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Christian World News - April 19, 2019

Christian World News - April 19, 2019 Read Transcript

(dramatic music)

- [Wendy] This week onChristian World News,

catastrophe in Paris, shock and horror

as flames consume thehistoric Notre Dame Cathedral.

The main structure saved but what happens

to priceless artifacts inside?

- [George] Plus, Jesuson trial before Pilate.

Could this be the sitewhere the Roman leader

washed his hands and condemnedthe son of God to death?

- [Wendy] And the finalhours of Jesus Christ

as told by a medical professional.

This expert reveals whatChrist endured on the cross.

(dramatic music)

- Hello everyone welcometo this week's edition

of Christian WorldNews, I'm George Thomas.

- And I'm Wendy Griffith.

We begin with acatastrophic fire in France.

Shock and dismay as flamesconsume the Notre Dame Cathedral.

The famous spire that marks theParis skyline toppling over.

Crowds on the street in tears and prayer

as they watched the historic church burn.

Today the sacred site stands in tact

and France's presidentis promising to rebuild.

- [Heather] Parisiansare mourning Notre Dame

and cheering their firefighters.

This incredible video releasedby the Paris Fire Brigade

shows the heroic operation

that eventually savedpart of the cathedral.

- This is shocking beyond shocking.

- Investigators are nowsearching for a cause.

They've ruled out arson andbelieve the restoration work

may be to blame.

The Paris prosecutor says aninitial fire alert sounded

at 6:20 p.m. on Mondaybut no fire was found.

A second alert went off 23 minutes later

and the blaze was thendiscovered on the roof.

- [Interpreter] The cathedralis government property

and President Macron pledged to rebuild

an even more beautiful building.

He said a five year plan is possible

although not everyone agrees.

Donations and pledges are pouring in,

close to a billion U.S. dollars so far.

On a spiritual level,the loss is immeasurable.

- For the French, my God for the world,

Notre Dame Cathedralrepresents what's most noble,

what's most uplifting,what's most inspirational

about the human project.

And to see that reducedto ashes, my oh my,

I remember our song fromthe ashes we rise up.

We had Ash Wednesday, we wannarise up with Jesus at Easter

and I believe that there'll besome rising from this dying.

- [Heather] And the timing is stunning,

the day after Palm Sundaywith Easter approaching.

Many believers wonder, could this loss

lead to a spiritual reawakening.

The Dean of Regent University Seminary

told CBN News this couldprovide France an opportunity

to refocus on it's Christian heritage.

- We sometimes think of Franceas an ex-Christian country

but I do not think weshould make that mistake.

There are deep Christian roots there

and the story is not finished yet.

- [Heather] Heather Sells, CBN News.

- Thank you, Heather.

Ed Condon is D.C. BureauChief of Catholic News Agency

joins us now by Skype.

First off, what's the lateston the cause of the fire

and the plans to rebuild?

- Well, the latest is we stilldon't know what the cause

of the fire was.

We had numerous architectural experts

and engineers in Francewho've been commenting

on how unusual it was that the fire

was able to spread so quickly.

We know that the fire beganin the area of the roof

around the spire whererenovation work was due to begin

but it doesn't appear that that work

was actually underway atthe time the fire broke out.

So, there are questionsabout what caused it,

we're still not sure.

And after a blaze likethis it will take some time

to shift through the literalashes and piece it together.

But the most importantthing right now I think

is that the main structureof the cathedral is in tact.

That rebuilding is not only possible

but will be undertaken andthe fundraising efforts

are off to an astronomical start.

- Absolutely.- Close to a billion euros.

- Yeah, it's quite stunninghow much people have given.

What can you tell us about the relics

and the historic artwork inside.

Tell us a little aboutthose and did they survive?

- Well, it's actually almost miraculous,

the extents in which thecontents of the cathedral

were saved or preserved evenif they didn't make it out.

One of the priests of the cathedral

who I think was the only priest inside

when the fire was discovered was able

to save the most importantrelics, first of all

the blessed sacrament from the tabernacle

and also the crown of thorns which is

perhaps the most well knownrelic housed in the cathedral.

And then there was aneffective human chain

of clergy and fire fightersworking while the roof

was on fire to remove statues, relics,

important liturgicalitems from the cathedral

which was then taken firstto the city hall in Paris

and then to the Louvre for safe keeping.

But even some of thetreasures that are immovable

within the cathedral survived.

The three iconic rose windows,

everyone essentially wroteit off as destroyed for sure

but it turns out they've all survived.

