically.

Amidst this there is newsthat many Venezuelans

are turning to faith astheir limits are tested.

Evangelist Franklin Grahamspoke this Easter weekend

to Venezuela refugees in the border city

of Cucuta, Columbia, andjoins us now with more.

Reverend Graham, thank you for joining us.

- Thank you, it's good to be with you.

- I understand that you joinedwith hundreds of churches

in Cucuta to welcomerefugees from Venezuela

to services this weekend inthe city's soccer stadium.

Tell us about who came and what happened.

- Well, first of all, let me back up.

I was down there back in October

visiting these refugees

coming out of Venezuela into Columbia.

They come over a 1,000, sometimes two

or 3,000 people per day.

And they're not allowedto bring their vehicles.

They just walk.

And they bring theirsuitcase, pull it behind them

and they walk from thereall the way to Bogota.

Some spend weeks on the road

pulling their suitcase behind 'em.

They're just fleeing.

And at that time, I just felt in my heart,

we need to do something for these refugees

coming here into Columbia.

We set up an aid stationright there at there border

where we give medical attention to people

that are coming across the border.

And then as they go over the mountains,

we have little Samaritaninns, kind of places,

where a person can stop.

We have food for them.

We have again, healthcare.

We are able to give them antibiotics,

those kinds of things if they need it.

We care for the children,give them clothing.

It gets cold up in the mountains

as they cross the Andes.- Great needs.

I do want to ask you, in particular

about those services this weekend.

Because we know that we'renot hearing a lot spiritually

about what is going on.

So what are you seeing interms of the spiritual needs

of the people and whathappened at the services?

- Well, the, when westarted this back in October

I just felt in my heartGod wanted us to come

and hold, have like a crusade in the city.

And so we talked to the churches.

I wanted to do this in January.

They said no, let's do it Easter weekend.

I said, okay, we'll do it Easter weekend.

And it just was more than I ever expected.

We had about 116,000 peoplecome to our three meetings.

We had around 7,000 or so makedecisions for Jesus Christ.

The hunger was incredible.

The entire city wasbehind what we were doing.

The mayor's office, thepolice, the military,

everybody was behind thisfestival we did this past week.

And it was just something God did

so we give him the glory.

The physical needs, Ithink, of the people,

God sometimes uses that toopen up the hearts spiritually.

And that's what I was trying to say

with all the people comingacross into Columbia,

suffering as they come into the country,

it just opens up a doorto preach the gospel.

We had started off by praying

for the president of Venezuela

that God would open up hiseyes and open up his heart,

that he would changesome of these policies.

We prayed for the presidentof Columbia as well.

There is no question,a great spiritual need

among these, the people,not only of Columbia

'cause they just came upout of a civil war too.

We have to remember, they'vehad a terrible civil war.

And that has just got ended.

And so the people are juststill reeling from that.

And now we see what's happeningin Venezuela, next door.

- Yeah, well I'm really heartened

to hear the spiritual report.- It's a real problem.

- It is wonderful to hear.

And I also just want toask you, politically,

we know that the Russian militaryis involved in Venezuela,

supporting that government there.

And there's been talk ofoutside military intervention

that may be needed from the US to take out

the country's dictator.

What are your thoughts on that?

- Well, first of all, it's the,

the Russians are therein a very small way.

I don't think that's really an issue.

It's really the Cubans.

The Cubans have takencontrol of the country.

And they have takencontrol of this government,

they've taken control of the military.

I've been told that all the advisors,

the top leadership of theVenezuela military are Cubans now.

So it's almost like Cubahas annexed the country.

And this is so sad.

Cuba is a basket case.

And now Venezuela which had the largest

middle-class economy inall of Latin America,

the largest oil reserves inthe world, is in Venezuela.

And to see this countrynow reduced to poverty,

it's just, it breaks yourheart, especially when you see

somebody pulling a suitcase for weeks

just to leave.

And I saw women and childrenpulling their little suitcases

hundreds of miles fromCucuta up in the mountains.

