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CBN NewsWatch AM: April 18, 2019

CBN NewsWatch AM: April 18, 2019 Read Transcript

(lively music)

- [Announcer] This is CBN Newswatch.

- And thank you so much for joining us

for this edition of CBN Newswatch.

I'm Efrem Graham.

We wanna begin today in Washington with

a highly anticipated releaseof the Mueller report.

Attorney General, WilliamBarr, says that he will hold

a news conference beforereleasing the redacted version

of the Special Counsel's report.

And Democrats are outraged, though,

blasting the way it's being rolled out.

They wanna see the full,

unredacted report saying Barr

should let it speak for itself.

- The fact that the AttorneyGeneral is not releasing

even the redactedreports to Congress until

after his press conferencewill again result

in the report being presentedthrough his own words

rather than through the wordsof Special Counsel Mueller.

- And our Jenna Browder joins us now from

our Washington bureauwith more on this story.

So Jenna, why didn't Robert Mueller reach

a conclusion in this report?

- Well Efrem, he did reach a conclusion

on the collusion front.

He says there was no proofthat the Trump campaign

colluded or conspiredwith the Russians in 2016.

However, on the obstruction front,

he's says that's kind of a different case

because with obstruction,

you have to prove intentand Robert Mueller,

according to the Washington Post,

could not prove President Trump's intent.

He couldn't prove that hemeant to or didn't mean to

obstruct this investigation.

So that's why he wasn't able to come up

with any kind of conclusion there.

- Will we see Mueller atthis news conference today?

Who's gonna be there?

- We will not see Mueller.

He's been very low profilethroughout the investigation

and now, since thereport has been released

or partially released, sohe's been very low profile.

We're not expecting him.

Attorney General, DeputyAttorney General, Rod Rosenstein,

of course, Attorney General, Bill Barr,

both expected to be there.

Those will be the two people

that we are primarily watching.

- Real quick, what's expectedfrom the White House today?

- The White House, theyare putting together

a robust legal team

and a report of their own,

a much shorter report,basically saying the President,

this report exoneratesthe President completely,

that there was noobstruction and no collusion.

And Efrem, of course, you never know.

We will be keeping an eye onTwitter with this president

and there could also be a news conference

from the White Houseis what we're hearing.

So keep an eye on that.

- Anticipating a long Thursday.

Thank you, Jenna.

- Mm-hmm.

- Louisiana State Senator,John Milkovich, a Democrat,

says the Mueller report reveals there

was no campaign collusion or obstruction

of justice on the part of Donald Trump.

He says it is time for the party

to end its investigation of the President.

- Is it my personal opinionthat it's a waste of time, yes?

Did they have a constitutionalauthority to do it, yes?

Is it going to help them, absolutely no?

I think American people feel like,

many of them feel likethey've been betrayed.

We gotta get back to God.

We've gotta get back to Bible principals.

We've got to get back to Constitution.

We've gotta get back to doingwhat's best for our nation.

We've gotta get back tobringing, uniting people.

- You can see the fullinterview with the State Senator

tonight on the Global Lane.

It begins at 9:30 Easternon the CBN News channel.

Another crisis in Venezuela,a drop in its oil reserves.

As Chuck Holton now explains,

it could lose its onlyhope of economic recovery.

- The situation in Venezuela is reaching

a new low as the nation'svital oil industry

could be nearing total collapse.

The already bankruptpetroleum operation just

lost its biggest customer,the United States.

Nationwide blackouts continue and

are bringing the entireeconomy to a stand still.

Experts say the poweroutages may have damaged

the oil productionequipment to such an extent,

it may not be able to pump any product.

Here in the Maracaibo industrial zone,

the machinery sits quiet,

while oil workers fish the polluted waters

for something to eat.

A report in March from theInternational Energy Agency warns

that Venezuela's output ofcrude oil could soon collapse

to just a tiny fraction of whatit was even a few years ago.

That would put the country,

said to have the world'slargest proven oil reserves,

in the ironic positionof having to import fuel

to meet its domestic needs.

We're back on the bridgebetween Columbia and Venezuela

and there's an enormous line.

The bridge has been closed for many days.

In the last couple ofdays, it's opened up.

Now there are thousandsof people crossing.

To make the problem worse,cash-strapped Venezuelans

fleeing the country aretaking the gasoline with them.

They smuggle it across the border and sell

it on the side of the road here in Cucuta.

This girl is sellingme gasoline for my car,

very, very cheaply becauseit comes from Venezuela.

Back in Maracaibo,

broken oil pipes and crumblinginfrastructure are making

an environmental crisis almostas big as the economic one.

