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Your Questions, Honest Answers: - April 15, 2019


(warm classical music)

- Time to take some of the email questions

that you've sent in,and Pat, this first one

comes from Missy who says, the Bible says

we're to honor our parents.

What do I do when my motherconstantly complains,

puts me down, and criticizeseveryone, including me?

She puts on a happy actaround other people,

but is very different around me.

I pray for her every day, andI even as God to forgive me

if I'm doing anything wrong.

How do I handle her?

- Missy, you know, your mother'sviolating the Scripture.

The Bible says not to cause your children

to be frustrated and get 'em upset.

And parents don't understandthey're always putting

their kids down, and what is it?

It really is a reflectionof their own lives,

they are unhappy with their life.

They're not happy with their marriage.

They're not happy with their job.

They're not happy with whatcould have been in their life,

whatever it is, so theytake it out on their kid.

Now, how do you handle it?

You're supposed to givehonor to your parent.

Well, you don't wanna fight with her,

so let me tell you what to do.

Keep your mouth shut,don't answer, don't argue,

just listen, smile, andsay, God bless you mother,

and you go before the Lord

and let the Lord take care of you.

Don't get resentment.

I mean, just realize that God loves you

and sooner or later youwill no longer be living

in a household with somebodywho's that outrageous.

And at the same time,pray that somehow God

will speak to your mother andmake her the kind of person

that God wants a true parent to be,

a parent that is loving andsupportive of their child

and helps their child to succeed

and not put 'em down all the time.

But just, if you'remature enough to realize

that this is a reflection on the fact

that your mother is unhappyeither with her marriage

or with herself, all right.

- This is a viewer who says, what is meant

by the Shekinah glory of God?

- Well, it's splendor, Imean the whole Shekinah

is the idea of glory andsurrounding God is glory.

It's splendor, it's light,it is the magnificence

of a million stars, that'swhat the Shekinah is.

And it's, if we can perceiveit, it's only a small fraction

of the greatness of God, all right.

- This is Shelby, Pat, who says,I've heard many people say,

"Jesus died for you, asif you were the only one."

Jesus belongs to the worldand so does His salvation.

I believe Jesus died for theworld, but how can I believe

He would have died just for me?

How can I believe I am just as important

as mankind as a whole?

- (chuckles) What does the Bible say?

You know, what good does it profit a man

if he gained the wholeworld and lose his own soul?

So your soul in that iscompared to all the world

if you gain the entireworld and lose your soul.

You see, a human being, ahuman life is very precious.

We don't put near enough value on life,

but your life is precious.

And yes, if you werethe only person on Earth

Jesus Christ would have died for you.

And of course that it would happen,

He died for all of mankind

who would receive Him,and so there are millions

and billions of people whohave accepted Him as Savior.

But if you were the only oneon Earth, you are precious.

Now keep in mind, before Godone human being is precious,

all right?- Mm-hmm.

This is Lauren who says, Pat,do you believe in purgatory?

If so, could you pleaseexplain what type of place

it's going to be?

I believe in what the Apostle Paul quoted,

to be absent from the bodyis to present with the Lord.

I'm really struggling with this.

- Well, don't struggle, purgatoryis not a biblical concept.

It was brought about in the Middle Ages.

It was kind of a testingground that was cooked up

by some people who aretheologians along the way,

but it isn't in the Bible.

The Apostle Paul said it,I'm in a strait betwixt two,

whether to remain in theflesh which is needful to you,

or to depart and be with the Lord.

And Jesus said to the thief on the cross,

"this day you will be in paradise."

Purgatory is not a biblical concept

and that's all you need to know.

So don't struggle with it,

just say it isn't in the Bible, all right?

- And this is Diana who says,is it considered tithing

when I spend $200 a monthon my sister's needs

in a long-term care facilityfor a terminal disease?

I'm on a fixed income,and this is a sacrifice

on my finances as it is.

It is a struggle to give a tenth.

- I think giving to aloved one is important,

but I really don't thinkthat is the same thing

as giving under the Lord.

You know, we wanna lookafter our siblings,

our brothers and sistersand parents and so forth,

but I do believe that, askGod if He won't show you

some way that that tithe canbe applied to some charity

that gives larger scope towhat you're doing, all right?

- Okay, this is a viewerwho says, dear Pat,

is it possible to meetJesus in a quiet place

and actually have a conversation with Him?

Can I use my imagination to do this?

- Well, of course you can,but the Lord is a Spirit,

and He said, they thatworship Him, God as a Spirit,

they that worship Him worshipin the Spirit in truth.

So it is not on the mountain of Sumeria,

it is not in Jerusalem,it is in your spirit.

God is Spirit, and so He is everywhere.

Jesus is everywherelike the air we breathe.

Like the sunlight, He's everywhere.

So we can meet Him everywhere,but it does help to be quiet.

And you know, and he says,go off into your closet

and then seek the Lord,so we do need to be still

and know that I am Godis what the Bible says.

But your answer is, youcan meet God anywhere.

And you know, the Apostle Paul said,

I'm praying always atall times in the spirit.

I'm walking along and I'm praying.

You're praying all the time, all right.

- OK, let me go to Aniska, Ithink that's you say your name.

She says, Pat, you statedthat we, including Christians,

are all sinners and used theScripture from Romans 3:10

that there is none righteous.

But when we accept Jesusas our Lord and Savior,

we become new creatures in Christ.

Our nature's reborn,and we're born of God.

In Christ, I've beenjustified, made righteous,

according to Romans 3:24, sowhy do you say we're sinners?

- Well, John Wesley is a pretty sharp guy.

He said there's not a day that goes by

that I don't plead theblood of Jesus Christ.

You are not sanctified yet.

Sanctification is aprocess still taking over.

I am becoming like the Lord.

Day by day I am becoming like Him, but you

are not sinlessly perfect.(calm instrumental music)

If you believe in sinlessperfection, it's in error.

Set sanctification, andit probably won't happen

until we die, up to thispoint the flesh within us,

the nature of man, ofhuman beings is sinful, OK?


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