- CBN is a global ministryreaching millions of people
all around the world,
but we also believe inhelping those right here
in our own back yard.
Take a look.
(lively steel drum music)
- [Reporter] On a beautifulSaturday afternoon,
thousands of peopleturn out to play, learn,
and grow together.
This tailor-made community fair
is the culmination ofCBN's three-year effort
to lift up residents ofof Norfolk's Park Place
and surrounding neighborhoods.
- We started out just tryingto teach people more about
nutrition for their families, because
one of the things that GordonRobertson was concerned about
was the graduation rate
the dropout rate
and a lot of that goesback to children being,
when they're small, their nutrition.
(upbeat music)
- [Reporter] Without a healthy diet,
kids don't have the energy
to stay awake and focused at school.
As CBN staff began to address the issue,
they discovered nutritional needs
were just the tip of the iceberg.
To do more, they called on civic
and faith based community leaders.
- We're comin' together toshow what the neighborhood
of community's all about.
And that's love, that's helping, and
giving each other love and resources.
- There are over 60different exhibitors here
providing resources to strengthenand empower the community
through something that we call LAUNCH.
How ya doin'?
- Hey man.
- During the time of prayer,
the Lord gave us the name LAUNCH.
And LAUNCH stands for:
Learning, access, unity,nutrition, career, and health.
- [Reporter] Learning: afterschool and summer programs
provide opportunities from basic literacy
to college and vocational training.
Access: free items,like diapers and shoes,
financial education, and services
improve the lives of children and parents.
Unity: teams from churches,mentorship programs,
and the neighborhood itself.
Nutrition: education abouthealthy eating and food choices
and where to find them.
Career: job coaches,training, and even employers.
- We actually had people heretoday that were offering jobs.
So there were people whowalked away employed today.
- The H stands for health.
And exhibits include thingslike this blender smoothie bike.
Provided by the Norfolk public schools.
- In order for us to build relationships
with our families, with the community,
we have to be present
to show that we reallydo care for the children.
And we care for the whole family.
And so, events like this
are right in line withwhat we want to support
and where we want to be present to say
we are at the table collaboratingwith community partners
and governmental entities tomake success for our families.
- [Reporter] Also included:health screenings, prenatal care
and resources for thosestruggling with mental illness
or addiction.
(inspirational music)
But CBN wants to address morethan just physical needs.
- You know, we give a lot of things,
but the most important thing we can give
is Jesus.
And I'll tell you what, heput on my heart, very heavily,
this year, to give him.
- What's the need for anorganization like CBN,
a global organization,
to come together and help Norfolk?
What do you think about that?
- It's a spiritual awakening.
By y'all coming outsideof the church to support
communities is a big thing, because
it shows that the churchain't just a church.
The church offers a helpinghand in the time of need, and
I'm a man right now, but
it's a need for the childrenbehind me to see that
they get a differentperspective, a different outlook.
- [Reporter] And to help with that goal,
a tent just for SuperBook.
- The kids absolutelylove SuperBook movies.
They're so well received in the community.
But at the end,
they talk to the childrenabout what they've learned
and then they are asked
if they want to givetheir hearts to Jesus.
And by the end of the day today,
there were over 100 children
that gave their hearts to the Lord.
And you just can't beat that.
You can't ask foranything better than that.
- [Reporter] Caleb Kinchlow,CBN News, Norfolk, Virginia.
- Love you!
- You can't beat that. And youcan't ask for anything more.