One of the remarkable thingsthat happened yesterday was

on top of the spire whicheveryone saw the footage

of it dramatically collapsingwas a rooster weather vane

and a lightning rod, a copper rooster,

which is of course,

the sort informalnational symbol of France

Inside of which was arelic of one of the thorns

from the crown of thornsand also the relics

of two French saints, that wasconsidered to be surely lost

as this spire collapsed into the flames.

But it was found intact, dented and bruised

but still there.

- You were talking Edabout the human chain

for folks who were individual.

We understand heroic priests helped save

some of those artifacts.

What can you tell us about his background?

- Well, he seems to bequite a remarkable fellow.

This priest has also turned up

at the site of terrorist attacks in France

offering prayer and blessingsand last rite sacraments

to victims of terror attacks.

It's my understanding heserved as an inactive duty

as a military chaplainand he gave a very sort of

poignant interview in which he spoke about

being alone in the cathedral as it burned

carrying the blessed sacramentand offering us a prayer

for the cathedral and to God

that he would help preserve his house.

- Wow, incredible.

And the timing of this isextraordinary as it happens

during holy week.

Could this present an opportunity

for the Christian Church in France?

- I hope so, I hope itwill provide an opportunity

not just for the Christian faith in France

but for the wider communityof the French nation

and also for Europe to really

recognize the precious treasuresof their Christian heritage

in their midst and it'svery often the case

that we don't tend tovalue what we see everyday

but I think a lot of what wesaw in the flames overnight

on Monday was with thepeople of Paris coming out

and really deeplyunderstanding their connection

to this building which wasbuilt really to honor God

and to anchor the nation in the faith.

- Yeah, Ed, thank youso much for joining us

on the broadcast, EdCondon, D.C. Bureau Chief

for the Catholic News Agency.

Thanks for your insight sir.

- Thank you.- You're welcome.

- [Wendy] Great interview, well coming up

it's one of the mostfamous scenes in the Bible,

Jesus on trial before Pilate.

See the site where somebelieve it happened.

(dramatic music)

- [Narrator] CBN presentsThe I Wills of God,

Your Path to Overcoming Fear and Anxiety.

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- And welcome back to the broadcast.

Christians from all overthe world come to Israel

during holy week.

- As Chris Mitchell shows usone of the main attractions

is an area where manybelieve John the Baptist

baptized Jesus.

- [Chris] For Christians beingbaptized in the Jordan River

is a profound spiritual experience.

- Because it's my dreamand Jesus was baptized here

and we were as blessed.

- I feel like I birth againbecause Jesus was baptized here.

- [Chris] The site iscalled Qasr el Yahud.

Israel developed this sitefor Christian pilgrims

and now about three-quarters

of a million people visit here each year.

While there's no proofthis is the exact location

of the baptism of Jesus,it remains a special place.

- I read the Bible, I preach the Bible

and for us to be here and to actually

experience it firsthandit sort of underscores

and affirms what they hear week after week

as we present God's word to the people.

- This is the area where some people

believe the prophet Elijahascended into heaven

in a fiery chariot andwhere the children of Israel

crossed over the River Jordaninto the Promised Land.

- [Chris] Tour guide, BenDavid Katriel gives two reasons

why this might be the areaJoshua brought the Israelites

on their way to Jericho.

- There are passages in theJordan, places that are easier

to pass, that never changesand that's topography

but except that we haveJericho that is no argument

about the location of Jericho.

- Actually, this is the first(speaks in foreign language)

that took place, this is a combination

where the Bible, thestories of the Bible meet.

- [Chris] Retired general UziDayan says the Jewish people

return here from Egyptmore than 3,000 years ago.

Three millennial later,Jews are still returning

to the land of Israel whereyou can see biblical prophecies

come to life.

- This can happen onlyhere, you can't do that

in any other country in the world

and if you believe in the book,

so Israel is the best place for that.

- Come make this part of your plans

'cause this'll enrichyour faith and deepen

your devotion to Jesus whichis what it's all about.

- [Chris] For many it'sespecially meaningful,

just before the celebration

of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Chris Mitchell, Qasr elYahud baptismal site,

the Jordan River.- Terrific.

A set of stairs thatJesus might have climbed

before his crucifixion isbeing unveiled in Rome.

ABC News reports that28 steps are known as

(speaks in foreignlanguage) or holy stairs.

They are believed to be part

of Pontius Pilate's palace in Jerusalem.

And the very same stepsthat Jesus ascended

before he was tried andsentenced to crucifixion

by the Roman governor.

The stairs were shipped toRome in the fourth century

by Emperor Constantine'smother St. Helena.

The restoration of the stepscomes just in time for Easter.