(speaking in foreign language)

- [Translator] Becauseof all the broken pipes,

you can constantly seeoil floating on the water.

(speaking in foreign language)

- [Translator] We are usedto this because we work

in these conditions every day.

We have to wash withgasoline to get it off,

and that causes a rash on our skin.

- [Christ] Over the past five years,

the United States has seen

its domestic petroleumproduction skyrocket

as high-tech extractionin places like west Texas

becomes more profitable.

Last year, America passedRussia and Saudi Arabia

as the world's largest producer of crude.

That means even if Venezuela'sindustry can recover,

the US may not need asmuch petroleum as before.

And with periodic nationwideblackouts still a problem,

this once-thriving industry isparalyzed for the time being.

Which means for the foreseeable future,

Venezuela's biggestexport will be refugees.

(speaking in foreign language)

- [Translator] It neverused to be like this.

It makes me very sad.

- [Chuck] For CBN News, I'm Chuck Holton.

- A 37-year old NewJersey man is in custody

after entering New York'sSt. Patrick Cathedral

with two cans of gasoline.

A security guard stoppedthe man just inside

the historic church at about8:00 Wednesday evening.

He claimed his car ran out of fuel

and he was taking a shortcut through the church.

Police checked the car andfound his story untrue,

so they arrested him.

He was carrying four gallons of gas,

two bottles of literfluid and two lighters.

The incident comes out just three days

after a fire devastated parts

of the historic Notre DameCathedral, of course, in Paris.

Thousands of Christianpilgrims are in Jerusalem

celebrating Holy Week.

Our Chris Mitchell shows us how technology

is helping to unravel themystery of what's believed

to be one of the most holysites for followers of Christ.

- The Bible tells us Jesushad a final Passover meal

with his disciples beforegoing to the cross.

The Cenaculum on Mount Zionis the traditional site,

but is this where it really happened?

Christian pilgrims from all over the world

come here to the Upper Room to remember

the Last Supper of Jesus Christ.

Now, Israeli archeologist know more

about this site than ever before.

- The Last Supper room is one

of the most holy places in Jerusalem.

We couldn't conduct you clear

and classical archeological excavation.

- [Chris] So they turn tostate of the art technology

to uncover the Upper Room's secrets.

- Using laser measurement, laser scanning,

and an advanced photography technique,

we managed to create anaccurate 3-D model of the place.

We even managed to penetrateinside the ancient stones.

- [Chris] For years, manywondered when was the room built

and is it the real place.

- Suddenly, we needed to decipher signs

and symbols from the wall.

Suddenly, we managed to dateit and this wonderful structure

is dating to the Crusader period.

- Archeologists AmitRe'em said they discovered

two Biblical symbols neverbefore seen in the Upper Room.

- [Amit] On the keystone,you could see the holy lamb,

the Agnus Dei.

- [Chris] On anotherkeystone, there's a lion.

- The lion actually isa symbol of King David.

Now we know accordingto the Bible that Jesus

is a descendant of the Davidic dynasty.

- [Chris] Underneath the12th century Crusader church,

there's evidence of a magnificent

4th-century Byzantine church.

- [Amit] Maybe theByzantines built their church

on much earlier and ancient sacred site.

- [Chris] For many,visiting the Upper Room

is a moving experience.

- It's fantastic.

It's like this place hasthe power of the presence.

It's like a different note onthe scale of the song of God.

- Being in Israel duringthis season and then being

in places like the Upper Room just make

a huge difference in my faith.

- [Chris] Re'em sayshe's learned one thing

as an archaeologist about traditions.

- Here, this ancient tradition,

explore there because insidethem is hidden some truth.

- [Chris] Chris Mitchell, CBN News,

the Upper Room, Jerusalem.

- Coming up, Iranian-backed extremists

are replacing terrorists

and terrorizing Iraqi Christian towns.

Stay with us.

(lively music)

- [Narrator] It's about the competition.

- I kind of put that pressure on myself

and I think people had expectations.

- [Narrator] It's about overcoming.

- We use this phrase allthe time, keep chopping,

keep practicing hard.

- [Narrator] It's aboutgoing the distance.

- I think as a father,it's my job to lead,

just be the best husbandand father I can be.

- [Narrator] Watch Going TheDistance with Shawn Brown

Saturday night at 7:30on the CBN News channel.

(lively music)

- Woo, hoo!

Hi Superbook fans!

Here's something else you'll love.


It's the new Superbook Bible app.

It's packed with games,activities and Superbook episodes

that you can watch for free.

Oh no!

There's trivia, a fun daily devotional,

and answers to your Bible questions,

plus, an easy to understand Bible

the whole family will enjoy.

