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News on The 700 Club: April 16, 2019

As seen on “The 700 Club,” April 16, 2019.: Read Transcript

- Well, welcome to the 700 Club.

It's the most famous church in the world,

the Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris.

On the Ile de la Citeat the center of Paris,

it is an iconic landmark

and people were doing about$3 million worth of repairs

and said they set a fire andthere's so much wood inside

it began to flame up.

And you can see on your screenthe flames that were there.

The spire collapsed but Iunderstand the structure

has been saved and there'sa five or $600 million

repair bill coming up.

But it looks like they're gonna do it.

But people, crowds in the street,

there were tears andprayers as they watched

that historic church burn.

And this morning, thesacred site stands intact

and we're grateful for that.

And we're learning moreabout the priceless artifacts

that were inside saved.

Caitlin Burke has more.

- The world watched in horror Monday

as the Notre Dame Cathedralin Paris went up in flames.

There were moments when itseemed the entire structure

would burn to the ground.

But today the bell towers, the facade

and the most preciousartifacts from inside remain.

The flames burning out of control

could be seen across Paris

where the iconic church hasstood for more than 800 years.

There were moments when itseemed the entire structure

would burn to the ground,

the spire that marked the Paris skyline

toppling from the flames.

- [John] That was the momentthat she started crying,

when we watched that spire fall down.

It's just, it's such like an iconic part

of the Paris skyline.

- [Caitlin] One witnessposted this cell phone video

of a group of strangers

gathered nearby the burningcathedral singing Ave Maria.

- [Bystanders] (singingin foreign language)

- [Caitlin] After a 12 hourbattle firefighters say

the entire fire is out.

The bell towers, the facade remain,

but two-thirds of the roof are gone.

Officials are investigating the cause

but don't believe it's arson.

They say it was more than likely

to do with a $6 millionrestoration project.

In an emotional addressto France and the world,

President Emmanuel Macronpledged to rebuild.

- (speaking foreign language)

- [Caitlin] Despite the loss,relief at what's been saved.

The Cathedral's famous organdamaged but reportedly intact.

And photos from inside show the cross

and altar are still standing.

Precious relics housedinside the cathedral

are also safe, mostnotably, a crown of thorns

said to be from the crucifixion of Jesus.

Still uncertain, the fate

of the famous stained-glass windows.

- For the French, my God, for the world,

Notre Dame Cathedralrepresents what's most noble,

what's most uplifting,what's most inspirational

about the human project.

And to see that reduced to ashes--

My oh my, I remember our song,

From the Ashes We Rise Up.

We had Ash Wednesday, we want to rise up

with Jesus at Easter,

and I believe that there'll besome rising from this dying.

- We learned today thethe artifacts removed

from Notre Dame willbe moved to The Louvre.

President Macron says aninternational campaign

will be launched today tohelp fund the rebuilding

and restoration efforts.

Already, a French billionaire has pledged

more than $200 million for the project.

Caitlin Burke, CBN News.

- Well, in other news, themuch awaited Mueller Report

is set to release this week.

Efrem Graham has more on that.

- Pat, the Justice Departmentsaid it's releasing

a redacted version of the report Thursday.

Testifying on Capitol Hill last week,

Attorney General William Barr said,

he'd release the findingsof the Russia investigation

within a week.

The report will go toCongress and be released

to the public.

The redacted informationincludes Grand Jury testimony,

foreign intelligencematerial and information

about ongoing investigations.

Pat, many are looking forwardto seeing that report.

- Well, the big thing isthat Attorney General Barr

has said that he's going tolet the Justice Department

begin to investigate thesource of that Russian hoax,

the Christopher SteeleDossier, the other documents

that have been used for FISA warrants.

It's been an abuse ofpower at the highest level

of the FBI.

And I think, before it's finished,

there should be some criminal indictments.

Those people have done terrible things

and they have misused one ofthe most respected agencies

in our country.

Well, it's time for him to deal with that

and I think that's going to happen.

So, those who've been brayingfor the Mueller Report

to be released and aredisappointed that it doesn't find

some collusion and someobstruction of justice

are gonna be somewhat surprised when the,

(laughing) when thespotlight turns on them.


- Pat, wanna turn now tothe immigration crisis

with thousands of migrants daily,

crossing illegally into the United States.

At least one member of Congress says

he's ready to take action.

This comes as the presidentcontinues his threat

to send many to sanctuary cities.

White House CorrespondentBen Kennedy is on this story.

- Senator Lindsey Grahamsays he's got a plan

to combat the crisis at the border

and it involves an overhaulof the country's asylum laws.

This as the presidentcontinues to call for migrants

to be sent to sanctuary cities.

- So I'm gonna put alegislative package together.

- [Ben] The package would change the law

regarding how and whenthe US grants asylum.

- I'll be introducing a package

and hopefully, with Democratic support,

that will change our asylum laws.

90% of the people apply for asylum

never make it so thestandard needs to change.

- [Ben] The presidentagrees, tweeting today,

"Those illegal immigrantswho can no longer be

"legally held...will besubject to Homeland Security,

"given to Sanctuary Cities and States."

- And the want more peoplein their sanctuary cities,

well, we'll give them more people.

- [Ben] But legal questionsremain on that move

as lawyers at Homeland Securityinitially shot it down.

Democrats criticize it as retribution,

although mayors at someso-called sanctuary cities say

they're open to the idea.

Former Ambassador to theUN, Nikki Haley added,

Pick up the phone and callyour Congressional rep

and tell them to get backto DC and not leave until

they have a solutionon immigration reform.

- We're never gonna stopthis by just having walls

and troops at the border.

We have to change our lawsso these people stop coming.