- The site of Jesus' trialis still in question.

Today we take you to oneof the possible locations

inside the walls of the old city.

It's a place where there are 2,000 years

of recorded history.

And as John Waage shows us,

it's where some believe Pontius Pilate

sentenced Jesus to death.

- [John] At the westernedge of the old city,

the Tower of David stands above the walls.

16 years ago, archeologistsfound the building

while working on theTower of David Museum.

Records on it's walls go backeven before the time of Jesus

and the Roman governor whosentenced him to the cross,

Pontius Pilate.

For years, experts suggested that Pilate

handed down his death sentencefrom Antonia's Fortress

on the other side of the city

where the Roman soldiers were housed.

But recent evidence uncovered here

at the site of King Herod's palace

indicates that the luxury loving Pilate

was more likely to havepronounced judgment here.

Archeologists Amit Re'emdiscovered the palace site in 1999.

He's familiar with thehistory on these walls

from Herod's time until theBritish put a prison on it

in the 1940's.

- We do not know what happenedto the super structures,

to the palace itself.

Maybe it was destroyed in the big revolt.

Maybe it was destroyed by the Romans.

Maybe it was destroyed bythe Crusaders or the Ottoman.

- [John] David Pileggi ispastor of Christ's Church

just steps away from the site.

- We know that the palace

of Herod the Great eventuallybecame Roman property

after Herod's death and thatevery year Pontius Pilate

would come from Caesarea to Jerusalem here

during the time of Passover

to oversee the security ofthe city during the festival

that the Jews called the Feast of Freedom.

- [John] Israeli archeologist Renee Silvan

is still struck by it's power and opulence

even though she helped begin the digging.

- It was almost like an onion.

You peel it, peel it,peel it and it never end

but then you cry a bit but not too much

that is what happens here.

- [John] Pileggi calls theTower of David the best museum

in the city and saystourists would do well

to start their journey here.

- Now we have the extra bonusof having the very place

where Jesus was sent toexecution by Pontius Pilate

and this will helpChristians better visualize

those monumentous events thathappened to Jesus the messiah,

Jesus of Nazareth in thelast week of his life.

- [John] And just a couple of miles away,

the Mount of Olives wherescripture says he'll come again.

John Wagee, CBN News, Jerusalem.

- [George] Up next, death by crucifixion.

Our medical expertsdescribe the final hours

of Christ's life and what he suffered.

(dramatic music)

(upbeat music)

- [Narrator] It's about the competition.

- I kinda put that pressure on myself

and I think people had expectations.

- [Narrator] It's about overcoming.

- We use this phrase allthe time, keep chopping,

keep practicing hard.

- [Narrator] It's aboutgoing the distance.

- You know I think as a father it's my job

to lead, just be the besthusband and father I can be.

- [Narrator] Watch Going the Distance

with Shawn Brown Saturday night at 7:30

on the CBN Newschannel.

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The I Wills of God, the latestteaching from Pat Robertson.

- Jesus said there's no greater love

than laying down yourlife for someone else.

He lived out those wordsby sacrificing himself

for all mankind.

- Now a new book providesa detailed medical account

of the crucifixion to help us understand

just what Jesus suffered for our sake.

Paul Strand reports.

- We Christians all know Jesusdied for us on the cross.

But as doctors studiedcrucifixion for a decade

says until you understand whatJesus went through medically

it's hard to fully appreciatejust how much he suffered

to pay for our sins.

- It was the worse form ofdeath that was imaginable

and the Romans had beenusing it for three centuries

by the time Jesus came alongso it was well perfected.

- [Paul] Dr. Joseph Bergeronwrote The Crucifixion of Jesus.

- Most often on Easter we hear talks about

how Jesus suffocatedwhile he was on the cross.

- [Paul] Bergeron,however, says suffocation

doesn't gel with thegospel accounts of Jesus

talking on the cross.

- When you're suffocating and struggling

for your last breathe,you have no interest

in carrying out a conversation.

- [Paul] The real cause ofhis death first shows up

in Christ's own propheticwords of the Last Supper.

- Jesus told us how he was gonna die.

He said this is my blood which is

poured out for the remission of sins.

That's not suffocation,that's bleeding to death.

That's shock, that's thecomplications of shock.

- [Paul] That would be one explanation

for the odd occurrenceof Jesus sweating blood

in the Garden of Gethsemane.

- There are very few reportedcases, just a handful

and they're always before severe injury,

the threat of injury andusually before execution.

So that Jesus sweatdrops of blood meant that

he fully understood whatwas about to happen to him.