You can even create yourown Superbook character.

Ta da!


- A Hillsbrook Falls man--


- Sorry, pardon me,sorry, excuse me, ouch!

- [Reporter] Are you getting this?

- Earn super points towin daily prizes, too,

and so much more!

Time to get back to my adventures.

See you soon!

(lively music)

It's the new Superbook Bible app.

Free downloads on iTunes,Google Play, and Amazon.

(lively music)

- [Narrator] Discover The I wills of God.

I will rescue him,protect him, answer him,

be with him in trouble,deliver him, honor him,

satisfy him with long life,show him my salvation.

- What I felt was loved and treasured.

- God spared my life twice in three days.

- The good Lord hadgiven me a second chance.

- [Narrator] Call1-800-700-7000 or visit

The I wills Of God, the latestteaching from Pat Robertson.

(dramatic music)

(lively music)

- Hello everyone.

Welcome to Worldbeat wherewe show you what's happening

in the world and howyou can pray about it.

This week, all across towns of Iraq,

Christians are preparingto celebrate Easter.

This was the scene in Qaraqosh,

Iraq's largest Christian town,

as hundreds of people chanted Hosanna

and waved palm and olivebranches on Palm Sunday.

In 2014, Qaraqosh, like so manyother Christian communities

across northern Iraq, wasoverrun by ISIS militants,

forcing hundreds ofthousands of Christians,

Yazidis and other religiousminorities to flee.

Since the defeat of ISIS,

some Christian familiesare beginning to move back,

but my next guest is warningthat with the fall of ISIS,

a different menace is taking its place

in Iraq's Christian towns,Iranian-backed Shia militias.

Carl Anderson is CEO ofthe Knights of Columbus.

Carl, thanks for coming on the show.

You've just returned from northern Iraq

where an Iranian-backed militia

has now replaced ISISmilitants in Christian towns.

What can you tell us about this group?

- Well, it's the principalproblem now for rebuilding

and for Christiansmoving back into Nineveh.

The Iranian-backedmilitias are occupying many

of the formerly Christian towns and making

it virtually impossible forChristians to come back in.

There's a subtle and sometimesnot so subtle intimidation

and so, if we want Ninevehtowns like Qaraquosh,

where we're trying to help build one

of the largest churchesthere, rebuild that,

the Iranian-backed militias have got

to be removed from the area.

- Carl, how exactly are they

making life difficult for Christians?

- Well, in one town, theycame in and they stripped

out everything of value in Christian homes

that have been rebuilt; wiring, plumbing,

and selling it for scrap metal.

So that's just maybe themost egregious example,

but you know, there can be may ways

of making people very uncomfortable

when a militia has guns

and you do not.

- It appears they are colonizing

these historically Christian towns, right?

- Well yes, they wantto remove the Christians

so that, in a way, therecan be a land bridge

between Iran and Syriathat the Iranians would

have defacto control overthrough their militias.

This is very dangerous situation.

It jeopardizes securityand peace in the area

and it will, over time,

make it impossible fortheir Christians to return.

What ISIS failed to accomplish,

that is to have a religiouscleansing of Christians

in the area, Iran,through their surrogates,

may accomplish still.

They're being cleansed out of the area.

The Christians are eitherleaving Iraq or they're moving

in to a safe area ofKurdistan in the Erbil area,

but what we're seeing isthat formerly Christian towns

that have been Christianfor thousands of years

are now just uninhabitable for Christians.

- You made reference to thisearlier about a land bridge.

Can you expand on that?

What is Iran's goals inthese Christian communities

and in Iraq overall?

- It seems that the goals are two-fold.

One is to eliminateChristianity in the region

and if you look at what'shappened to religious minorities

in Iran, you can say thatthey have been disappearing

at quite a dramatic rate.

The other thing is, of course,to increase Iranian influence

in Iraq itself and to encircleKurdistan in some way.

I think you have a religiouselement and you also

have a geo-political element.

- Is Iraq's government doing,

are they doing anything tostop Iran's growing influence

or do they welcome it?

- I think they're not doing enough.

Whether they're doinganything remains to be seen.

I know this is a greatpriority of the vice president,

Vice President Pence,to see that Iraq extends

its lawful authority in the territory

and to make it safe for Iraqi citizens,

Christian citizens of Iraq,

to move back into their homeland.

So the US government hasspoken out very clearly on it.

The Vice President has andso we'll have to remain

to be seen whether the Iraqi government

will take the necessary steps.

- The Knights of Columbushas committed $25 million

to help rebuild Iraq'sChristian communities.