There's a narrative in Central America

that if you can get toAmerica with a minor child,

you will never get departed and we have

to change that storyline.

- Now, Graham says his plan'll be unveiled

to the Senate after the break.

The White House says sendingmigrants to sanctuary cities

is not their firstchoice, but the president

likes the idea.

If it were to happen, it wouldput thousands of migrants

in cities like Chicago,Denver and even San Francisco.

Ben Kennedy, CBN News, Washington.

- Be watching to see how this all unfolds.


- You know, in Venezuela,we're seeing the unfolding

of what happens with socialism.

And socialism runs amok.

It destroys a country.

Now, Venezuela, as youprobably have heard,

was one of the largest producersof crude oil in the world.

Had probably the biggestdeposits of crude,

it's a thick crude.

Now, if the pumps thatdeal with that crude

go down because of electrical failure,

then sand begins to silt in and the pumps

begin not to work properly.

And then the oil production stops.

An oilfield just doesn't keep on flowing

'cause they think you're nice.

It flows because of technologicalexpertise continuous.

And we understand a lotof the Venezuelan experts

in oil have gone to Canada,

they've gone to other places to get jobs.

And well, here's Efrem withmore on what's happening

and the tragedy in that great nation.

- Pat, as you said, the crisis conditions

in Venezuela continue.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo,

visiting neighboringColumbia this weekend,

describing the manmade crisis

that's devastating Venezuelans.

- These aren't people that are starving

because the country doesn't wealth.

These are people that are starving

because the political leadership,

the military thugs, inside of Venezuela

have destroyed their capacityto produce crude oil.

They have destroyed thecapacity to grow crops.

They deny their people aid that is sitting

right at the border.

- Secretary Pompeo warnsstrongman, Nicolas Maduro

that all options remain on the table

and he sent a warning to Maduro's allies.

The US is committed to seeing

the dictator removed from power.

- The Cubans must understand too,

that there will be a cost associated

with their continuingsupport of Nicolas Maduro.

We're gonna have that same conversation

with the Russians as well.

- With its huge oilreserves, Venezuela once

was Latin America'smost prosperous country.

Today, the nation's petroleum output

is about the same as Romania'sand it could drop even more.

Chuck Holton explainswhy Venezuela is losing

its only remaining hopeof salvaging its economy.

- The situation in Venezuelais reaching a new low

as the nation's vital oil industry

could be nearing total collapse.

The already bankrupt petroleum operation

just lost its biggestcustomer, the United States.

Nationwide blackoutscontinue and are bringing

the entire economy to a standstill.

Experts say the poweroutages may have damaged

the oil production equipment

to such an extent it may notbe able to pump any product.

Here in the Maracaibo industrial zone

the machinery sitsquiet, while oil workers

fish the polluted watersfor something to eat.

A report in March from theInternational Energy Agency

warns that Venezuela's output of crude oil

could soon collapse tojust a tiny fraction

of what it was even a few years ago.

That would put the country, said to have

the world's largest proven oil reserves

in the ironic positionof having to import fuel

to meet its domestic needs.

So we're back on thebridge between Columbia

and Venezuela and there's a enormous line.

The bridge has been closed for many days.

In the last couple of days it's opened up.

Now there are thousandsof people crossing.

To make the problem worse,cash-strapped Venezuelans

fleeing the country aretaking the gasoline with them.

They smuggle it across the border

and sell it on the side ofthe road here in Cucuta.

So this girl is sellingme gasoline for my car,

very, very cheaply becauseit comes from Venezuela.

Back in Maracaibo, broken oil pipes

and crumbling infrastructure are making

an environmental crisis almostas big as the economic one.

- (speaking foreign language)

- [Translator] Becauseof all the broken pipes,

you can constantly seeoil floating on the water.

- (speaking foreign language)

- [Translator] We are used to this

because we work in theseconditions every day.

We have to wash withgasoline to get it off

and that causes a rash on our skin.

- [Chuck] Over the past five years,

the United States has seen

its domestic petroleumproduction skyrocket

as high tech extractionin places like West Texas

becomes more profitable.

Last year, America passedRussia and Saudi Arabia

as the world's largest producer of crude.

That means, even if Venezuela'sindustry can recover

the US may not need as much as before.

And with periodic nationwideblackouts still a problem,

this once thriving industry is paralyzed

for the time being.

Which means for the foreseeable future

Venezuela's biggestexport will be refugees.

- (speaking foreign language)

- [Translator] It neverused to be like this.

It makes me very sad.

- [Chuck] For CBN News, I'm Chuck Holton.

- As you said, Pat, my howfar the country has fallen.

- It's a great report, Chuck.

And I appreciate thatreporting you've been doing.

But, ladies and gentlemen, thisis the legacy of socialism.

And why young people today would embrace

this failed model escapes me.

They've got to understandthat you can't get

free education, you can'tget free healthcare.

You can't get free employment.

You can't get job security for life

and all the rest of it.

You can't do it unlessthe country goes bankrupt

and when it does, then suddenly,everything falls apart.

But Maduro is just unbelievably bad.

And my thought is, this isdegrading the environment,

it is destroying the oil in Venezuela.

Lake Maracaibo is a cesspool now.

And the suffering is beyond measure.

It's spilling over, all kinds of disease

is now spilling over into Columbia.

And it's time for the nations to act.

We can't just keep sayingall options are on the table.

Well, let's take one of those options off

which is called military force.

If nothing else, let'sget some drones overhead

and we'll launch some Hellfire missiles

at Maduro's headquarters.

Let's do something to shake those guys up.

You can't just let this continue.

But anyhow, I don't make policy,

I just sit here, talk about television.


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