- [Paul] And then it began,

the Jews and Romansbludgeoned and tore his flesh

in two viscous beatings.

- Caiaphas and the Sanhedrinconvicted him of blasphemy

which was punishable by death.

- [Paul] But under Roman rulethe Jews had no authority

to execute so they physicallyand brutally punished him.

Then a whole company of Roman soldiers

beat Jesus nearly to death.

- They were anti-Semitic andfor this person who's charge

was basically a political insurrection,

naming himself the king of the Jews

would have heightened their anger

so his beating exceeded what was typical

for a crucifixion victimsand had extensive blood loss

and tissue injury from that.

- [Paul] So the shock set inbefore he reached calvary.

- It looked like he wasbeginning to experience shock

just walking therebecause he couldn't carry

part of the cross to the crucifixion site.

He would have been expected to do that.

Everybody else did but he could not.

- [Paul] Then came justabout the most painful

and humiliating executionthe Romans could administer.

- It was consideredobscene a Roman citizen

wouldn't even ever be crucified.

It was meant for politicalinsurgence ranked criminals

and escaped slaves.

- It all punished Jesus'body was shocked so traumatic

as to kill him hours soonerthan most people crucified.

Bergeron says shock wouldstop Christ' blood clotting

and kill him in just six hours.

- This is a very ominous complication,

difficult to control evenin modern trauma centers.

In Jesus' time there would be no treatment

and it would lead to rapid death.

And it explains why Jesus died so rapidly.

- [Paul] Rapidly but horribly.

Which leaves Bergeronin awe of the sacrifice.

- That he would become a human being

and come here and do thatto rectify our relationship

as humans with God, toredefine it and restore us

to fellowship with God,it's an amazing thing.

- [Paul] And on that cross,Jesus Christ showed how simple

it is to find salvation in him.

- It's like the thief on the cross,

he didn't know what to saysaid just please remember me.

And the sincere prayer fromanyone is never turned away.

And Jesus told him that hewould be in paradise that day.

- Bergeron realizes it's toughto face all the gory details

of Christ' death but it canmake us love and respect

all the more, a God willingto come down to earth

and face such pain and agonyso people could be cleansed

from their sins andspend eternity with him.

Paul Strand, CBN News Washington.

- Thanks so much Paul,perfect story for Easter week.

Well for more stories just like this go

to our website

We'll be right back.

(dramatic music)

- [Narrator] As the worldwatches from the outside.

- It's a big diplomatic tug ofwar here in the Middle East.

- [Narrator] Go inside thestory with Jerusalem Dateline.

- Israeli archeologists aretalking about a discovery

that could change the thinkingabout the Temple Mount.

- [Narrator] Join CBN JerusalemBureau Chief, Chris Mitchell

and get the biblical perspective

on the events shaping the world.

- [Narrator] What starts in Israel

then ends up going to other places.

- [Narrator] Watch JerusalemDateline Friday night

at 9:30 on the CBN News Channel.

(dramatic music)

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(dramatic music)

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(upbeat music)

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(upbeat music)

- Welcome back to the broadcast.

At a young age Joe Castillodiscovered his gift for art.

When he became a Christianhe began using that gift

to share Christ.

- He sure did but Joeuses a very different tool

to tell his stories, sand.

Take a look at the Easter story

like you've never seen it before.

(dramatic music)

- [Joe] The story of course, starts out

in the Garden of Gethsemaneout on the hillside

outside of Jerusalem andit was there that Christ

took his disciples to pray

and he knew what he was facing,

although the disciples did not.

And he was taken before thecourt and he was mocked,

he was beaten and he wassubjected to scourging

and even after all of thosetorments and those wounds

and he was so badlybeaten that he needed help

carrying the cross.

He was wearing a crownof thorns that had been

placed on his head mocking him as king.

And hanging on the cross there

is when he spoke thewords father forgive them

for they know not what they do.

The grave where he lay

they had rolled a largestone over the opening.

And sometime in the nightthe grave had been opened.

And the man that everyone thought was dead

had risen from the deadand the tomb was empty.

And Christ wanted to be there,not to be any doubt at all

and so he actuallyappeared to his disciples

and showed them the woundsin his hands and in his side

so that they would believe

that he'd come back from the dead.

- He is risen.- He is risen indeed.

- Happy Easter to you.

- Happy Easter George

and to all of you.- Happy Easter to everyone.

Well, folks that is itfor this week's edition

of Christian World News.

I hope you've enjoyed and inspired

by all of our awesome stories.

- Until next week from all of us here

at Christian World News goodbye,

happy Easter and God bless you.


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