Carl, how are those efforts going?

- Well, we see very positive signs.

We've spent, already, 20 million.

We've committed anotherfive million and in fact,

today, we just decidedthat we're going to join

with some Christian businessmen in Erbil

to start a factory to helpsupply medical supplies

to the hospitals in the region.

We think that it's asustainable community.

It has viability if we can get security

in the greater region.

But we're gonna help setup a company and hopefully,

there'll be more companiesfor Christians in the future.

- How can we quickly prayfor the Christians in Iraq?

- Holy Week, we shouldall be praying for unity,

and we should all bepraying for the martyrs.

Many of them have given their blood,

but the ones who arenot giving their blood

are suffering in many ways.

We should be in solidarity andunited with them in prayer.

- Carl, thank you so much forjoining us on the broadcast.

- Thanks for the opportunity.

- Folks, that is it fortoday's edition of Worldbeat.

Until next time, goodbye and God bless you.

Now, back to Newswatch.

(lively music)

(dramatic music)

- The real people behindthe real life story

in the movie Breakthrough.

Stay with us.

(lively music)

- [Narrator] As the worldwatches from the outside.

- It's a big diplomatic tug-of-warhere in the Middle East.

- [Narrator] Go inside thestory with Jerusalem Dateline.

- Israeli archeologists aretalking about a discovery

that could change the thinkingabout the Temple Mount.

- [Narrator] Join CBNJerusalem Bureau Chief,

Chris Mitchell, and getthe Biblical perspective

on the events shaping the world.

- What starts in Israel then ends

up going to other places.

- [Narrator] Watch Jerusalem Dateline,

Friday night at 9:30 onthe CBN News Channel.

(dramatic music)

- Orphan's Promise iscommitted to loving and serving

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There's an old Africanproverb I love that says,

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Will you join us?

(lively music)

(child laughing)

(lively music)

- Meet the pastors whoare preaching the gospel

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(lively music)

I'm Roberto Torres-Cedillo.

Join me each weak for Next Gen Voices.

(lively music)

And watch God transform a generation.

(lively music)

(lively music)

- [Caitlin] Check out the CBNNews Daily Rundown podcast

each week day with me, Caitlin Burke.

Click on the show tabat where you

can listen and subscribe.

- Breakthrough is in American theaters.

Ahead of its firstweekend at the box office,

we sat down with the director, the actors,

and the real people behindthis amazing true story

of faith and miracles.

- Going for a break?- No, he's not.

- Dude.- No, he's not.

(laughing)- We got you.

- Hey boys, get off the ice!

Not safe!


- You're not going anywhere.- Stop!

(ice breaking)

(alarm ringing)

- [Dispatcher] All available trucks,

we have a drowning eventin Lake Saint Louis.

- [Efrem] Breakthrough is atrue story best summarized

in three simple phrases.

A child dies, a mother prays,

and her son comes back to life.

- Please God, send yourHoly Spirit to save my son!

- This Is Us star, ChrissyMetz, is that praying mother,

playing the role of Joyce Smith.

Was there anything in particular

that made you say yes to this?

Was there some sort ofmoment that happened

and you said, yeah, I've gotta do this?

- Yeah, my mom went through a stroke

about several months prior toeven going into production.

When the doctors saidthat she wasn't probably

going to make it through,

"I said, yeah, okay, butyou don't know my mom.

"And you can give aprognosis and a diagnosis,

"but you don't know.

"And we're only gonna speakpositive thoughts and words

"over my mom and in and around.

"Whether you think shecan believe you or not,

"her subconscious isdefinitely listening."

Those were almost the same words

that Joyce said to John'sdoctors and when I,

we realized that in the meeting,

I was like, "Okay, I don'tknow at what point and how

"and what, I want to do this."

The patient's name is John, John Smith.

- Hello, I'm Dr. Lulu.

- Yeah.

- My colleagues and I were justdiscussing your son's case.

- Oh, I heard what youwere discussing, Dr.

- We thought we were alone.

- Course you did,

but I'm here and my sonis right in front of you.

And my son can hear youwhether you believe it or not.

From now on, I don't wantanybody saying anything negative

about his prognosis in this room.

- This project is the latest work

from the filmmakerbehind Heaven Is For Real

and Miracles From Heaven, DeVon Franklin.

So are you naturallydrawn to miracle stories

in terms of filmmaking?

- You know, I'm drawn to truestories that are undeniable.

And that's kind of a processand I don't even know

how to describe theprocess, but when I hear it,

I know I'm supposed to do it.

And Breakthrough, once Iheard that story and I met

the real family, patientdead, mother prayed,

patient comes back to life,

I knew that I had to tell this movie.