It just breaks your heart.

- We've gotta wrap butI do want to ask you,

would you support the US if the government

decided to get militarily involved?

- Well, I don't thinkthat's a place for me

to give a comment 'cause Samaritan's Purse

is gonna help the peopleof Venezuela regardless

of who they are.

We gonna help all of them.

And I hope that there isa political solution soon

without any military conflict.

That would be my hope and my prayer.

- Well, I know we areall thinking and praying

for the people of thatcountry and appreciate

what you're doing, Reverend Graham.

Thanks for you time.

- Thank you so much.

- And don't go anywhere.

We'll be back right after the break.

- [Announcer] It's about the competition.

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with Shawn Brown, Saturday night at 7:30

on the CBN News Channel.

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- And welcome back.

Calls to impeach areflooding through Washington

as Democrats and Trumpsupporters are at odds

over key parts of the Mueller report.

The recently released 448 page document

lays out 11 instances ofpossible obstruction of justice,

indicating President Trumpwas thwarted by aides

like White House CounselDon McGhan who refused

to follow directives.

- Do you believe Don McGhan when he says

the president tried to gethim to fire Bob Mueller.

- I believe the president was frustrated

about the investigationfrom the very beginning

and knew it was ill-conceived.

- According to a new MediaResearch Center report,

mainstream media mentioned impeachment

more than 300 times during its coverage

of the Mueller report

from Thursday afternoon to Friday morning.

And joining us now is Scott Whitlock,

the Associate Editor forNewsBusters at the Center.

Scott, thanks for joining us.

Are you surprised by the media's reaction

or did you expect it?

- No, I'm not surprised at all.

Journalists in the media,particularly on CNN

and MSNBC have spent two years pushing

this impeachment talk.

That's basically been thegoal from the very beginning.

And so it's basically a let down from

what they expected and what they wanted.

But they're not gonna let it go.

Yeah, we looked at themedia coverage on ABC, NBC,

CBS, CNN and MSNBC over just 18 hours

and there we 309 mentions ordiscussions of impeachment,

just on Thursday alone.

- Why do you think that issuch a fixation for them?

- Well, look, I thinkthe narrative has been

from the very beginning

that there was collusion and obstruction.

We saw this pushed by liberalswithin the Democratic Party

and echoed by liberalswithin the mainstream media.

And it's that kind of boywho cried wolf syndrome

where you do it too manytimes and people tune you out.

So I think that is what may be happening

with the American public.

But not on the media.

They're going to keep fixated on this

and they really are the echo chamber

for the activist partof the Democratic Party.

You have Elizabeth Warren--

- Do you see this impeachmentdrumbeat continuing?

Or where do you see it going next?

- Yeah, I absolutely see it continuing

because look, again, you havepeople like Elizabeth Warren

who are pushing thisnarrative and despite the fact

that you have otherliberals who are giving

the cautious signs, such as Nancy Pelosi.

The don't want to let this go

'cause that's what the base wants.

And we're just seeingthat echoed in all these

different media outletsand cable channels.

- Alright well, ScottWhitlock, with NewsBusters,

we appreciate your insights and your time.

Thank you.

- Thank you.

- And after the break, whatspecial group of heroes

were recognized duringyesterday's Easter mass in Paris?

(tense music)

- [Announcer] As the worldwatches from the outside.

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(magical laughter)

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- A special Easter mass in Paris yesterday

honored the firefighters whosaved the Notre Dame Cathedral.

Paris Archbishop MichelAupetit thanked multiple

city officials for their supportduring last Monday's fire.

Firefighters worked fornine hours to contain flames

that consumed Notre Dame'sroof and collapsed its spire.

Catholics from around the world prayed

over the firefighters Sunday,

praying for a swift reconstructionof the beloved monument.

The fire service chaplain was recognized

for saving a chalicecontaining consecrated hosts

that, for Catholics,are the body of Christ.

And that is if for thisedition of Newswatch.

We hope that you willjoin us us next time.

Have a great day.

(tense music)


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