- DeVon tapped Roxan Dawson to direct.

It's her first feature film.

Roxan, telling a storyis naturally your job.

- Mm-hmm.- But doing this,

does it change you?

Do you take this home with you?

- Oh, fundamentally, yes, yes.

I mean, on every level.

I think that our experience in shooting

this film was also miraculous.

There were so many things that occurred

on a day-to-day basis thatDeVon and I would look

at each other and go, wow,who's writing this down?

- Exactly!- It was truly

an amazing experience andI kept hearing from all

of the actors that would comeon the set to do their job,

they would walk on the setand by the time they left,

they went, there's something special here.

- Yup.- Everybody felt that.

It was truly extraordinary.

- The real life John Smith was on the set

to watch his story unfold on the screen.

Having seen the film,everybody's gonna wanna know

what is John Smith doing now?

What are you up to?

- I'm still a teenager, you know.

I'm still trying to graduate high school.

I'm barely doing that, you know.

- (laughing) Oh no.

- I am just trying tolive my life and I try

and separate, I love Breakthrough,I love what I'm doing.

I love being here talking to you,

but I also understand that Ihave responsibilities at home

and I have a girlfriend, I have friends.

I just try and be a teenager,

but one thing that DeVonFranklin has always taught me

is to stay humble, stayhungry, keep pushing forward,

but remember where you came from, always.

And that's just what I try to do.

- I know that you don't know my son,

but my John is a fighterand he doesn't give up.

So I need you to go andbe the best for John,

nothing less.

And you just let God do the rest.

- And still, John's humblestory is already changing lives.

How would you say tellingJoyce Smith's faith story

has changed Chrissy Metz's faith story?

- Wow, I would definitely say that I have,

it's really bolstered my belief

in my faith and understanding that,

I always knew things weren't in my time,

necessarily, or that Icouldn't hold on so tight,

I had to let go.

And learning just howto surrender and trust

in the bigger picture.

So those through linesdefinitely, sort of,

are much louder now andI'm more observant of them

in any situation.

- Efrem Graham, CBN News, Dallas, Texas.

Your Thursday thankful is next.

Stay with us.

(lively music)

- [Narrator] It's about the competition.

- I kind of put that pressure on myself

and I think people had expectations.

- [Narrator] It's about overcoming.

We use this phrase allthe time, keep chopping,

keep practicing hard.

- [Narrator] It's aboutgoing the distance.

- I think as a father,it's my job to lead,

just be the best husbandand father I can be.

- [Narrator] Watch Going TheDistance with Shawn Brown

Saturday night at 7:30on the CBN News Channel.

(lively music)

- Woo, hoo!

Hi Superbook fans!

Here's something else you'll love.


It's the new Superbook Bible app.

It's packed with games,activities and Superbook episodes

that you can watch for free.

Oh no!

There's trivia, a fun daily devotional,

and answers to your Bible questions,

plus, an easy to understand Bible

the whole family will enjoy.

You can even create yourown Superbook character.

Ta da!


- A Hillsbrook Falls man--


- Sorry, pardon me,sorry, excuse me, ouch!

- [Reporter] Are you getting this?

- Earn super points towin daily prizes, too,

and so much more!

Time to get back to my adventures.

See you soon!

(lively music)

It's the new Superbook Bible app.

Free downloads on iTunes,Google Play, and Amazon.

(lively music)

- [Narrator] Discover The I wills of God.

I will rescue him,protect him, answer him,

be with him in trouble,deliver him, honor him,

satisfy him with long life,show him my salvation.

- What I felt was loved and treasured.

- God spared my life twice in three days.

- The good Lord hadgiven me a second chance.

- [Narrator] Call1-800-700-7000 or visit

The I wills Of God, the latestteaching from Pat Robertson.

(dramatic music)

- Time now for your Thursday Thankful.

Today, just one day before Good Friday,

I hope you'll join me inthis prayer of gratitude.

Father, thank you for sendingyour Son to die for me.

I am beyond grateful toknow He gave His life

that I might live.

With that word, let us all make today

a thankful Thursday, indeed.

That is gonna do it for thisedition of CBN Newswatch.

Remember, you can findmore on the issues you care

most about, always, at

You can also watch CBNNews programs any time

throughout the day onthe CBN News channel.

We'd love to know what youthink about the stories

you've seen here today.

You can do that byemailing

And of course, you canalways reach out and touch us

on Facebook, on Twitter, and Instagram.

Hope you will join us againright here, next time.

We hope to see you rightback here tomorrow.

Good bye everybody and God bless.

(dramatic music)


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